Ben Carson Proves Once Again That He is Nuttier Than A Fruit Cake

Laissez faire health care. Get the health care you can afford. Can't afford it? Tough luck. Die in the streets.


It's the same Lie that makes the same claim about FOOD STAMPS...
How is that a lie? What do you do for the tens of millions who can not afford to save the thousands every required to fund an HSA?


You do what has been done in the US for 250 years... . There's nothing complex about any of it.
Let them suffer and die. I know your views.


THAT is HYSTERICAL... it's as if you've no means to sustain your own assertions, like some sort of feckless fool or sumpin'.
Let them suffer and die. I know your views.

If you really cared about liberals would fix the VA. But nope.

Huh? Remind me who's in charge of the House and Senate?

Democrats held a supermajority in both houses for two years, yet they chose not to even address the issue. With so much power, it should be easy to cure what ails us. But nope.

The Democrats had a supermajority for like a month. I think the number wavered between 58 and 59 until Al Franken was sworn in, then a month later Ted Kennedy died. Meanwhile Republicans were filibustering everything in sight around 400 separate times. For anything to pass required a Republican to cross the aisle and that's why Olympia Snow and Susan Collins were in the news so much. I agree with you, that should have been an important goal especially after the Walter Reed scandal, but that includes Republicans, who could have authored their own bill but never did. What about the House majority for the last five years? I have to say party politics haven't done the veteran in America much good has it?
The Democrats had a supermajority for like a month.

Even still, they had time to change it. So, whose fault is it?
So, they didn't hold a supermajority in both houses for two years then?

The Democrats had a supemajority in the Senate in 2008. Harry Reid (D-USSR) was in charge.

In a snowy Xmas eve 2008 the motherfucker convened the Senate in secrete. Through parliamentarian maneuver he prevented the minority republicans from objecting. He got the Senate to adopt Obama Hellcare. .

"Ben Carson Proves Once Again That He is Nuttier Than A Fruit Cake"

Just as conservatives subscribing to this thread are proving.
When the right attacked the President on his policies, they were simply being stupid.

That's it? Stupid?
He's clearly a liar & a closet racist. Might be a bigot too but that's unclear at this point
And you are what results when siblings reproduce.
Family insults are off limits dumbass. If you can't be anymore creative than that just give it up.
Not a family insult. A possible explanation for your demonstrated intellectual failings.
When the right attacked the President on his policies, they were simply being stupid.

That's it? Stupid?
He's clearly a liar & a closet racist. Might be a bigot too but that's unclear at this point
And you are what results when siblings reproduce.
Family insults are off limits dumbass. If you can't be anymore creative than that just give it up.
Not a family insult. A possible explanation for your demonstrated intellectual failings.

Which still makes it a family insult. Try again, hotshot.
Let them suffer and die. I know your views.

If you really cared about liberals would fix the VA. But nope.

Huh? Remind me who's in charge of the House and Senate?

Democrats held a supermajority in both houses for two years, yet they chose not to even address the issue. With so much power, it should be easy to cure what ails us. But nope.
And republicans have held power since. Can you point to one thing they did. Oh, wait. They did do something. They now allow vets to secure coverage from a private insurer that offers a plan of coverage approved by the government and then subsidizes the premium. What does that remind you of?
That's it? Stupid?
He's clearly a liar & a closet racist. Might be a bigot too but that's unclear at this point
And you are what results when siblings reproduce.
Family insults are off limits dumbass. If you can't be anymore creative than that just give it up.
Not a family insult. A possible explanation for your demonstrated intellectual failings.

Which still makes it a family insult. Try again, hotshot.
Ok. You are what happens whe pregnant mothers smoke meth during their pregnancy. Is that better?
The Democrats had a supermajority for like a month.

Even still, they had time to change it. So, whose fault is it?
So, they didn't hold a supermajority in both houses for two years then?

The Democrats had a supemajority in the Senate in 2008. Harry Reid (D-USSR) was in charge.

In a snowy Xmas eve 2008 the motherfucker convened the Senate in secrete. Through parliamentarian maneuver he prevented the minority republicans from objecting. He got the Senate to adopt Obama Hellcare. .

Amazing. So you are saying that the ACA was passed in December of 2008, when George Bush was president?
He's clearly a liar & a closet racist. Might be a bigot too but that's unclear at this point
And you are what results when siblings reproduce.
Family insults are off limits dumbass. If you can't be anymore creative than that just give it up.
Not a family insult. A possible explanation for your demonstrated intellectual failings.

Which still makes it a family insult. Try again, hotshot.
Ok. You are what happens whe pregnant mothers smoke meth during their pregnancy. Is that better?

You do realize you're just digging the hole deeper, right?
And you are what results when siblings reproduce.
Family insults are off limits dumbass. If you can't be anymore creative than that just give it up.
Not a family insult. A possible explanation for your demonstrated intellectual failings.

Which still makes it a family insult. Try again, hotshot.
Ok. You are what happens whe pregnant mothers smoke meth during their pregnancy. Is that better?

You do realize you're just digging the hole deeper, right?
What hole? I am struggling to find a rational explanation for the obvious intellectual deficits of folks like you and the other fucktard I responded to.
The ACA was a compromise. It included many republican proposals.

Not a single Republican Vote was cast for obamaScare. Not a single Conservative bill, notion, thought, day dream, comment or suggestion is found ANYWHERE in obamaScare.

The Bill was shoved through the legislature by illicit means, passed without debate and not so much as ONE INDIVIDUAL THAT VOTED FOR IT, SO MUCH AS READ THE DAM' THING... .

Proving that you're simply... a lyin' fool.

Of course, the famous line:

"We have to pass it, so we can find out what's in it." - Nancy Pelosi

All the closed door deals (remember Obama's promise of transparency on CSpan right?) , months of wasted time bogging down Congress because, as many seem to forget, Republicans couldn't stop the bill as all that was required was getting these blue dog Democrats to tag along.

IF they had all this supposed "support" from the American people that these liberals claimed they had,
(1) passing this bill wouldn't take this long,
(2) you wouldn't see Representatives in Congress being told they couldn't go back home to face their angry constituents
(3) Peosi and Reed wouldn't feel the need to threaten these blue dogs from receiving reelection support
(4) Nancy Pelosi wouldn't have lost her position as Speaker of the House to the Republicans.

Heelloooo !!!!! .... think McFly .. think !! lol
The famous line that morons have taken out of context for years. The entire quote, given in a speech to a group of Americans:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday that people won’t appreciate how great the Democrat’s health plan is until after it passes.

“You’ve heard about the controversies, the process about the bill…but I don’t know if you’ve heard that it is legislation for the future – not just about health care for America, but about a healthier America,” she told the National Association of Counties annual legislative conference, which has drawn about 2,000 local officials to Washington. “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it – away from the fog of the controversy.”

During a 20-minute speech, she touted benefits she thinks will be tangible to the audience’s employers. She said there’s support for public health infrastructure and investments in community health centers that will reduce uncompensated care that hospitals now need to deliver.

“You know as well as anyone that our current system is unsustainable,” said Pelosi (D-Calif.). “The final health care legislation, which will soon be passed by the Congress, will deliver successful reforms at the local level.”

So, she was telling Americans that they would finally know what the bill would do once it was passed. Because passing it and having it go into effect would prove that the opponents were lying about it. You still are. The bill passed like others have passed. The only constituents that were angry were the tea party crowd demanding that congress keep government out of their medicare. It passed and it is working better than promised.

Oh so that's why Nancy Pelosi lost her job as speaker, because theAmerican people simply loved what the Democrats did in passing this health care bill. It takes more than the "tea party" to generate enough votes to lose that many seats. You really don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about.

Oh, and do show me where in the Constitution, precisely gives this president the right to go around Congress (when he can't get his way) and use executive order to get his position in a bill passed?
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion

Ben Carson is absolutely right to compare abortion to slavery, and it's revealing that liberals get so irate whenever this logical, factual comparison is made. Slavery apologists used the exact same kinds of arguments that abortion apologists make. Both sets of arguments ignore the humanity and rights of the victim. Both argue that it is a matter of the right to choose--that is, for the slaveholder and the woman, since the baby gets no choice and is treated as a blob of tissue, in spite of all we now know about the baby's development in the womb.

Sorry, if you don't like being compared to slavery apologists, then stop defending a practice that makes slavery look mild by comparison.
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion

Ben Carson is absolutely right to compare abortion to slavery, and it's revealing that liberals get so irate whenever this logical, factual comparison is made. Slavery apologists used the exact same kinds of arguments that abortion apologists make. Both sets of arguments ignore the humanity and rights of the victim. Both argue that it is a matter of the right to choose--that is, for the slaveholder and the woman, since the baby gets no choice and is treated as a blob of tissue, in spite of all we now know about the baby's development in the womb.

Sorry, if you don't like being compared to slavery apologists, then stop defending a practice that makes slavery look mild by comparison.

Taking an abortion pill makes involuntary servitude for life look mild?

You are mentally retarded.
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Let them suffer and die. I know your views.

If you really cared about liberals would fix the VA. But nope.

Huh? Remind me who's in charge of the House and Senate?

Democrats held a supermajority in both houses for two years, yet they chose not to even address the issue. With so much power, it should be easy to cure what ails us. But nope.

Why would Democrats need a supermajority to 'fix' the VA?

Is oppostion to improving the VA so solid on the Republican side that only a SUPERMAJORITY of Democrats could overcome it?
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