Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

What a wonderful president, he'd make, beside being the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT!


Ben Carson is warming to the idea of running for president. Since the famous brain surgeon retired last year from Johns Hopkins Hospital, he’s been speaking around the country to enthusiastic audiences. And they’ve affected his thinking about seeking national office.

“Over the years, there have been many attempts to get me to throw my hat in the political arena,” Carson writes in his new book, One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America’s Future. “I have been offered support from around the country and tremendous financial resources if I decide to run for national office. But I have not felt the call to run.”

Carson writes that he suspects many others interested in high office would be better candidates. But in his book he has a caveat: “If I felt called by God to officially enter the world of politics, I would certainly not hesitate to do so.”

Interviewed this week, Carson said he’s “starting to feel it. Because every place I go, it’s unbelievable.” One lady “really touched me the other night … She just kept clinging to my hand and said, ‘You have to run. You have to run.’ And so many people tell me that, and so I think I’m starting to hear something.”.....

Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run | The Weekly Standard

:lol::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Yeah and Bush got Bin Laden. You folks live in Fairy Tale Land.
What a wonderful president, he'd make, beside being the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT!


Ben Carson is warming to the idea of running for president. Since the famous brain surgeon retired last year from Johns Hopkins Hospital, he’s been speaking around the country to enthusiastic audiences. And they’ve affected his thinking about seeking national office.

“Over the years, there have been many attempts to get me to throw my hat in the political arena,” Carson writes in his new book, One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America’s Future. “I have been offered support from around the country and tremendous financial resources if I decide to run for national office. But I have not felt the call to run.”

Carson writes that he suspects many others interested in high office would be better candidates. But in his book he has a caveat: “If I felt called by God to officially enter the world of politics, I would certainly not hesitate to do so.”

Interviewed this week, Carson said he’s “starting to feel it. Because every place I go, it’s unbelievable.” One lady “really touched me the other night … She just kept clinging to my hand and said, ‘You have to run. You have to run.’ And so many people tell me that, and so I think I’m starting to hear something.”.....

Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run | The Weekly Standard

:lol::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Yeah and Bush got Bin Laden. You folks live in Fairy Tale Land.

Excellent idea, now who are you going to get to invest 12 years of their lives, and the money required to become a doctor, to actually become a doctor without a substantial money return for that persons time and expenses? Easier to become a lawyer and GO FOR THE BIG BUCKS the DEMOCRATS have been offering these bloodsuckers for decades!

Gee, I don't know, maybe the same way conservatives claim that breaking the teachers' unions and consequently ending up paying teachers less and giving them fewer benefits and less job security will result in us getting better teachers...

And the cost and time to become a doctor compared to the cost and time to become a teacher is...... How many teachers save lives? :eusa_boohoo:


How many doctors did NOT depend on TEACHERS to learn their profession... fucking moron...

Answer. Now.
Here is one of Ben Carson's interesting stances:

Regulate insurance companies as non-profit services
Today, insurance companies call the shots on what they want to pay, to whom, and when. Consequently, even busy doctors operate with a very slim profit of margin.
This is an ideal place for the intervention of government regulators who, with the help of medical professionals, could establish fair and consistent remuneration. To accomplish this, essentially all of the insurance companies would have to become non-profit service organizations with standardized, regulated profit margins.

This is not the paradigm that I see for all businesses, [but] is uniquely appropriate for the health-insurance industry, which deals with people's lives and quality of existence. That may sound radical, but is it as radical as allowing a company to increase its profits by denying care to sick individuals? In the long run this would also be good for the insurance companies, who could then concentrate on providing good service, rather than focusing on undercutting their competitors and increasing their profit margin.
Source: America the Beautiful, by Ben Carson, p.147-148 , Jan 24, 2012
Ben Carson on Health Care

I'd vote for that, as a standalone issue.

Essentially he's saying that a NON-profit environment would be more conducive to good service than a FOR-profit environment.

I've been saying that for years, citing my credit union and electric co-op as examples.

Excellent idea, now who are you going to get to invest 12 years of their lives, and the money required to become a doctor, to actually become a doctor without a substantial money return for that persons time and expenses? Easier to become a lawyer and GO FOR THE BIG BUCKS the DEMOCRATS have been offering these bloodsuckers for decades!

Are you sufficiently literate to realize that you are now arguing with Dr. Carson? That you are trashing HIS ideas?

lol, no, I suspect you're not. You are winning the battle for the title of dumbest fucking newbie of 2014.
Gee, I don't know, maybe the same way conservatives claim that breaking the teachers' unions and consequently ending up paying teachers less and giving them fewer benefits and less job security will result in us getting better teachers...

And the cost and time to become a doctor compared to the cost and time to become a teacher is...... How many teachers save lives? :eusa_boohoo:


How many doctors did NOT depend on TEACHERS to learn their profession... fucking moron...

Answer. Now.

Probably all of them, as TEACHERS ARE not doctors, THAT'S WHY THEY ARE CALLED TEACHERS! ASSHOLE. Other doctors teach their younger colleagues, that's why there is a thing called residency! How many teacher can perform operations? How many of them can diagnose disease? :badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
And the cost and time to become a doctor compared to the cost and time to become a teacher is...... How many teachers save lives? :eusa_boohoo:


How many doctors did NOT depend on TEACHERS to learn their profession... fucking moron...

Answer. Now.

Probably all of them, as TEACHERS ARE not doctors, THAT'S WHY THEY ARE CALLED TEACHERS! ASSHOLE. Other doctors teach their younger colleagues, that's why there is a thing called residency! How many teacher can perform operations? How many of them can diagnose disease? :badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:

Oh I see, Dr. Carson is self-taught. He never went to school, right? Care to prove that fuckwit?
I'd vote for that, as a standalone issue.

Essentially he's saying that a NON-profit environment would be more conducive to good service than a FOR-profit environment.

I've been saying that for years, citing my credit union and electric co-op as examples.

Excellent idea, now who are you going to get to invest 12 years of their lives, and the money required to become a doctor, to actually become a doctor without a substantial money return for that persons time and expenses? Easier to become a lawyer and GO FOR THE BIG BUCKS the DEMOCRATS have been offering these bloodsuckers for decades!

Are you sufficiently literate to realize that you are now arguing with Dr. Carson? That you are trashing HIS ideas?

lol, no, I suspect you're not. You are winning the battle for the title of dumbest fucking newbie of 2014.

You mean I have to go along 100% with someone, without questioning them?....THIS is why YOU are a fucking subversive ZOMBIE, you NEVER question the people you follow, you just do it blindly! 2 Digit IQ'd people should not be allowed to breed! :eusa_clap:

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How many doctors did NOT depend on TEACHERS to learn their profession... fucking moron...

Answer. Now.

Probably all of them, as TEACHERS ARE not doctors, THAT'S WHY THEY ARE CALLED TEACHERS! ASSHOLE. Other doctors teach their younger colleagues, that's why there is a thing called residency! How many teacher can perform operations? How many of them can diagnose disease? :badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:

Oh I see, Dr. Carson is self-taught. He never went to school, right? Care to prove that fuckwit?

Shithead, you learn BASICS, as you do MATH, ECONOMICS and other sciences from a teacher, when you start to SPECIALIZE as MEDICAL DOCTORS DO, they learn from other doctors...perhaps you'd like an economics teacher to operate on you?:cuckoo:
Uncle Ben is a one trick pony. Just because he got a medical degree doesn't mean he's smart enough to run the country.
Uncle Ben is a one trick pony. Just because he got a medical degree doesn't mean he's smart enough to run the country.
And we see how great the community organizer is doing with his $17 trillion debt.
Perhaps , for many of you on the right, it is a good thing Ben Carson isn’t a member of USMB. I wonder how valuable he would consider your endorsements if he knew how foul some of you have been in castigating the entire Black community at every turn? He is part of that community whether you or he likes it or not?

Frankly, I am surprised by the amicable support some of you have for Ben. I see some avatars here that have been associated with nothing less than the most jaded opinions about Blacks. Ten years ago Ben would likely have been just another “Negro” to many of you right wangers. Over 50 years ago Malcolm X said on live TV to a “highly educated Black “conservative of the day: “You know what they call a Black PHD don’t you?” The man didn’t have a clue so Malcolm schooled him. The N word exploded from Malcolm’s lips and startled millions of TV watchers; including his naive target.

Ben Carson would be a good candidate for the Republicans but I doubt if he would win if his campaign is to be based on the archaic Republican ideals marked by Reaganism and Bushism.. This is a new day and a new demographic. Until someone on the right realigns the Republican agenda with the WIll of The People, their presidential hopes may never be realized again!
What a hypocrite. The left, including you, would call Carson an Uncle Tom and you know it. You think because somebody criticizes certain blacks for their behavior or their politics that they hate all blacks. You don't get it, we don't like LIBERALS and we don't excuse criminals!!! To you, everything has to be about race. I hope Carson runs and I hope he wins. I would have no problem with a Carson presidency but I'll bet you see him as a sellout.

His fellow Blacks would call him a Tom, and they are entitled to their opinion.
The GOP isn't interested in doing right by this nation. Declaring that they would make sure Obama failed as a presidency and acting on that threat by offering no help to get us through one of the darkest passages in our country's history..a financial disaster that they created..

That said with us on the very brink of total financial collapse the stooges they lined up to challenge Obama were an embarrassment. They think the world was laughing at us because of Obama... no it was the Joke the right made of the political system and the fact that the inept GOP didn't take Obama seriously... and the results of the last two presidential elections speak for themselves.

THAT said the GOP will never put Carson on the ticket.

He isn't weird enough.

He doesn't have a following of clowns following him that they can manipulate.

Being a "doctor" works against him. Education is one of the aspects of a candidate that right wingers attack. ALL of the hosts on FOX resent educated people.

Having no political experience is the only thing he has going for him and that is because he has no qualifications at running a campaign.

He is in fact almost purely a token black. He has made some statements that the idiots on the right find agreeable but that just speaks to the desperation they feel from losing in the last two elections.

I also believe that once Carson has a chance to really see who runs the GOP, being an intelligent educated man, that he will have second thoughts about who these people are and just back the hell away from them.

I have no doubt the GOP will eventually settle on some religious stooge ... maybe even Sara Palin ... if Hillary runs. They are so stupid that I'm sure they would believe that Palin would beat Clinton in a landslide.

Then Hillary would beat the shit out of Sara and the vindictive GOP would announce that they will gaurantee Clinton will fail just as they did to Obama... AND THEN our country will go through another 8 years of no progress or anything needed getting done as the GOP once again proves they are the most despicable people this nation has ever put in office.

One thing for certain.. If Hillary runs and wins she will have a slew of like minded candidates follow her in on her coat tails. AND she is a mean spirited bitch that will not forget what the GOP did to her husband and tried to do to her over Benghazi .

I wouldn't want to be in Darryl Issa's shoes if Clinton becomes president.
She was a fucking crazy person. I don't know what religion you are talking about that calls people to drown their children.

Well, it was a religion that has this in it's bible...

Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. -- Psalm 137:9

Do you have a link or recording of god telling Bush to invade Iraq or are you just talking out your ass again?

George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq' | World news | The Guardian

One of the delegates, Nabil Shaath, who was Palestinian foreign minister at the time, said: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did."
That's the best leaving the door open statement I've ever seen.

"I'm not going to run, unless Jesus asks me to."

Waiting for Jesus to talk to him? Sounds like we have another Bush on our hands.
And expressing FAITH in something larger than himself is bad? Really?

At least he doesn't render faith in big government and politicians that could give a rat's ass about him or the people, like YOU and the left does.
That's the best leaving the door open statement I've ever seen.

"I'm not going to run, unless Jesus asks me to."

Waiting for Jesus to talk to him? Sounds like we have another Bush on our hands.
And expressing FAITH in something larger than himself is bad? Really?

At least he doesn't render faith in big government and politicians that could give a rat's ass about him or the people, like YOU and the left does.

government exists.

God doesn't.

And frankly, if someone tells me he's listening to God, that's probably just the voices in his head, and they have medications for that now.

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