Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

Yeah I suspect it will end up a Christie-Rubio ticket. But I'm rooting for Rubio I like his message even if his stance on illegal immigration is to bitter a pill for most pubs to swallow.

Either that or Rand/Rubio. I am kinda thinking the Republicans may have a "Barry Goldwater" moment to sort of kill the Tea party. But, putting Rubio in the Vice slot is pretty safe and will also get him ready for a real run.

He's pretty unpolished at this point, but some seasoning would make him a formidable candidate.
Oh boy! The old Goldwater chestnut again!

Does anyone with the intelligence of a gnat really believe that any proxy for JFK in that election could have lost?


goldwater? a proxy for JFK? not quite sure how you get that.
Ayup. Success stories that don't involve government hand-outs and mandates terrify democrats.

Does anyone know if Dr. Carson ever performed surgeries on persons who received government help paying for the surgery?

Did he ever teach students who had government help paying for their education?

Would he prefer the government not be involved in such assistance?

What if the answers were yes?

If he believes that 'handouts' to the poor harm the poor, why would he be an accomplice to that crime?
Does anyone know if Dr. Carson ever performed surgeries on persons who received government help paying for the surgery?

Did he ever teach students who had government help paying for their education?

Would he prefer the government not be involved in such assistance?

What if the answers were yes?

If he believes that 'handouts' to the poor harm the poor, why would he be an accomplice to that crime?

it actually means more than that. it means he took government handouts himself.
Either that or Rand/Rubio. I am kinda thinking the Republicans may have a "Barry Goldwater" moment to sort of kill the Tea party. But, putting Rubio in the Vice slot is pretty safe and will also get him ready for a real run.

He's pretty unpolished at this point, but some seasoning would make him a formidable candidate.
Oh boy! The old Goldwater chestnut again!

Does anyone with the intelligence of a gnat really believe that any proxy for JFK in that election could have lost?


goldwater? a proxy for JFK? not quite sure how you get that.

I was talking about LBJ. DUH!

Not the sharpest bulb in the elevator going to the attic, are ya? :lol:
No, that's a value judgement.

If you believe absolutely crazy things, those things should be taken into account.

If you think that God told JOseph Smith that all other religions were abominations, that dark skin is a curse from God, that the Native Americans descended from the Hebrews, that you are going to rule a planet in the afterlife and you are wearing magic underwear, those are kind of crazy things.

And they don't become LESS Crazy because you call them a religion.

You stupid inbred.

We were voting for POTUS. Not Bishop.

And ALL religions are based on faith in an unseen deity.

So they are all some % of crazy.

None more so than another.

So, singling one of them out as being especially different when his religion has no designs on overthrowing the government or using violence or intimidation to gain conquest, why, that is just plain old religious bigotry.

You poor excuse for an American.

Saying "I wont vote for a Mormon because he's a Mormon" is no different from saying "I wont vote for a black because he's black". Or any other color, class, religion etc. It is all bigotry. A person who professes that is a bigot. Period.

You are an idiot. Following your "logic" not voting for a Nazi because you believe someone is a Nazi is bigotry.

Like I said are a garden variety idiot.
Either that or Rand/Rubio. I am kinda thinking the Republicans may have a "Barry Goldwater" moment to sort of kill the Tea party. But, putting Rubio in the Vice slot is pretty safe and will also get him ready for a real run.

He's pretty unpolished at this point, but some seasoning would make him a formidable candidate.
Oh boy! The old Goldwater chestnut again!

Does anyone with the intelligence of a gnat really believe that any proxy for JFK in that election could have lost?


goldwater? a proxy for JFK? not quite sure how you get that.

"Proxy for" means someone other than, so when she says "Proxy for JFK" she's not mening JFK.
left-wing nutjobs despise a Black man that Left the liberal plantation of victimhood

NEWS FLASH: Right -Wing nutjobs despise Black men whether they are on the "plantation " or not. That is... unless they can find one to support their nefarious agenda.
Does anyone know if Dr. Carson ever performed surgeries on persons who received government help paying for the surgery?

Did he ever teach students who had government help paying for their education?

Would he prefer the government not be involved in such assistance?

What if the answers were yes?

If he believes that 'handouts' to the poor harm the poor, why would he be an accomplice to that crime?

But what if he doesn't believe that?
Oh boy! The old Goldwater chestnut again!

Does anyone with the intelligence of a gnat really believe that any proxy for JFK in that election could have lost?


goldwater? a proxy for JFK? not quite sure how you get that.

"Proxy for" means someone other than, so when she says "Proxy for JFK" she's not mening JFK.
Maybe she could get Harvey Levin to explain it.

He hear he is a lawyer too! :lol:
Face it, you oppose Carson because he's an accomplished black man.

They'd really have to walk a fine line with him.

They'd want to infer that he's a Tom and a fraud to discredit him, but I'd bet there are plenty of blacks and independents who would be turned off by that crap.

That would be amazing to watch.

No, the left had no problem demonizing Condoleeza Rice as Aunt Jemima, or Colin Powell as Uncle Tom. They get away with it all the time.

By demonize, you mean pointing out that she was complicit in the fraud about WMD's, no doubt.

I doubt you've seen anyone call her "aunt jemima". Nor Colin Powell an Uncle Tom.

Clarence Thomas I'll give you. But that is with good cause even though I hate the phrase.
They'd really have to walk a fine line with him.

They'd want to infer that he's a Tom and a fraud to discredit him, but I'd bet there are plenty of blacks and independents who would be turned off by that crap.

That would be amazing to watch.

No, the left had no problem demonizing Condoleeza Rice as Aunt Jemima, or Colin Powell as Uncle Tom. They get away with it all the time.

By demonize, you mean pointing out that she was complicit in the fraud about WMD's, no doubt.

I doubt you've seen anyone call her "aunt jemima". Nor Colin Powell an Uncle Tom.

Clarence Thomas I'll give you. But that is with good cause even though I hate the phrase.
It is always a good cause when progressives are being hater racists! :rolleyes:
They'd really have to walk a fine line with him.

They'd want to infer that he's a Tom and a fraud to discredit him, but I'd bet there are plenty of blacks and independents who would be turned off by that crap.

That would be amazing to watch.

No, the left had no problem demonizing Condoleeza Rice as Aunt Jemima, or Colin Powell as Uncle Tom. They get away with it all the time.

By demonize, you mean pointing out that she was complicit in the fraud about WMD's, no doubt.

I doubt you've seen anyone call her "aunt jemima". Nor Colin Powell an Uncle Tom.

Clarence Thomas I'll give you. But that is with good cause even though I hate the phrase.

Harry Belafonte referred to Colin Powell as Bush's "House ******" and so did many other so branded him an "Uncle Tom".
They'd really have to walk a fine line with him.

They'd want to infer that he's a Tom and a fraud to discredit him, but I'd bet there are plenty of blacks and independents who would be turned off by that crap.

That would be amazing to watch.

No, the left had no problem demonizing Condoleeza Rice as Aunt Jemima, or Colin Powell as Uncle Tom. They get away with it all the time.

By demonize, you mean pointing out that she was complicit in the fraud about WMD's, no doubt.

I doubt you've seen anyone call her "aunt jemima". Nor Colin Powell an Uncle Tom.

Clarence Thomas I'll give you. But that is with good cause even though I hate the phrase.

What was this "good cause"?
No, the left had no problem demonizing Condoleeza Rice as Aunt Jemima, or Colin Powell as Uncle Tom. They get away with it all the time.

By demonize, you mean pointing out that she was complicit in the fraud about WMD's, no doubt.

I doubt you've seen anyone call her "aunt jemima". Nor Colin Powell an Uncle Tom.

Clarence Thomas I'll give you. But that is with good cause even though I hate the phrase.

What was this "good cause"?
It is always Different when progressives are vicious racist pigs.
Either that or Rand/Rubio. I am kinda thinking the Republicans may have a "Barry Goldwater" moment to sort of kill the Tea party. But, putting Rubio in the Vice slot is pretty safe and will also get him ready for a real run.

He's pretty unpolished at this point, but some seasoning would make him a formidable candidate.
Oh boy! The old Goldwater chestnut again!

Does anyone with the intelligence of a gnat really believe that any proxy for JFK in that election could have lost?


goldwater? a proxy for JFK? not quite sure how you get that.

I was kinda confused myself...
Either that or Rand/Rubio. I am kinda thinking the Republicans may have a "Barry Goldwater" moment to sort of kill the Tea party. But, putting Rubio in the Vice slot is pretty safe and will also get him ready for a real run.

He's pretty unpolished at this point, but some seasoning would make him a formidable candidate.

Yeah, Rand, Cruz, Rubio, Jindal all interesting up and commers. Rubio and Jindal you get the feeling they are true blood American conservatives who believe in liberty. Neither are a Reagan, but Rubio's pretty close. Cruz is a slick lawyer who says he's conservative, but I can't get a read on him. Rand isn't his father, but I like most of his politics better than most politicians.

I agreed with Ron Paul about 95% of the time same with Rubio.

But alas, the republican "establishment" will be pushing Christie or Jeb. Party wanks that have shown they know how to scratch backs.

This is pretty astute, and I agree with most of it.

There is a big push for Jeb or Christie but I personally think neither is going to make it out of the primaries. You might see Scott Walker or some other milquetoast guy at the topic of the ticket if the establishment are looking for a win. They won't..but I think it would be closer than if Rand Paul ran. I actually like some of Rand Paul's positions..but then he goes into lala land on other stuff.

I don't think Rand will "poll" well with a national audience, esp. not after the debates. He doesn't have the panache and he'll be hated by as many authoritarian right as authoritarian left. I see Rand as a long term congressman, not unlike his father. But rand will do well in Iowa and that will screw over all the other potential conservatives.

Christie will be the compromise candidate. The man with the plan. His new thinner look will sell well on the cameras. The photos of him hugging Obama will sell the story. Even his so called miss-steps that leaned authoritarian will be seen as him being willing to bend the rules to get things done.

If Rubio can fix that facial tick dry mouth saliva issue he developed and turn the immigration issue on it's ear by pulling a "here we go again" moment. Then he just might have a chance to overcome Christie if the youth, latin, and liberty voters swing his way. If Rand stays in too long he splits the liberty vote with Rubio, thus giving Christie the advantage.

Jeb will be one of the early guys fighting for money but I don't see him getting more than 10% in any primary vote other than Florida. The Bush name is done in republican circles.

Nah... it all circles back to Christie being championed as the lone moderate authoritarian candidate to go up against Hillary.

If Rubio stalls early I'd like to seem him run for Florida Governor, polish up and come back in 2020.

Minor note: I don't see this attack on hispanics as a good long term plan for republicans given the changes in demographics. I think the pubs need to come to terms with the immigrants that are already here. I prefer Rubio's plan to give them managed work visa's and put them on the list of folks looking to permanently immigrate. I don't see crying about closing the border solving anything. I don't think we can actually. Even if we could that leaves 20-40million or so already here and no one being willing to operation wet back them back to mexico. No way that's gonna happen in this day and age. Might as well face it, they are gonna come and go as they please whether folks like it or not.
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By demonize, you mean pointing out that she was complicit in the fraud about WMD's, no doubt.

I doubt you've seen anyone call her "aunt jemima". Nor Colin Powell an Uncle Tom.

Clarence Thomas I'll give you. But that is with good cause even though I hate the phrase.

What was this "good cause"?
It is always Different when progressives are vicious racist pigs.

really? did I say I agreed with the name?

now please, go make up some more pretend instances of racism on the left so you can to deflect the endemic racism on the right.

goldwater? a proxy for JFK? not quite sure how you get that.

I was kinda confused myself...

must be a new conspiracy theory we haven't heard about.

I stay away from infowars so I probably missed it.
Or maybe the two of you are just too thick to understand what a proxy is, and who the proxy for JFK in the 1964 election was.

I would go with that. Occam's razor and all.

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