Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

If you do not denounce it, you approve of it.

That is what we are told whenever some nut case like Todd Aiken ingests his feet, anyways.

Denouce what?

It is an opinion that these black conservatives are selling out in order to obtain lucrative careers on the Conservative lecture circuit

I happen to agree

What are they "selling out"?
Specifics please.

Dr. Ben Carson Obamacare Slavery Analogy Values Voter Summit | Mediaite
Denouce what?

It is an opinion that these black conservatives are selling out in order to obtain lucrative careers on the Conservative lecture circuit

I happen to agree

What are they "selling out"?
Specifics please.

Dr. Ben Carson Obamacare Slavery Analogy Values Voter Summit | Mediaite

i notice you can never quantify what you're saying or agreeing with; and always need to use the words of others. and they dont say what you claim they are saying
Dr Carson isnt entitled to his opinion according to race-baiting left-wing fascist wannabes
Denouce what?

It is an opinion that these black conservatives are selling out in order to obtain lucrative careers on the Conservative lecture circuit

I happen to agree

What are they "selling out"?
Specifics please.

Dr. Ben Carson Obamacare Slavery Analogy Values Voter Summit | Mediaite

"In a way"
"In a way" my johnson is bigger and better than Johns Holmes' johnson.
How is that being an "Uncle Tom" and putting "their own" down?
Liberals want government to take care of "their own".
Conservatives want family and communities to take care of "their own".
I would not support Carson and also do not care for Allen West at all.
But to claim they have "sold out their own" is a large cop out talking point lie to appeal to the ignorant that march lock step to the drum of more government and less freedom and independence.
I would not support Carson and also do not care for Allen West at all.
But to claim they have "sold out their own" is a large cop out talking point lie to appeal to the ignorant that march lock step to the drum of more government and less freedom and independence.

Not at all

Carson was a repected neurosurgeon. Look at his rhetoric before his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast and he became a conservative celebrity. Look everyone...a black person criticized Obama!

You want sell out? Look at Carsons rhetoric after he became a Fox News contributor. Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery? That is the rhetoric of a medical professional? Slavery? Does he understand whay slavery was?
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I would not support Carson and also do not care for Allen West at all.
But to claim they have "sold out their own" is a large cop out talking point lie to appeal to the ignorant that march lock step to the drum of more government and less freedom and independence.

Not at all

Carson was a repected neurosurgeon. Look at his rhetoric before his speach at the National Prayer Breakfast and he became a conservative celebrity. Look everyone...a black person criticized Obama!

You want sell out? Look at Carsons rhetoric after he became a Fox News contributor. Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery? That is the rhetoric of a medical professional? Slavery? Does he understand whay slavery was?

why cant left-wing losers by honest for once?

you simply cant stand the man because, as you noted he's a "black person who criticized obama"
that and nothing more is the reason you race-baiting hypocrites dont like Carson
One thing has been put to rest:
"The Tea Party speaks for the Republican Party"
That large lie spread by liberals has been proven false yesterday by a WIDE margin.
Same as all black conservatives are "uncle Toms" and "sell outs"
Catch phrases are all the left has, they have no solutions.

Accusing liberals of calling black conservatives 'uncle toms' is no defense of black conservatives' idiotic conservative agenda.
I would not support Carson and also do not care for Allen West at all.
But to claim they have "sold out their own" is a large cop out talking point lie to appeal to the ignorant that march lock step to the drum of more government and less freedom and independence.

Not at all

Carson was a repected neurosurgeon. Look at his rhetoric before his speach at the National Prayer Breakfast and he became a conservative celebrity. Look everyone...a black person criticized Obama!

You want sell out? Look at Carsons rhetoric after he became a Fox News contributor. Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery? That is the rhetoric of a medical professional? Slavery? Does he understand whay slavery was?

why cant left-wing losers by honest for once?

you simply cant stand the man because, as you noted he's a "black person who criticized obama"
that and nothing more is the reason you race-baiting hypocrites dont like Carson

Do you believe that Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery?
Not at all

Carson was a repected neurosurgeon. Look at his rhetoric before his speach at the National Prayer Breakfast and he became a conservative celebrity. Look everyone...a black person criticized Obama!

You want sell out? Look at Carsons rhetoric after he became a Fox News contributor. Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery? That is the rhetoric of a medical professional? Slavery? Does he understand whay slavery was?

why cant left-wing losers by honest for once?

you simply cant stand the man because, as you noted he's a "black person who criticized obama"
that and nothing more is the reason you race-baiting hypocrites dont like Carson

Do you believe that Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery?

i believe in general that the Left wants to trap people in a form of enslavement in dependence on the government for survival; and this is for many reasons. for one left-wingers are arrogant and think they know what is best for others.
also making as many people as possible dependent on the government for survival means POWER to the people who espouse that

do you left-wing losers really believe half of the idiotic, over the top things you say about Republicans?
Oh, I just let Republicans' deeds speak for themselves...

which makes them often the losers, not me.

record welfare and food stamps in the EIGHT-STRAIGHT year of Progressive majority rule

who are the losers here?

the American people

libs are losers who lie to themselves
I would not support Carson and also do not care for Allen West at all.
But to claim they have "sold out their own" is a large cop out talking point lie to appeal to the ignorant that march lock step to the drum of more government and less freedom and independence.

Not at all

Carson was a repected neurosurgeon. Look at his rhetoric before his speach at the National Prayer Breakfast and he became a conservative celebrity. Look everyone...a black person criticized Obama!

You want sell out? Look at Carsons rhetoric after he became a Fox News contributor. Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery? That is the rhetoric of a medical professional? Slavery? Does he understand whay slavery was?

why cant left-wing losers by honest for once?

you simply cant stand the man because, as you noted he's a "black person who criticized obama"
that and nothing more is the reason you race-baiting hypocrites dont like Carson

Yep, and that's the reason they hated Sarah Palin...look how the still react to her when she criticizes Obama...

they only care about black people and women as long as they don't step out line...they are such phonies and people can come here and see their sexism and racism they claim they don't have
this threads a fine example
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I am not a wingnut and you know it.
"their own"
So all white people are "your own"?
Amazing the ignorance you folks spew.
"Their own" is about as racist and derogatory label one could ever put on blacks.

Uh, no, guy, you just side with the wingnuts to get what you want economically.

That's almost as bad. Maybe worse.

As much as I despise the religious wingnut, at least he's fighting for something other than himself.

Republicans are the party of the rich, right? It's a label that has stuck for decades, and you're hearing it again and again.

The 10 richest House districts:


New York 12

Rep. Carolyn Maloney, Democrat

Per capita income: $75,479


California 33

Rep. Henry Waxman, Democrat

Per capita income: $61,273


New York 10

Rep. Jerry Nadler, Democrat

Per capita income: $56,138


California 18

Rep. Anna Eshoo, Democrat

Per capita income: $ 54,182


Connecticut 4

Rep. Jim Himes, Democrat

Per capita income: $50,732


Virginia 8

Rep. Jim Moran, Democrat

Per capita income: $50,210


New Jersey 7

Rep. Leonard Lance, Republican

Per capita income: $48,556


California 12

Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Democrat

Per capita income: $48,523


New York 3

Rep. Steve Israel, Democrat

Per capita income: $47,991


Virginia 10

Rep. Frank Wolf, Republican

Per capita income: $47,281


Source: Census Bureau

I am not a wingnut and you know it.
"their own"
So all white people are "your own"?
Amazing the ignorance you folks spew.
"Their own" is about as racist and derogatory label one could ever put on blacks.

Uh, no, guy, you just side with the wingnuts to get what you want economically.

That's almost as bad. Maybe worse.

As much as I despise the religious wingnut, at least he's fighting for something other than himself.

Republicans are the party of the rich, right? It's a label that has stuck for decades, and you're hearing it again and again.

The 10 richest House districts:


New York 12

Rep. Carolyn Maloney, Democrat

Per capita income: $75,479


California 33

Rep. Henry Waxman, Democrat

Per capita income: $61,273


New York 10

Rep. Jerry Nadler, Democrat

Per capita income: $56,138


California 18

Rep. Anna Eshoo, Democrat

Per capita income: $ 54,182


Connecticut 4

Rep. Jim Himes, Democrat

Per capita income: $50,732


Virginia 8

Rep. Jim Moran, Democrat

Per capita income: $50,210


New Jersey 7

Rep. Leonard Lance, Republican

Per capita income: $48,556


California 12

Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Democrat

Per capita income: $48,523


New York 3

Rep. Steve Israel, Democrat

Per capita income: $47,991


Virginia 10

Rep. Frank Wolf, Republican

Per capita income: $47,281


Source: Census Bureau

thanks for the data; left-wing nutjobs on these boards never let ACTUAL facts get in the way of them making fools of themselves regurgitating spoon-fed talking points
personally i like the man, but i do not believe he should run for prez, the ****** in the white house now has ruined the chances of any black man for the next 50+ years. :up:

Mac? Mac? Are you going to complain about this guy? Mac?

What do you want me to say, Joe? Pretty racist comment there, nasty stuff indeed.

Not a person I'd want to hang around, or whose business I would support.

But I definitely defend his right to say it. Just as I defend YOUR right to be a bigot.

Now, what does that have to do with the thread?

Not at all

Carson was a repected neurosurgeon. Look at his rhetoric before his speach at the National Prayer Breakfast and he became a conservative celebrity. Look everyone...a black person criticized Obama!

You want sell out? Look at Carsons rhetoric after he became a Fox News contributor. Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery? That is the rhetoric of a medical professional? Slavery? Does he understand whay slavery was?

why cant left-wing losers by honest for once?

you simply cant stand the man because, as you noted he's a "black person who criticized obama"
that and nothing more is the reason you race-baiting hypocrites dont like Carson

Do you believe that Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery?

My problem with Carson is that I hold him to a higher standard

As a well respected surgeon, I expected him to be a voice of sanity within the Republican Party. Someone who can intelligently discuss the good and bad about Obamacare, someone who can identify with the struggles of blacks today and offer sensible solutions, someone who avoids the outlandish rhetoric of the far right

Instead, he has embraced the Sean Hannity wing of the party. Comparing gays to NAMBLA and bestiality, comparing Obamacare to slavery

He should be better than this
why cant left-wing losers by honest for once?

you simply cant stand the man because, as you noted he's a "black person who criticized obama"
that and nothing more is the reason you race-baiting hypocrites dont like Carson

Do you believe that Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery?

My problem with Carson is that I hold him to a higher standard

As a well respected surgeon, I expected him to be a voice of sanity within the Republican Party. Someone who can intelligently discuss the good and bad about Obamacare, someone who can identify with the struggles of blacks today and offer sensible solutions, someone who avoids the outlandish rhetoric of the far right

Instead, he has embraced the Sean Hannity wing of the party. Comparing gays to NAMBLA and bestiality, comparing Obamacare to slavery

He should be better than this

GOOD ONE STUPID; but why dont you hold your community organizer to a higher standard?

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