Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

" Support affirmative action and its improvements
I support the current system and improvements to the current system, keeping in mind that while we have done very well in affirmative action at our universities across this country, I look at our boardrooms across the country, I look at NBC, CNBC, Fox, all these stations, all the corporate, corporate companies-and I don't see affirmative action necessarily being practiced there when I look at the management, when I look at the leadership, when I look at those who have a decision-making role.
Source: 2006 Maryland Senate debate on Meet the Press Oct 29, 2006

Affirmative action programs still necessary to close divides
Q: Are federal affirmative action programs necessary and effective?

A: Studies show enormous disparities still exist in education, healthcare, employment and economic opportunities along racial lines in the United States. I believe programs are still necessary to help close these divides. I support giving people opportunities. Programs must be fair to all Marylanders - of every color - and they should focus on economic empowerment"

Michael Steele on Civil Rights
It appears Ben Carson is getting MORE VETTED on USMB than the Manchurian muslim got being vetted by the entire MSM!

How does a guy who had a troubled childhood and a mother on food stamps, afford to go to Yale right out of high school? I noticed those details seem pretty vague. Is it possible the he benefited from the very programs that he now rails against?
Got anything to base that on besides your obvious desire to smear the man?
It appears Ben Carson is getting MORE VETTED on USMB than the Manchurian muslim got being vetted by the entire MSM!

Ben Carson scares the shit out of the left. We ain't seen nothin' yet.

Yes, it's difficult playing the Race Card against a party that would have a "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."
funny how if you're a conservative black = you're trash and we can attack you. BUT, if you're a leftist like Obama and black = you better not attack him, you racist! You go on a campaign against your opposition calling them racist, racist and racist. You people suck.

Who is attacking Carson?
funny how if you're a conservative black = you're trash and we can attack you. BUT, if you're a leftist like Obama and black = you better not attack him, you racist! You go on a campaign against your opposition calling them racist, racist and racist. You people suck.

Liberals are called 'racist' on this forum almost every day simply for disagreeing politically with black conservatives.

Learn to read.

And amazingly, you STILL haven't figured out that it's because they're rubbing your own words back in your face, that they're purposely screaming "racist" completely out of context, gleefully giving you a taste of your own medicine, all in ironic reaction to the behavior of the PC Police day after day after day after day.

Maybe this will sink in at some point.


We call racism when we see it, they are, according to you, just babbling. Thank you for pointing that out.
funny how if you're a conservative black = you're trash and we can attack you. BUT, if you're a leftist like Obama and black = you better not attack him, you racist! You go on a campaign against your opposition calling them racist, racist and racist. You people suck.

Who is attacking Carson?

No one.

The satan worshipers attacked him for being christian in the first few posts of this thread.
It appears Ben Carson is getting MORE VETTED on USMB than the Manchurian muslim got being vetted by the entire MSM!

Ben Carson scares the shit out of the left. We ain't seen nothin' yet.

Yes, it's difficult playing the Race Card against a party that would have a "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

We play the race card when we see racism. Racists cannot stand being called on it. Enough said.
If you want a president with no qualifications or experience, look no further than the WH.

That's a lie. Obama has more experience than any potential candidate out there. 6 years to be exact!!
Not when he first ran in 08. He had zero executive experience running any kind of government.

Did you notice that the "repug" was speaking in present tense? I responded accordingly. NOW...TODAY... Obama is more experienced than any of the contenders for the US presidency... fair enough???
That's a lie. Obama has more experience than any potential candidate out there. 6 years to be exact!!
Not when he first ran in 08. He had zero executive experience running any kind of government.

Did you notice that Steve was speaking in present tense? I responded accordingly. NOW...TODAY... Obama is more experienced than any of the contenders for the US presidency... fair enough???
Yes, I agree Obama is more experienced than anyone else at fucking up the country.
Considering how top heavy the Republican Party is with bigots, I have to agree with you!.
Most don't want a Black man as President of the USA even if he agrees with them and is a model citizen!

Then why is it that the LWers who seem to dwell on race in forums such as USMB, almost always turn out to be Libs who are actually struggling with their own racist feelings?


I hope I matched your screwiness.

No, you have exceeded all expectations in regard to "screwiness." Let's stay with my post above and keep it real! Ok ? I did not mention race. You did! The word "bigot" can be used to describe a plethora of prejudices and is not necessarily restricted to race. Nevertheless, I will humor you. Even if I am referring to race my premise is axiomatic. USMB is full of racist comments from the RW. If you haven't noticed, hateful generalities abound and have been often cited as a way to gain REP by those who compete to be the most scornful of the Black race. Some of the biggest bigots on this board have the highest REP because they are rewarded for their verbal racism. Being keenly aware of the environment in which I am at liberty to post, it is for that reason I withdrew from the REP system. It is for that reason that any reference to race from me is help facilitate balance.

NOW, Desperation is setting in. White male Republicans have been rejected twice by We The People in the last two elections. Sensing backlash from the "economy wrecking Bush crew", the Republican constituency finally realized a minority surrogate was needed; preferably a Black "conservative."

While Ben Carson has been endorsed by Sean Hannity
and some of the RW laity, I don't believe the southern based Republican core would get behind him. And although his professed Christianity is inline with conservative material capitalism, he is not following the altruistic principles outlined by Jesus Christ.

If you were looking for someone to be most Christ-like you missed the boat by not electing Mitt in 2012.

And strangely, he also knows how to write a business plan.

Obama can't understand a business plan.
If you want a president with no qualifications or experience, look no further than the WH.

That's a lie. Obama has more experience than any potential candidate out there. 6 years to be exact! Wanna dispute that? heh heh heh!


When was that picture taken? It looks like Obama has just finished kicking Romney's butt completely out of the presidential picture.... nothing wrong with that!... heh heh heh! Those four caskets would better symbolize the presidential hopes of McCain, Ron Paul, Romney and Palin.
That's a lie. Obama has more experience than any potential candidate out there. 6 years to be exact!!
Not when he first ran in 08. He had zero executive experience running any kind of government.

Did you notice that Steve was speaking in present tense? I responded accordingly. NOW...TODAY... Obama is more experienced than any of the contenders for the US presidency... fair enough???

Yeah, but he's been a failure as a POTUS.


RUSH: Pete Wehner, Commentary Magazine, "Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure." Just some pull quotes here. "It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure.

Choose your metrics.

Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation." Failure.

"Economic growth." Failure.

"Improving our health-care system." Failure.

"Reducing the debt." Failure.

"Reducing poverty." Failure.

"Reducing income inequality." Failure.

"Slowing the rise of the oceans." Failure.

"Healing the planet." Failure.

"Repairing the world." Failure.

"The Russian 'reset.'" Failure.

"Peace in the Middle East." Failure.

"Red lines in Syria." Failure.

"Renewed focus on Afghanistan." Failure. "

A new beginning with the Arab world." Failure.

"Better relations with our allies." Failure.

"Depolarizing our politics." Big failure.

"Putting an end to the type of politics that 'breeds division and conflict and cynicism.'" Failure.

"Working with the other party." Failure.

"Transparency," i.e., honesty. Failure.

"No lobbyists working in his administration." Failure.

"His commitment to seek public financing in the general election." Failure. "

The list goes on and on.

"Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as president.

It shows.

He has been overmatched by events right from the start.

He is an excellent campaigner but unusually inept when it comes to governing."

Man, this is the Limbaugh Theorem, is it not?

This is the Limbaugh Theorem to a tee and Mr. Wehner has swerved into it.

He survives by constantly campaigning against what he has caused.

He makes it look like he is opposed to what's happening, except he is the one making it happen.

He does not govern.

He cannot be seen as governing.

That's the point of the Limbaugh Theorem.

Obama's non-accountability rests on the fact that he's not seen as governing.

He's seen as campaigning and being constantly against all of this stuff. But this line, "Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as president."

How did we get here then? Because I maintain that it was known in 2008 that he was among the least prepared to ever seek the presidency.

So why is it that some only now, in 2014, feel comfortable saying so? Well, there are all kinds of answers for that.

Do you remember David Brooks?

David Brooks, one of the learned class, a conservative columnist of the New York Times, remember what he said: Obama's crease in his slacks told him that he was going to be a great president.

And I am not making that up. We had our own intellectual class fail us by signing on to this, because Obama was one of them.

He was a Harvard man.

He was a Columbia man.

He was the first African-American president.

He could speak.

He could articulate.

He sounded intellectual.

He sounded smart.

He sounded erudite.

He sounded sophisticated.

He sounds like us, they said.

But, if it is safe to say that he was among the least prepared men to ever serve as president today, it was true in 2007 and it was true in 2008, because there has been nothing that has changed.

It has only gotten worse. The New York Times has their own version of the Washington Post's.

Gotta take a break here, but there's another attempt at Time Magazine: "Obama's Foreign Policy Failures Are Proving His Critics Right."


It's Suddenly Cool to Use the Word "Fail" - The Rush Limbaugh Show
That's a lie. Obama has more experience than any potential candidate out there. 6 years to be exact! Wanna dispute that? heh heh heh!


When was that picture taken? It looks like Obama has just finished kicking Romney's butt completely out of the presidential picture.... nothing wrong with that!... heh heh heh! Those four caskets would better symbolize the presidential hopes of McCain, Ron Paul, Romney and Palin.
They represent the soldiers coming home dead from a war he promised to end if we elected him. He lied.
How does a guy who had a troubled childhood and a mother on food stamps, afford to go to Yale right out of high school? I noticed those details seem pretty vague. Is it possible the he benefited from the very programs that he now rails against?
Got anything to base that on besides your obvious desire to smear the man?

Are you blind? Phoenixops just posted an array of posts addressing AA and how it benefitted not only Ben Carson but Clarence Thomas as well! Perhaps your tunnel vision is caused by having your head up your arse!
How does a guy who had a troubled childhood and a mother on food stamps, afford to go to Yale right out of high school? I noticed those details seem pretty vague. Is it possible the he benefited from the very programs that he now rails against?
Got anything to base that on besides your obvious desire to smear the man?

Are you blind? Phoenixops just posted an array of posts addressing AA and how it benefitted not only Ben Carson but Clarence Thomas as well! Perhaps your tunnel vision is caused by having your head up your arse!
"An array of posts"? Anything besides his opinion?

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