Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

Ayup, "some" people are that bigoted against Christians.

Why so stupid?
The phrase hearing gods call, is regarding a gut feel one gets when he knows a choice (esp. vocation choice) is right for him. It does not mean god phones you. It means you'll know it's right for you, it will call you to do it. The it is your mind, your being, your soul driving you to do a particular thing.

I took your sentence as a bigoted insult to Christians.

So when Andrea Yates heard a call from God to drown her five kids, was that choice right for her?

Or was she just a fucking crazy person with religion?

God Told BUsh to invade Iraq. Look how well that turned out.
Ayup, "some" people are that bigoted against Christians.

Why so stupid?
The phrase hearing gods call, is regarding a gut feel one gets when he knows a choice (esp. vocation choice) is right for him. It does not mean god phones you. It means you'll know it's right for you, it will call you to do it. The it is your mind, your being, your soul driving you to do a particular thing.

I took your sentence as a bigoted insult to Christians.

Really? It's just a gut feeling? Sounds like you are bullshitting.
Why so stupid?
The phrase hearing gods call, is regarding a gut feel one gets when he knows a choice (esp. vocation choice) is right for him. It does not mean god phones you. It means you'll know it's right for you, it will call you to do it. The it is your mind, your being, your soul driving you to do a particular thing.

I took your sentence as a bigoted insult to Christians.

So when Andrea Yates heard a call from God to drown her five kids, was that choice right for her?

Or was she just a fucking crazy person with religion?

God Told BUsh to invade Iraq. Look how well that turned out.

She was a fucking crazy person. I don't know what religion you are talking about that calls people to drown their children.

Do you have a link or recording of god telling Bush to invade Iraq or are you just talking out your ass again?
Why so stupid?
The phrase hearing gods call, is regarding a gut feel one gets when he knows a choice (esp. vocation choice) is right for him. It does not mean god phones you. It means you'll know it's right for you, it will call you to do it. The it is your mind, your being, your soul driving you to do a particular thing.

I took your sentence as a bigoted insult to Christians.

Really? It's just a gut feeling? Sounds like you are bullshitting.

Why all the hate for christians?
Here is one of Ben Carson's interesting stances:

Regulate insurance companies as non-profit services
Today, insurance companies call the shots on what they want to pay, to whom, and when. Consequently, even busy doctors operate with a very slim profit of margin.
This is an ideal place for the intervention of government regulators who, with the help of medical professionals, could establish fair and consistent remuneration. To accomplish this, essentially all of the insurance companies would have to become non-profit service organizations with standardized, regulated profit margins.

This is not the paradigm that I see for all businesses, [but] is uniquely appropriate for the health-insurance industry, which deals with people's lives and quality of existence. That may sound radical, but is it as radical as allowing a company to increase its profits by denying care to sick individuals? In the long run this would also be good for the insurance companies, who could then concentrate on providing good service, rather than focusing on undercutting their competitors and increasing their profit margin.
Source: America the Beautiful, by Ben Carson, p.147-148 , Jan 24, 2012
Ben Carson on Health Care

He's right that insurance companies should not have the monopoly power to call the shots regarding pricing, but he's wrong to give that job to the government.

Health care should be a free market. Prices for services should be regulated the way plumber prices are regulated. Break up the monopolies (government's job) to give people more choices in the market. Let's have the doctors publish their pricing just like everyone else does, and let people buy what they "choose" to buy vs being forced to purchase stuff they don't use.

If we all bought plumbers insurance we'd have the same problems in that market. Insurance is fine for the people who want that, but mandating it just because most folks want it that way is nutz and contrary to free markets and liberty.

Plumber prices are not regulated in Ga. and should not be.
Doubt they are in Texas either.
Group health insurance has ruined health care. Add in Medicare and the entire system is a train wreck.
Single payer is the only alternative with a choice to the private market same as Germany does.
In Germany a hip replacement is $30K US. $80K here.
Do the math. Our health "care" system is JOKE. 57% of all health "care" dollars are spent on disease care treating 4% of the population.
Americans are dumb asses. We elect Obama and support the current health "care" system.
Here is one of Ben Carson's interesting stances:

Regulate insurance companies as non-profit services
Today, insurance companies call the shots on what they want to pay, to whom, and when. Consequently, even busy doctors operate with a very slim profit of margin.
This is an ideal place for the intervention of government regulators who, with the help of medical professionals, could establish fair and consistent remuneration. To accomplish this, essentially all of the insurance companies would have to become non-profit service organizations with standardized, regulated profit margins.

This is not the paradigm that I see for all businesses, [but] is uniquely appropriate for the health-insurance industry, which deals with people's lives and quality of existence. That may sound radical, but is it as radical as allowing a company to increase its profits by denying care to sick individuals? In the long run this would also be good for the insurance companies, who could then concentrate on providing good service, rather than focusing on undercutting their competitors and increasing their profit margin.
Source: America the Beautiful, by Ben Carson, p.147-148 , Jan 24, 2012
Ben Carson on Health Care

He's right that insurance companies should not have the monopoly power to call the shots regarding pricing, but he's wrong to give that job to the government.

Health care should be a free market. Prices for services should be regulated the way plumber prices are regulated. Break up the monopolies (government's job) to give people more choices in the market. Let's have the doctors publish their pricing just like everyone else does, and let people buy what they "choose" to buy vs being forced to purchase stuff they don't use.

If we all bought plumbers insurance we'd have the same problems in that market. Insurance is fine for the people who want that, but mandating it just because most folks want it that way is nutz and contrary to free markets and liberty.

Plumber prices are not regulated in Ga. and should not be.
Doubt they are in Texas either.
Group health insurance has ruined health care. Add in Medicare and the entire system is a train wreck.
Single payer is the only alternative with a choice to the private market same as Germany does.
In Germany a hip replacement is $30K US. $80K here.
Do the math. Our health "care" system is JOKE. 57% of all health "care" dollars are spent on disease care treating 4% of the population.
Americans are dumb asses. We elect Obama and support the current health "care" system.
Plumber prices are not regulated, that's my point. Start regulating them and you'll eff up the free market.

Hospital charges triple costs here in the US because of regulations. Single payer would not make procedures cheaper, it would just push the burden to the tax payer. Thus providing yet another reason for everyone to stop working in this country. Why work and pay high taxes when you can stop working get your hip replaced and recover on the taxpayer's dime?

HSA's are the answer for most Americans. Save up your own money for all but catastrophic care use the free market. If you don't believe in the free market, then what other economic system do you think we should use? What we have now is not a free market, that's the problem. Making it government is the sure way to eff it up.
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Germany: Spends more than any other European country on health, at 10.3 per cent of its GDP.
Germans have the highest health spending at £2,361 per person per year. The percentage of GDP spent in the private sector is around 2.5 per cent, compared with 7.8 per cent in the public sector.
The health care system is funded through ring-fenced 'social contributions' taxed at around 10 per cent, backed by private medical insurance.
No one is exempt from the health taxes, not even those on benefits, but access to care is speedy and waiting lists are virtually eradicated.

So the question is where's the money going? Why do we spend 18% GDP on health care and germany spends 10 percent? What's different between us and Germany? Do we want to be like germans? Should we kick out anyone who isn't german?

Do they hand out free education for doctors in germany? Do they have the same litigation problems in germany?
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My daughter tells me at their hospital the reason for costs being high is government regulations. For example, regulations that force them to accept drug addicts and illegals in the emergency room. She tells me well over 70% of all people coming in would not be coming in if they had to pay. This makes the people who do pay have to pay 3 times as much as they should. Our federal regulations are breaking the system.

We have been giving monopolies to drug companies who then rip us off. Our government is the enemy. Our government refuses to do their job of breaking up monopolies and instead is paying monopolies to screw us.
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Liberals hate any black that has transcended their plantation thinking;

Some friendly advice -- patronizing racism of that sort is why you lose 90% of the black vote.

I realize you don't see it as patronizing racism, but that's not the point. Blacks do see it as patronizing racism. You need to convince them it's not just patronizing racism. In general, repeatedly calling an entire race welfare cases is not the way to get their votes.

Translation: oh how I wish the conservatives would quit reminding our black voters that the KKK was started by Democrat party leaders.
Ironic that the Left says that to smear a President who is the son of a white woman that grew up in the finest privileges that Hawaii had to offer, is racist. Yet, when Conservative white guys back the son of a woman with a third grade education who held her son accountable in inner city Detroit to read and turn off the TV, the gloves come off. The Left is clearly Full of Shit.
Here is one of Ben Carson's interesting stances:

Regulate insurance companies as non-profit services
Today, insurance companies call the shots on what they want to pay, to whom, and when. Consequently, even busy doctors operate with a very slim profit of margin.
This is an ideal place for the intervention of government regulators who, with the help of medical professionals, could establish fair and consistent remuneration. To accomplish this, essentially all of the insurance companies would have to become non-profit service organizations with standardized, regulated profit margins.

This is not the paradigm that I see for all businesses, [but] is uniquely appropriate for the health-insurance industry, which deals with people's lives and quality of existence. That may sound radical, but is it as radical as allowing a company to increase its profits by denying care to sick individuals? In the long run this would also be good for the insurance companies, who could then concentrate on providing good service, rather than focusing on undercutting their competitors and increasing their profit margin.
Source: America the Beautiful, by Ben Carson, p.147-148 , Jan 24, 2012
Ben Carson on Health Care

I'd vote for that, as a standalone issue.

Essentially he's saying that a NON-profit environment would be more conducive to good service than a FOR-profit environment.

I've been saying that for years, citing my credit union and electric co-op as examples.

...the problem??? Once people like Carson become enchanted by the effect of becoming a rightwing nuts' celebrity, they are not likely to hold onto the common sense ideas they once had if those ideas don't please the fans;

Sarah Palin made some sense as Alaska's governor, what happened to that once she got rightwing celebrity?
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Here is one of Ben Carson's interesting stances:

Regulate insurance companies as non-profit services
Today, insurance companies call the shots on what they want to pay, to whom, and when. Consequently, even busy doctors operate with a very slim profit of margin.
This is an ideal place for the intervention of government regulators who, with the help of medical professionals, could establish fair and consistent remuneration. To accomplish this, essentially all of the insurance companies would have to become non-profit service organizations with standardized, regulated profit margins.

This is not the paradigm that I see for all businesses, [but] is uniquely appropriate for the health-insurance industry, which deals with people's lives and quality of existence. That may sound radical, but is it as radical as allowing a company to increase its profits by denying care to sick individuals? In the long run this would also be good for the insurance companies, who could then concentrate on providing good service, rather than focusing on undercutting their competitors and increasing their profit margin.
Source: America the Beautiful, by Ben Carson, p.147-148 , Jan 24, 2012
Ben Carson on Health Care

I'd vote for that, as a standalone issue.

Essentially he's saying that a NON-profit environment would be more conducive to good service than a FOR-profit environment.

I've been saying that for years, citing my credit union and electric co-op as examples.

Excellent idea, now who are you going to get to invest 12 years of their lives, and the money required to become a doctor, to actually become a doctor without a substantial money return for that persons time and expenses? Easier to become a lawyer and GO FOR THE BIG BUCKS the DEMOCRATS have been offering these bloodsuckers for decades!
Here is one of Ben Carson's interesting stances:

Regulate insurance companies as non-profit services
Today, insurance companies call the shots on what they want to pay, to whom, and when. Consequently, even busy doctors operate with a very slim profit of margin.
This is an ideal place for the intervention of government regulators who, with the help of medical professionals, could establish fair and consistent remuneration. To accomplish this, essentially all of the insurance companies would have to become non-profit service organizations with standardized, regulated profit margins.

This is not the paradigm that I see for all businesses, [but] is uniquely appropriate for the health-insurance industry, which deals with people's lives and quality of existence. That may sound radical, but is it as radical as allowing a company to increase its profits by denying care to sick individuals? In the long run this would also be good for the insurance companies, who could then concentrate on providing good service, rather than focusing on undercutting their competitors and increasing their profit margin.
Source: America the Beautiful, by Ben Carson, p.147-148 , Jan 24, 2012
Ben Carson on Health Care

I'd vote for that, as a standalone issue.

Essentially he's saying that a NON-profit environment would be more conducive to good service than a FOR-profit environment.

I've been saying that for years, citing my credit union and electric co-op as examples.

Excellent idea, now who are you going to get to invest 12 years of their lives, and the money required to become a doctor, to actually become a doctor without a substantial money return for that persons time and expenses? Easier to become a lawyer and GO FOR THE BIG BUCKS the DEMOCRATS have been offering these bloodsuckers for decades!

Gee, I don't know, maybe the same way conservatives claim that breaking the teachers' unions and consequently ending up paying teachers less and giving them fewer benefits and less job security will result in us getting better teachers...
I'd vote for that, as a standalone issue.

Essentially he's saying that a NON-profit environment would be more conducive to good service than a FOR-profit environment.

I've been saying that for years, citing my credit union and electric co-op as examples.

Excellent idea, now who are you going to get to invest 12 years of their lives, and the money required to become a doctor, to actually become a doctor without a substantial money return for that persons time and expenses? Easier to become a lawyer and GO FOR THE BIG BUCKS the DEMOCRATS have been offering these bloodsuckers for decades!

Gee, I don't know, maybe the same way conservatives claim that breaking the teachers' unions and consequently ending up paying teachers less and giving them fewer benefits and less job security will result in us getting better teachers...

And the cost and time to become a doctor compared to the cost and time to become a teacher is...... How many teachers save lives? :eusa_boohoo:

I see you like comparisons.....

I'd vote for that, as a standalone issue.

Essentially he's saying that a NON-profit environment would be more conducive to good service than a FOR-profit environment.

I've been saying that for years, citing my credit union and electric co-op as examples.

Excellent idea, now who are you going to get to invest 12 years of their lives, and the money required to become a doctor, to actually become a doctor without a substantial money return for that persons time and expenses? Easier to become a lawyer and GO FOR THE BIG BUCKS the DEMOCRATS have been offering these bloodsuckers for decades!

Gee, I don't know, maybe the same way conservatives claim that breaking the teachers' unions and consequently ending up paying teachers less and giving them fewer benefits and less job security will result in us getting better teachers...

Job Security? What is the current job participation rate since 2007? It has declined to its lowest point in nearly 40 years. How can you people claim to deliver even the promise of job security when the food stamp participation is rising? We've tried your way and it failed. You don't get a blank check or pass from Accountability
Considering how top heavy the Republican Party is with bigots, I have to agree with you!.
Most don't want a Black man as President of the USA even if he agrees with them and is a model citizen!

Care to back this absurd claim up?

Care to rebut it ? I have no need to prove a self evident truth. Take your head out of the sand and look closely at some of your fellow republicans. I'll start you off with several well known republican allies: 1. KKK 2. Nazis 3. White on and so forth...

We shun the kooks and extremists in our 'tent.'

You elevate yours and make them your Party's leadership!

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