Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

Another one not ready for prime time.

But he's alot closer then Carson..and probably a good choice for Vice.

Especially if the GOP wants to shave off a couple points from the Hispanic vote.

Yeah I suspect it will end up a Christie-Rubio ticket. But I'm rooting for Rubio I like his message even if his stance on illegal immigration is to bitter a pill for most pubs to swallow.

Either that or Rand/Rubio. I am kinda thinking the Republicans may have a "Barry Goldwater" moment to sort of kill the Tea party. But, putting Rubio in the Vice slot is pretty safe and will also get him ready for a real run.

He's pretty unpolished at this point, but some seasoning would make him a formidable candidate.

Yeah, Rand, Cruz, Rubio, Jindal all interesting up and commers. Rubio and Jindal you get the feeling they are true blood American conservatives who believe in liberty. Neither are a Reagan, but Rubio's pretty close. Cruz is a slick lawyer who says he's conservative, but I can't get a read on him. Rand isn't his father, but I like most of his politics better than most politicians.

I agreed with Ron Paul about 95% of the time same with Rubio.

But alas, the republican "establishment" will be pushing Christie or Jeb. Party wanks that have shown they know how to scratch backs.
CaféAuLait;9119360 said:
I don't think so. You need to keep the quote in context. He explained how his Mother only had a third grade education. She worked three jobs and while working she noted that those 'rich' people were not sitting around watching TV but 'doing things' like reading. his Mom turned off the TV and made them read, he said he hated her choice.

Soon though he realized he was smarter than those people in school he use to envy for their intelligence because of his Mom's choice. He said he hated being poor but realized "poverty is really more of a choice more than anything else" and he could change his life by making a choice like that..

There is no proper context for a statement like that.

It's incorrect first off. You don't choose to be born into poverty.

And secondly? It's offensive.

And Dr. Carson chose not to stay poor. I bet you really hate that.

Actually, I'm pretty impressed with his resume.

Just not his politics.
Yes, I feel a winning strategy for folks in poverty is to work to get out of poverty.

Yes, I also recognize the winning strategy for democrats in selling hand-outs funded through re-distributions of "other" peoples income instead of work. Free food, free housing, free healthcare, free cell phones... yeah it would appear, for some, free is better than working for it.

The bed wetters know that a winning strategy is a guy who knows how to articulate a conservative message and can inspire the victims of fascism to seek independence. They know they can not discredit the entire growing population of influential black conservatives forever.

They're terrified of men Like Dr. Carson for obvious reasons.

Ayup. Success stories that don't involve government hand-outs and mandates terrify democrats.

Does anyone know if Dr. Carson ever performed surgeries on persons who received government help paying for the surgery?

Did he ever teach students who had government help paying for their education?

Would he prefer the government not be involved in such assistance?
The bed wetters know that a winning strategy is a guy who knows how to articulate a conservative message and can inspire the victims of fascism to seek independence. They know they can not discredit the entire growing population of influential black conservatives forever.

They're terrified of men Like Dr. Carson for obvious reasons.

Ayup. Success stories that don't involve government hand-outs and mandates terrify democrats.

Does anyone know if Dr. Carson ever performed surgeries on persons who received government help paying for the surgery?

Did he ever teach students who had government help paying for their education?

Would he prefer the government not be involved in such assistance?

What if the answers were yes?
Yeah I suspect it will end up a Christie-Rubio ticket. But I'm rooting for Rubio I like his message even if his stance on illegal immigration is to bitter a pill for most pubs to swallow.

Either that or Rand/Rubio. I am kinda thinking the Republicans may have a "Barry Goldwater" moment to sort of kill the Tea party. But, putting Rubio in the Vice slot is pretty safe and will also get him ready for a real run.

He's pretty unpolished at this point, but some seasoning would make him a formidable candidate.

Yeah, Rand, Cruz, Rubio, Jindal all interesting up and commers. Rubio and Jindal you get the feeling they are true blood American conservatives who believe in liberty. Neither are a Reagan, but Rubio's pretty close. Cruz is a slick lawyer who says he's conservative, but I can't get a read on him. Rand isn't his father, but I like most of his politics better than most politicians.

I agreed with Ron Paul about 95% of the time same with Rubio.

But alas, the republican "establishment" will be pushing Christie or Jeb. Party wanks that have shown they know how to scratch backs.

This is pretty astute, and I agree with most of it.

There is a big push for Jeb or Christie but I personally think neither is going to make it out of the primaries. You might see Scott Walker or some other milquetoast guy at the topic of the ticket if the establishment are looking for a win. They won't..but I think it would be closer than if Rand Paul ran. I actually like some of Rand Paul's positions..but then he goes into lala land on other stuff.
Perhaps , for many of you on the right, it is a good thing Ben Carson isn’t a member of USMB. I wonder how valuable he would consider your endorsements if he knew how foul some of you have been in castigating the entire Black community at every turn? He is part of that community whether you or he likes it or not?

Frankly, I am surprised by the amicable support some of you have for Ben. I see some avatars here that have been associated with nothing less than the most jaded opinions about Blacks. Ten years ago Ben would likely have been just another “Negro” to many of you right wangers. Over 50 years ago Malcolm X said on live TV to a “highly educated Black “conservative of the day: “You know what they call a Black PHD don’t you?” The man didn’t have a clue so Malcolm schooled him. The N word exploded from Malcolm’s lips and startled millions of TV watchers; including his naive target.

Ben Carson would be a good candidate for the Republicans but I doubt if he would win if his campaign is to be based on the archaic Republican ideals marked by Reaganism and Bushism.. This is a new day and a new demographic. Until someone on the right realigns the Republican agenda with the WIll of The People, their presidential hopes may never be realized again!

What a hypocrite. The left, including you, would call Carson an Uncle Tom and you know it. You think because somebody criticizes certain blacks for their behavior or their politics that they hate all blacks.
I am neither Left, Right or hypocritical. I am just an average American observer: a political umpire who calls ‘em like I see ‘em. I don’t necessarily see Ben Carson as an uncle Tom. In reality, he is no more conservative than most of the God fearing ,church going Black Democrats I know: the same decent Black folk that seem to be invisible to you and your ilk
You don't get it, we don't like LIBERALS and we don't excuse criminals!!!
No one is completely “liberal” or “conservative” on every issue and not all Blacks are criminals. I would venture to say MOST are not! Not all Black Democrats fit into the convenient “liberal” pigeonhole rightists have created for them. Many are apolitical but have the sense to align themselves politically with the party that seems to be the lesser of two evils.

To you, everything has to be about race.
Now, who is the hypocrite? Your anti-Black posts are easily accessible. Shall I expose your obsession with race here for all to peruse?

I hope Carson runs and I hope he wins. I would have no problem with a Carson presidency but I'll bet you see him as a sellout.

You need Carson more than he needs you! With millions of potential White prospects for presidential candidacy out there, why are you fatalist bigots so adamant about Ben Carson running? Could it be because a Black candidate is your only chance? Yes...with him in the White House, right wing puppeteers would pull the strings and could blame the Black guy if something goes wrong; and, traditionally, the economy usually takes a nosedive when a Republican is president. Subsequently, a Democrat has to come along and clean up the mess!. MY MESSAGE TO CARSON: Brother, don’t fall for the trap they are setting for you.
How is it offensive to tell someone that they can do better for their selves?

Because in most cases that isn't even remotely true or possible.

That's a pretty shitty opinion to have of your fellow man.
That the MAJORITY of our poor have zero chance of improving??

No wonder your party is so good at peddling your welfare handouts. You keep people convinced that Uncle Sam is their only chance for survival.

good grief

You can improve the chances of survival for poor children on Medicaid by taking away their Medicaid?

How would that work, exactly?

Can you also improve the chances of poor children being successful in life by taking away their public education?

How would that work, exactly?
The cure is charity to your fellow man.
NOT more government welfare where taxation forces your charity



If that were the case, then there would be no poverty.

That's not the case. And um, by the way, remember Bush's "faith based initiatives?"

Yep..that's right. Part of your "forced" taxes go to charities like the Red Cross.

Dealing with poverty is probably more granular and case by case.

Because one size definitely does not fit all.

But in a nutshell people in poverty need support to get them through the rough times, and education to get them skills to make them attractive to business.

You seriously can't get that by working three low wage jobs. And that's if those jobs exist.

I can't?


I'm living a lie

That's exactly what bed wetters like swallow want their victims to believe.

You can't enhance your own standard of living on your own.

Charity is somehow worse than government handouts, even though people willingly give money to help the "poor", rather than have it stolen at gunpoint.

Charity has failed because it will eventually cut off lost causes, and that's bad.

Government handouts that never end are somehow good, because they reward sloth and dependence.

So if you're not really interested in having a better life, but just want to coast along and do as little as possible and be subsidized at someone else's expense through the threat of violent force you're not a mugger, you're a professional democrook voter.
Because in most cases that isn't even remotely true or possible.

That's a pretty shitty opinion to have of your fellow man.
That the MAJORITY of our poor have zero chance of improving??

No wonder your party is so good at peddling your welfare handouts. You keep people convinced that Uncle Sam is their only chance for survival.

good grief

You can improve the chances of survival for poor children on Medicaid by taking away their Medicaid?

How would that work, exactly?

Can you also improve the chances of poor children being successful in life by taking away their public education?

How would that work, exactly?

Hey hortysir, maybe I missed it -- did you advocate ending Medicaid or public education?

Ayup. Success stories that don't involve government hand-outs and mandates terrify democrats.

Does anyone know if Dr. Carson ever performed surgeries on persons who received government help paying for the surgery?

Did he ever teach students who had government help paying for their education?

Would he prefer the government not be involved in such assistance?

What if the answers were yes?

As if it would matter.

Everyone beside bed wetters know Medicaid underpays doctors for their services.

Dr. Carson would still be given zero credit if he served people who didn't pay at all, let alone those who took advantage of the criminal medifraud system.
Perhaps , for many of you on the right, it is a good thing Ben Carson isn’t a member of USMB. I wonder how valuable he would consider your endorsements if he knew how foul some of you have been in castigating the entire Black community at every turn? He is part of that community whether you or he likes it or not?

Frankly, I am surprised by the amicable support some of you have for Ben. I see some avatars here that have been associated with nothing less than the most jaded opinions about Blacks. Ten years ago Ben would likely have been just another “Negro” to many of you right wangers. Over 50 years ago Malcolm X said on live TV to a “highly educated Black “conservative of the day: “You know what they call a Black PHD don’t you?” The man didn’t have a clue so Malcolm schooled him. The N word exploded from Malcolm’s lips and startled millions of TV watchers; including his naive target.

Ben Carson would be a good candidate for the Republicans but I doubt if he would win if his campaign is to be based on the archaic Republican ideals marked by Reaganism and Bushism.. This is a new day and a new demographic. Until someone on the right realigns the Republican agenda with the WIll of The People, their presidential hopes may never be realized again!

As it stands?

Carson would never win an general election.

I doubt if he would make it past the primaries.

Considering how top heavy the Republican Party is with bigots, I have to agree with you!.
Most don't want a Black man as President of the USA even if he agrees with them and is a model citizen!
Because in most cases that isn't even remotely true or possible.

That's a pretty shitty opinion to have of your fellow man.
That the MAJORITY of our poor have zero chance of improving??

No wonder your party is so good at peddling your welfare handouts. You keep people convinced that Uncle Sam is their only chance for survival.

good grief

You can improve the chances of survival for poor children on Medicaid by taking away their Medicaid?

How would that work, exactly?

Can you also improve the chances of poor children being successful in life by taking away their public education?

How would that work, exactly?


That's a pretty shitty opinion to have of your fellow man.
That the MAJORITY of our poor have zero chance of improving??

No wonder your party is so good at peddling your welfare handouts. You keep people convinced that Uncle Sam is their only chance for survival.

good grief

You can improve the chances of survival for poor children on Medicaid by taking away their Medicaid?

How would that work, exactly?

Can you also improve the chances of poor children being successful in life by taking away their public education?

How would that work, exactly?

Hey hortysir, maybe I missed it -- did you advocate ending Medicaid or public education?

I vehemently advocate ending them both.

They're counter productive at best.

We need to ween our society of these programs through forced efficiency. If "educators" can not show results, they're cut off entirely. If they can show results the reductions are reduced more slowly and individual teachers can seek jobs in the private sector with legitimate resumes of success.

Non hackers can join the peace corps and be failures somewhere else.

Perhaps , for many of you on the right, it is a good thing Ben Carson isn’t a member of USMB. I wonder how valuable he would consider your endorsements if he knew how foul some of you have been in castigating the entire Black community at every turn? He is part of that community whether you or he likes it or not?

Frankly, I am surprised by the amicable support some of you have for Ben. I see some avatars here that have been associated with nothing less than the most jaded opinions about Blacks. Ten years ago Ben would likely have been just another “Negro” to many of you right wangers. Over 50 years ago Malcolm X said on live TV to a “highly educated Black “conservative of the day: “You know what they call a Black PHD don’t you?” The man didn’t have a clue so Malcolm schooled him. The N word exploded from Malcolm’s lips and startled millions of TV watchers; including his naive target.

Ben Carson would be a good candidate for the Republicans but I doubt if he would win if his campaign is to be based on the archaic Republican ideals marked by Reaganism and Bushism.. This is a new day and a new demographic. Until someone on the right realigns the Republican agenda with the WIll of The People, their presidential hopes may never be realized again!

As it stands?

Carson would never win an general election.

I doubt if he would make it past the primaries.

Considering how top heavy the Republican Party is with bigots, I have to agree with you!.
Most don't want a Black man as President of the USA even if he agrees with them and is a model citizen!

Care to back this absurd claim up?
Does anyone know if Dr. Carson ever performed surgeries on persons who received government help paying for the surgery?

Did he ever teach students who had government help paying for their education?

Would he prefer the government not be involved in such assistance?

What if the answers were yes?

As if it would matter.

Everyone beside bed wetters know Medicaid underpays doctors for their services.

Dr. Carson would still be given zero credit if he served people who didn't pay at all, let alone those who took advantage of the criminal medifraud system.

If I didn't know better I'd swear you were making a case for increasing Medicaid funding.

Since Dr. Carson has called the ACA the worst thing to come along since slavery, and since the ACA included increased Medicaid funding, I think we can assume he is opposed to Medicaid.

But I'm sure he has some brilliant standard-issue rightwing pretend alternative to Medicaid.
Perhaps , for many of you on the right, it is a good thing Ben Carson isn’t a member of USMB. I wonder how valuable he would consider your endorsements if he knew how foul some of you have been in castigating the entire Black community at every turn? He is part of that community whether you or he likes it or not?

Frankly, I am surprised by the amicable support some of you have for Ben. I see some avatars here that have been associated with nothing less than the most jaded opinions about Blacks. Ten years ago Ben would likely have been just another “Negro” to many of you right wangers. Over 50 years ago Malcolm X said on live TV to a “highly educated Black “conservative of the day: “You know what they call a Black PHD don’t you?” The man didn’t have a clue so Malcolm schooled him. The N word exploded from Malcolm’s lips and startled millions of TV watchers; including his naive target.

Ben Carson would be a good candidate for the Republicans but I doubt if he would win if his campaign is to be based on the archaic Republican ideals marked by Reaganism and Bushism.. This is a new day and a new demographic. Until someone on the right realigns the Republican agenda with the WIll of The People, their presidential hopes may never be realized again!

As it stands?

Carson would never win an general election.

I doubt if he would make it past the primaries.

Considering how top heavy the Republican Party is with bigots, I have to agree with you!.
Most don't want a Black man as President of the USA even if he agrees with them and is a model citizen!

This would be in the "sad but true" category.

But in Carson's case?

He has zero experience with politics.

If he wants to make a Presidential Run..he should try winning something much less significant first.
As it stands?

Carson would never win an general election.

I doubt if he would make it past the primaries.

Considering how top heavy the Republican Party is with bigots, I have to agree with you!.
Most don't want a Black man as President of the USA even if he agrees with them and is a model citizen!

Care to back this absurd claim up?

he doesn't have to as he is the knower of all things, don't ya know
all I see is nonsense spew
That's a pretty shitty opinion to have of your fellow man.
That the MAJORITY of our poor have zero chance of improving??

No wonder your party is so good at peddling your welfare handouts. You keep people convinced that Uncle Sam is their only chance for survival.

good grief

You can improve the chances of survival for poor children on Medicaid by taking away their Medicaid?

How would that work, exactly?

Can you also improve the chances of poor children being successful in life by taking away their public education?

How would that work, exactly?

Hey hortysir, maybe I missed it -- did you advocate ending Medicaid or public education?


He made a disparaging remark about welfare handouts. Unless he's insane, he doesn't support something he hates.

Maybe you're right. Maybe hortysir does concede that welfare handouts like Medicaid and public education are GOOD things...
Another one not ready for prime time.

But he's alot closer then Carson..and probably a good choice for Vice.

Especially if the GOP wants to shave off a couple points from the Hispanic vote.

Yeah I suspect it will end up a Christie-Rubio ticket. But I'm rooting for Rubio I like his message even if his stance on illegal immigration is to bitter a pill for most pubs to swallow.

Either that or Rand/Rubio. I am kinda thinking the Republicans may have a "Barry Goldwater" moment to sort of kill the Tea party. But, putting Rubio in the Vice slot is pretty safe and will also get him ready for a real run.

He's pretty unpolished at this point, but some seasoning would make him a formidable candidate.
Oh boy! The old Goldwater chestnut again!

Does anyone with the intelligence of a gnat really believe that any proxy for JFK in that election could have lost?


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