Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

Perhaps , for many of you on the right, it is a good thing Ben Carson isn’t a member of USMB. I wonder how valuable he would consider your endorsements if he knew how foul some of you have been in castigating the entire Black community at every turn? He is part of that community whether you or he likes it or not?

Frankly, I am surprised by the amicable support some of you have for Ben. I see some avatars here that have been associated with nothing less than the most jaded opinions about Blacks. Ten years ago Ben would likely have been just another “Negro” to many of you right wangers. Over 50 years ago Malcolm X said on live TV to a “highly educated Black “conservative of the day: “You know what they call a Black PHD don’t you?” The man didn’t have a clue so Malcolm schooled him. The N word exploded from Malcolm’s lips and startled millions of TV watchers; including his naive target.

Ben Carson would be a good candidate for the Republicans but I doubt if he would win if his campaign is to be based on the archaic Republican ideals marked by Reaganism and Bushism.. This is a new day and a new demographic. Until someone on the right realigns the Republican agenda with the WIll of The People, their presidential hopes may never be realized again!
If the "will of the people" is food stamps, $25 per hour wages at McDonalds and hand outs, this Country is doomed anyway. Because sooner or later the money is going to run out. You liberals are destroying this country to get a few votes.

I am not an advocate of $25 per hour minimum wage at McDonalds unless you are their computer technician or something on that order. But I would say that a $10 per hour minimum wage for a burger flipper/ short order chef/cash register qualified/ janitor/ order taker would be fair. With all that multi-tasking going on they are worth at least that much.
I doubt if the money runs out ... those fast food joints are making extraordinary profits.

Handouts would not be necessary if a high enough wage was paid.

Last but not least, a high minimum wage would not destroy this country. On the contrary, such a wage would stimulate the economy and keep it healthy. WHY? Because workers spend those dollars on goods and services. Economics 101!
Not when he first ran in 08. He had zero executive experience running any kind of government.

Did you notice that Steve was speaking in present tense? I responded accordingly. NOW...TODAY... Obama is more experienced than any of the contenders for the US presidency... fair enough???
Yes, I agree Obama is more experienced than anyone else at fucking up the country.

No, Republicans fuck up the country, it's their tradition. Democrats usually end up cleaning up the mess after Republican corruption and cronyism forces the people to vote them out!
Did you notice that Steve was speaking in present tense? I responded accordingly. NOW...TODAY... Obama is more experienced than any of the contenders for the US presidency... fair enough???
Yes, I agree Obama is more experienced than anyone else at fucking up the country.

No, Republicans fuck up the country, it's their tradition. Democrats usually end up cleaning up the mess after Republican corruption and cronyism forces the people to vote them out!
Nice try.
Then why is it that the LWers who seem to dwell on race in forums such as USMB, almost always turn out to be Libs who are actually struggling with their own racist feelings?


I hope I matched your screwiness.

No, you have exceeded all expectations in regard to "screwiness." Let's stay with my post above and keep it real! Ok ? I did not mention race. You did! The word "bigot" can be used to describe a plethora of prejudices and is not necessarily restricted to race. Nevertheless, I will humor you. Even if I am referring to race my premise is axiomatic. USMB is full of racist comments from the RW. If you haven't noticed, hateful generalities abound and have been often cited as a way to gain REP by those who compete to be the most scornful of the Black race. Some of the biggest bigots on this board have the highest REP because they are rewarded for their verbal racism. Being keenly aware of the environment in which I am at liberty to post, it is for that reason I withdrew from the REP system. It is for that reason that any reference to race from me is help facilitate balance.

NOW, Desperation is setting in. White male Republicans have been rejected twice by We The People in the last two elections. Sensing backlash from the "economy wrecking Bush crew", the Republican constituency finally realized a minority surrogate was needed; preferably a Black "conservative."

While Ben Carson has been endorsed by Sean Hannity
and some of the RW laity, I don't believe the southern based Republican core would get behind him. And although his professed Christianity is inline with conservative material capitalism, he is not following the altruistic principles outlined by Jesus Christ.

If you were looking for someone to be most Christ-like you missed the boat by not electing Mitt in 2012.

And strangely, he also knows how to write a business plan.

Obama can't understand a business plan.

I am not looking for a Christ-like figure to run for the presidency but if I were, it would not be a rich man like Romney! Material things are of little consequence to a true Christian.

Business plan? Are you suggesting that a Christ like figure should know how to write a business plan? And what misfiring synapse in your brain caused you to come up with the notion that Obama does not know how to write a business plan..? As if that matters!
No, you have exceeded all expectations in regard to "screwiness." Let's stay with my post above and keep it real! Ok ? I did not mention race. You did! The word "bigot" can be used to describe a plethora of prejudices and is not necessarily restricted to race. Nevertheless, I will humor you. Even if I am referring to race my premise is axiomatic. USMB is full of racist comments from the RW. If you haven't noticed, hateful generalities abound and have been often cited as a way to gain REP by those who compete to be the most scornful of the Black race. Some of the biggest bigots on this board have the highest REP because they are rewarded for their verbal racism. Being keenly aware of the environment in which I am at liberty to post, it is for that reason I withdrew from the REP system. It is for that reason that any reference to race from me is help facilitate balance.

NOW, Desperation is setting in. White male Republicans have been rejected twice by We The People in the last two elections. Sensing backlash from the "economy wrecking Bush crew", the Republican constituency finally realized a minority surrogate was needed; preferably a Black "conservative."

While Ben Carson has been endorsed by Sean Hannity
and some of the RW laity, I don't believe the southern based Republican core would get behind him. And although his professed Christianity is inline with conservative material capitalism, he is not following the altruistic principles outlined by Jesus Christ.

If you were looking for someone to be most Christ-like you missed the boat by not electing Mitt in 2012.

And strangely, he also knows how to write a business plan.

Obama can't understand a business plan.

I am not looking for a Christ-like figure to run for the presidency but if I were, it would not be a rich man like Romney! Material things are of little consequence to a true Christian.

Business plan? Are you suggesting that a Christ like figure should know how to write a business plan? And what misfiring synapse in your brain caused you to come up with the notion that Obama does not know how to write a business plan..? As if that matters!
You're not looking for ANY kind of figure to run. You've found your messiah.
If you were looking for someone to be most Christ-like you missed the boat by not electing Mitt in 2012.

And strangely, he also knows how to write a business plan.

Obama can't understand a business plan.

I am not looking for a Christ-like figure to run for the presidency but if I were, it would not be a rich man like Romney! Material things are of little consequence to a true Christian.

Business plan? Are you suggesting that a Christ like figure should know how to write a business plan? And what misfiring synapse in your brain caused you to come up with the notion that Obama does not know how to write a business plan..? As if that matters!
You're not looking for ANY kind of figure to run. You've found your messiah.

As stupid and hatefull as your statement is ..there is SOME truth to it. The dems did find someone worthy of being the president. The GOP has not in many cycles. They have hoisted clowns and demigods up on the platform that have no business running the country. Reagan, Bush..and his son were terrible for our country. McCain is clearly a mentally twisted man and the thought of Palin a heartbeat from the Oval office was a deal killer. The GOP is run by some really bad people now...with worse people egging them on... our tea baggers. Loose cannons with zero comon sense .. The repugletts don't understand that Mormans are a cult built on theft and lies. Putting Romney in the breach was just more evidense that the christian fascists don't respect the American public. Now somehow we have managed to pull ourselves back from the brink of total economic ruin with absolutely no help from these nasty hatefull people. Still they bray on like heyenas with the hatefull lies and hubris. The GOP just doesn't get it. They haven't for a very long time. They are at their core an embarrassment to our nation and to history. Ya Obama is a weak president ...but they made him weak as they promised they would. They REALLY do think we are stupid and don't remember their threats to bring Obama down and with him our country. These are really some very bad people.
I am not looking for a Christ-like figure to run for the presidency but if I were, it would not be a rich man like Romney! Material things are of little consequence to a true Christian.

Business plan? Are you suggesting that a Christ like figure should know how to write a business plan? And what misfiring synapse in your brain caused you to come up with the notion that Obama does not know how to write a business plan..? As if that matters!
You're not looking for ANY kind of figure to run. You've found your messiah.

As stupid and hatefull as your statement is ..there is SOME truth to it. The dems did find someone worthy of being the president. The GOP has not in many cycles. They have hoisted clowns and demigods up on the platform that have no business running the country. Reagan, Bush..and his son were terrible for our country. McCain is clearly a mentally twisted man and the thought of Palin a heartbeat from the Oval office was a deal killer. The GOP is run by some really bad people now...with worse people egging them on... our tea baggers. Loose cannons with zero comon sense .. The repugletts don't understand that Mormans are a cult built on theft and lies. Putting Romney in the breach was just more evidense that the christian fascists don't respect the American public. Now somehow we have managed to pull ourselves back from the brink of total economic ruin with absolutely no help from these nasty hatefull people. Still they bray on like heyenas with the hatefull lies and hubris. The GOP just doesn't get it. They haven't for a very long time. They are at their core an embarrassment to our nation and to history. Ya Obama is a weak president ...but they made him weak as they promised they would. They REALLY do think we are stupid and don't remember their threats to bring Obama down and with him our country. These are really some very bad people.

The bolded: that was the best sentence, imo.
Perhaps , for many of you on the right, it is a good thing Ben Carson isn’t a member of USMB. I wonder how valuable he would consider your endorsements if he knew how foul some of you have been in castigating the entire Black community at every turn? He is part of that community whether you or he likes it or not?

Frankly, I am surprised by the amicable support some of you have for Ben. I see some avatars here that have been associated with nothing less than the most jaded opinions about Blacks. Ten years ago Ben would likely have been just another “Negro” to many of you right wangers. Over 50 years ago Malcolm X said on live TV to a “highly educated Black “conservative of the day: “You know what they call a Black PHD don’t you?” The man didn’t have a clue so Malcolm schooled him. The N word exploded from Malcolm’s lips and startled millions of TV watchers; including his naive target.

Ben Carson would be a good candidate for the Republicans but I doubt if he would win if his campaign is to be based on the archaic Republican ideals marked by Reaganism and Bushism.. This is a new day and a new demographic. Until someone on the right realigns the Republican agenda with the WIll of The People, their presidential hopes may never be realized again!
If the "will of the people" is food stamps, $25 per hour wages at McDonalds and hand outs, this Country is doomed anyway. Because sooner or later the money is going to run out. You liberals are destroying this country to get a few votes.

I am not an advocate of $25 per hour minimum wage at McDonalds unless you are their computer technician or something on that order. But I would say that a $10 per hour minimum wage for a burger flipper/ short order chef/cash register qualified/ janitor/ order taker would be fair. With all that multi-tasking going on they are worth at least that much.
I doubt if the money runs out ... those fast food joints are making extraordinary profits.

Handouts would not be necessary if a high enough wage was paid.

Last but not least, a high minimum wage would not destroy this country. On the contrary, such a wage would stimulate the economy and keep it healthy. WHY? Because workers spend those dollars on goods and services. Economics 101!

Raise the minimum wage to 10 bucks an hour, provide for an inflation adjustment every year or two or whatever,

and that's the end of it.
Ben Carson on the view May 20 2014

[ame=]Dr. Ben Carson on 'The View': Running for President 'Not Something that I Desire to Do' - YouTube[/ame]
If the "will of the people" is food stamps, $25 per hour wages at McDonalds and hand outs, this Country is doomed anyway. Because sooner or later the money is going to run out. You liberals are destroying this country to get a few votes.

I am not an advocate of $25 per hour minimum wage at McDonalds unless you are their computer technician or something on that order. But I would say that a $10 per hour minimum wage for a burger flipper/ short order chef/cash register qualified/ janitor/ order taker would be fair. With all that multi-tasking going on they are worth at least that much.
I doubt if the money runs out ... those fast food joints are making extraordinary profits.

Handouts would not be necessary if a high enough wage was paid.

Last but not least, a high minimum wage would not destroy this country. On the contrary, such a wage would stimulate the economy and keep it healthy. WHY? Because workers spend those dollars on goods and services. Economics 101!

Raise the minimum wage to 10 bucks an hour, provide for an inflation adjustment every year or two or whatever,

and that's the end of it.

Bullshit, high school kids with no skills doesn't deserve ten bucks an hour. Half the time they can't even get a simple order right.

You people are too stupid for words.
If the "will of the people" is food stamps, $25 per hour wages at McDonalds and hand outs, this Country is doomed anyway. Because sooner or later the money is going to run out. You liberals are destroying this country to get a few votes.

I am not an advocate of $25 per hour minimum wage at McDonalds unless you are their computer technician or something on that order. But I would say that a $10 per hour minimum wage for a burger flipper/ short order chef/cash register qualified/ janitor/ order taker would be fair. With all that multi-tasking going on they are worth at least that much.
I doubt if the money runs out ... those fast food joints are making extraordinary profits.

Handouts would not be necessary if a high enough wage was paid.

Last but not least, a high minimum wage would not destroy this country. On the contrary, such a wage would stimulate the economy and keep it healthy. WHY? Because workers spend those dollars on goods and services. Economics 101!

Raise the minimum wage to 10 bucks an hour, provide for an inflation adjustment every year or two or whatever,

and that's the end of it.

I like the way the Aussies do it with a graduated minimum wage. Teens don't make as much as adults.
Any raise in the minimum wage now with this stagnant economy will hurt job growth.
But we all know the real reason Democrats support a raise.
ALL union contracts are set on multiples of the minimum wage.
If people understood how hard it is now to run a small business where they have to make payroll, pay half the social security of their employees, have to pay taxes and MAKE A PROFIT they would understand.
Problem is liberals do not care about small business owners.
I am not an advocate of $25 per hour minimum wage at McDonalds unless you are their computer technician or something on that order. But I would say that a $10 per hour minimum wage for a burger flipper/ short order chef/cash register qualified/ janitor/ order taker would be fair. With all that multi-tasking going on they are worth at least that much.
I doubt if the money runs out ... those fast food joints are making extraordinary profits.

Handouts would not be necessary if a high enough wage was paid.

Last but not least, a high minimum wage would not destroy this country. On the contrary, such a wage would stimulate the economy and keep it healthy. WHY? Because workers spend those dollars on goods and services. Economics 101!

Raise the minimum wage to 10 bucks an hour, provide for an inflation adjustment every year or two or whatever,

and that's the end of it.

Bullshit, high school kids with no skills doesn't deserve ten bucks an hour. Half the time they can't even get a simple order right.

You people are too stupid for words.

It's up to the employer to hire people who can do the job, whether it's for 10 bucks an hour or 100.
I am not an advocate of $25 per hour minimum wage at McDonalds unless you are their computer technician or something on that order. But I would say that a $10 per hour minimum wage for a burger flipper/ short order chef/cash register qualified/ janitor/ order taker would be fair. With all that multi-tasking going on they are worth at least that much.
I doubt if the money runs out ... those fast food joints are making extraordinary profits.

Handouts would not be necessary if a high enough wage was paid.

Last but not least, a high minimum wage would not destroy this country. On the contrary, such a wage would stimulate the economy and keep it healthy. WHY? Because workers spend those dollars on goods and services. Economics 101!

Raise the minimum wage to 10 bucks an hour, provide for an inflation adjustment every year or two or whatever,

and that's the end of it.

I like the way the Aussies do it with a graduated minimum wage. Teens don't make as much as adults.

Australian enforcement of the minimum wage is slim and none, none in all the remote areas.
Feel good law to appease down under.
Just sayin............
Raise the minimum wage to 10 bucks an hour, provide for an inflation adjustment every year or two or whatever,

and that's the end of it.

I like the way the Aussies do it with a graduated minimum wage. Teens don't make as much as adults.

Australian enforcement of the minimum wage is slim and none, none in all the remote areas.
Feel good law to appease down under.
Just sayin............

why dont left-wing nutjobs buy out all fast-food franchises and pay the workers $20/hour "living wages"?

cuz libs are whining losers with no real solutions?

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