Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

His fellow Blacks would call him a Tom, and they are entitled to their opinion.

Glad to see someone admit that.

I had lots of denials on that yesterday.

And it wouldn't just be fellow blacks, plenty of the Left would.

Check out JoeB's posts. I just wonder if that would turn some blacks and independents off.


I wasn't aware I was running for anything, guy.

Hey, aren't you the one who constantly gets on here and whines about how people can't express their opinions because of political correctness.

So I'm just supposed to pretend the Carson isn't a major-league sellout.

Here's the thing. Carson is like Sarah Palin, an otherwise sensible person who suddenly found he could make shitloads of money throwing red meat to wingnuts.

So when I hear him tell me "I'm thinking about running for president". What I hear is "I'm thinking about elbowing my way onto the debate floor so I can get a higher profile and charge more in speaking fees after Hillary mops the floor with whatever clueless rich white guy you crackers do end up nominating."

And laughing all to the bank.

BUt at least it keeps him from cutting into anyone, so there's that.
His fellow Blacks would call him a Tom, and they are entitled to their opinion.

Glad to see someone admit that.

I had lots of denials on that yesterday.

And it wouldn't just be fellow blacks, plenty of the Left would.

Check out JoeB's posts. I just wonder if that would turn some blacks and independents off.


I wasn't aware I was running for anything, guy.

Hey, aren't you the one who constantly gets on here and whines about how people can't express their opinions because of political correctness.

So I'm just supposed to pretend the Carson isn't a major-league sellout.

Here's the thing. Carson is like Sarah Palin, an otherwise sensible person who suddenly found he could make shitloads of money throwing red meat to wingnuts.

So when I hear him tell me "I'm thinking about running for president". What I hear is "I'm thinking about elbowing my way onto the debate floor so I can get a higher profile and charge more in speaking fees after Hillary mops the floor with whatever clueless rich white guy you crackers do end up nominating."

And laughing all to the bank.

BUt at least it keeps him from cutting into anyone, so there's that.

Joe, I wish I could get you to be honest and candid. Just once.

None of your post addresses the point I have been making.

As you know, I'm not talking about his ambitions, or his stance on issues (which appear to be out there), any of that. I'm talking about how the Left would either infer or say outright that he is a black sellout or a Tom or (in your words) a Stepenfetchit. And I wonder if that would have any negative effect, if it would turn any blacks and independents off.

I have been asking those two questions all along in this thread, and you just won't go there. NoNukes did it. It's okay to be honest and candid and civil, I won't tell anyone.

Joe, I wish I could get you to be honest and candid. Just once.

None of your post addresses the point I have been making.

As you know, I'm not talking about his ambitions, or his stance on issues (which appear to be out there), any of that. I'm talking about how the Left would either infer or say outright that he is a black sellout or a Tom or (in your words) a Stepenfetchit. And I wonder if that would have any negative effect, if it would turn any blacks and independents off.

I have been asking those two questions all along in this thread, and you just won't go there. NoNukes did it. It's okay to be honest and candid and civil, I won't tell anyone.


Guy, I'm mostly civil and very candid. I just don't accept your premises at face value, because frankly, it's mostly a whine about how you can't be politically incorrect anymore.

Yes, a lot of people will call Carson a sell out because he sold out a long time ago. And a few other creative epitaths like "Uncle Tom", "Oreo" and "Stepandfetchit" will be thrown out there, too.

And, no, it won't be offputting to blacks because frankly, they do have a problem with people who turn on their own in order to curry favor with white folks who otherwise wouldn't do jack shit for them.

So Ben Carson will soon join people like Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain and Alan Keyes, none of whom have much of an existence outside giving speeches to the "We sure is shiftless, boss" circuit.

Please proceed to whine because I didn't accept your premise at face value.
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Joe, I wish I could get you to be honest and candid. Just once.

None of your post addresses the point I have been making.

As you know, I'm not talking about his ambitions, or his stance on issues (which appear to be out there), any of that. I'm talking about how the Left would either infer or say outright that he is a black sellout or a Tom or (in your words) a Stepenfetchit. And I wonder if that would have any negative effect, if it would turn any blacks and independents off.

I have been asking those two questions all along in this thread, and you just won't go there. NoNukes did it. It's okay to be honest and candid and civil, I won't tell anyone.


Guy, I'm mostly civil and very candid. I just don't accept your premises at face value, because frankly, it's mostly a whine about how you can't be politically incorrect anymore.

Yes, a lot of people will call Carson a sell out because he sold out a long time ago. And a few other creative epitaths like "Uncle Tom", "Oreo" and "Stepandfetchit" will be thrown out there, too.

And, no, it won't be offputting to blacks because frankly, they do have a problem with people who turn on their own in order to curry favor with white folks who otherwise wouldn't do jack shit for them.

So Ben Carson will soon join people like Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain and Alan Keyes, none of whom have much of an existence outside giving speeches to the "We sure is shiftless, boss" circuit.

Please proceed to whine because I didn't accept your premise at face value.


That wasn't so tough, was it?

As promised, I won't tell anyone.

And by the way, I'm very impressed with your knowledge of their minds.

Uh, I really didn't do anything different than what I've been saying all along, thanks.

Incidentally, there was this tidbit from Wiki.

Stepin Fetchit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perry parlayed the Fetchit persona into a successful film career, eventually becoming a millionaire, the first black actor in history to do so. He was the first black actor to receive featured screen credit in a film.[

Perry played comic relief roles in a number of films, all based on his character known as "The Laziest Man in the World". In his personal life, Perry was highly literate and had a concurrent career writing for the Chicago Defender.

Maybe calling Carson Stepin Fetchit is an insult to Lincoln Perry.
If Ben Carson was white liberals would not mention his name.
HOW DARE a black dude be a conservative!!!
Doesn't he know his place on the plantation of liberalism?
If Ben Carson was white liberals would not mention his name.
HOW DARE a black dude be a conservative!!!
Doesn't he know his place on the plantation of liberalism?

Oh, really?

Frankly, there are a lot of dumb white conservatives who say stupid shit about "those people". and usually, they are taken to task when they do.

Carson's comments are egregious because he should know better.
Joe, I wish I could get you to be honest and candid. Just once.

None of your post addresses the point I have been making.

As you know, I'm not talking about his ambitions, or his stance on issues (which appear to be out there), any of that. I'm talking about how the Left would either infer or say outright that he is a black sellout or a Tom or (in your words) a Stepenfetchit. And I wonder if that would have any negative effect, if it would turn any blacks and independents off.

I have been asking those two questions all along in this thread, and you just won't go there. NoNukes did it. It's okay to be honest and candid and civil, I won't tell anyone.


Guy, I'm mostly civil and very candid. I just don't accept your premises at face value, because frankly, it's mostly a whine about how you can't be politically incorrect anymore.

Yes, a lot of people will call Carson a sell out because he sold out a long time ago. And a few other creative epitaths like "Uncle Tom", "Oreo" and "Stepandfetchit" will be thrown out there, too.

And, no, it won't be offputting to blacks because frankly, they do have a problem with people who turn on their own in order to curry favor with white folks who otherwise wouldn't do jack shit for them.

So Ben Carson will soon join people like Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain and Alan Keyes, none of whom have much of an existence outside giving speeches to the "We sure is shiftless, boss" circuit.

Please proceed to whine because I didn't accept your premise at face value.

Dems and Communists are the biggest racists

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Perhaps , for many of you on the right, it is a good thing Ben Carson isn’t a member of USMB. I wonder how valuable he would consider your endorsements if he knew how foul some of you have been in castigating the entire Black community at every turn? He is part of that community whether you or he likes it or not?

Frankly, I am surprised by the amicable support some of you have for Ben. I see some avatars here that have been associated with nothing less than the most jaded opinions about Blacks. Ten years ago Ben would likely have been just another “Negro” to many of you right wangers. Over 50 years ago Malcolm X said on live TV to a “highly educated Black “conservative of the day: “You know what they call a Black PHD don’t you?” The man didn’t have a clue so Malcolm schooled him. The N word exploded from Malcolm’s lips and startled millions of TV watchers; including his naive target.

Ben Carson would be a good candidate for the Republicans but I doubt if he would win if his campaign is to be based on the archaic Republican ideals marked by Reaganism and Bushism.. This is a new day and a new demographic. Until someone on the right realigns the Republican agenda with the WIll of The People, their presidential hopes may never be realized again!

As it stands?

Carson would never win an general election.

I doubt if he would make it past the primaries.

Considering how top heavy the Republican Party is with bigots, I have to agree with you!.
Most don't want a Black man as President of the USA even if he agrees with them and is a model citizen!

Then why is it that the LWers who seem to dwell on race in forums such as USMB, almost always turn out to be Libs who are actually struggling with their own racist feelings?


I hope I matched your screwiness.
So according to Democrats Obama was the token black in 2008.

No, he was hope and progress incarnate. America was desperate for change and Obama articulated that change like no other. A mere token would have had no chance of winning. Like Carson, a token Black would have entered the race at the behest of whites with an agenda. Obama was self promoting, seemingly coming out of nowhere and surprising Americans everywhere with his strong speaking skills. Carson has neither the charisma or the dynamic articulate power of an Obama! He is a gifted retired surgeon and I applaud him for that!
So according to Democrats Obama was the token black in 2008.

No, he was hope and progress incarnate. America was desperate for change and Obama articulated that change like no other. A mere token would have had no chance of winning. Like Carson, a token Black would have entered the race at the behest of whites with an agenda. Obama was self promoting, seemingly coming out of nowhere and surprising Americans everywhere with his strong speaking skills. Carson has neither the charisma or the dynamic articulate power of an Obama! He is a gifted retired surgeon and I applaud him for that!

He was clean and articulate.
As it stands?

Carson would never win an general election.

I doubt if he would make it past the primaries.

Considering how top heavy the Republican Party is with bigots, I have to agree with you!.
Most don't want a Black man as President of the USA even if he agrees with them and is a model citizen!

Then why is it that the LWers who seem to dwell on race in forums such as USMB, almost always turn out to be Libs who are actually struggling with their own racist feelings?


I hope I matched your screwiness.

No, you have exceeded all expectations in regard to "screwiness." Let's stay with my post above and keep it real! Ok ? I did not mention race. You did! The word "bigot" can be used to describe a plethora of prejudices and is not necessarily restricted to race. Nevertheless, I will humor you. Even if I am referring to race my premise is axiomatic. USMB is full of racist comments from the RW. If you haven't noticed, hateful generalities abound and have been often cited as a way to gain REP by those who compete to be the most scornful of the Black race. Some of the biggest bigots on this board have the highest REP because they are rewarded for their verbal racism. Being keenly aware of the environment in which I am at liberty to post, it is for that reason I withdrew from the REP system. It is for that reason that any reference to race from me is help facilitate balance.

NOW, Desperation is setting in. White male Republicans have been rejected twice by We The People in the last two elections. Sensing backlash from the "economy wrecking Bush crew", the Republican constituency finally realized a minority surrogate was needed; preferably a Black "conservative."

While Ben Carson has been endorsed by Sean Hannity
and some of the RW laity, I don't believe the southern based Republican core would get behind him. And although his professed Christianity is inline with conservative material capitalism, he is not following the altruistic principles outlined by Jesus Christ.
If Ben Carson was white liberals would not mention his name.
HOW DARE a black dude be a conservative!!!
Doesn't he know his place on the plantation of liberalism?

If Ben Carson was white conservatives would pay no attention to him.
Joe, I wish I could get you to be honest and candid. Just once.

None of your post addresses the point I have been making.

As you know, I'm not talking about his ambitions, or his stance on issues (which appear to be out there), any of that. I'm talking about how the Left would either infer or say outright that he is a black sellout or a Tom or (in your words) a Stepenfetchit. And I wonder if that would have any negative effect, if it would turn any blacks and independents off.

I have been asking those two questions all along in this thread, and you just won't go there. NoNukes did it. It's okay to be honest and candid and civil, I won't tell anyone.


Guy, I'm mostly civil and very candid. I just don't accept your premises at face value, because frankly, it's mostly a whine about how you can't be politically incorrect anymore.

Yes, a lot of people will call Carson a sell out because he sold out a long time ago. And a few other creative epitaths like "Uncle Tom", "Oreo" and "Stepandfetchit" will be thrown out there, too.

And, no, it won't be offputting to blacks because frankly, they do have a problem with people who turn on their own in order to curry favor with white folks who otherwise wouldn't do jack shit for them.

So Ben Carson will soon join people like Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain and Alan Keyes, none of whom have much of an existence outside giving speeches to the "We sure is shiftless, boss" circuit.

Please proceed to whine because I didn't accept your premise at face value.

Dems and Communists are the biggest racists

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Dems were the first to nominate and elect a Black man to the highest office in the land. That is hard for any other party to beat in terms of racial tolerance , including the repug-nah-I- cants.
That's the best leaving the door open statement I've ever seen.

"I'm not going to run, unless Jesus asks me to."

Waiting for Jesus to talk to him? Sounds like we have another Bush on our hands.
And expressing FAITH in something larger than himself is bad? Really?

At least he doesn't render faith in big government and politicians that could give a rat's ass about him or the people, like YOU and the left does.

Talking to someone who may not have ever existed is a sign of mental illness in healthy people. It is normal for Republicans, I guess.
If Ben Carson was white liberals would not mention his name.
HOW DARE a black dude be a conservative!!!
Doesn't he know his place on the plantation of liberalism?

If Ben Carson was white conservatives would pay no attention to him.


Carson became famous for schooling Obama, much like that Joe the plumber guy did.

Conservatives like to rally around other conservatives, esp. the ones that speak their mind.

Routing for Carson has nothing to do with race, other than the racist accusations being made by the bigoted racist dems who are making out like it does.
If Ben Carson was white liberals would not mention his name.
HOW DARE a black dude be a conservative!!!
Doesn't he know his place on the plantation of liberalism?

If Ben Carson was white conservatives would pay no attention to him.

Could be.

And if Obama were a white liberal, Hillary would have won the nomination.

If Ben Carson was white liberals would not mention his name.
HOW DARE a black dude be a conservative!!!
Doesn't he know his place on the plantation of liberalism?

If Ben Carson was white conservatives would pay no attention to him.

Could be.

And if Obama were a white liberal, Hillary would have won the nomination.


If you make everything else equal, Obama still would have won.

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