Ben Carson refers to himself as a "scientist".

Medical School Entrance Requirements
College work in mathematics is required by some medical schools and recommended by almost all. A very few medical schools require one year of calculus. Also, a very few require one semester of statistics. See the book Medical School Admissions Requirements or individual medical schools’ web pages to verify premedical requirements.

So a year of calculus and a semester of physics makes you a scientist?

No --- that's the downpayment to get INTO a Med School. Before you leave -- you will understand all the advanced tools and pharmaceuticals that you put into your hand when you walk into a hospital.. And be able to compare study statistics for different drugs and therapies.

My daughter still has almost a year to go, but I'm pretty sure she would have mentioned anything that would have made her proficient in archaeology or meteorology as you claimed earlier.

Her ability to READ and UNDERSTAND science in ANY field is now probably on a par with 98% of the scientists out there.. And she'll know some chemistry and statistics that many archaeologists or meteorologists might sometimes NEED but not have. And she'll share a knowledge of how complex instruments work like gas analyzers and x-rays and ultrasound that are common to MANY FIELDS of science including arch. and metero folks. .

She pretty much trains HERSELF to be a specialist by putting herself into her particular interests..

OK.She's smart. I knew that long ago,but that still doesn't equate to her having the skills you claim all doctors have. She isn't an archaeologist or meteorologist, and most likely never will be.

Let's just nail this whole "Ben Carson isn't a scientist" sardine and close the can.

Are Archaeologists scientists?

Do they sometimes concern themselves with details of structural anatomy, economics, even postulate on the causes of death and medical condition of the biological remains that they find?

Might they make correlations to meteorological, environmental, or historical conditions?

Answers to those 3 questions are Yes. And if you quit typing for a moment and ponder what license they have to do those sort of things --- you'll discover A LOT about people who work in the science fields. It's IMPOSSIBLE to isolate yourself in a specialty. And even if you aren't blessed with moving across different problems in different application areas --- you DO HAVE have the curiosity and the tools to make observations and learn about basic issues from "other" fields.

Are Archaeologists X-ray, DNA, chemists, or entomologists or math wizzes? NO -- But it doesn't stop them from APPLYING those concepts within their field.. Or retrieving the information and the skills they need to do it..
So you are not a leftist, but you're not sure how. But if I give you a menu, then you'll pick one.

What a stupid fuck you are.

Everything you do all day is pimp leftist propaganda. How are you not a leftist, if you're not one, is a simple question. But you retarded leftists constantly play this game.

I'll go first. I'm not a "Republican" because I oppose the war on terror, the war on drugs, I am pro-choice and anti-death penalty. Just a few things, see how simple that was?

Your turn, you are not a leftist because...

I am not a social conservative because I'm an agnostic, I'm am not a fiscal conservative since i'm fiscally responsible; I'm not opposed to abortion because I'm not an authoritarian; I'm not a Libertarian because I'm a pragmatist; I'm not a callous conservative since I have empathy, and I'm not like you because I'm honest, educated, pragmatic and not an asshole.

I'm a liberal because I respect the Scientific Method, I'm not superstitious and I judge people by who they are, not by the color of their skin, their place of birth or the religion or creed in which they were raised.

I don't believe might makes right or the ends justify the means; I believe the Preamble to the COTUS was a vision statement and a mission statement which has been rejected and disrespected by the new conservative element which dominates the debate with ignorance, hate and fear.

And I'm not far left nor am I far right since I believe change needs to be made intelligently and convincingly, and to benefit the many, not the few.

Finally I'm a registered Democrat respect the ideals of TR and FDR; IKE and Kennedy and Obama. Ethos I can believe in and support which have been rejected by people like you.
You probably lost the guy after the first paragraph. His reading comprehension & understanding context gets confused after that, followed by head scratching and blurting out emotional drivel.

You are obviously educated, reasonable, and not self-centered.
I differ in being an Independent politically, and have Libertarian preferences á la Thomas Paine.

Oh yeah, regarding the OP, my conclusion is that Ben Carson is a "scientist" only when he's practicing an applicable scientific method and/or discussing Philosophy of Science in his medical field.
He is not a scientist when talking about religion or evolution.

Thomas Paine was a socialist, you fucking dolt. Right off the bat you only prove that you're a dumbass.

You're a fool. That is beyond any doubt (and I'm being kind).


Are you claiming Thomas Paine wasn't a socialist?

My claim is you're a fool. And in doing so I was being kind. Period.

Google Thomas Paine / Socialism and skip over the Glen Beck version to which you seem enamored.
I am not a social conservative because I'm an agnostic, I'm am not a fiscal conservative since i'm fiscally responsible; I'm not opposed to abortion because I'm not an authoritarian; I'm not a Libertarian because I'm a pragmatist; I'm not a callous conservative since I have empathy, and I'm not like you because I'm honest, educated, pragmatic and not an asshole.

I'm a liberal because I respect the Scientific Method, I'm not superstitious and I judge people by who they are, not by the color of their skin, their place of birth or the religion or creed in which they were raised.

I don't believe might makes right or the ends justify the means; I believe the Preamble to the COTUS was a vision statement and a mission statement which has been rejected and disrespected by the new conservative element which dominates the debate with ignorance, hate and fear.

And I'm not far left nor am I far right since I believe change needs to be made intelligently and convincingly, and to benefit the many, not the few.

Finally I'm a registered Democrat respect the ideals of TR and FDR; IKE and Kennedy and Obama. Ethos I can believe in and support which have been rejected by people like you.
You probably lost the guy after the first paragraph. His reading comprehension & understanding context gets confused after that, followed by head scratching and blurting out emotional drivel.

You are obviously educated, reasonable, and not self-centered.
I differ in being an Independent politically, and have Libertarian preferences á la Thomas Paine.

Oh yeah, regarding the OP, my conclusion is that Ben Carson is a "scientist" only when he's practicing an applicable scientific method and/or discussing Philosophy of Science in his medical field.
He is not a scientist when talking about religion or evolution.

Thomas Paine was a socialist, you fucking dolt. Right off the bat you only prove that you're a dumbass.

You're a fool. That is beyond any doubt (and I'm being kind).


Are you claiming Thomas Paine wasn't a socialist?

My claim is you're a fool. And in doing so I was being kind. Period.

Google Thomas Paine / Socialism and skip over the Glen Beck version to which you seem enamored.

Thomas Paine was a socialist, so your claim that I'm a fool is based on reality that I post facts.

End of story.
Smart People Believing Stupid Things
Dr. Ben Carson, heading to a Palin-esque niche on the right. But not the White House.
Smart People Believing Stupid Things

".... And now it turns out that in addition to his anti-gay views, Carson also believes that the world is 6,000 years old, and evolution is just some crazy idea for which there's no more evidence than there is for the biblical story of creation.

It's this last part that I find particularly interesting. Elitist that I am, I tend to think of Young-Earth Creationists as poorly educated, backwoods folk. This isn't a matter of religious belief versus lack of belief, either. The Catholic Church, which is run by some fellows who are pretty serious about their religion, says that evolution is perfectly compatible with the biblical creation story, properly understood. I really don't understand how one could make it through college and med school (with all those science prerequisites!)and sustain those beliefs. After exposure to not just the discoveries of science but to scientific thinking and methods themselves, you have to go through some incredible mental gymnastics to believe that it's all just a lie. There have been other prominent Republican politicians who have advocated intelligent design (Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum did last year), but if you're going for the top job, Young-Earth Creationism is an entirely different level.

And that's not all. Carson also seems to be something of a biblical literalist, also a belief system no person with an IQ higher than that of a Turnip could reasonably hold to, unless he were also willing to advocate the stoning of rebellious children, the death penalty for working on the sabbath, and all the juicy polygamy, genocide, slavery, and rape that make the Old Testament such a page-turner. But maybe his views on those things are more nuanced than they appear..."
Smart People Believing Stupid Things
Dr. Ben Carson, heading to a Palin-esque niche on the right. But not the White House.
Smart People Believing Stupid Things

".... And now it turns out that in addition to his anti-gay views, Carson also believes that the world is 6,000 years old, and evolution is just some crazy idea for which there's no more evidence than there is for the biblical story of creation.

It's this last part that I find particularly interesting. Elitist that I am, I tend to think of Young-Earth Creationists as poorly educated, backwoods folk. This isn't a matter of religious belief versus lack of belief, either. The Catholic Church, which is run by some fellows who are pretty serious about their religion, says that evolution is perfectly compatible with the biblical creation story, properly understood. I really don't understand how one could make it through college and med school (with all those science prerequisites!)and sustain those beliefs. After exposure to not just the discoveries of science but to scientific thinking and methods themselves, you have to go through some incredible mental gymnastics to believe that it's all just a lie. There have been other prominent Republican politicians who have advocated intelligent design (Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum did last year), but if you're going for the top job, Young-Earth Creationism is an entirely different level.

And that's not all. Carson also seems to be something of a biblical literalist, also a belief system no person with an IQ higher than that of a Turnip could reasonably hold to, unless he were also willing to advocate the stoning of rebellious children, the death penalty for working on the sabbath, and all the juicy polygamy, genocide, slavery, and rape that make the Old Testament such a page-turner. But maybe his views on those things are more nuanced than they appear..."
Then again, probably not.
Smart People Believing Stupid Things
Dr. Ben Carson, heading to a Palin-esque niche on the right. But not the White House.
Smart People Believing Stupid Things

".... And now it turns out that in addition to his anti-gay views, Carson also believes that the world is 6,000 years old, and evolution is just some crazy idea for which there's no more evidence than there is for the biblical story of creation.

It's this last part that I find particularly interesting. Elitist that I am, I tend to think of Young-Earth Creationists as poorly educated, backwoods folk. This isn't a matter of religious belief versus lack of belief, either. The Catholic Church, which is run by some fellows who are pretty serious about their religion, says that evolution is perfectly compatible with the biblical creation story, properly understood. I really don't understand how one could make it through college and med school (with all those science prerequisites!)and sustain those beliefs. After exposure to not just the discoveries of science but to scientific thinking and methods themselves, you have to go through some incredible mental gymnastics to believe that it's all just a lie. There have been other prominent Republican politicians who have advocated intelligent design (Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum did last year), but if you're going for the top job, Young-Earth Creationism is an entirely different level.

And that's not all. Carson also seems to be something of a biblical literalist, also a belief system no person with an IQ higher than that of a Turnip could reasonably hold to, unless he were also willing to advocate the stoning of rebellious children, the death penalty for working on the sabbath, and all the juicy polygamy, genocide, slavery, and rape that make the Old Testament such a page-turner. But maybe his views on those things are more nuanced than they appear..."
I think they take pride in actively rebuking science. Makes them heroes in the SOCON's eyes
So a year of calculus and a semester of physics makes you a scientist?

No --- that's the downpayment to get INTO a Med School. Before you leave -- you will understand all the advanced tools and pharmaceuticals that you put into your hand when you walk into a hospital.. And be able to compare study statistics for different drugs and therapies.

My daughter still has almost a year to go, but I'm pretty sure she would have mentioned anything that would have made her proficient in archaeology or meteorology as you claimed earlier.

Her ability to READ and UNDERSTAND science in ANY field is now probably on a par with 98% of the scientists out there.. And she'll know some chemistry and statistics that many archaeologists or meteorologists might sometimes NEED but not have. And she'll share a knowledge of how complex instruments work like gas analyzers and x-rays and ultrasound that are common to MANY FIELDS of science including arch. and metero folks. .

She pretty much trains HERSELF to be a specialist by putting herself into her particular interests..

OK.She's smart. I knew that long ago,but that still doesn't equate to her having the skills you claim all doctors have. She isn't an archaeologist or meteorologist, and most likely never will be.

Let's just nail this whole "Ben Carson isn't a scientist" sardine and close the can.

Are Archaeologists scientists?

Do they sometimes concern themselves with details of structural anatomy, economics, even postulate on the causes of death and medical condition of the biological remains that they find?

Might they make correlations to meteorological, environmental, or historical conditions?

Answers to those 3 questions are Yes. And if you quit typing for a moment and ponder what license they have to do those sort of things --- you'll discover A LOT about people who work in the science fields. It's IMPOSSIBLE to isolate yourself in a specialty. And even if you aren't blessed with moving across different problems in different application areas --- you DO HAVE have the curiosity and the tools to make observations and learn about basic issues from "other" fields.

Are Archaeologists X-ray, DNA, chemists, or entomologists or math wizzes? NO -- But it doesn't stop them from APPLYING those concepts within their field.. Or retrieving the information and the skills they need to do it..

The only thing you nailed down was the fact that you said something dumb, and didn't have enough sense to back away from it.
Smart People Believing Stupid Things
Dr. Ben Carson, heading to a Palin-esque niche on the right. But not the White House.
Smart People Believing Stupid Things

".... And now it turns out that in addition to his anti-gay views, Carson also believes that the world is 6,000 years old, and evolution is just some crazy idea for which there's no more evidence than there is for the biblical story of creation.

It's this last part that I find particularly interesting. Elitist that I am, I tend to think of Young-Earth Creationists as poorly educated, backwoods folk. This isn't a matter of religious belief versus lack of belief, either. The Catholic Church, which is run by some fellows who are pretty serious about their religion, says that evolution is perfectly compatible with the biblical creation story, properly understood. I really don't understand how one could make it through college and med school (with all those science prerequisites!)and sustain those beliefs. After exposure to not just the discoveries of science but to scientific thinking and methods themselves, you have to go through some incredible mental gymnastics to believe that it's all just a lie. There have been other prominent Republican politicians who have advocated intelligent design (Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum did last year), but if you're going for the top job, Young-Earth Creationism is an entirely different level.

And that's not all. Carson also seems to be something of a biblical literalist, also a belief system no person with an IQ higher than that of a Turnip could reasonably hold to, unless he were also willing to advocate the stoning of rebellious children, the death penalty for working on the sabbath, and all the juicy polygamy, genocide, slavery, and rape that make the Old Testament such a page-turner. But maybe his views on those things are more nuanced than they appear..."
I think they take pride in actively rebuking science. Makes them heroes in the SOCON's eyes

it's funny watching idiots like you, who know nothing about science, trying to act superior to those who do.
I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?

That's a curiosity isn't it? I'm convinced he was brilliant in his field, a true master craftsman in the fine art of brain surgery. He must be well versed in the Scientific Method. That's one reason his theory "I believe the Pyramids were built by Joseph as granaries" seems so preposterously unscientific it immediately elicits a WTF reaction. A good 8th grade student should be able to explain to Dr. Carson why his theory is impossibly flawed. I speculated the other day (only half in jest) that it might have something to do with the idiot savant phenomena. Those WTF moments do make him one of the more interesting (and entertaining) of the candidates though.
First, read:
Raison d’être
Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. The print magazine is released quarterly and reaches over 10,000 subscribers, in addition to a web audience of 600,000 a month.

About | Jacobin


Reading Paine from the Left | Jacobin

And if not willfully ignorant or suffering cognitive dissonance, this on Hamilton:

"The Left has always favored Thomas Jefferson over Alexander Hamilton. But not only was Hamilton more progressive for his time, he has lessons for our response to climate change."

Reading Hamilton from the Left | Jacobin
First, read:
Raison d’être
Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. The print magazine is released quarterly and reaches over 10,000 subscribers, in addition to a web audience of 600,000 a month.

About | Jacobin


Reading Paine from the Left | Jacobin

And if not willfully ignorant or suffering cognitive dissonance, this on Hamilton:

"The Left has always favored Thomas Jefferson over Alexander Hamilton. But not only was Hamilton more progressive for his time, he has lessons for our response to climate change."

Reading Hamilton from the Left | Jacobin

Leftists like Jefferson, he would not like your ideas, quite the reverse
Smart People Believing Stupid Things
Dr. Ben Carson, heading to a Palin-esque niche on the right. But not the White House.
Smart People Believing Stupid Things

".... And now it turns out that in addition to his anti-gay views, Carson also believes that the world is 6,000 years old, and evolution is just some crazy idea for which there's no more evidence than there is for the biblical story of creation.

It's this last part that I find particularly interesting. Elitist that I am, I tend to think of Young-Earth Creationists as poorly educated, backwoods folk. This isn't a matter of religious belief versus lack of belief, either. The Catholic Church, which is run by some fellows who are pretty serious about their religion, says that evolution is perfectly compatible with the biblical creation story, properly understood. I really don't understand how one could make it through college and med school (with all those science prerequisites!)and sustain those beliefs. After exposure to not just the discoveries of science but to scientific thinking and methods themselves, you have to go through some incredible mental gymnastics to believe that it's all just a lie. There have been other prominent Republican politicians who have advocated intelligent design (Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum did last year), but if you're going for the top job, Young-Earth Creationism is an entirely different level.

And that's not all. Carson also seems to be something of a biblical literalist, also a belief system no person with an IQ higher than that of a Turnip could reasonably hold to, unless he were also willing to advocate the stoning of rebellious children, the death penalty for working on the sabbath, and all the juicy polygamy, genocide, slavery, and rape that make the Old Testament such a page-turner. But maybe his views on those things are more nuanced than they appear..."
I think they take pride in actively rebuking science. Makes them heroes in the SOCON's eyes

Anyone who believes in the AGW con is a scientific ignoramus, so you're in no position to point fingers.
First, read:
Raison d’être
Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. The print magazine is released quarterly and reaches over 10,000 subscribers, in addition to a web audience of 600,000 a month.

About | Jacobin


Reading Paine from the Left | Jacobin

And if not willfully ignorant or suffering cognitive dissonance, this on Hamilton:

"The Left has always favored Thomas Jefferson over Alexander Hamilton. But not only was Hamilton more progressive for his time, he has lessons for our response to climate change."

Reading Hamilton from the Left | Jacobin

Leftists like Jefferson, he would not like your ideas, quite the reverse

If he was running for office today they would call him a racist right wing extremist.
First, read:
Raison d’être
Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. The print magazine is released quarterly and reaches over 10,000 subscribers, in addition to a web audience of 600,000 a month.

About | Jacobin


Reading Paine from the Left | Jacobin

And if not willfully ignorant or suffering cognitive dissonance, this on Hamilton:

"The Left has always favored Thomas Jefferson over Alexander Hamilton. But not only was Hamilton more progressive for his time, he has lessons for our response to climate change."

Reading Hamilton from the Left | Jacobin

How does the following not describe a socialist?

"Unlikely, because Paine was a consistent advocate of a strong federal government and also a sharp critic of economic inequality and poverty who designed the world’s first fully fleshed-out scheme of social welfare provision. Beyond that, he introduced millions to a radical critique of private property and class society, and pointed to democratic politics as the solution."
And I'm not far left nor am I far right since I believe change needs to be made intelligently and convincingly, and to benefit the many, not the few
You are obviously educated, reasonable, and not self-centered.
I differ in being an Independent politically, and have Libertarian preferences á la Thomas Paine.

Oh yeah, regarding the OP, my conclusion is that Ben Carson is a "scientist" only when he's practicing an applicable scientific method and/or discussing Philosophy of Science in his medical field.
He is not a scientist when talking about religion or evolution.

Thomas Paine was a socialist, you fucking dolt. Right off the bat you only prove that you're a dumbass.
I'm sure the Cato Institute, a conservative Libertarian think tank, would classify you as a dumbass. LOL!
Here's what they say:

"The key concepts of libertarianism have developed over many centuries. ... they began to be developed into something resembling modern libertarian philosophy in the work of such seventeenth- and eighteenth-century thinkers as John Locke, David Hume, Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine...."

Obviously, you don't understand Libertarianism & its various flavors.
You should stick to your comic books.
First, read:
Raison d’être
Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. The print magazine is released quarterly and reaches over 10,000 subscribers, in addition to a web audience of 600,000 a month.

About | Jacobin


Reading Paine from the Left | Jacobin

And if not willfully ignorant or suffering cognitive dissonance, this on Hamilton:

"The Left has always favored Thomas Jefferson over Alexander Hamilton. But not only was Hamilton more progressive for his time, he has lessons for our response to climate change."

Reading Hamilton from the Left | Jacobin

How does the following not describe a socialist?

"Unlikely, because Paine was a consistent advocate of a strong federal government and also a sharp critic of economic inequality and poverty who designed the world’s first fully fleshed-out scheme of social welfare provision. Beyond that, he introduced millions to a radical critique of private property and class society, and pointed to democratic politics as the solution."
Strong gov does not mean BIG gov in all areas.
Conservatives want a strong gov --- a strong MILITARY to protect their assets. Are cons socialists?
Have you ever taken a political science class?
I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?

Oh what do you know.... you're probably a convenience store clerk.

Who cares.

Call us when you separate co-joined twins... I'm sure a fair amount of scientific research went into that.
I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?

Oh what do you know.... you're probably a convenience store clerk.

Who cares.

Call us when you separate co-joined twins... I'm sure a fair amount of scientific research went into that.
Did you consider the context in which a professional scientist is behaving as a "scientist"?
You are correct that Ben Carson was a scientist when applying scientific methods in preparation and during his specialized surgeries.
HOWEVER, when he expresses his non-scientific beliefs (not based on relevant evidence) during political talks, as in the cases of religion, evolution, or AGW, he is no longer being a scientist.

A real scientist acts like a scientist ALL the time, or he/she indicates their philosophical thoughts based on some logic.
As far as the pyramids, they're solid stone except for small areas for bodies. One expert refused to comment on Carson's ideas.

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