Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

funny how if you're a conservative black = you're trash and we can attack you. BUT, if you're a leftist like Obama and black = you better not attack him, you racist! You go on a campaign against your opposition calling them racist, racist and racist. You people suck.

Liberals are called 'racist' on this forum almost every day simply for disagreeing politically with black conservatives.

Learn to read.

And amazingly, you STILL haven't figured out that it's because they're rubbing your own words back in your face, that they're purposely screaming "racist" completely out of context, gleefully giving you a taste of your own medicine, all in ironic reaction to the behavior of the PC Police day after day after day after day.

Maybe this will sink in at some point.


The only problem with that is that the overwhelming majority of liberals don't do it.

This has become a rightwing strawman. You want to rub someone's nose in this, rub the strawman's nose in it.
Liberals are called 'racist' on this forum almost every day simply for disagreeing politically with black conservatives.

Learn to read.

And amazingly, you STILL haven't figured out that it's because they're rubbing your own words back in your face, that they're purposely screaming "racist" completely out of context, gleefully giving you a taste of your own medicine, all in ironic reaction to the behavior of the PC Police day after day after day after day.

Maybe this will sink in at some point.


The only problem with that is that the overwhelming majority of liberals don't do it.

This has become a rightwing strawman. You want to rub someone's nose in this, rub the strawman's nose in it.

lol...Uncle Ben thinks the world was created 6000 years ago.

'nuff said!

He's in the 'intelligent design' camp, believing that something had to create us.

It occurred to me the other day that if Man had to have been created by some entity with sufficient intelligence to do so,

that also means that Man could be created, by someone else with that much intelligence,

such as other humans.

Ben believes in the Frankenstein monster!
lol...Uncle Ben thinks the world was created 6000 years ago.

'nuff said!

He's in the 'intelligent design' camp, believing that something had to create us.

It occurred to me the other day that if Man had to have been created by some entity with sufficient intelligence to do so,

that also means that Man could be created, by someone else with that much intelligence,

such as other humans.

Ben believes in the Frankenstein monster!


If you want a president with the qualifications of a medical degree PLUS executive experience,

then Howard Dean is your man, not Ben Carson.

If you want a president with no qualifications or experience, look no further than the WH.
If you want a president with the qualifications of a medical degree PLUS executive experience,

then Howard Dean is your man, not Ben Carson.

If you want a president with no qualifications or experience, look no further than the WH.

That's a lie. Obama has more experience than any potential candidate out there. 6 years to be exact! Wanna dispute that? heh heh heh!
If you want a president with the qualifications of a medical degree PLUS executive experience,

then Howard Dean is your man, not Ben Carson.

If you want a president with no qualifications or experience, look no further than the WH.

That's a lie. Obama has more experience than any potential candidate out there. 6 years to be exact!!
Not when he first ran in 08. He had zero executive experience running any kind of government.
If you want a president with the qualifications of a medical degree PLUS executive experience,

then Howard Dean is your man, not Ben Carson.

If you want a president with no qualifications or experience, look no further than the WH.

That's a lie. Obama has more experience than any potential candidate out there. 6 years to be exact! Wanna dispute that? heh heh heh!

CaféAuLait;9119383 said:
CaféAuLait;9119360 said:
I don't think so. You need to keep the quote in context. He explained how his Mother only had a third grade education. She worked three jobs and while working she noted that those 'rich' people were not sitting around watching TV but 'doing things' like reading. his Mom turned off the TV and made them read, he said he hated her choice.

Soon though he realized he was smarter than those people in school he use to envy for their intelligence because of his Mom's choice. He said he hated being poor but realized "poverty is really more of a choice more than anything else" and he could change his life by making a choice like that..

There is no proper context for a statement like that.

It's incorrect first off. You don't choose to be born into poverty.

And secondly? It's offensive.

No it is not in context. He spoke of his Mom's choices of making them a better family. His point was TV watching as opposed to reading. It was not offensive to anyone. No more offensive than a teacher telling a student they can choose to study or fail. That is what his Mom taught him, she made the choice for them to succeed instead of vegging in front of the TV.

Watch the interview, stop making it seem as if he was condemning people, he was speaking of his Mom and himself, no one else.

"No doubt, Mother Carson deserves tremendous credit, but – in the words of a political sound bite from the last presidential election – she didn’t do it alone. Carson, in his book, tells how his grades improved tremendously when a government program provided him with free eyeglasses because he could barely see. Not only that, in “Gifted Hands” we read this nugget: “By the time I reached ninth grade, mother had made such strides that she received nothing but food stamps. She couldn’t have provided for us and kept up the house without that subsidy.”

Read more here: Commentary: Dr. Ben Carson's baffling vitriol against President Obama | Opinion Columns | McClatchy DC

"Eating welfare cheese obviously didn’t kill his ambition or prevent him from becoming a great surgeon, but he now thinks it would be bad for everyone else. Sort of like Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, eh, railing against Medicare and government-backed student loans – even while admitting that his parents received Medicare and he went to college on student loans?"
Perhaps , for many of you on the right, it is a good thing Ben Carson isn’t a member of USMB. I wonder how valuable he would consider your endorsements if he knew how foul some of you have been in castigating the entire Black community at every turn? He is part of that community whether you or he likes it or not?

Frankly, I am surprised by the amicable support some of you have for Ben. I see some avatars here that have been associated with nothing less than the most jaded opinions about Blacks. Ten years ago Ben would likely have been just another “Negro” to many of you right wangers. Over 50 years ago Malcolm X said on live TV to a “highly educated Black “conservative of the day: “You know what they call a Black PHD don’t you?” The man didn’t have a clue so Malcolm schooled him. The N word exploded from Malcolm’s lips and startled millions of TV watchers; including his naive target.

Ben Carson would be a good candidate for the Republicans but I doubt if he would win if his campaign is to be based on the archaic Republican ideals marked by Reaganism and Bushism.. This is a new day and a new demographic. Until someone on the right realigns the Republican agenda with the WIll of The People, their presidential hopes may never be realized again!

I'm sure that carson has no problem with it, he participates in it when he states that "the Blacks" are on the "democrat plantation"...................................
CaféAuLait;9119383 said:
There is no proper context for a statement like that.

It's incorrect first off. You don't choose to be born into poverty.

And secondly? It's offensive.

No it is not in context. He spoke of his Mom's choices of making them a better family. His point was TV watching as opposed to reading. It was not offensive to anyone. No more offensive than a teacher telling a student they can choose to study or fail. That is what his Mom taught him, she made the choice for them to succeed instead of vegging in front of the TV.

Watch the interview, stop making it seem as if he was condemning people, he was speaking of his Mom and himself, no one else.

"No doubt, Mother Carson deserves tremendous credit, but – in the words of a political sound bite from the last presidential election – she didn’t do it alone. Carson, in his book, tells how his grades improved tremendously when a government program provided him with free eyeglasses because he could barely see. Not only that, in “Gifted Hands” we read this nugget: “By the time I reached ninth grade, mother had made such strides that she received nothing but food stamps. She couldn’t have provided for us and kept up the house without that subsidy.”

Read more here: Commentary: Dr. Ben Carson's baffling vitriol against President Obama | Opinion Columns | McClatchy DC

"Eating welfare cheese obviously didn’t kill his ambition or prevent him from becoming a great surgeon, but he now thinks it would be bad for everyone else. Sort of like Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, eh, railing against Medicare and government-backed student loans – even while admitting that his parents received Medicare and he went to college on student loans?"

Oh my...
Carson became famous for schooling Obama, much like that Joe the plumber guy did.

The world seems to have missed those schoolings. Is this another one of those things that the voices told you? You know, the voices that apparently sane people also hear, according to the conservatives of this thread.

You really don't know what made Carson famous? I thought everyone knew. Here ya go:

[ame=]Dr. Benjamin Carson's Amazing Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast with Obama Present - YouTube[/ame]

And here Obama being schooled by the plumber as Obama admits his plan is to redistribute the wealth (aka marxism/socialism/communism):

[ame=]Meet Joe Plumber/ Obama talks to Joe Plumber (FULL VIDEO) - YouTube[/ame]

How does a guy who had a troubled childhood and a mother on food stamps, afford to go to Yale right out of high school? I noticed those details seem pretty vague. Is it possible the he benefited from the very programs that he now rails against?

"Thomas cast the deciding vote in the Supreme Court's 5-to-4 decision to narrow federal affirmative-action programs. But Thomas went beyond even fellow conservatives on the bench - he argued for an immediate end to affirmative action.

There's an obvious contradiction here: Clarence Thomas benefited enormously from the kind of affirmative-action programs he now seeks to kill.

Indeed, Thomas' rise from his dirt-poor upbringing in rural Georgia into an elite Ivy League law school is an affirmative-action success story. (Carson, anyone?) But don't take our word for it. Take his.

In a November 1983 speech to his staff at the federal Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, Thomas called affirmative action "critical to minorities and women in this society."

Then, his remarks got personal: "But for them (affirmative-action laws), God only knows where I would be today. These laws and their proper application are all that stand between the first 17 years of my life and the second 17 years."

As an undergraduate at Holy Cross College, Thomas received a scholarship set aside for racial minorities. He was admitted to Yale Law School in 1971 as part of an aggressive (and successful) affirmative-action program with a clear goal: 10 percent minority enrollment. Yale offered him generous financial aid.

Affirmative action can't guarantee success, but it can open doors previously closed to women and people of color. The rest is up to those who walk through the doors."
" Fierce defender of affirmative action
Stanford's Political Science Department wanted to hire me. I got a call from Stanford's affirmative action officer. If a department was willing to hire a minority professor, the university would provide half the money for the position. Even with that incentive, departments were reluctant. But this time the department had come to her. "How did this happen?" she asked.

Years later, after having been on the other side of faculty hiring, especially as the provost of Stanford, I understood exactly what had happened. Stanford, in an effort to diversify its faculty, had made it possible to hire minorities without going through the normal processes. The Department of Political Science saw a young, black, female Soviet specialist and decided to make an affirmative action hire.

Contrary to what has sometimes been written about me, I was and still am a fierce defender of affirmative action of this kind. Why shouldn't universities use every means necessary to diversify their faculty? "

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