Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

why cant left-wing losers by honest for once?

you simply cant stand the man because, as you noted he's a "black person who criticized obama"
that and nothing more is the reason you race-baiting hypocrites dont like Carson

Do you believe that Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery?

My problem with Carson is that I hold him to a higher standard

As a well respected surgeon, I expected him to be a voice of sanity within the Republican Party. Someone who can intelligently discuss the good and bad about Obamacare, someone who can identify with the struggles of blacks today and offer sensible solutions, someone who avoids the outlandish rhetoric of the far right

Instead, he has embraced the Sean Hannity wing of the party. Comparing gays to NAMBLA and bestiality, comparing Obamacare to slavery

He should be better than this

Carson isn't a Republican.

Carson has said he is not a member of any political party. "If I were part of one, it would be called the 'Logic party', and it would be dedicated to commonsense approaches we all should be able to see." In his book America the Beautiful, Carson explained why he decided to get involved in politics: "I believe it is a very good idea for physicians, scientists, engineers, and others trained to make decisions based on facts and empirical data to get involved in the political arena and help guide our country." He also said, "… we [physicians] should be concerned not only about the health of individual patients, but also about the health of our entire society." Despite largely expressing conservative viewpoints, Carson has also expressed some views at odds with most conservatives, such as supporting banning semi-automatic weapons in large cities. He has also stated, "There’s a reason for the Second Amendment; people do have the right to have weapons."

Ben Carson
Do you believe that Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery?

My problem with Carson is that I hold him to a higher standard

As a well respected surgeon, I expected him to be a voice of sanity within the Republican Party. Someone who can intelligently discuss the good and bad about Obamacare, someone who can identify with the struggles of blacks today and offer sensible solutions, someone who avoids the outlandish rhetoric of the far right

Instead, he has embraced the Sean Hannity wing of the party. Comparing gays to NAMBLA and bestiality, comparing Obamacare to slavery

He should be better than this

Carson isn't a Republican.

Carson has said he is not a member of any political party. "If I were part of one, it would be called the 'Logic party', and it would be dedicated to commonsense approaches we all should be able to see." In his book America the Beautiful, Carson explained why he decided to get involved in politics: "I believe it is a very good idea for physicians, scientists, engineers, and others trained to make decisions based on facts and empirical data to get involved in the political arena and help guide our country." He also said, "… we [physicians] should be concerned not only about the health of individual patients, but also about the health of our entire society." Despite largely expressing conservative viewpoints, Carson has also expressed some views at odds with most conservatives, such as supporting banning semi-automatic weapons in large cities. He has also stated, "There’s a reason for the Second Amendment; people do have the right to have weapons."

Ben Carson

Logic? Common Sense?

Where is the Common Sense or common decency for that matter in equating gays to NAMBLA or bestiality?
Where is the logic in saying Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery?
My problem with Carson is that I hold him to a higher standard

As a well respected surgeon, I expected him to be a voice of sanity within the Republican Party. Someone who can intelligently discuss the good and bad about Obamacare, someone who can identify with the struggles of blacks today and offer sensible solutions, someone who avoids the outlandish rhetoric of the far right

Instead, he has embraced the Sean Hannity wing of the party. Comparing gays to NAMBLA and bestiality, comparing Obamacare to slavery

He should be better than this

Carson isn't a Republican.

Carson has said he is not a member of any political party. "If I were part of one, it would be called the 'Logic party', and it would be dedicated to commonsense approaches we all should be able to see." In his book America the Beautiful, Carson explained why he decided to get involved in politics: "I believe it is a very good idea for physicians, scientists, engineers, and others trained to make decisions based on facts and empirical data to get involved in the political arena and help guide our country." He also said, "… we [physicians] should be concerned not only about the health of individual patients, but also about the health of our entire society." Despite largely expressing conservative viewpoints, Carson has also expressed some views at odds with most conservatives, such as supporting banning semi-automatic weapons in large cities. He has also stated, "There’s a reason for the Second Amendment; people do have the right to have weapons."

Ben Carson

Logic? Common Sense?

Where is the Common Sense or common decency for that matter in equating gays to NAMBLA or bestiality?
Where is the logic in saying Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery?

i would think there is a reason NAMBLA chooses as it's headquaters one of the most liberal city; it not THE mose liberal city in America; San Francisco
they share the same values; or think they do
Carson will never run for President. He may tease, but he will not run

Too much money to be made on the Conservative rubber chicken circuit

Ask Palin
Carson isn't a Republican.

Carson has said he is not a member of any political party. "If I were part of one, it would be called the 'Logic party', and it would be dedicated to commonsense approaches we all should be able to see." In his book America the Beautiful, Carson explained why he decided to get involved in politics: "I believe it is a very good idea for physicians, scientists, engineers, and others trained to make decisions based on facts and empirical data to get involved in the political arena and help guide our country." He also said, "… we [physicians] should be concerned not only about the health of individual patients, but also about the health of our entire society." Despite largely expressing conservative viewpoints, Carson has also expressed some views at odds with most conservatives, such as supporting banning semi-automatic weapons in large cities. He has also stated, "There’s a reason for the Second Amendment; people do have the right to have weapons."

Ben Carson

Logic? Common Sense?

Where is the Common Sense or common decency for that matter in equating gays to NAMBLA or bestiality?
Where is the logic in saying Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery?

i would think there is a reason NAMBLA chooses as it's headquaters one of the most liberal city; it not THE mose liberal city in America; San Francisco
they share the same values; or think they do

Wells Fargo Bank is headquartered in San Francisco. What does that prove, using your demented logic?
Logic? Common Sense?

Where is the Common Sense or common decency for that matter in equating gays to NAMBLA or bestiality?
Where is the logic in saying Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery?

i would think there is a reason NAMBLA chooses as it's headquaters one of the most liberal city; it not THE mose liberal city in America; San Francisco
they share the same values; or think they do

Wells Fargo Bank is headquartered in San Francisco. What does that prove, using your demented logic?

it proves what we already knew; the Left is also associated with Big Banks; despite the left-wing rhetoric

gee wasnt that easy leftard?
My problem with Carson is that I hold him to a higher standard

As a well respected surgeon, I expected him to be a voice of sanity within the Republican Party. Someone who can intelligently discuss the good and bad about Obamacare, someone who can identify with the struggles of blacks today and offer sensible solutions, someone who avoids the outlandish rhetoric of the far right

Instead, he has embraced the Sean Hannity wing of the party. Comparing gays to NAMBLA and bestiality, comparing Obamacare to slavery

He should be better than this

Carson isn't a Republican.

Carson has said he is not a member of any political party. "If I were part of one, it would be called the 'Logic party', and it would be dedicated to commonsense approaches we all should be able to see." In his book America the Beautiful, Carson explained why he decided to get involved in politics: "I believe it is a very good idea for physicians, scientists, engineers, and others trained to make decisions based on facts and empirical data to get involved in the political arena and help guide our country." He also said, "… we [physicians] should be concerned not only about the health of individual patients, but also about the health of our entire society." Despite largely expressing conservative viewpoints, Carson has also expressed some views at odds with most conservatives, such as supporting banning semi-automatic weapons in large cities. He has also stated, "There’s a reason for the Second Amendment; people do have the right to have weapons."

Ben Carson

Logic? Common Sense?

Where is the Common Sense or common decency for that matter in equating gays to NAMBLA or bestiality?
Where is the logic in saying Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery?

NAMBLA is for gays dumbass. Link to where he equates homosexuality to bestiality.
Carson isn't a Republican.

Carson has said he is not a member of any political party. "If I were part of one, it would be called the 'Logic party', and it would be dedicated to commonsense approaches we all should be able to see." In his book America the Beautiful, Carson explained why he decided to get involved in politics: "I believe it is a very good idea for physicians, scientists, engineers, and others trained to make decisions based on facts and empirical data to get involved in the political arena and help guide our country." He also said, "… we [physicians] should be concerned not only about the health of individual patients, but also about the health of our entire society." Despite largely expressing conservative viewpoints, Carson has also expressed some views at odds with most conservatives, such as supporting banning semi-automatic weapons in large cities. He has also stated, "There’s a reason for the Second Amendment; people do have the right to have weapons."

Ben Carson

Logic? Common Sense?

Where is the Common Sense or common decency for that matter in equating gays to NAMBLA or bestiality?
Where is the logic in saying Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery?

NAMBLA is for gays dumbass. Link to where he equates homosexuality to bestiality.

No NAMBLA is not for gays.
Carson isn't a Republican.

Carson has said he is not a member of any political party. "If I were part of one, it would be called the 'Logic party', and it would be dedicated to commonsense approaches we all should be able to see." In his book America the Beautiful, Carson explained why he decided to get involved in politics: "I believe it is a very good idea for physicians, scientists, engineers, and others trained to make decisions based on facts and empirical data to get involved in the political arena and help guide our country." He also said, "… we [physicians] should be concerned not only about the health of individual patients, but also about the health of our entire society." Despite largely expressing conservative viewpoints, Carson has also expressed some views at odds with most conservatives, such as supporting banning semi-automatic weapons in large cities. He has also stated, "There’s a reason for the Second Amendment; people do have the right to have weapons."

Ben Carson

Logic? Common Sense?

Where is the Common Sense or common decency for that matter in equating gays to NAMBLA or bestiality?
Where is the logic in saying Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery?

i would think there is a reason NAMBLA chooses as it's headquaters one of the most liberal city; it not THE mose liberal city in America; San Francisco
they share the same values; or think they do

How on earth would you have that information?
The smell of subversive fear of a BLACK CONSERVATIVE is STRONG IN HERE.... Wonder what WHITE WOMEN they can get to claim Old Ben was a HITTER like Herman Cain was.....Hmmmm... Someone in the WH just started an investigation...Have the FBI and NSA check out Mr. Carson for some PERSONAL shit, since we can't bag him on policy and agenda!
The smell of subversive fear of a BLACK CONSERVATIVE is STRONG IN HERE.... Wonder what WHITE WOMEN they can get to claim Old Ben was a HITTER like Herman Cain was.....Hmmmm... Someone in the WH just started an investigation...Have the FBI and NSA check out Mr. Carson for some PERSONAL shit, since we can't bag him on policy and agenda!


I wonder why people like you think that so-called "Black Conservatives" scare anyone. People with a different political philosophy don't scare me. Why do you think that they allegedly 'scare' Liberals?
The smell of subversive fear of a BLACK CONSERVATIVE is STRONG IN HERE.... Wonder what WHITE WOMEN they can get to claim Old Ben was a HITTER like Herman Cain was.....Hmmmm... Someone in the WH just started an investigation...Have the FBI and NSA check out Mr. Carson for some PERSONAL shit, since we can't bag him on policy and agenda!


I wonder why people like you think that so-called "Black Conservatives" scare anyone. People with a different political philosophy don't scare me. Why do you think that they allegedly 'scare' Liberals?

Perhaps the "Uncle Tom" moniker, the ERUPTION at a university when a conservative Black woman is invited to talk, and the CBC's original objections to Allan West joining that group has something to do with it....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Liberals, and especially blacks are scared to death that these fine people MIGHT make inroads into Jesse, Al, and Louis's encampment of hate and subversion... never mind the MONEY those race hustlers would lose!
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I am not a wingnut and you know it.
"their own"
So all white people are "your own"?
Amazing the ignorance you folks spew.
"Their own" is about as racist and derogatory label one could ever put on blacks.

Uh, no, guy, you just side with the wingnuts to get what you want economically.

That's almost as bad. Maybe worse.

As much as I despise the religious wingnut, at least he's fighting for something other than himself.

Republicans are the party of the rich, right? It's a label that has stuck for decades, and you're hearing it again and again.

The 10 richest House districts:


New York 12

Rep. Carolyn Maloney, Democrat

Per capita income: $75,479


You think that $75K is "rich"

Well, compared to your janitor's salary, I guess.
personally i like the man, but i do not believe he should run for prez, the ****** in the white house now has ruined the chances of any black man for the next 50+ years. :up:

Mac? Mac? Are you going to complain about this guy? Mac?

What do you want me to say, Joe? Pretty racist comment there, nasty stuff indeed.

Not a person I'd want to hang around, or whose business I would support.

But I definitely defend his right to say it. Just as I defend YOUR right to be a bigot.

Now, what does that have to do with the thread?


Oh, i'd like you to address real bigots instead of whining that I don't like old Doc Carson because he's an Uncle Tom.

Probably too much for you, though.
The smell of subversive fear of a BLACK CONSERVATIVE is STRONG IN HERE.... Wonder what WHITE WOMEN they can get to claim Old Ben was a HITTER like Herman Cain was.....Hmmmm... Someone in the WH just started an investigation...Have the FBI and NSA check out Mr. Carson for some PERSONAL shit, since we can't bag him on policy and agenda!


I wonder why people like you think that so-called "Black Conservatives" scare anyone. People with a different political philosophy don't scare me. Why do you think that they allegedly 'scare' Liberals?

Perhaps the "Uncle Tom" moniker, the ERUPTION at a university when a conservative Black woman is invited to talk, and the CBC's original objections to Allan West joining that group has something to do with it....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Liberals, and especially blacks are scared to death that these fine people MIGHT make inroads into Jesse, Al, and Louis's encampment of hate and subversion... never mind the MONEY those race hustlers would lose!

Who was called an 'Uncle Tom' and who called the person that name? Who protested against Ms. Rice, weren't they Muslim students who disagreed with her foreign policy? Maybe the CBC didn't appreciate allen west making ignorant , blanket and insulting generalizations about Black Democrats being on a so-called 'plantation'. If I was on that Caucus, I wouldn't object to him joining, but I would also call him on his bullshit.

That's your own paranoid fantasy; with the exception of Tim Scott, those other people tend to make their bones with White republicans by making wholesale blanket generalizations and insult about "the Blacks". Tim Scott agrees with me:

""And unlike other, more prominent black Republicans — Herman Cain or Ben Carson, for example — Scott isn’t likely to accuse black voters of being enslaved to the Democratic Party.

“That language doesn’t suit me,”
Scott says. “It’s really hard to offend someone into changing their minds.”

Scott has also managed to speak at all the historically black colleges in South Carolina and at Howard University, without getting as negative a response
as Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) did at Howard."

Cory Booker and Tim Scott Are the Senate's Newest Odd Couple | News | BET

"Well, Tim Scott is extremely conservative, but he’s a nice guy," Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver, chair of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) told The Final Call. "He chose not to join the Congressional Black Caucus because he realized that the policies we would embrace would not be in harmony with the policies of the Republican Caucus of which he’s a member."

""So, I think we can work well with open-minded conservatives who are not caustic and tribal in their politics," Rep. Cleaver said. "For example, there was a good relationship between the Congressional Black Caucus and the former Oklahoma quarterback, (Rep.) J.C. Watts. He was open. He said, ‘Look, I’m not going to join the Caucus, but if something comes up that impacts African Americans, you know we’re going to work together.’ And members of the CBC will tell you that exactly was the case."

Thanks for the laugh! :)

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