Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run


I wonder why people like you think that so-called "Black Conservatives" scare anyone. People with a different political philosophy don't scare me. Why do you think that they allegedly 'scare' Liberals?

Perhaps the "Uncle Tom" moniker, the ERUPTION at a university when a conservative Black woman is invited to talk, and the CBC's original objections to Allan West joining that group has something to do with it....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Liberals, and especially blacks are scared to death that these fine people MIGHT make inroads into Jesse, Al, and Louis's encampment of hate and subversion... never mind the MONEY those race hustlers would lose!

Who was called an 'Uncle Tom' and who called the person that name? Who protested against Ms. Rice, weren't they Muslim students who disagreed with her foreign policy? Maybe the CBC didn't appreciate allen west making ignorant , blanket and insulting generalizations about Black Democrats being on a so-called 'plantation'. If I was on that Caucus, I wouldn't object to him joining, but I would also call him on his bullshit.

That's your own paranoid fantasy; with the exception of Tim Scott, those other people tend to make their bones with White republicans by making wholesale blanket generalizations and insult about "the Blacks". Tim Scott agrees with me:

""And unlike other, more prominent black Republicans — Herman Cain or Ben Carson, for example — Scott isn’t likely to accuse black voters of being enslaved to the Democratic Party.

“That language doesn’t suit me,”
Scott says. “It’s really hard to offend someone into changing their minds.”

Scott has also managed to speak at all the historically black colleges in South Carolina and at Howard University, without getting as negative a response
as Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) did at Howard."

Cory Booker and Tim Scott Are the Senate's Newest Odd Couple | News | BET

"Well, Tim Scott is extremely conservative, but he’s a nice guy," Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver, chair of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) told The Final Call. "He chose not to join the Congressional Black Caucus because he realized that the policies we would embrace would not be in harmony with the policies of the Republican Caucus of which he’s a member."

""So, I think we can work well with open-minded conservatives who are not caustic and tribal in their politics," Rep. Cleaver said. "For example, there was a good relationship between the Congressional Black Caucus and the former Oklahoma quarterback, (Rep.) J.C. Watts. He was open. He said, ‘Look, I’m not going to join the Caucus, but if something comes up that impacts African Americans, you know we’re going to work together.’ And members of the CBC will tell you that exactly was the case."

Thanks for the laugh! :)


Hannity Confronts Lawmaker Who Called Clarence Thomas a 'Prolific Uncle Tom' | Veooz 360

May 03, 2014 · After protests from some students and teachers, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Saturday that she is withdrawing as speaker from Rutgers ...

Condoleezza Rice withdraws as Rutgers graduation speaker after students, professors protest - Washington Times

You mean Allan West HAS NO FREE SPEECH RIGHT WITHIN THE HALLS OF CONGRESS, don't you little racist?

Scott can say what he wants, I'm NOT A RACIST, like you, that wants to stifle BLACK CONSERVATIVE DESCENT!....And he refuses to join the CBC!!!
Mac? Mac? Are you going to complain about this guy? Mac?

What do you want me to say, Joe? Pretty racist comment there, nasty stuff indeed.

Not a person I'd want to hang around, or whose business I would support.

But I definitely defend his right to say it. Just as I defend YOUR right to be a bigot.

Now, what does that have to do with the thread?


Oh, i'd like you to address real bigots instead of whining that I don't like old Doc Carson because he's an Uncle Tom.

Probably too much for you, though.

Bigots are a dime a dozen.

It's those who claim not to be while pointing at others who get my attention.

Such as you and yours.

And by the way, I'm not whining about you - I'm pointing you out as a bright and shining illustration of my point, one your fellow bigots are trying to deny. I couldn't ask for a better example.

You do it, they deny it happens. Freakin' perfect.

Thanks again for that, I can always count on you.

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Perhaps the "Uncle Tom" moniker, the ERUPTION at a university when a conservative Black woman is invited to talk, and the CBC's original objections to Allan West joining that group has something to do with it....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Liberals, and especially blacks are scared to death that these fine people MIGHT make inroads into Jesse, Al, and Louis's encampment of hate and subversion... never mind the MONEY those race hustlers would lose!

Who was called an 'Uncle Tom' and who called the person that name? Who protested against Ms. Rice, weren't they Muslim students who disagreed with her foreign policy? Maybe the CBC didn't appreciate allen west making ignorant , blanket and insulting generalizations about Black Democrats being on a so-called 'plantation'. If I was on that Caucus, I wouldn't object to him joining, but I would also call him on his bullshit.

That's your own paranoid fantasy; with the exception of Tim Scott, those other people tend to make their bones with White republicans by making wholesale blanket generalizations and insult about "the Blacks". Tim Scott agrees with me:

""And unlike other, more prominent black Republicans — Herman Cain or Ben Carson, for example — Scott isn’t likely to accuse black voters of being enslaved to the Democratic Party.

“That language doesn’t suit me,”
Scott says. “It’s really hard to offend someone into changing their minds.”

Scott has also managed to speak at all the historically black colleges in South Carolina and at Howard University, without getting as negative a response
as Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) did at Howard."

Cory Booker and Tim Scott Are the Senate's Newest Odd Couple | News | BET

"Well, Tim Scott is extremely conservative, but he’s a nice guy," Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver, chair of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) told The Final Call. "He chose not to join the Congressional Black Caucus because he realized that the policies we would embrace would not be in harmony with the policies of the Republican Caucus of which he’s a member."

""So, I think we can work well with open-minded conservatives who are not caustic and tribal in their politics," Rep. Cleaver said. "For example, there was a good relationship between the Congressional Black Caucus and the former Oklahoma quarterback, (Rep.) J.C. Watts. He was open. He said, ‘Look, I’m not going to join the Caucus, but if something comes up that impacts African Americans, you know we’re going to work together.’ And members of the CBC will tell you that exactly was the case."

Thanks for the laugh! :)


Hannity Confronts Lawmaker Who Called Clarence Thomas a 'Prolific Uncle Tom' | Veooz 360

May 03, 2014 · After protests from some students and teachers, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Saturday that she is withdrawing as speaker from Rutgers ...

Condoleezza Rice withdraws as Rutgers graduation speaker after students, professors protest - Washington Times

You mean Allan West HAS NO FREE SPEECH RIGHT WITHIN THE HALLS OF CONGRESS, don't you little racist?

Scott can say what he wants, I'm NOT A RACIST, like you, that wants to stifle BLACK CONSERVATIVE DESCENT!....And he refuses to join the CBC!!!

While I may agree and disagree with Clarence Thomas' stances and decisions, I don't think it was good form on the lawmaker's part. I don't know why he called Clarence Thomas an 'Uncle Tom' I still think that rhetoric like that and stating that "The Blacks" are on a "plantation" , cheapen the debate and open exchange of ideas.

See; that's the little BITCH game people like you play. Where did I even infer that allan west should have no " NO FREE SPEECH RIGHT WITHIN THE HALLS OF CONGRESS"? Have fun trying to find an example of that you mental midget! :lol:

Damn right Senator Tim Scott can say what he wants! LOL, sure you're not. You actually do have me smiling and amused right now. People like you make these bullshit assertions that they can NOT back up. I have posted plenty of posts demonstrating that I DO in fact admire some Black conservatives and republicans. The one thing that they have in common, is that they tend not to spew the "Blacks on the plantation" crap that makes people like you salivate and feel all good inside.

I welcome intelligent "Black Conservative DISSENT", I DON'T WELCOME SOME HUCKSTERS AND JESTERS who spout the: "Yes Boss, dem Blacks dey be on da democrat plantation. Yes sir boss!"
I respect Tim Scott's decision not to join the CBC "at this time" (as he stated), I think he truly just wants to be a Senator that represents all people, this is not stating that just because one is a member of a Congressional Caucus, means that they solely want to represent the groups who that caucus represents.

Long story, short; in my opinion, you are a reactionary and bigoted clown who hurls baseless assertions that you can't back up.
Who was called an 'Uncle Tom' and who called the person that name? Who protested against Ms. Rice, weren't they Muslim students who disagreed with her foreign policy? Maybe the CBC didn't appreciate allen west making ignorant , blanket and insulting generalizations about Black Democrats being on a so-called 'plantation'. If I was on that Caucus, I wouldn't object to him joining, but I would also call him on his bullshit.

That's your own paranoid fantasy; with the exception of Tim Scott, those other people tend to make their bones with White republicans by making wholesale blanket generalizations and insult about "the Blacks". Tim Scott agrees with me:

""And unlike other, more prominent black Republicans — Herman Cain or Ben Carson, for example — Scott isn’t likely to accuse black voters of being enslaved to the Democratic Party.

“That language doesn’t suit me,”
Scott says. “It’s really hard to offend someone into changing their minds.”

Scott has also managed to speak at all the historically black colleges in South Carolina and at Howard University, without getting as negative a response
as Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) did at Howard."

Cory Booker and Tim Scott Are the Senate's Newest Odd Couple | News | BET

"Well, Tim Scott is extremely conservative, but he’s a nice guy," Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver, chair of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) told The Final Call. "He chose not to join the Congressional Black Caucus because he realized that the policies we would embrace would not be in harmony with the policies of the Republican Caucus of which he’s a member."

""So, I think we can work well with open-minded conservatives who are not caustic and tribal in their politics," Rep. Cleaver said. "For example, there was a good relationship between the Congressional Black Caucus and the former Oklahoma quarterback, (Rep.) J.C. Watts. He was open. He said, ‘Look, I’m not going to join the Caucus, but if something comes up that impacts African Americans, you know we’re going to work together.’ And members of the CBC will tell you that exactly was the case."

Thanks for the laugh! :)


Hannity Confronts Lawmaker Who Called Clarence Thomas a 'Prolific Uncle Tom' | Veooz 360

May 03, 2014 · After protests from some students and teachers, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Saturday that she is withdrawing as speaker from Rutgers ...

Condoleezza Rice withdraws as Rutgers graduation speaker after students, professors protest - Washington Times

You mean Allan West HAS NO FREE SPEECH RIGHT WITHIN THE HALLS OF CONGRESS, don't you little racist?

Scott can say what he wants, I'm NOT A RACIST, like you, that wants to stifle BLACK CONSERVATIVE DESCENT!....And he refuses to join the CBC!!!

While I may agree and disagree with Clarence Thomas' stances and decisions, I don't think it was good form on the lawmaker's part. I don't know why he called Clarence Thomas an 'Uncle Tom' I still think that rhetoric like that and stating that "The Blacks" are on a "plantation" , cheapen the debate and open exchange of ideas.

See; that's the little BITCH game people like you play. Where did I even infer that allan west should have no " NO FREE SPEECH RIGHT WITHIN THE HALLS OF CONGRESS"? Have fun trying to find an example of that you mental midget! :lol:

Damn right Senator Tim Scott can say what he wants! LOL, sure you're not. You actually do have me smiling and amused right now. People like you make these bullshit assertions that they can NOT back up. I have posted plenty of posts demonstrating that I DO in fact admire some Black conservatives and republicans. The one thing that they have in common, is that they tend not to spew the "Blacks on the plantation" crap that makes people like you salivate and feel all good inside.

I welcome intelligent "Black Conservative DISSENT", I DON'T WELCOME SOME HUCKSTERS AND JESTERS who spout the: "Yes Boss, dem Blacks dey be on da democrat plantation. Yes sir boss!"
I respect Tim Scott's decision not to join the CBC "at this time" (as he stated), I think he truly just wants to be a Senator that represents all people, this is not stating that just because one is a member of a Congressional Caucus, means that they solely want to represent the groups who that caucus represents.

Long story, short; in my opinion, you are a reactionary and bigoted clown who hurls baseless assertions that you can't back up.

On Ideas or not, the liberal blacks continue to call out Uncle Tom & Aunt Jemima to male and female black conservatives.

"Maybe the CBC didn't appreciate allen west making ignorant , blanket and insulting generalizations about Black Democrats being on a so-called 'plantation'. is what I refer to.

You ramble about Scott, and I can only see you being a sock for Pogo! :badgrin:
"Watts: INSIGHT America is a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization that exists to empower communities of color by offering policy solutions and growing the next generation of public policy leaders. Through our core programs, INSIGHT America empowers young professionals of color who identify with solutions that work and advocate for independent thought with the training, networking and awareness needed to succeed in public policy. Our core programs include public policy forums, a Congressional internship program, professional development for young policy professionals and opportunities to network."

"Watts: Almost everything Washington does is through a partisan lens. We want Washington to see things through a lens of models that work and also want Congress to understand the culture of the black, Hispanic and other ethnic minority communities. INSIGHT’s mission is unique in that we will engage ethnic minority communities with the principles of job creation, personal opportunity and bi partisan solutions that work. In doing so we believe that common ground solutions will nurture new and existing talent to aid in our service to the American people."

"Watts: There is a direct correlation between education, stable families and incarceration and crime. Our incarceration rates will continue to remain disproportionately high if minority children grow up in broken families with absent fathers. In addition, if our education system doesn’t train children for the workforce, many will resort to crime.

Recidivism and repeat offenders are also a major factor to these alarming statistics. Sen. Rob Portman hosted our first policy briefing on this very topic on March 19. Among other things, we discussed the need for legislative solutions such as The Second Chance Act, which Portman originally coauthored in the House in 2004 and was passed into law in 2008. This legislation provides resources and supports local corrections agencies, nonprofits, education institutions, service providers and families to help offenders reintegrate into their communities. The Second Chance Act reduces recidivism rates and the burden on taxpayers by decreasing prison costs for federal, state, and local governments."

This "Black Conservative" has plenty of excellent, positive ideas, yet many of you guys seem to gravitate towards the "Black Conservatives" who like to make wholesale blanket generalizations and insults against "The Blacks". Why do you gravitate towards those hucksters instead of the Black Conservatives who actually trying to do something positive? What does that say about you people? :lol:
"Ivory: What does an urban conservative policy platform look like?

Watts: Strong families, strong education, entrepreneurship, opportunity, homeownership. Republicans and Democrats should foster sound, responsible policies that get positive results surrounding these 5 pillars and we should keep score. As the old saying goes, if we’re not keeping score, it’s just practice."

Ivory: The Republican Party seems to be having problems engaging various racial groups, and not just blacks and Hispanics. For example, President Obama won 73% of the Asian vote, many of whom are small business owners. What is INSIGHT America strategy to engage these communities that already share the party’s values but are turned off by the conservative movement?

Watts: President Obama and Democrats may not have the best solutions, but they do engage and show up. I’ve said for 20 years now, if Republican don’t establish deeper relationships with ethnic minority communities they will continue to ignore Republicans, despite our solutions.

Our strategy is simple. We will discuss and debate tough issues that directly impact the core of minority communities. Our goal is to find solutions that work. Our goal is to be inclusive and continue to create partnerships that allow us to embrace the diversity of thought that directs us to common ground solutions. I’ve done this for the last 20 years concerning anti-poverty legislation in working with former Congressman Floyd Flake(D), establishing the African American History Museum and working with Congressman John Lewis (D) on the initiatives I established during my time in Congress for HBCUs."

"Ivory: Last month the unemployment rate fell to 7.5 percent, yet black unemployment remained at about 13.2 percent. What policies and solutions will you promote to turn these numbers around?

Watts: It fell to 7.5 percent after thousands dropped out of the job search. I think it’s closer to 8 percent. We don’t need more taxes, we need more taxpayers. It’s not just a Republican talking point when we advocate government responsibility to foster an environment for investment. There can’t be opportunity or jobs without investment and profit.

Addressing the wide disparity between black unemployment and mainstream unemployment must be solved with a comprehensive strategy that focuses on educational opportunities for children, workforce development training for adults and minority business growth. Briefings like the Spencer Bachus financial services event will result in policies that offer solutions to improve the minority unemployment rate."

NOTICE THE LACK OF: "Yes sa boss, dem blacks be on tha democrat plantation" and "Dem Blacks der boss on vote democrat because dey want handouts".

YOU CLOWNS KEEP SHOWING YOUR TRUE COLORS, keep touting the HUCKSTERS and ignoring the real positive Brothers who are trying to do good things. :)

It's funny to see how some of you 'folks' tout "I stand with Israel" yet 70+ percent of the Jewish population in this country votes against YOU. 70+ percent of the Asians in this country vote against YOU. 70+ percent of the Hispanics in this country vote against YOU! What does that say about YOU? :lol:

Hannity Confronts Lawmaker Who Called Clarence Thomas a 'Prolific Uncle Tom' | Veooz 360

May 03, 2014 · After protests from some students and teachers, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Saturday that she is withdrawing as speaker from Rutgers ...

Condoleezza Rice withdraws as Rutgers graduation speaker after students, professors protest - Washington Times

You mean Allan West HAS NO FREE SPEECH RIGHT WITHIN THE HALLS OF CONGRESS, don't you little racist?

Scott can say what he wants, I'm NOT A RACIST, like you, that wants to stifle BLACK CONSERVATIVE DESCENT!....And he refuses to join the CBC!!!

While I may agree and disagree with Clarence Thomas' stances and decisions, I don't think it was good form on the lawmaker's part. I don't know why he called Clarence Thomas an 'Uncle Tom' I still think that rhetoric like that and stating that "The Blacks" are on a "plantation" , cheapen the debate and open exchange of ideas.

See; that's the little BITCH game people like you play. Where did I even infer that allan west should have no " NO FREE SPEECH RIGHT WITHIN THE HALLS OF CONGRESS"? Have fun trying to find an example of that you mental midget! :lol:

Damn right Senator Tim Scott can say what he wants! LOL, sure you're not. You actually do have me smiling and amused right now. People like you make these bullshit assertions that they can NOT back up. I have posted plenty of posts demonstrating that I DO in fact admire some Black conservatives and republicans. The one thing that they have in common, is that they tend not to spew the "Blacks on the plantation" crap that makes people like you salivate and feel all good inside.

I welcome intelligent "Black Conservative DISSENT", I DON'T WELCOME SOME HUCKSTERS AND JESTERS who spout the: "Yes Boss, dem Blacks dey be on da democrat plantation. Yes sir boss!"
I respect Tim Scott's decision not to join the CBC "at this time" (as he stated), I think he truly just wants to be a Senator that represents all people, this is not stating that just because one is a member of a Congressional Caucus, means that they solely want to represent the groups who that caucus represents.

Long story, short; in my opinion, you are a reactionary and bigoted clown who hurls baseless assertions that you can't back up.

On Ideas or not, the liberal blacks continue to call out Uncle Tom & Aunt Jemima to male and female black conservatives.

"Maybe the CBC didn't appreciate allen west making ignorant , blanket and insulting generalizations about Black Democrats being on a so-called 'plantation'. is what I refer to.

You ramble about Scott, and I can only see you being a sock for Pogo! :badgrin:

LOL, that's all you got? :lol: I don't blame you, because you know I speak the TRUTH.
While I may agree and disagree with Clarence Thomas' stances and decisions, I don't think it was good form on the lawmaker's part. I don't know why he called Clarence Thomas an 'Uncle Tom' I still think that rhetoric like that and stating that "The Blacks" are on a "plantation" , cheapen the debate and open exchange of ideas.

See; that's the little BITCH game people like you play. Where did I even infer that allan west should have no " NO FREE SPEECH RIGHT WITHIN THE HALLS OF CONGRESS"? Have fun trying to find an example of that you mental midget! :lol:

Damn right Senator Tim Scott can say what he wants! LOL, sure you're not. You actually do have me smiling and amused right now. People like you make these bullshit assertions that they can NOT back up. I have posted plenty of posts demonstrating that I DO in fact admire some Black conservatives and republicans. The one thing that they have in common, is that they tend not to spew the "Blacks on the plantation" crap that makes people like you salivate and feel all good inside.

I welcome intelligent "Black Conservative DISSENT", I DON'T WELCOME SOME HUCKSTERS AND JESTERS who spout the: "Yes Boss, dem Blacks dey be on da democrat plantation. Yes sir boss!"
I respect Tim Scott's decision not to join the CBC "at this time" (as he stated), I think he truly just wants to be a Senator that represents all people, this is not stating that just because one is a member of a Congressional Caucus, means that they solely want to represent the groups who that caucus represents.

Long story, short; in my opinion, you are a reactionary and bigoted clown who hurls baseless assertions that you can't back up.

On Ideas or not, the liberal blacks continue to call out Uncle Tom & Aunt Jemima to male and female black conservatives.

"Maybe the CBC didn't appreciate allen west making ignorant , blanket and insulting generalizations about Black Democrats being on a so-called 'plantation'. is what I refer to.

You ramble about Scott, and I can only see you being a sock for Pogo! :badgrin:

LOL, that's all you got? :lol: I don't blame you, because you know I speak the TRUTH.

That's all that was necessary!:eusa_clap:
On Ideas or not, the liberal blacks continue to call out Uncle Tom & Aunt Jemima to male and female black conservatives.

"Maybe the CBC didn't appreciate allen west making ignorant , blanket and insulting generalizations about Black Democrats being on a so-called 'plantation'. is what I refer to.

You ramble about Scott, and I can only see you being a sock for Pogo! :badgrin:

LOL, that's all you got? :lol: I don't blame you, because you know I speak the TRUTH.

That's all that was necessary!:eusa_clap:

LOL, keep slinking and slithering away. You know I have you and people like you figured out. Obviously, I'm not the only one as you can see by the percentages I posted. How come you bigots don't state that "the Jews vote Democrat because they want free stuff."? How come bigots like you don't state that "the Jews are in the Democrat concentration camp."? How come you cocksuckers don't make the same insulting and ignorant , blanket generalizations about the MAJORITY of Asians who vote Democrat ?

How come the majority of those aforementioned groups don't vote for your party? Is it because the Asians have "Asian guilt" , so they vote democrat? :lol:
The fact is that people who share your mindset really don't like "The Blacks". People like you think that "The Blacks" should "stay in their place" and kiss your asses and be subservient to you. Your mindset and the people who share your mindset, have the true PLANTATION MENTALITY.
LOL, that's all you got? :lol: I don't blame you, because you know I speak the TRUTH.

That's all that was necessary!:eusa_clap:

LOL, keep slinking and slithering away. You know I have you and people like you figured out. Obviously, I'm not the only one as you can see by the percentages I posted. How come you bigots don't state that "the Jews vote Democrat because they want free stuff."? How come bigots like you don't state that "the Jews are in the Democrat concentration camp."? How come you cocksuckers don't make the same insulting and ignorant , blanket generalizations about the MAJORITY of Asians who vote Democrat ?

How come the majority of those aforementioned groups don't vote for your party? Is it because the Asians have "Asian guilt" , so they vote democrat? :lol:

You only wish we'd slink away. You got shit, simply because you don't know shit! I've stated here more than several times that most American Jews, aren't Jewish, they have a new religion...YOUR RELIGION of LIBERALISM, or more correctly, a disease! You feel better now?

They vote Subversive because HISTORICALLY their parents were Democrats, and since many of them, have had the ability to go to the supposed HIGHER LEARNING institutions, they have been manipulated by the "McCARTHY SUBVERSIVES" that hid in those institutions after WW II! Those teachers, and their offspring still can be viewed doing what they do best, spewing anti-American bullshit, and socialist views.

You're amusing as a black bigot, I enjoy your OCD, it must be catching in your group of fellow travelers! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
The fact is that people who share your mindset really don't like "The Blacks". People like you think that "The Blacks" should "stay in their place" and kiss your asses and be subservient to you. Your mindset and the people who share your mindset, have the true PLANTATION MENTALITY.

Wrong again PLANTATION slave. Many of us believe in equality, BUT not AA as that is not equality, but RACISM, as you would define it! Giving an advantage to one group over another is NOT what America should be about. BUT, you've been so indoctrinated in that slave mentality, that you couldn't see the front yard if your subversive masters didn't let you! Pathetic!
Thanks for your amusingly insane, ignorant, and bigoted rants that have NOTHING to back them up. Conservatives and the republican party have lost support from various minority and majority groups because of people like you. Why do you think that the majority of Jewish people and Asian people vote against people like you?
Thanks for your amusingly insane, ignorant, and bigoted rants that have NOTHING to back them up. Conservatives and the republican party have lost support from various minority and majority groups because of people like you. Why do you think that the majority of Jewish people and Asian people vote against people like you?

I see you don't read well, or comprehend! I spelled it out for you with the HIGHER LEARNING post. Damn, you must be what 20, 25 years old? You haven't lived enough to be enlightened!

Most immigrants and minorities vote Democratic, although Vietnamese, Cambodians, and many other Southeast Asians tend to vote Republican because of their experiences with Communism and the leftism associated with the Democratic Party. S. Koreans usually vote Republican; most of these voters are Evangelical Christians who identify with the Republicans' strong religious sentiment. Japanese and Indian Americans who are successful in business vote Republican because the Reps. favors capital interests over labor interests ,and because successful & wealthy people tend to support laissez-faire principles.

Hard for a bigot to understand? a friend!
From what I've seen of Dr. Carson, he's an inspirational example of what you can accomplish in America if you work hard and stick to principles that are time tested and proven. The story of how his mother, with her 3rd grade education, worked so hard to raise him and instill in him the importance of education is a testament for the road to success.

He seems to be a good man and would make a good inspirational leader.

Unfortunately, he seems to be too good for the cesspool of the District of Corruption. He'd be eaten alive by the slimy liberal media. He'd be a babe in a woodland filled with political wolves. If he is the man of principles he appears to be, he wouldn't take to being handled and managed by political advisors and media handlers.

It pains me to say it but America has sunk too low for a man like Dr. Carson. Everything good and decent is open game for ridicule in today's America.

"Poverty is really more of a choice more than anything else".
--Dr. Ben Carson

It's quotes like that which will assure Ben Carson never becomes President.

Ben Carson did not need that quote to make himself unelectable.
Uh, no, guy, you just side with the wingnuts to get what you want economically.

That's almost as bad. Maybe worse.

As much as I despise the religious wingnut, at least he's fighting for something other than himself.

Republicans are the party of the rich, right? It's a label that has stuck for decades, and you're hearing it again and again.

The 10 richest House districts:


New York 12

Rep. Carolyn Maloney, Democrat

Per capita income: $75,479


You think that $75K is "rich"

Well, compared to your janitor's salary, I guess.

Hey Joe if don't understand the concept of 'per capita' - Then STFU and stop making an ass of yourself.

per capita - definition of per capita by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
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From what I've seen of Dr. Carson, he's an inspirational example of what you can accomplish in America if you work hard and stick to principles that are time tested and proven. The story of how his mother, with her 3rd grade education, worked so hard to raise him and instill in him the importance of education is a testament for the road to success.

He seems to be a good man and would make a good inspirational leader.

Unfortunately, he seems to be too good for the cesspool of the District of Corruption. He'd be eaten alive by the slimy liberal media. He'd be a babe in a woodland filled with political wolves. If he is the man of principles he appears to be, he wouldn't take to being handled and managed by political advisors and media handlers.

It pains me to say it but America has sunk too low for a man like Dr. Carson. Everything good and decent is open game for ridicule in today's America.

"Poverty is really more of a choice more than anything else".
--Dr. Ben Carson

It's quotes like that which will assure Ben Carson never becomes President.

Ben Carson did not need that quote to make himself unelectable.

Yes, the obumaphone groupies, and those EXTRA 20+ MILLION on food stamps, won't like having to give those ENTITLEMENTS up!

BUT WHY those 20+ MILLION EXTRAS on FOOD STAMPS when Unemployment is now 6%, or so the Manchurian muslim's regime says?
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The fact is that people who share your mindset really don't like "The Blacks". People like you think that "The Blacks" should "stay in their place" and kiss your asses and be subservient to you. Your mindset and the people who share your mindset, have the true PLANTATION MENTALITY.

Wrong again PLANTATION slave. Many of us believe in equality, BUT not AA as that is not equality, but RACISM, as you would define it! Giving an advantage to one group over another is NOT what America should be about. BUT, you've been so indoctrinated in that slave mentality, that you couldn't see the front yard if your subversive masters didn't let you! Pathetic!

Under the government machine , firmly controlled by the Democrats, even during Republican administrations, the Liberals dictate, manipulate and devastate the poor, and poor families, in particular African Americans. The bumbling leftists bureaucracy attempts to end poverty are a dismal failure and have only succeeded in forming a new type of slavery , slavery to the Liberal machine.

Black Americans are taught that greed and hatred is the reason whites are prosperous and that whites are the cause of economic barriers that prevented blacks from obtaining wealth. All who disagree are racists.

....The damage to our values and civility created by entitlement programs cannot be overstated. When people believe they are entitled to something, then they will demand that they get it. They will behave in an angry and belligerent manner as long as they perceive that their entitlement is being withheld. Instead of gratitude, the deliverers of entitlements are treated, at best, with indifference and, at worse, contempt. Entitlements make people dependent. As the opposite of independence, dependence is a form of slavery. The welfare state pits one group of citizens against another. One group is entitled. The other group is obligated. If you are a parent, did you bring your children into the world with the understanding that they will be either dependent on entitlements or enslaved to provide the entitlement? ....
Welfare Is Another Form Of Slavery

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