Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

Actually, in this very thread, I've done that.

I posted quotes from Dr. Carson and related why that would hinder any bid he makes for the White House.

You folks keep bringing up race and making the case the "left" would call him bad names.

How about sticking to the topic and responding to actual posts, instead of making shit up?

your quotes are only relevant in your mind; hence useless

I'm sure Romney felt that way too.


doesnt make sense

try again said:
Pray for our leaders to change this country's direction. Pray for Dr. Carson and his family that they may have the strength to do God's will. Pray with 2 Chronicles 7-14 at heart: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

Ben Carson is a man of virtue and integrity. His belief in God of course will be reviled by morally bankrupt bed wetters who sycophantically defend a petty thug who was shoved into the highest office through fraud at every level. I know there will be a lot of my fellow conservative/libertarian sorts who will also have no appreciation for his devotion to his faith, but I ask them this:

Would it be so hard to deal with an executive that would roll back the insanity of liberalism out of a spiritual motivation? On any level, liberalism is wrong and in some cases outright evil. It works to destabilize society in general, and undermine the constitution. I believe Mr Carson would do more to support and defend the constitution than any presidential candidate.
collectively; not individually

obama had zero governing experience

nice try though


Moving goalposts I see.

The President governs collectively as well.

Check out the Constitution.

You might be surprised.

no; correcting your faulty logic

It is your logic that is faulty.

No elected position in the city, state or federal governments govern "alone".

On on the Federal level? Careful checks and balances are in place to assure no branch of government has too much power. That is codified in the Constitution.

You really aren't good at this, are ya?
i'm saying being successful OUTSIDE of government is AT LEAST as good an indicator of success as a pandering communnity organizer's chance of being a successful President

get it/
Moving goalposts I see.

The President governs collectively as well.

Check out the Constitution.

You might be surprised.

no; correcting your faulty logic

It is your logic that is faulty.

No elected position in the city, state or federal governments govern "alone".

On on the Federal level? Careful checks and balances are in place to assure no branch of government has too much power. That is codified in the Constitution.

You really aren't good at this, are ya?

exactly; they DONT govern alone

obama had zero executive power

your position is faulty; and you cant admit it
It's amusing how when the subject of Ben Carson comes up his fans seem to only want to talk about his color.

That would be the racecard.

race is all that matters to the pandering left; how else can we talk to you?

is there any criticism of obama by the Right that is VALID and not motivated by "racism"?

I think on this board and in multiple threads I've said I agreed with Rand Paul on the NSA snooping and was happy he brought a lawsuit against the government.

President Obama's done far too little to curb that.
Governors have executive power; of course they have advisors; but a Senator is just one of a hundred

you're silly Sallow
race is all that matters to the pandering left; how else can we talk to you?

is there any criticism of obama by the Right that is VALID and not motivated by "racism"?

I think on this board and in multiple threads I've said I agreed with Rand Paul on the NSA snooping and was happy he brought a lawsuit against the government.

President Obama's done far too little to curb that.

Great; but i was asking carbi-tard
no; correcting your faulty logic

It is your logic that is faulty.

No elected position in the city, state or federal governments govern "alone".

On on the Federal level? Careful checks and balances are in place to assure no branch of government has too much power. That is codified in the Constitution.

You really aren't good at this, are ya?

exactly; they DONT govern alone

obama had zero executive power

your position is faulty; and you cant admit it

Wait, what?

This is why dealing with you folks is a fool's errand.

You can't even follow your own logic.
Rabbi's video shows Cornel West, who is one of the more radical folks on the left, making those statements. He's not going to win any elections and is generally trotted out because of his radical views. And pointing to JoeB, who started out here as a right wing guy that slowly evolved in his thinking, really isn't helping your case much.

Personally when I listen to politicians talking about policy? The last thing that comes to my mind is their race or ethnicity.

I don't know if you really don't understand this or (far more likely) you're just being obtuse. I'll try one last time.

Hardcore left-wingers like West and hardcore right-wingers like Palin say crazy things and the other side jumps on it, points at it and positions that person as representative of the other side. I wonder if we could at least stipulate to that, but who knows.

So, when that would happen with Carson, I wonder if there would be any blowback, if some blacks and independents would be turned off. Or, more likely, how MUCH blowback there would be.

This really doesn't need to be so difficult to understand. It's possible to have an honest conversation in which you can be candid about some on your "side" and try some independent critical analysis that is not polluted by partisan ideology.

Your head would not explode, I swear.


I don't know if you really don't understand this or (far more likely) you're just being obtuse. I'll try one last time.

Palin was run as Vice President and she actually got elected in Alaska as the state's governor. West didn't get elected to anything.

This really doesn't need to be so difficult to understand. It's possible to have an honest conversation in which you can be candid about some on your "side" and try some independent critical analysis that is not polluted by partisan ideology.

Your head would not explode, I swear.

Well, against my better judgement, I tried.

You once again ignore/avoid the main question I've been asking throughout this thread, and it's the third paragraph of my post, the one you quoted:

"So, when that would happen with Carson, I wonder if there would be any blowback, if some blacks and independents would be turned off. Or, more likely, how MUCH blowback there would be."

Is any lefty here willing to have an honest conversation about this, without the straw man arguments and avoidance tactics?

is there any criticism of obama by the Right that is VALID and not motivated by "racism"?

I think on this board and in multiple threads I've said I agreed with Rand Paul on the NSA snooping and was happy he brought a lawsuit against the government.

President Obama's done far too little to curb that.

Great; but i was asking carbi-tard

Carbitard and swallow will just regurgitate the same bullshit. Carbitard may just be more retarded, but neither one will base their posts on rational judgment, logic or facts.
CaféAuLait;9119360 said:
It's quotes like that which will assure Ben Carson never becomes President.

I don't think so. You need to keep the quote in context. He explained how his Mother only had a third grade education. She worked three jobs and while working she noted that those 'rich' people were not sitting around watching TV but 'doing things' like reading. his Mom turned off the TV and made them read, he said he hated her choice.

Soon though he realized he was smarter than those people in school he use to envy for their intelligence because of his Mom's choice. He said he hated being poor but realized "poverty is really more of a choice more than anything else" and he could change his life by making a choice like that..

There is no proper context for a statement like that.

It's incorrect first off. You don't choose to be born into poverty.

And secondly? It's offensive.

Yeah cause no one can choose to get out of poverty. ROFL Libtard thinks folks in poverty have no freedom of choice.

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