Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

What a wonderful president, he'd make, beside being the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT!


Ben Carson is warming to the idea of running for president. Since the famous brain surgeon retired last year from Johns Hopkins Hospital, he’s been speaking around the country to enthusiastic audiences. And they’ve affected his thinking about seeking national office.

“Over the years, there have been many attempts to get me to throw my hat in the political arena,” Carson writes in his new book, One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America’s Future. “I have been offered support from around the country and tremendous financial resources if I decide to run for national office. But I have not felt the call to run.”

Carson writes that he suspects many others interested in high office would be better candidates. But in his book he has a caveat: “If I felt called by God to officially enter the world of politics, I would certainly not hesitate to do so.”

Interviewed this week, Carson said he’s “starting to feel it. Because every place I go, it’s unbelievable.” One lady “really touched me the other night … She just kept clinging to my hand and said, ‘You have to run. You have to run.’ And so many people tell me that, and so I think I’m starting to hear something.”.....

Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run | The Weekly Standard

I think that the system is too corrupt to even allow a man like Ben Carson into it. However, if he miraculously did get elected they would destroy him.

It would be a high tech lynching.
I like Ben Carson better than Sarah Palin or Donald Trump

But none of them will ever hold elective office
Guess you did not get the memo that Sarah Palin was the duly elected Governor of Alaska.

Oh, you mean that Sarah Palin, the one who quit half-way through her term to go make more money at FOX and on the TV circuit?
I like Ben Carson better than Sarah Palin or Donald Trump

But none of them will ever hold elective office
Guess you did not get the memo that Sarah Palin was the duly elected Governor of Alaska.

A Happy Meal and a Strawberry Shake could get elected Governor of Alaska. Nobody with her background would have gotten elected to ANY governership in the other 49 states.

Alaska is a wacky world of misfits. She ran her 1/2 term spending most of the time punishing her's and her relatives enemies. As well as putting the whole state on the dole to the oil companies. If she had been an elected official anywhere else she would have been arrested and gone to prison.

Sara's political history has been a joke. If you don't know Alaska you have no idea what a vindictive **** she was up there. Obviously there was zero vetting process when she was chosen VP. Sara is all about Sara. She has no business in national politics.

She is an idiot. She decided to "cut the budget" and sold the governors airplane. In Alaska the only way to get to many places is by air. That decision was idiotic. She is as dumb as a bag of doorknobs.

Having her a heartbeat away from the Oval Office was a dangerous experiment. She didn't get that far in U S politics by ANY personal merit. She was placed there by an extremely irrational decision by McCain's handlers.

She had no more "right" to be on the ticket than winning a lottory. That is how willfully ignorant our GOP has become... and they are proud of it. Astonishing!
If you were looking for someone to be most Christ-like you missed the boat by not electing Mitt in 2012.

And strangely, he also knows how to write a business plan.

Obama can't understand a business plan.

I am not looking for a Christ-like figure to run for the presidency but if I were, it would not be a rich man like Romney! Material things are of little consequence to a true Christian.

Business plan? Are you suggesting that a Christ like figure should know how to write a business plan? And what misfiring synapse in your brain caused you to come up with the notion that Obama does not know how to write a business plan..? As if that matters!
You're not looking for ANY kind of figure to run. You've found your messiah.
Yep, and His name is Jesus Christ.
Yes, it's difficult playing the Race Card against a party that would have a "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

We play the race card when we see racism. Racists cannot stand being called on it. Enough said.

WE on the right LAUGH at the RACIST moniker, like calling "WOLF", and after all these years, the "TOWNSFOLK" laugh at you subversives for continually doing it.... On the other hand, IF Dr. Carson does become the nominee, we will revel in calling you people racists for your attacks on a GREAT MAN, for the simple fact that "KARMA IS A BITCH".... so keep yelling, child, I promise I'll only giggle instead of GAUWFING like others will!

This is known as hiding your head in the sand.
I am not an advocate of $25 per hour minimum wage at McDonalds unless you are their computer technician or something on that order. But I would say that a $10 per hour minimum wage for a burger flipper/ short order chef/cash register qualified/ janitor/ order taker would be fair. With all that multi-tasking going on they are worth at least that much.
I doubt if the money runs out ... those fast food joints are making extraordinary profits.

Handouts would not be necessary if a high enough wage was paid.

Last but not least, a high minimum wage would not destroy this country. On the contrary, such a wage would stimulate the economy and keep it healthy. WHY? Because workers spend those dollars on goods and services. Economics 101!

Raise the minimum wage to 10 bucks an hour, provide for an inflation adjustment every year or two or whatever,

and that's the end of it.

Bullshit, high school kids with no skills doesn't deserve ten bucks an hour. Half the time they can't even get a simple order right.

You people are too stupid for words.

The profits made by fast food franchises contradict you. Who ever the employees are, high school kids or adults, they are doing something right.

But, since you were dumb enough to use that poor example to support your wild assumptions, my efforts to keep you from looking foolish have failed.
Black conservatives are labeled as Uncle Toms, sell outs and worse.
And the left leads the charge doing so.
And should be ashamed of themselves.

Well, When White Right Wing zealots use the term "LIBERAL" pejoratively, they do so with nearly the same exact connotation as some Blacks using the term "Uncle Tom."
Black conservatives are labeled as Uncle Toms, sell outs and worse.
And the left leads the charge doing so.
And should be ashamed of themselves.

Not by me.

I have never even once in my life called a Black Conservative an "Uncle Tom".

Not once.

I found Herman Cain's biography to be quite fascinating and think well of the man as a person, but as a candidate, he was not ready for prime time.

I hold Colin Powell in the higest of esteem and think he would make an outstanding president. For Colin Powell, I would vote Republican.

I think that Condoleeza Rice is brilliant. I just disagree with her worldview.

On the other hand, Alan Keyes is just batshit crazy. Not because he is black or even Conservative, but because HE is batshit crazy.

Every Lib I know has to my knowledge not even once called a Black Conservative an "Uncle Tom".

So, where do you get this generalization?
Black conservatives are labeled as Uncle Toms, sell outs and worse.
And the left leads the charge doing so.
And should be ashamed of themselves.

Not by me.

I have never even once in my life called a Black Conservative an "Uncle Tom".

Not once.

I found Herman Cain's biography to be quite fascinating and think well of the man as a person, but as a candidate, he was not ready for prime time.

I hold Colin Powell in the higest of esteem and think he would make an outstanding president. For Colin Powell, I would vote Republican.

I think that Condoleeza Rice is brilliant. I just disagree with her worldview.

On the other hand, Alan Keyes is just batshit crazy. Not because he is black or even Conservative, but because HE is batshit crazy.

Every Lib I know has to my knowledge not even once called a Black Conservative an "Uncle Tom".

So, where do you get this generalization?

uncle tom republican
1.2million hits have fun
I am not looking for a Christ-like figure to run for the presidency but if I were, it would not be a rich man like Romney! Material things are of little consequence to a true Christian.

Business plan? Are you suggesting that a Christ like figure should know how to write a business plan? And what misfiring synapse in your brain caused you to come up with the notion that Obama does not know how to write a business plan..? As if that matters!
You're not looking for ANY kind of figure to run. You've found your messiah.
Yep, and His name is Jesus Christ.
Yeah, I'm sure Jesus is really pleased with your head being up the ass of a man who fought to deny first aid to babies who survived partial birth abortions.
Black conservatives are labeled as Uncle Toms, sell outs and worse.
And the left leads the charge doing so.
And should be ashamed of themselves.


Stating the obvious is nothing to be ashamed of.

Frankly, even when I was a Republican, I always found black conservatives like Clarance Thomas and Alan Keyes a bit off-putting. Like they were trying to ingratiate themselves by running down their own.
What officially recognized spokesperson for all ‘the left’ has sanctioned referring to black conservatives as “Uncle Toms, sell outs and worse”?

This is the type of silly, nonsensical, intellectually dishonest question that makes it virtually impossible to communicate with partisan ideologues. As if some "official" person would do such a thing on any topic.

Let's see:

"Officially recognized spokesperson". What in the hell, precisely, is that? And please provide examples of such from the Right.

"All of the Left". What, precisely, does that mean, who would qualify, and please provide examples of such from the Right.

"Sanctioned". What, precisely, does that mean, who would qualify to do so, and please provide examples of such from the Right.

Wow, talk about vague, blanket, straw man, impossible-to-answer questions. Any right-winger could pose such a question and you could not answer it.

Just go ahead and deny that anyone on the Left would call a black conservative a Tom, a sellout, or worse. I'll first point you to JoeB, I'll suggest you leverage Google for examples (which I know you will not do), and then I'll laugh, because I know that abject denial in the face of the obvious is the hallmark of a partisan ideologue.


Black conservatives are labeled as Uncle Toms, sell outs and worse.
And the left leads the charge doing so.
And should be ashamed of themselves.

According to whom?

What officially recognized spokesperson for all ‘the left’ has sanctioned referring to black conservatives as “Uncle Toms, sell outs and worse”?
If you do not denounce it, you approve of it.

That is what we are told whenever some nut case like Todd Aiken ingests his feet, anyways.
What officially recognized spokesperson for all ‘the left’ has sanctioned referring to black conservatives as “Uncle Toms, sell outs and worse”?

This is the type of silly, nonsensical, intellectually dishonest question that makes it virtually impossible to communicate with partisan ideologues. As if some "official" person would do such a thing on any topic.

Let's see:

"Officially recognized spokesperson". What in the hell, precisely, is that? And please provide examples of such from the Right.

"All of the Left". What, precisely, does that mean, who would qualify, and please provide examples of such from the Right.

"Sanctioned". What, precisely, does that mean, who would qualify to do so, and please provide examples of such from the Right.

Wow, talk about vague, blanket, straw man, impossible-to-answer questions. Any right-winger could pose such a question and you could not answer it.

Just go ahead and deny that anyone on the Left would call a black conservative a Tom, a sellout, or worse. I'll first point you to JoeB, I'll suggest you leverage Google for examples (which I know you will not do), and then I'll laugh, because I know that abject denial in the face of the obvious is the hallmark of a partisan ideologue.



that's their game...
but when a Republican says something it's the whole party they speak for
What officially recognized spokesperson for all ‘the left’ has sanctioned referring to black conservatives as “Uncle Toms, sell outs and worse”?

This is the type of silly, nonsensical, intellectually dishonest question that makes it virtually impossible to communicate with partisan ideologues. As if some "official" person would do such a thing on any topic.

Let's see:

"Officially recognized spokesperson". What in the hell, precisely, is that? And please provide examples of such from the Right.

"All of the Left". What, precisely, does that mean, who would qualify, and please provide examples of such from the Right.

"Sanctioned". What, precisely, does that mean, who would qualify to do so, and please provide examples of such from the Right.

Wow, talk about vague, blanket, straw man, impossible-to-answer questions. Any right-winger could pose such a question and you could not answer it.

Just go ahead and deny that anyone on the Left would call a black conservative a Tom, a sellout, or worse. I'll first point you to JoeB, I'll suggest you leverage Google for examples (which I know you will not do), and then I'll laugh, because I know that abject denial in the face of the obvious is the hallmark of a partisan ideologue.



Joe B is a registered Republican in Illinois.

So if I'm the best example you have of "the left", you are really kind of grasping.

But just for shits and grins, I did google "Ben Carson Uncle Tom". And guess what, all I had to do was type in "Ben Carson Un" and it auto-completed.

And all the links are to right wing sources reporting that Carson denies being an Uncle Tom.

Here's one of the few Left Wing Sources, though.

Dear Ben Carson, When A Person Has to Deny Being an Uncle Tom, It Usually Means They Are One

Ben Carson's tired suggestion that black people who are Democrats are "slaves" on a plantation is part of a racist political imaginary wherein free blacks and others were imagined as child-like, not fit for freedom, and whose race made them incompatible with democracy. African-Americans fought for and took their liberty in a freedom struggle which lasted for centuries. This monumental freedom struggle has served as an inspiration for people around the world.

Ben Carson's success and opportunities stand on the shoulders of those honored ancestors: he smites them, spitting in the face of their legacy, every time he regurgitates the Right-wing talking point that African-Americans are on a "plantation" called the Democratic Party.

Black Conservatives move from holding positions of principled political difference, and crossing over to being human props and mascots for the White Right, when they disparage the political decision-making of other black folks. To the degree that Black Conservatives have any sense of linked fate with other African-Americans--I would suggest that from the post Reagan era forward, such a sense of connection is very much in doubt--they could give a reasonable answer that does not mock other black people's wisdom, common sense, or political values.

Well said!
From what I've seen of Dr. Carson, he's an inspirational example of what you can accomplish in America if you work hard and stick to principles that are time tested and proven. The story of how his mother, with her 3rd grade education, worked so hard to raise him and instill in him the importance of education is a testament for the road to success.

He seems to be a good man and would make a good inspirational leader.

Unfortunately, he seems to be too good for the cesspool of the District of Corruption. He'd be eaten alive by the slimy liberal media. He'd be a babe in a woodland filled with political wolves. If he is the man of principles he appears to be, he wouldn't take to being handled and managed by political advisors and media handlers.

It pains me to say it but America has sunk too low for a man like Dr. Carson. Everything good and decent is open game for ridicule in today's America.

"Poverty is really more of a choice more than anything else".
--Dr. Ben Carson

It's quotes like that which will assure Ben Carson never becomes President.

Because people don't want to hear the truth.

Telling the truth never gets a politician anywhere
What officially recognized spokesperson for all ‘the left’ has sanctioned referring to black conservatives as “Uncle Toms, sell outs and worse”?

This is the type of silly, nonsensical, intellectually dishonest question that makes it virtually impossible to communicate with partisan ideologues. As if some "official" person would do such a thing on any topic.

Let's see:

"Officially recognized spokesperson". What in the hell, precisely, is that? And please provide examples of such from the Right.

"All of the Left". What, precisely, does that mean, who would qualify, and please provide examples of such from the Right.

"Sanctioned". What, precisely, does that mean, who would qualify to do so, and please provide examples of such from the Right.

Wow, talk about vague, blanket, straw man, impossible-to-answer questions. Any right-winger could pose such a question and you could not answer it.

Just go ahead and deny that anyone on the Left would call a black conservative a Tom, a sellout, or worse. I'll first point you to JoeB, I'll suggest you leverage Google for examples (which I know you will not do), and then I'll laugh, because I know that abject denial in the face of the obvious is the hallmark of a partisan ideologue.



Joe B is a registered Republican in Illinois.

So if I'm the best example you have of "the left", you are really kind of grasping.

But just for shits and grins, I did google "Ben Carson Uncle Tom". And guess what, all I had to do was type in "Ben Carson Un" and it auto-completed.

And all the links are to right wing sources reporting that Carson denies being an Uncle Tom.

Here's one of the few Left Wing Sources, though.

Dear Ben Carson, When A Person Has to Deny Being an Uncle Tom, It Usually Means They Are One

Ben Carson's tired suggestion that black people who are Democrats are "slaves" on a plantation is part of a racist political imaginary wherein free blacks and others were imagined as child-like, not fit for freedom, and whose race made them incompatible with democracy. African-Americans fought for and took their liberty in a freedom struggle which lasted for centuries. This monumental freedom struggle has served as an inspiration for people around the world.

Ben Carson's success and opportunities stand on the shoulders of those honored ancestors: he smites them, spitting in the face of their legacy, every time he regurgitates the Right-wing talking point that African-Americans are on a "plantation" called the Democratic Party.

Black Conservatives move from holding positions of principled political difference, and crossing over to being human props and mascots for the White Right, when they disparage the political decision-making of other black folks. To the degree that Black Conservatives have any sense of linked fate with other African-Americans--I would suggest that from the post Reagan era forward, such a sense of connection is very much in doubt--they could give a reasonable answer that does not mock other black people's wisdom, common sense, or political values.

Well said!

Yes, Joe, you're a great example of the Left, whether you're "registered as a Republican" or as a Martian.

And thanks for yet another example of my point.


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