Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

What if the answers were yes?

If he believes that 'handouts' to the poor harm the poor, why would he be an accomplice to that crime?

But what if he doesn't believe that?

Then he's more liberal than most people think he is and that will mean that eventually the so-called true believers on the Right will be obliged to either throw him under the bus,

or simply pretend that he doesn't really believe that.
left-wing nutjobs despise a Black man that Left the liberal plantation of victimhood

NEWS FLASH: Right -Wing nutjobs despise Black men whether they are on the "plantation " or not. That is... unless they can find one to support their nefarious agenda.

I get treated like a possession by the Left Wingers here.

The Conservatives treat me like a man.

You are pushing a false narrative.

Like Libs always do?

I was kinda confused myself...

must be a new conspiracy theory we haven't heard about.

I stay away from infowars so I probably missed it.
Or maybe the two of you are just too thick to understand what a proxy is, and who the proxy for JFK in the 1964 election was.

I would go with that. Occam's razor and all.

no, idiota. I know what a proxy is.

that's why we think using the term in the way you used it was bizarre.

if you don't like that you don't make sense, maybe you should work on your communication skills and stop being bitter.
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must be a new conspiracy theory we haven't heard about.

I stay away from infowars so I probably missed it.
Or maybe the two of you are just too thick to understand what a proxy is, and who the proxy for JFK in the 1964 election was.

I would go with that. Occam's razor and all.

no, idiota. I know what a proxy is.

that's why we think using the term in the way you used it was bizarre.
You must be a real whiz of a lawyer. :rolleyes:
Yeah I suspect it will end up a Christie-Rubio ticket. But I'm rooting for Rubio I like his message even if his stance on illegal immigration is to bitter a pill for most pubs to swallow.

Either that or Rand/Rubio. I am kinda thinking the Republicans may have a "Barry Goldwater" moment to sort of kill the Tea party. But, putting Rubio in the Vice slot is pretty safe and will also get him ready for a real run.

He's pretty unpolished at this point, but some seasoning would make him a formidable candidate.
Oh boy! The old Goldwater chestnut again!

Does anyone with the intelligence of a gnat really believe that any proxy for JFK in that election could have lost?


Johnson might not have won such a landslide had the Republicans run someone that wasn't such a radical rightwinger.

When are people like you going to realize that presidential elections are decided in the purple states and winning those states isn't about how red or blue your candidate is,

it's about which candidate is a better shade of purple.
If he believes that 'handouts' to the poor harm the poor, why would he be an accomplice to that crime?

But what if he doesn't believe that?

Then he's more liberal than most people think he is and that will mean that eventually the so-called true believers on the Right will be obliged to either throw him under the bus,

or simply pretend that he doesn't really believe that.

But you really don't know what is true and what is mere speculation.

You toss out "what if's" as if it means something. It doesn't.
Either that or Rand/Rubio. I am kinda thinking the Republicans may have a "Barry Goldwater" moment to sort of kill the Tea party. But, putting Rubio in the Vice slot is pretty safe and will also get him ready for a real run.

He's pretty unpolished at this point, but some seasoning would make him a formidable candidate.
Oh boy! The old Goldwater chestnut again!

Does anyone with the intelligence of a gnat really believe that any proxy for JFK in that election could have lost?


Johnson might not have won such a landslide had the Republicans run someone that wasn't such a radical rightwinger.

When are people like you going to realize that presidential elections are decided in the purple states and winning those states isn't about how red or blue your candidate is,

it's about which candidate is a better shade of purple.
Dim a bulb as you are, at least you could figure out who JFK's proxy in '64 was.

Maybe you cold give you compatriots a primer on reading comprehension. You would probably be better than that than you are at rewriting history. :lol:
Either that or Rand/Rubio. I am kinda thinking the Republicans may have a "Barry Goldwater" moment to sort of kill the Tea party. But, putting Rubio in the Vice slot is pretty safe and will also get him ready for a real run.

He's pretty unpolished at this point, but some seasoning would make him a formidable candidate.
Oh boy! The old Goldwater chestnut again!

Does anyone with the intelligence of a gnat really believe that any proxy for JFK in that election could have lost?


Johnson might not have won such a landslide had the Republicans run someone that wasn't such a radical rightwinger.

When are people like you going to realize that presidential elections are decided in the purple states and winning those states isn't about how red or blue your candidate is,

it's about which candidate is a better shade of purple.

Agreed. This republican party can't elect a liberty loving conservative in the primaries, not as long as the rinos continue their strategy of only allowing one moderate on the primary ticket and letting the liberty loving conservatives split their vote. LOL ten pubs one's a moderate socialist... 9 conservatives split the conservative vote, .. moderate wins every time.
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left-wing nutjobs despise a Black man that Left the liberal plantation of victimhood

NEWS FLASH: Right -Wing nutjobs despise Black men whether they are on the "plantation " or not. That is... unless they can find one to support their nefarious agenda.

I get treated like a possession by the Left Wingers here.

The Conservatives treat me like a man.

You are pushing a false narrative.

Like Libs always do?


Oh.... :eek:

Is that a persecution complex you have going in 5th gear?

Or maybe the two of you are just too thick to understand what a proxy is, and who the proxy for JFK in the 1964 election was.

I would go with that. Occam's razor and all.

no, idiota. I know what a proxy is.

that's why we think using the term in the way you used it was bizarre.
You must be a real whiz of a lawyer. :rolleyes:

or maybe you're so stupid we can't figure out how you manage to put your shoes on in the morning.

but I do appreciate how every post that you respond to turns into an insult match. I suspect that's because you don't have much to say.
I was kinda confused myself...

must be a new conspiracy theory we haven't heard about.

I stay away from infowars so I probably missed it.
Or maybe the two of you are just too thick to understand what a proxy is, and who the proxy for JFK in the 1964 election was.

I would go with that. Occam's razor and all.

I don't think you understand the term.

"Proxy" in this case would be another word for "Surrogate" or "Place Holder".

And Johnson could possibly be seen as Kennedy's "Proxy" not Goldwater, who was a very conservative Republican.

Most believe that Goldwater won because mainstream Republicans were looking to purge the party of "Birchers".

So they let a really extreme conservative run and lose badly.
left-wing nutjobs despise a Black man that Left the liberal plantation of victimhood

NEWS FLASH: Right -Wing nutjobs despise Black men whether they are on the "plantation " or not. That is... unless they can find one to support their nefarious agenda.

I get treated like a possession by the Left Wingers here.

The Conservatives treat me like a man.

You are pushing a false narrative.

Like Libs always do?


If you get treated like a possession by the left wingers here its because you are obtuse.
If Conservatives treat you like a man you must live in California or New York... go the Alabama or Mississippi and see how they treat you. And please don't go knocking on doors in white neighborhoods or trailer parks if your car breaks down... We may never hear from you again! If you think that is a false narrative...try it!
Perhaps , for many of you on the right, it is a good thing Ben Carson isn’t a member of USMB. I wonder how valuable he would consider your endorsements if he knew how foul some of you have been in castigating the entire Black community at every turn? He is part of that community whether you or he likes it or not?

Frankly, I am surprised by the amicable support some of you have for Ben. I see some avatars here that have been associated with nothing less than the most jaded opinions about Blacks. Ten years ago Ben would likely have been just another “Negro” to many of you right wangers. Over 50 years ago Malcolm X said on live TV to a “highly educated Black “conservative of the day: “You know what they call a Black PHD don’t you?” The man didn’t have a clue so Malcolm schooled him. The N word exploded from Malcolm’s lips and startled millions of TV watchers; including his naive target.

Ben Carson would be a good candidate for the Republicans but I doubt if he would win if his campaign is to be based on the archaic Republican ideals marked by Reaganism and Bushism.. This is a new day and a new demographic. Until someone on the right realigns the Republican agenda with the WIll of The People, their presidential hopes may never be realized again!
If the "will of the people" is food stamps, $25 per hour wages at McDonalds and hand outs, this Country is doomed anyway. Because sooner or later the money is going to run out. You liberals are destroying this country to get a few votes.
Perhaps , for many of you on the right, it is a good thing Ben Carson isn’t a member of USMB. I wonder how valuable he would consider your endorsements if he knew how foul some of you have been in castigating the entire Black community at every turn? He is part of that community whether you or he likes it or not?

Frankly, I am surprised by the amicable support some of you have for Ben. I see some avatars here that have been associated with nothing less than the most jaded opinions about Blacks. Ten years ago Ben would likely have been just another “Negro” to many of you right wangers. Over 50 years ago Malcolm X said on live TV to a “highly educated Black “conservative of the day: “You know what they call a Black PHD don’t you?” The man didn’t have a clue so Malcolm schooled him. The N word exploded from Malcolm’s lips and startled millions of TV watchers; including his naive target.

Ben Carson would be a good candidate for the Republicans but I doubt if he would win if his campaign is to be based on the archaic Republican ideals marked by Reaganism and Bushism.. This is a new day and a new demographic. Until someone on the right realigns the Republican agenda with the WIll of The People, their presidential hopes may never be realized again!

oh brother, save the sermons
go back through the board and see how the left treated Mr.Cain, Allen West, someone just the other day called, Condi Rice an Uncle you need to see who it is that has "archaic Ideas" and are full of racist
Democrats are still pissed they don't have Jim Crowe laws to enforce, so they thought of even more sinister ways to keep the black man down.
As it stands?

Carson would never win an general election.

I doubt if he would make it past the primaries.

Considering how top heavy the Republican Party is with bigots, I have to agree with you!.
Most don't want a Black man as President of the USA even if he agrees with them and is a model citizen!

Care to back this absurd claim up?

Care to rebut it ? I have no need to prove a self evident truth. Take your head out of the sand and look closely at some of your fellow republicans. I'll start you off with several well known republican allies: 1. KKK 2. Nazis 3. White on and so forth...

"A truly moral nation enacts policies encourage personal responsibility and encourage self-destructive behavior by not subsidizing people who live irresponsibly and make poor choices."
-- Dr. Ben Carson

Holy shit, he's pretty much already sunk. That stuff is not going to fly in today's America. The victimhood industry has seen to that, he'll just be painted as a big meanie. That hateful stuff was for an America that no longer exists, the one that demonstrated the dynamic power of the individual.

Sorry. Next?


well, yeah, I guess here's the problem.

That's really great for some black guy who is trying to make a quick buck by validating the views of white bigots, but the reality is, the majority of people who are on welfare are only on it for a short time.

A lot of people who are on assistance have jobs, just not jobs that pay well enough to make ends meet. So essentially, welfare is a subsidy for WalMart and McDonalds.

Not to worry, Stepandfetchit Carson will validate your bigotry.
. This person doesn't think they are racist with that statement. Say that to his face.
But what if he doesn't believe that?

Then he's more liberal than most people think he is and that will mean that eventually the so-called true believers on the Right will be obliged to either throw him under the bus,

or simply pretend that he doesn't really believe that.

But you really don't know what is true and what is mere speculation.

You toss out "what if's" as if it means something. It doesn't.

Scott Brown.

Case closed.
Liberals ridicule the words of Dr Carson and yours because it helps keep the poor, especially blacks who might be influenced by Carson, without hope and dependent on the Liberal plantation.


But it works for them, it always has, and it would work against Carson.

His message is the last thing they want blacks to see, so they will do everything they can to drown it out.



If Sarah Palin was a black women, the white liberals wouldn't have given her the political "honeymoon" that the white Sarah Palin was given by them.
So, the conservatives here are fixated on Carson's race, and the liberals are ignoring it. Same old same old. The left is color blind, the right sees everything in terms of race. As is usual, moral high ground to the liberals. Conservatives, much as you'll find this hard to believe, not every single thing is about race, so put away those race cards.

And no, Ben Carson is not running for President. He's seen what the other Republicans did to Herman Cain, the character assassination and digging up of all dirty laundry. Ben Carson is just stirring up a little interest to sell more copies of his book. Nothing wrong with a little crowd teasing like that. Some rubes take joy from being fleeced.
Liberals hate any black that has transcended their plantation thinking;

Some friendly advice -- patronizing racism of that sort is why you lose 90% of the black vote.

I realize you don't see it as patronizing racism, but that's not the point. Blacks do see it as patronizing racism. You need to convince them it's not just patronizing racism. In general, repeatedly calling an entire race welfare cases is not the way to get their votes.
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