Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

A great guy but hasn't the charisma or passion to win. I hope he finds a place in Congress. The GOP needs his voice, commonsense, intelligence, and experience in the medical field.
Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

A great guy but hasn't the charisma or passion to win. I hope he finds a place in Congress. The GOP needs his voice, commonsense, intelligence, and experience in the medical field.

Agreed...saw him on MTP a word, underwhelming.
Raise the minimum wage to 10 bucks an hour, provide for an inflation adjustment every year or two or whatever,

and that's the end of it.

Bullshit, high school kids with no skills doesn't deserve ten bucks an hour. Half the time they can't even get a simple order right.

You people are too stupid for words.

It's up to the employer to hire people who can do the job, whether it's for 10 bucks an hour or 100.

No it's up to the employer to pay his employee what he or she is worth and to ignore you liberal dumbasses who doesn't have a clue how a business is run.
Bullshit, high school kids with no skills doesn't deserve ten bucks an hour. Half the time they can't even get a simple order right.

You people are too stupid for words.

It's up to the employer to hire people who can do the job, whether it's for 10 bucks an hour or 100.

No it's up to the employer to pay his employee what he or she is worth and to ignore you liberal dumbasses who doesn't have a clue how a business is run.

^^^^ :thup: ( with the exception of the slander )
Ben Carson scares the shit out of the left. We ain't seen nothin' yet.

Yes, it's difficult playing the Race Card against a party that would have a "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

We play the race card when we see racism. Racists cannot stand being called on it. Enough said.

WE on the right LAUGH at the RACIST moniker, like calling "WOLF", and after all these years, the "TOWNSFOLK" laugh at you subversives for continually doing it.... On the other hand, IF Dr. Carson does become the nominee, we will revel in calling you people racists for your attacks on a GREAT MAN, for the simple fact that "KARMA IS A BITCH".... so keep yelling, child, I promise I'll only giggle instead of GAUWFING like others will!
Raise the minimum wage to 10 bucks an hour, provide for an inflation adjustment every year or two or whatever,

and that's the end of it.

Bullshit, high school kids with no skills doesn't deserve ten bucks an hour. Half the time they can't even get a simple order right.

You people are too stupid for words.

It's up to the employer to hire people who can do the job, whether it's for 10 bucks an hour or 100.

No shit.
Some jobs are NOT worth $10 a hour and some employees are not worth $5 a hour.
Bullshit, high school kids with no skills doesn't deserve ten bucks an hour. Half the time they can't even get a simple order right.

You people are too stupid for words.

It's up to the employer to hire people who can do the job, whether it's for 10 bucks an hour or 100.

No shit.
Some jobs are NOT worth $10 a hour and some employees are not worth $5 a hour.
MOST of them aren't.
Bullshit, high school kids with no skills doesn't deserve ten bucks an hour. Half the time they can't even get a simple order right.

You people are too stupid for words.

It's up to the employer to hire people who can do the job, whether it's for 10 bucks an hour or 100.

No shit.
Some jobs are NOT worth $10 a hour and some employees are not worth $5 a hour.

I personally have known of employees making minimum wage, who are being overpaid.

Also, many others who work for $10. an hour in the busy tourist season, 5 months a year when many tourists are in town and those same employees who make the same amount in those stores for 7 months a year, when few consumers are in town and the employees get to be online all day while they do little more than keep the doors open.
Then there are employees that we pay 400k a year to golf, take dozens of vacations on our dime, spend our money on self aggrandizing projects, and solicit donations to himself and his political party.
How does a guy who had a troubled childhood and a mother on food stamps, afford to go to Yale right out of high school? I noticed those details seem pretty vague. Is it possible the he benefited from the very programs that he now rails against?
Got anything to base that on besides your obvious desire to smear the man?

I have no desire to "smear the man", I just asked a question. I know parents who sent their children to high priced Ivy League colleges and they had to get a second mortgage to help pay for it. My questions still stand.
How does a guy who had a troubled childhood and a mother on food stamps, afford to go to Yale right out of high school? I noticed those details seem pretty vague. Is it possible the he benefited from the very programs that he now rails against?
Got anything to base that on besides your obvious desire to smear the man?

I have no desire to "smear the man", I just asked a question. I know parents who sent their children to high priced Ivy League colleges and they had to get a second mortgage to help pay for it. My questions still stand.

Do you have a link showing Carson railing against AA?

Beyond Affirmative Action
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Any raise in the minimum wage now with this stagnant economy will hurt job growth.
But we all know the real reason Democrats support a raise.
ALL union contracts are set on multiples of the minimum wage.
If people understood how hard it is now to run a small business where they have to make payroll, pay half the social security of their employees, have to pay taxes and MAKE A PROFIT they would understand.
Problem is liberals do not care about small business owners.
That's absolutely wrong.
Raise the minimum wage to 10 bucks an hour, provide for an inflation adjustment every year or two or whatever,

and that's the end of it.

I like the way the Aussies do it with a graduated minimum wage. Teens don't make as much as adults.

Australian enforcement of the minimum wage is slim and none, none in all the remote areas.
Feel good law to appease down under.
Just sayin............

I just got back from Australia.

Tell me all about it bub.

Never saw cleaner streets and happier, healthier people in my life.

Their infrastructure is amazing and nary a crappy vehicle in sight.
It's up to the employer to hire people who can do the job, whether it's for 10 bucks an hour or 100.

No shit.
Some jobs are NOT worth $10 a hour and some employees are not worth $5 a hour.

I personally have known of employees making minimum wage, who are being overpaid.

Also, many others who work for $10. an hour in the busy tourist season, 5 months a year when many tourists are in town and those same employees who make the same amount in those stores for 7 months a year, when few consumers are in town and the employees get to be online all day while they do little more than keep the doors open.


If it were the case that those businesses didn't see a value in keeping the doors open during that period? They wouldn't do it.
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Bullshit, high school kids with no skills doesn't deserve ten bucks an hour. Half the time they can't even get a simple order right.

You people are too stupid for words.

It's up to the employer to hire people who can do the job, whether it's for 10 bucks an hour or 100.

No shit.
Some jobs are NOT worth $10 a hour and some employees are not worth $5 a hour.

Why were they hired then?
Got anything to base that on besides your obvious desire to smear the man?

I have no desire to "smear the man", I just asked a question. I know parents who sent their children to high priced Ivy League colleges and they had to get a second mortgage to help pay for it. My questions still stand.

Do you have a link showing Carson railing against AA?

Beyond Affirmative Action

Most of the links were from conservative sites. I saw the video with his interview Greta , I actually think that he made good points. He seems to admit that he did benefit from Affirmative Action towards the end of the video. He made a good point about making a profile of the people who need help from all races. I'm sure many conservatives who want "government out of the way" may disagree with a government program that will most likely be pretty large. I think examples like Mr. Carson, Clarence Thomas, herman cain, show that Affirmative Action did facilitate the success of many people it was intended to help. Do you conservatives agree with Mr Carson's assertion that there should be a government program or programs to help disadvantaged people?

Fox Commentator Dr. Carson Hates Affirmative Action

Dr. Ben Carson is against affirmative action
Any raise in the minimum wage now with this stagnant economy will hurt job growth.
But we all know the real reason Democrats support a raise.
ALL union contracts are set on multiples of the minimum wage.
If people understood how hard it is now to run a small business where they have to make payroll, pay half the social security of their employees, have to pay taxes and MAKE A PROFIT they would understand.
Problem is liberals do not care about small business owners.

You see, it's actually kind of different. Most folks won't take a Min-wage job at this point because welfare pays better. A lot of these 'minimum wage jobs" have a hard time filling positions, and if anything, they are just hanging around long enough to get eligible again.

Frankly, I see help wanted signs in restaurants and such all the time, even with IL's higher than the national average. They can't fill those positions because they aren't desirable at that pay level.
Note to Republicans...Carson will never run for elected office. Not for dog catcher and not for President

There is too much money to be made playing the....Look at meek I am black and I hate liberal policies card
Note to Republicans...Carson will never run for elected office. Not for dog catcher and not for President

There is too much money to be made playing the....Look at meek I am black and I hate liberal policies card

Dr. Carson comes on Mark Levin's show in 5 minutes, I'll be interested in hearing him, but you subversives will have your heads explode if you moron listen in! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

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