Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run


Saying "I wont vote for a Mormon because he's a Mormon" is no different from saying "I wont vote for a black because he's black". Or any other color, class, religion etc. It is all bigotry. A person who professes that is a bigot. Period.

Uh, no it's not.

Race isn't a choice. Gender isn't a choice. Sexual Orientation isn't a choice.

Religion is a choice. Romney has chosen to believe that a guy who made up a fake religion so he could scam less smart people out of money and their teenage daughters' cherries was really, truly talking to an invisible man in the sky.

IN short, he made really, really shitty decisions.

Not someone I would chose to run the economy or have control of the nukes... especially since he sees members of his cult as "Saints" and the rest of us as "Gentiles".
Look at all the libs mocking a belief in god. So tolerant. But god forbid if you tell a fag joke, all bets are off then.

Gay people exist, so making jokes about them is rude.

God doesn't.

And frankly, if you are making decisions based on what voices in your head tell you what an imaginary sky pixie wants, I'd have serious doubts about letting you near nuclear weapons or anything else that might impact my life.

just what the hell does a liberfool atheist know about GOD ? :fu:

YOu mean other than making an extensive study of history, mythology and folklore and being able to draw a straight line as to how you guys made up your Magic Sky Fairy?
Face it, you oppose Carson because he's an accomplished black man.

They'd really have to walk a fine line with him.

They'd want to infer that he's a Tom and a fraud to discredit him, but I'd bet there are plenty of blacks and independents who would be turned off by that crap.

That would be amazing to watch.


Hmmm, not really.

If Carson gets into this race as the Token Black, people will take him just as seriously as they took Alan Keyes or Herman Cain.
So, the conservatives here are fixated on Carson's race, and the liberals are ignoring it. Same old same old. The left is color blind, the right sees everything in terms of race. As is usual, moral high ground to the liberals. Conservatives, much as you'll find this hard to believe, not every single thing is about race, so put away those race cards.

And no, Ben Carson is not running for President. He's seen what the other Republicans did to Herman Cain, the character assassination and digging up of all dirty laundry. Ben Carson is just stirring up a little interest to sell more copies of his book. Nothing wrong with a little crowd teasing like that. Some rubes take joy from being fleeced.

Ayup "some" libs really are that racist and dumb.
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CaféAuLait;9119360 said:
I don't think so. You need to keep the quote in context. He explained how his Mother only had a third grade education. She worked three jobs and while working she noted that those 'rich' people were not sitting around watching TV but 'doing things' like reading. his Mom turned off the TV and made them read, he said he hated her choice.

Soon though he realized he was smarter than those people in school he use to envy for their intelligence because of his Mom's choice. He said he hated being poor but realized "poverty is really more of a choice more than anything else" and he could change his life by making a choice like that..

There is no proper context for a statement like that.

It's incorrect first off. You don't choose to be born into poverty.

And secondly? It's offensive.

1. He didn't specifically say "being born into poverty". I read it as 'staying poor is a choice'

2. We don't have the right to not be offended

'Staying poor is a choice' is just as wrong and idiotic.
Face it, you oppose Carson because he's an accomplished black man.

They'd really have to walk a fine line with him.

They'd want to infer that he's a Tom and a fraud to discredit him, but I'd bet there are plenty of blacks and independents who would be turned off by that crap.

That would be amazing to watch.


Where are you getting this shit?

He's a nutjob conservative who is telling you that he is waiting for god to tell him to run for president. What fine line is needed?

Fuck, you are sad.
Waiting for Jesus to talk to him? Sounds like we have another Bush on our hands.

Carson is in trouble....Jesus is a Liberal

really leftard? when did Jesus say it is the responsibility of the government to take care of all our needs?

Conservatives make me laugh

There was no "government" as we know it 2000 years ago. The people existed for the crown. The ruling power taking care of the people was beyond conception. Yes, Jesus would have been fine with the concept of Government for the people, by the people and for the people
Face it, you oppose Carson because he's an accomplished black man.

They'd really have to walk a fine line with him.

They'd want to infer that he's a Tom and a fraud to discredit him, but I'd bet there are plenty of blacks and independents who would be turned off by that crap.

That would be amazing to watch.


Hmmm, not really.

If Carson gets into this race as the Token Black, people will take him just as seriously as they took Alan Keyes or Herman Cain.

He will have the same lines
Face it, you oppose Carson because he's an accomplished black man.

They'd really have to walk a fine line with him.

They'd want to infer that he's a Tom and a fraud to discredit him, but I'd bet there are plenty of blacks and independents who would be turned off by that crap.

That would be amazing to watch.


Where are you getting this shit?

He's a nutjob conservative who is telling you that he is waiting for god to tell him to run for president. What fine line is needed?

Fuck, you are sad.

Ayup, "some" people are that bigoted against Christians.
They'd really have to walk a fine line with him.

They'd want to infer that he's a Tom and a fraud to discredit him, but I'd bet there are plenty of blacks and independents who would be turned off by that crap.

That would be amazing to watch.


Where are you getting this shit?

He's a nutjob conservative who is telling you that he is waiting for god to tell him to run for president. What fine line is needed?

Fuck, you are sad.

Ayup, "some" people are that bigoted against Christians.

My goodness, my little stalker friend is still posting to me.

And he calls me sad.


They'd really have to walk a fine line with him.

They'd want to infer that he's a Tom and a fraud to discredit him, but I'd bet there are plenty of blacks and independents who would be turned off by that crap.

That would be amazing to watch.


Where are you getting this shit?

He's a nutjob conservative who is telling you that he is waiting for god to tell him to run for president. What fine line is needed?

Fuck, you are sad.

Ayup, "some" people are that bigoted against Christians.

Why so stupid?
Where are you getting this shit?

He's a nutjob conservative who is telling you that he is waiting for god to tell him to run for president. What fine line is needed?

Fuck, you are sad.

Ayup, "some" people are that bigoted against Christians.

Why so stupid?
The phrase hearing gods call, is regarding a gut feel one gets when he knows a choice (esp. vocation choice) is right for him. It does not mean god phones you. It means you'll know it's right for you, it will call you to do it. The it is your mind, your being, your soul driving you to do a particular thing.

I took your sentence as a bigoted insult to Christians.
Here is one of Ben Carson's interesting stances:

Regulate insurance companies as non-profit services
Today, insurance companies call the shots on what they want to pay, to whom, and when. Consequently, even busy doctors operate with a very slim profit of margin.
This is an ideal place for the intervention of government regulators who, with the help of medical professionals, could establish fair and consistent remuneration. To accomplish this, essentially all of the insurance companies would have to become non-profit service organizations with standardized, regulated profit margins.

This is not the paradigm that I see for all businesses, [but] is uniquely appropriate for the health-insurance industry, which deals with people's lives and quality of existence. That may sound radical, but is it as radical as allowing a company to increase its profits by denying care to sick individuals? In the long run this would also be good for the insurance companies, who could then concentrate on providing good service, rather than focusing on undercutting their competitors and increasing their profit margin.
Source: America the Beautiful, by Ben Carson, p.147-148 , Jan 24, 2012
Ben Carson on Health Care
Last thing we need is a doctor in public office. They and the hospitals have raided Medicare and group health insurance.
Here is one of Ben Carson's interesting stances:

Regulate insurance companies as non-profit services
Today, insurance companies call the shots on what they want to pay, to whom, and when. Consequently, even busy doctors operate with a very slim profit of margin.
This is an ideal place for the intervention of government regulators who, with the help of medical professionals, could establish fair and consistent remuneration. To accomplish this, essentially all of the insurance companies would have to become non-profit service organizations with standardized, regulated profit margins.

This is not the paradigm that I see for all businesses, [but] is uniquely appropriate for the health-insurance industry, which deals with people's lives and quality of existence. That may sound radical, but is it as radical as allowing a company to increase its profits by denying care to sick individuals? In the long run this would also be good for the insurance companies, who could then concentrate on providing good service, rather than focusing on undercutting their competitors and increasing their profit margin.
Source: America the Beautiful, by Ben Carson, p.147-148 , Jan 24, 2012
Ben Carson on Health Care

He's right that insurance companies should not have the monopoly power to call the shots regarding pricing, but he's wrong to give that job to the government.

Health care should be a free market. Prices for services should be regulated the way plumber prices are regulated. Break up the monopolies (government's job) to give people more choices in the market. Let's have the doctors publish their pricing just like everyone else does, and let people buy what they "choose" to buy vs being forced to purchase stuff they don't use.

If we all bought plumbers insurance we'd have the same problems in that market. Insurance is fine for the people who want that, but mandating it just because most folks want it that way is nutz and contrary to free markets and liberty.
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