Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

Black conservatives are labeled as Uncle Toms, sell outs and worse.
And the left leads the charge doing so.
And should be ashamed of themselves.

According to whom?

What officially recognized spokesperson for all ‘the left’ has sanctioned referring to black conservatives as “Uncle Toms, sell outs and worse”?
If you do not denounce it, you approve of it.

That is what we are told whenever some nut case like Todd Aiken ingests his feet, anyways.

Denouce what?

It is an opinion that these black conservatives are selling out in order to obtain lucrative careers on the Conservative lecture circuit

I happen to agree

Yes, Joe, you're a great example of the Left, whether you're "registered as a Republican" or as a Martian.

And thanks for yet another example of my point.


Guy, the only point you have is on your head.

You seem incapable of seeing why most blacks see Carson as a major league Uncle Tom.

Correct me if I'm wrong but an Uncle Tom is any black person that strays off the Democrat plantation.
All I know is if the only experience you need to be President is being a nobody newly minted Senator of Congress (Warren just like Obama was) or a CAREER politician who has done nothing outstanding in it but suck the life out of us taxpayers (Hillary)...

I'll vote for Dr. Carson

Yes, Joe, you're a great example of the Left, whether you're "registered as a Republican" or as a Martian.

And thanks for yet another example of my point.


Guy, the only point you have is on your head.

You seem incapable of seeing why most blacks see Carson as a major league Uncle Tom.

Correct me if I'm wrong but an Uncle Tom is any black person that strays off the Democrat plantation.

Well, you're wrong.

Here, I'll help you out.

An Uncle Tom is a black guy who helps white folks validate their bigotry by saying, "Yeah, Boss, we sure is shiftless. We need to be more like you."

Carson fits the bill to a tee. He never would have gotten into medical school if someone hadn't forced affirmative action on them. Yet he's happy to speak to groups of white folks about how dependent other blacks are.
personally i like the man, but i do not believe he should run for prez, the ****** in the white house now has ruined the chances of any black man for the next 50+ years. :up:
Black conservatives are labeled as Uncle Toms, sell outs and worse.
And the left leads the charge doing so.
And should be ashamed of themselves.


Stating the obvious is nothing to be ashamed of.

Frankly, even when I was a Republican, I always found black conservatives like Clarance Thomas and Alan Keyes a bit off-putting. Like they were trying to ingratiate themselves by running down their own.

You dumbasses do not even know what an Uncle Tom is.
How has Thomas or Carson ever "run down their own"?
You want blacks subservient to YOU and your support of government control over them from cradle to grave.
Conservatives believe in the freedom and the power of THE INDIVIDUAL, be they black or white.
Carson and Thomas are examples of just that and there is no shortage of those like you and many blacks that are jealous and envious of their earned successes.
According to whom?

What officially recognized spokesperson for all ‘the left’ has sanctioned referring to black conservatives as “Uncle Toms, sell outs and worse”?
If you do not denounce it, you approve of it.

That is what we are told whenever some nut case like Todd Aiken ingests his feet, anyways.

Denouce what?

It is an opinion that these black conservatives are selling out in order to obtain lucrative careers on the Conservative lecture circuit

I happen to agree

What are they "selling out"?
Specifics please.
White liberals can not stand a black man that is more successful than they are unless they are also a liberal.
How many whites do they call "selling out" if they are conservative?
You dumbasses do not even know what an Uncle Tom is.
How has Thomas or Carson ever "run down their own"?
You want blacks subservient to YOU and your support of government control over them from cradle to grave.
Conservatives believe in the freedom and the power of THE INDIVIDUAL, be they black or white.
Carson and Thomas are examples of just that and there is no shortage of those like you and many blacks that are jealous and envious of their earned successes.

Whenever I hear a wingnut talk about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of those with power and money to abuse those without power and money.

Carson and Thomas run down their own all the time, and they are pretty much despised for doing it. Neither one of them would be where they are without affirmative action and the willingness to suck up to Whitey.
One thing has been put to rest:
"The Tea Party speaks for the Republican Party"
That large lie spread by liberals has been proven false yesterday by a WIDE margin.
Same as all black conservatives are "uncle Toms" and "sell outs"
Catch phrases are all the left has, they have no solutions.
personally i like the man, but i do not believe he should run for prez, the ****** in the white house now has ruined the chances of any black man for the next 50+ years. :up:

Mac? Mac? Are you going to complain about this guy? Mac?

stop being a baby
he like you speak only for deal with it

No, you see, Mac whines all day about how "political correctness" is keeping people from speaking their minds and has everyone afraid of being called a racist.

But yet oddly, he's completely absent when there is a case of outright racism like this.

You dumbasses do not even know what an Uncle Tom is.
How has Thomas or Carson ever "run down their own"?
You want blacks subservient to YOU and your support of government control over them from cradle to grave.
Conservatives believe in the freedom and the power of THE INDIVIDUAL, be they black or white.
Carson and Thomas are examples of just that and there is no shortage of those like you and many blacks that are jealous and envious of their earned successes.

Whenever I hear a wingnut talk about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of those with power and money to abuse those without power and money.

Carson and Thomas run down their own all the time, and they are pretty much despised for doing it. Neither one of them would be where they are without affirmative action and the willingness to suck up to Whitey.

I am not a wingnut and you know it.
"their own"
So all white people are "your own"?
Amazing the ignorance you folks spew.
"Their own" is about as racist and derogatory label one could ever put on blacks.
One thing has been put to rest:
"The Tea Party speaks for the Republican Party"
That large lie spread by liberals has been proven false yesterday by a WIDE margin.
Same as all black conservatives are "uncle Toms" and "sell outs"
Catch phrases are all the left has, they have no solutions.

Meh, not really.

Most of the Teabaggers who lost yesterday were non-entities.

And once again, guy, up until 2008, I was a Republican.

Until I figured out that they only care about rich people.
"their own" is a racist label putting all black folks in the same category.
Wow, how can we ever accept that kind of labeling in these times?

I am not a wingnut and you know it.
"their own"
So all white people are "your own"?
Amazing the ignorance you folks spew.
"Their own" is about as racist and derogatory label one could ever put on blacks.

Uh, no, guy, you just side with the wingnuts to get what you want economically.

That's almost as bad. Maybe worse.

As much as I despise the religious wingnut, at least he's fighting for something other than himself.
One thing has been put to rest:
"The Tea Party speaks for the Republican Party"
That large lie spread by liberals has been proven false yesterday by a WIDE margin.
Same as all black conservatives are "uncle Toms" and "sell outs"
Catch phrases are all the left has, they have no solutions.

Meh, not really.

Most of the Teabaggers who lost yesterday were non-entities.

And once again, guy, up until 2008, I was a Republican.

Until I figured out that they only care about rich people.

You are about as uninformed as they come.
Broun a "non entity"? He was a Congressman.
And the KY race was close.
And "guy", Board of Educations, including here, all across the nation are where the T Party put their money locally and they got their asses handed to them.
Tens of millions of campaign dollars guy, that is not a "non entity".

I am not a wingnut and you know it.
"their own"
So all white people are "your own"?
Amazing the ignorance you folks spew.
"Their own" is about as racist and derogatory label one could ever put on blacks.

Uh, no, guy, you just side with the wingnuts to get what you want economically.

That's almost as bad. Maybe worse.

As much as I despise the religious wingnut, at least he's fighting for something other than himself.

I earn what I "get" economically.
Waiting for the 1001 time you claim I take "dirty pictures" when I do not do domestic work of any kind.
Most all of my income is working for the little guy against the big insurance companies and large corporations and working pro bono for indigent defense fighting for the little guy against the police state.
You are fighting to support theft.
I am fighting for the individual.

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