Ben Carson refers to himself as a "scientist".

You are arguing a point not in contention, Holmes.

Ed disputed that he said he created it, I didn't dispute that he used the word "initiative" somewhere in his sentence.

You people are so stupid, we can't get past your inability to read simple sentences much less discuss actual content
So, you admit you take words out of context and twist the overall meaning to suit your slimy political agenda?
Gee, what an asshole you are.
Did you read what Vint Cerf said?

Spot on description of Kaz.

Another leftist joins the circle jerk. The point is simple, Gore said he created the Internet, the rest is you people spewing a bunch of ridiculous crap

Define "leftist" or shut the fuck up. You have no idea what the term leftist means in the 21st Century, nor the difference between left and right historically.

You use words as pejoratives with no effort to be honest or correct, it's why I believe you're a lazy fool - something I'm not alone in believing.

A cautionary tale for politicians: Al Gore and the ‘invention’ of the Internet


Internet of Lies


Al Gore and information technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So continue to post the meme, and while you're at it defend Carson and everything about the man that has come out, and will come out now that the media has the smell of blood.

The word "leftist" is a pejorative, just like the word Nazi, and for the same reason. We know what leftists believe in. That's why the word is a pejorative.

Tell us oh wise and wonderful OZ, what do leftists believe in?
Strawman, moron
You don't know what a straw man fallacy is, "moron".
In case you have not noticed, i cited quotes from the horses' mouths to provide context for accurate understanding of their meaning.
However, you don't care about that; you only care about cherry picking words out of context to twist their meaning.
Talk about "strawman" ... LOL.

Again, your reading skills are dreadful. that isn't what I said, I said the ridiculous crap you made up and attributed to me was a strawman.

Here's how you know that's what I meant, it's what you said in the post I responded to.

If the dog was on the table licking your plate, you wouldn't be able to figure out what happened to your dinner...
So, you admit you did not read what Cerf said? If you did, you surely did not understand the overall CONTEXT of Gore's statement, or most likely, you are playing political cherry-picking games, which reflects lame debators.

A moron does not understand the difference between taking an initiative to create something versus actually creating something.
And the guy (Cerf) who is the father/creator of the Internet agrees with that!

Looks like your reading skills are sorely lacking ... and your objectivity.

We understand that Gore is a lying sleazy weasel, just like all those who defend him.
And we understand your reading comprehension is lacking.
Is Vint Cerf also lying ... in your Fantasyland?

Repeating my lines to you back to me, you got nothing, huh?
So, you admit you take words out of context and twist the overall meaning to suit your slimy political agenda?
Gee, what an asshole you are.
Did you read what Vint Cerf said?

Spot on description of Kaz.

Another leftist joins the circle jerk. The point is simple, Gore said he created the Internet, the rest is you people spewing a bunch of ridiculous crap

Define "leftist" or shut the fuck up. You have no idea what the term leftist means in the 21st Century, nor the difference between left and right historically.

You use words as pejoratives with no effort to be honest or correct, it's why I believe you're a lazy fool - something I'm not alone in believing.

A cautionary tale for politicians: Al Gore and the ‘invention’ of the Internet


Internet of Lies


Al Gore and information technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So continue to post the meme, and while you're at it defend Carson and everything about the man that has come out, and will come out now that the media has the smell of blood.

The word "leftist" is a pejorative, just like the word Nazi, and for the same reason. We know what leftists believe in. That's why the word is a pejorative.

Tell us oh wise and wonderful OZ, what do leftists believe in?

Still digging, huh? Apparently you don't know since you don't know how you aren't one. So how do you know you aren't one if you don't know how you aren't one?

Does this actually sound good to you?
Spot on description of Kaz.

Another leftist joins the circle jerk. The point is simple, Gore said he created the Internet, the rest is you people spewing a bunch of ridiculous crap

Define "leftist" or shut the fuck up. You have no idea what the term leftist means in the 21st Century, nor the difference between left and right historically.

You use words as pejoratives with no effort to be honest or correct, it's why I believe you're a lazy fool - something I'm not alone in believing.

A cautionary tale for politicians: Al Gore and the ‘invention’ of the Internet


Internet of Lies


Al Gore and information technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So continue to post the meme, and while you're at it defend Carson and everything about the man that has come out, and will come out now that the media has the smell of blood.

Simple question, how do you feel you are not a leftist?

Everything about you is simple, Simon.

Define leftist, and I'll point out what fits my belief system and what does not; what fits the Democratic Party and what does not, and what fits the moderate centrist American voter which rejects you and your kind of conservative.

Leftist: someone who prefers to have government make all business and economic decisions rather than private companies. Someone who believes government should be used to solve all human problems and opposes anyone having any autonomy outside of government or any freedom of action.

You've never taken or passed Political Science 101; either you're as poorly educated as I believe, or you're a liar (actually I believe you are both, as well as a fool if you believe anyone takes you seriously).
Spot on description of Kaz.

Another leftist joins the circle jerk. The point is simple, Gore said he created the Internet, the rest is you people spewing a bunch of ridiculous crap

Define "leftist" or shut the fuck up. You have no idea what the term leftist means in the 21st Century, nor the difference between left and right historically.

You use words as pejoratives with no effort to be honest or correct, it's why I believe you're a lazy fool - something I'm not alone in believing.

A cautionary tale for politicians: Al Gore and the ‘invention’ of the Internet


Internet of Lies


Al Gore and information technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So continue to post the meme, and while you're at it defend Carson and everything about the man that has come out, and will come out now that the media has the smell of blood.

Simple question, how do you feel you are not a leftist?

Everything about you is simple, Simon.

Define leftist, and I'll point out what fits my belief system and what does not; what fits the Democratic Party and what does not, and what fits the moderate centrist American voter which rejects you and your kind of conservative.

So you are not a leftist, but you're not sure how. But if I give you a menu, then you'll pick one.

What a stupid fuck you are.

Everything you do all day is pimp leftist propaganda. How are you not a leftist, if you're not one, is a simple question. But you retarded leftists constantly play this game.

I'll go first. I'm not a "Republican" because I oppose the war on terror, the war on drugs, I am pro-choice and anti-death penalty. Just a few things, see how simple that was?

Your turn, you are not a leftist because...

I am not a social conservative because I'm an agnostic, I'm am not a fiscal conservative since i'm fiscally responsible; I'm not opposed to abortion because I'm not an authoritarian; I'm not a Libertarian because I'm a pragmatist; I'm not a callous conservative since I have empathy, and I'm not like you because I'm honest, educated, pragmatic and not an asshole.

I'm a liberal because I respect the Scientific Method, I'm not superstitious and I judge people by who they are, not by the color of their skin, their place of birth or the religion or creed in which they were raised.

I don't believe might makes right or the ends justify the means; I believe the Preamble to the COTUS was a vision statement and a mission statement which has been rejected and disrespected by the new conservative element which dominates the debate with ignorance, hate and fear.

And I'm not far left nor am I far right since I believe change needs to be made intelligently and convincingly, and to benefit the many, not the few.

Finally I'm a registered Democrat respect the ideals of TR and FDR; IKE and Kennedy and Obama. Ethos I can believe in and support which have been rejected by people like you.
Last edited:
Another leftist joins the circle jerk. The point is simple, Gore said he created the Internet, the rest is you people spewing a bunch of ridiculous crap

Define "leftist" or shut the fuck up. You have no idea what the term leftist means in the 21st Century, nor the difference between left and right historically.

You use words as pejoratives with no effort to be honest or correct, it's why I believe you're a lazy fool - something I'm not alone in believing.

A cautionary tale for politicians: Al Gore and the ‘invention’ of the Internet


Internet of Lies


Al Gore and information technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So continue to post the meme, and while you're at it defend Carson and everything about the man that has come out, and will come out now that the media has the smell of blood.

Simple question, how do you feel you are not a leftist?

Everything about you is simple, Simon.

Define leftist, and I'll point out what fits my belief system and what does not; what fits the Democratic Party and what does not, and what fits the moderate centrist American voter which rejects you and your kind of conservative.

So you are not a leftist, but you're not sure how. But if I give you a menu, then you'll pick one.

What a stupid fuck you are.

Everything you do all day is pimp leftist propaganda. How are you not a leftist, if you're not one, is a simple question. But you retarded leftists constantly play this game.

I'll go first. I'm not a "Republican" because I oppose the war on terror, the war on drugs, I am pro-choice and anti-death penalty. Just a few things, see how simple that was?

Your turn, you are not a leftist because...

I am not a social conservative because I'm an agnostic, I'm am not a fiscal conservative since i'm fiscally responsible; I'm not opposed to abortion because I'm not an authoritarian; I'm not a Libertarian because I'm a pragmatist; I'm not a callous conservative since I have empathy, and I'm not like you because I'm honest, educated, pragmatic and not an asshole.

I'm a liberal because I respect the Scientific Method, I'm not superstitious and I judge people by who they are, not by the color of their skin, their place of birth or the religion or creed in which they were raised.

I don't believe might makes right or the ends justify the means; I believe the Preamble to the COTUS was a vision statement and a mission statement which has been rejected and disrespected by the new conservative element which dominates the debate with ignorance, hate and fear.

And I'm not far left nor am I far right since I believe change needs to be made intelligently and convincingly, and to benefit the many, not the few.

Finally I'm a registered Democrat respect the ideals of TR and FDR; IKE and Kennedy and Obama. Ethos I can believe in and support which have been rejected by people like you.
You probably lost the guy after the first paragraph. His reading comprehension & understanding context gets confused after that, followed by head scratching and blurting out emotional drivel.

You are obviously educated, reasonable, and not self-centered.
I differ in being an Independent politically, and have Libertarian preferences á la Thomas Paine.

Oh yeah, regarding the OP, my conclusion is that Ben Carson is a "scientist" only when he's practicing an applicable scientific method and/or discussing Philosophy of Science in his medical field.
He is not a scientist when talking about religion or evolution.
Last edited:
Another leftist joins the circle jerk. The point is simple, Gore said he created the Internet, the rest is you people spewing a bunch of ridiculous crap

Define "leftist" or shut the fuck up. You have no idea what the term leftist means in the 21st Century, nor the difference between left and right historically.

You use words as pejoratives with no effort to be honest or correct, it's why I believe you're a lazy fool - something I'm not alone in believing.

A cautionary tale for politicians: Al Gore and the ‘invention’ of the Internet


Internet of Lies


Al Gore and information technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So continue to post the meme, and while you're at it defend Carson and everything about the man that has come out, and will come out now that the media has the smell of blood.

Simple question, how do you feel you are not a leftist?

Everything about you is simple, Simon.

Define leftist, and I'll point out what fits my belief system and what does not; what fits the Democratic Party and what does not, and what fits the moderate centrist American voter which rejects you and your kind of conservative.

Leftist: someone who prefers to have government make all business and economic decisions rather than private companies. Someone who believes government should be used to solve all human problems and opposes anyone having any autonomy outside of government or any freedom of action.

You've never taken or passed Political Science 101; either you're as poorly educated as I believe, or you're a liar (actually I believe you are both, as well as a fool if you believe anyone takes you seriously).

so-called "political science" isn't science. It's propaganda. If you disagree with my definition, then point out where it's wrong. But we all know you will never do that because then we'll be able to prove that your full of shit.
Al Gore:
"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth"
He did say he "create(d) the internet." I don't see a difference between that and inventing it
And there is exactly how you changed the context of the quote, you changed "creating" which is a noun, specifically a gerund, to a verb "create(d)."

so your isue is he used "creating" instead of "created?"

OMG, I can't make up the stupid that you people are. I actually make fun of liberals all the time that you don't understand using different forms of the same word. Yet you actually prove it's actually true
"I creating the internet" may seem like English to you foreigners who refuse to assimilate and learn to use the language correctly, but when you cling to it even after proper English is explained to you just proves you are lying intentionally.
Actually, the intense physics and chemistry and statistics that MDs are required to learn are VERY applicable to portions of archaeology, and meteorology for example. In some cases, they understand SOME of the fundamentals BETTER than folks practicing in that field.
That is pure baloney!

For example, in Physics MD get a survey course that does not even use Calculus, and you really believe they understand Physics without knowing Calculus. :cuckoo: The only intense science they study is Anatomy and Physiology.

They don't take Chemistry ?
They do, both General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, but again it a watered down version no where as demanding as what a Chemistry Major would take.[/QUOTE
Actually, the intense physics and chemistry and statistics that MDs are required to learn are VERY applicable to portions of archaeology, and meteorology for example. In some cases, they understand SOME of the fundamentals BETTER than folks practicing in that field.
That is pure baloney!

For example, in Physics MD get a survey course that does not even use Calculus, and you really believe they understand Physics without knowing Calculus. :cuckoo: The only intense science they study is Anatomy & Physiology.

Sure chief. Whatever you say. I have no fucking idea how that MRI thingy that I am putting you into tonight works. I just want to see the pretty flashing lights. Never heard about xrays. And I really can't explain to you why that barium milkshake ain't gonna make your junk green. Don't know the diff between an alcohol and an ester. And I'll never know how to evaluate the statistics of the studies for that drug I just injected you with..

Because like Esd the cynic says. I am not a scientist. I am just an anatomy ex0ert. And may I tell ya ma'am you have a lovely anatomy. Get off the boat junior.
Are you trying to claim the Physics you took required you to have Calculus as a prerequisite?
If so, I call BULLSHIT!

You r absurd and unessarily argumentàtive. Just TRY to get añ invite into a med school without ever taking calculus...

Or go look at the guidance recommendations for prre med at a top rank school. If you didn't take calculus in high school or as a freshman. You're not a serious candidate to be an MD. I was pre med. With concentration on engineering. Other pre meds thought I was nuts.

Medical School Entrance Requirements
College work in mathematics is required by some medical schools and recommended by almost all. A very few medical schools require one year of calculus. Also, a very few require one semester of statistics. See the book Medical School Admissions Requirements or individual medical schools’ web pages to verify premedical requirements.

Where the fuck did you get that bad guidance??? From School Course Reqs/MedSchlMathReq08.pdf

All pretty irrelevent anyways --- because most colleges accept AP Calculus and the breed of persons going into medicine have met that requirement before leaving High School..
Define "leftist" or shut the fuck up. You have no idea what the term leftist means in the 21st Century, nor the difference between left and right historically.

You use words as pejoratives with no effort to be honest or correct, it's why I believe you're a lazy fool - something I'm not alone in believing.

A cautionary tale for politicians: Al Gore and the ‘invention’ of the Internet


Internet of Lies


Al Gore and information technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So continue to post the meme, and while you're at it defend Carson and everything about the man that has come out, and will come out now that the media has the smell of blood.

Simple question, how do you feel you are not a leftist?

Everything about you is simple, Simon.

Define leftist, and I'll point out what fits my belief system and what does not; what fits the Democratic Party and what does not, and what fits the moderate centrist American voter which rejects you and your kind of conservative.

So you are not a leftist, but you're not sure how. But if I give you a menu, then you'll pick one.

What a stupid fuck you are.

Everything you do all day is pimp leftist propaganda. How are you not a leftist, if you're not one, is a simple question. But you retarded leftists constantly play this game.

I'll go first. I'm not a "Republican" because I oppose the war on terror, the war on drugs, I am pro-choice and anti-death penalty. Just a few things, see how simple that was?

Your turn, you are not a leftist because...

I am not a social conservative because I'm an agnostic, I'm am not a fiscal conservative since i'm fiscally responsible; I'm not opposed to abortion because I'm not an authoritarian; I'm not a Libertarian because I'm a pragmatist; I'm not a callous conservative since I have empathy, and I'm not like you because I'm honest, educated, pragmatic and not an asshole.

I'm a liberal because I respect the Scientific Method, I'm not superstitious and I judge people by who they are, not by the color of their skin, their place of birth or the religion or creed in which they were raised.

I don't believe might makes right or the ends justify the means; I believe the Preamble to the COTUS was a vision statement and a mission statement which has been rejected and disrespected by the new conservative element which dominates the debate with ignorance, hate and fear.

And I'm not far left nor am I far right since I believe change needs to be made intelligently and convincingly, and to benefit the many, not the few.

Finally I'm a registered Democrat respect the ideals of TR and FDR; IKE and Kennedy and Obama. Ethos I can believe in and support which have been rejected by people like you.
You probably lost the guy after the first paragraph. His reading comprehension & understanding context gets confused after that, followed by head scratching and blurting out emotional drivel.

You are obviously educated, reasonable, and not self-centered.
I differ in being an Independent politically, and have Libertarian preferences á la Thomas Paine.

Oh yeah, regarding the OP, my conclusion is that Ben Carson is a "scientist" only when he's practicing an applicable scientific method and/or discussing Philosophy of Science in his medical field.
He is not a scientist when talking about religion or evolution.

Thomas Paine was a socialist, you fucking dolt. Right off the bat you only prove that you're a dumbass.
That is pure baloney!

For example, in Physics MD get a survey course that does not even use Calculus, and you really believe they understand Physics without knowing Calculus. :cuckoo: The only intense science they study is Anatomy and Physiology.

They don't take Chemistry ?
They do, both General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, but again it a watered down version no where as demanding as what a Chemistry Major would take.[/QUOTE
That is pure baloney!

For example, in Physics MD get a survey course that does not even use Calculus, and you really believe they understand Physics without knowing Calculus. :cuckoo: The only intense science they study is Anatomy & Physiology.

Sure chief. Whatever you say. I have no fucking idea how that MRI thingy that I am putting you into tonight works. I just want to see the pretty flashing lights. Never heard about xrays. And I really can't explain to you why that barium milkshake ain't gonna make your junk green. Don't know the diff between an alcohol and an ester. And I'll never know how to evaluate the statistics of the studies for that drug I just injected you with..

Because like Esd the cynic says. I am not a scientist. I am just an anatomy ex0ert. And may I tell ya ma'am you have a lovely anatomy. Get off the boat junior.
Are you trying to claim the Physics you took required you to have Calculus as a prerequisite?
If so, I call BULLSHIT!

You r absurd and unessarily argumentàtive. Just TRY to get añ invite into a med school without ever taking calculus...

Or go look at the guidance recommendations for prre med at a top rank school. If you didn't take calculus in high school or as a freshman. You're not a serious candidate to be an MD. I was pre med. With concentration on engineering. Other pre meds thought I was nuts.

Medical School Entrance Requirements
College work in mathematics is required by some medical schools and recommended by almost all. A very few medical schools require one year of calculus. Also, a very few require one semester of statistics. See the book Medical School Admissions Requirements or individual medical schools’ web pages to verify premedical requirements.

So a year of calculus and a semester of physics makes you a scientist?

No --- that's the downpayment to get INTO a Med School. Before you leave -- you will understand all the advanced tools and pharmaceuticals that you put into your hand when you walk into a hospital.. And be able to compare study statistics for different drugs and therapies.
Moderation Message:

It's getting a bit contentious down in here. And too many side-topics going on.
Not about Al Gore or spinning semantics, or leftists, or no content flame posts.

Please get back on the topic or we'll have to assume this thread is done and there's
nothing left but a free-for-all..
I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?
Hillary Clinton barely survived intense sniper fire....
They don't take Chemistry ?
They do, both General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, but again it a watered down version no where as demanding as what a Chemistry Major would take.[/QUOTE
Sure chief. Whatever you say. I have no fucking idea how that MRI thingy that I am putting you into tonight works. I just want to see the pretty flashing lights. Never heard about xrays. And I really can't explain to you why that barium milkshake ain't gonna make your junk green. Don't know the diff between an alcohol and an ester. And I'll never know how to evaluate the statistics of the studies for that drug I just injected you with..

Because like Esd the cynic says. I am not a scientist. I am just an anatomy ex0ert. And may I tell ya ma'am you have a lovely anatomy. Get off the boat junior.
Are you trying to claim the Physics you took required you to have Calculus as a prerequisite?
If so, I call BULLSHIT!

You r absurd and unessarily argumentàtive. Just TRY to get añ invite into a med school without ever taking calculus...

Or go look at the guidance recommendations for prre med at a top rank school. If you didn't take calculus in high school or as a freshman. You're not a serious candidate to be an MD. I was pre med. With concentration on engineering. Other pre meds thought I was nuts.

Medical School Entrance Requirements
College work in mathematics is required by some medical schools and recommended by almost all. A very few medical schools require one year of calculus. Also, a very few require one semester of statistics. See the book Medical School Admissions Requirements or individual medical schools’ web pages to verify premedical requirements.

So a year of calculus and a semester of physics makes you a scientist?

No --- that's the downpayment to get INTO a Med School. Before you leave -- you will understand all the advanced tools and pharmaceuticals that you put into your hand when you walk into a hospital.. And be able to compare study statistics for different drugs and therapies.

My daughter still has almost a year to go, but I'm pretty sure she would have mentioned anything that would have made her proficient in archaeology or meteorology as you claimed earlier.
They do, both General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, but again it a watered down version no where as demanding as what a Chemistry Major would take.[/QUOTE
Are you trying to claim the Physics you took required you to have Calculus as a prerequisite?
If so, I call BULLSHIT!

You r absurd and unessarily argumentàtive. Just TRY to get añ invite into a med school without ever taking calculus...

Or go look at the guidance recommendations for prre med at a top rank school. If you didn't take calculus in high school or as a freshman. You're not a serious candidate to be an MD. I was pre med. With concentration on engineering. Other pre meds thought I was nuts.

Medical School Entrance Requirements
College work in mathematics is required by some medical schools and recommended by almost all. A very few medical schools require one year of calculus. Also, a very few require one semester of statistics. See the book Medical School Admissions Requirements or individual medical schools’ web pages to verify premedical requirements.

So a year of calculus and a semester of physics makes you a scientist?

No --- that's the downpayment to get INTO a Med School. Before you leave -- you will understand all the advanced tools and pharmaceuticals that you put into your hand when you walk into a hospital.. And be able to compare study statistics for different drugs and therapies.

My daughter still has almost a year to go, but I'm pretty sure she would have mentioned anything that would have made her proficient in archaeology or meteorology as you claimed earlier.

Her ability to READ and UNDERSTAND science in ANY field is now probably on a par with 98% of the scientists out there.. And she'll know some chemistry and statistics that many archaeologists or meteorologists might sometimes NEED but not have. And she'll share a knowledge of how complex instruments work like gas analyzers and x-rays and ultrasound that are common to MANY FIELDS of science including arch. and metero folks. .

She pretty much trains HERSELF to be a specialist by putting herself into her particular interests..
Simple question, how do you feel you are not a leftist?

Everything about you is simple, Simon.

Define leftist, and I'll point out what fits my belief system and what does not; what fits the Democratic Party and what does not, and what fits the moderate centrist American voter which rejects you and your kind of conservative.

So you are not a leftist, but you're not sure how. But if I give you a menu, then you'll pick one.

What a stupid fuck you are.

Everything you do all day is pimp leftist propaganda. How are you not a leftist, if you're not one, is a simple question. But you retarded leftists constantly play this game.

I'll go first. I'm not a "Republican" because I oppose the war on terror, the war on drugs, I am pro-choice and anti-death penalty. Just a few things, see how simple that was?

Your turn, you are not a leftist because...

I am not a social conservative because I'm an agnostic, I'm am not a fiscal conservative since i'm fiscally responsible; I'm not opposed to abortion because I'm not an authoritarian; I'm not a Libertarian because I'm a pragmatist; I'm not a callous conservative since I have empathy, and I'm not like you because I'm honest, educated, pragmatic and not an asshole.

I'm a liberal because I respect the Scientific Method, I'm not superstitious and I judge people by who they are, not by the color of their skin, their place of birth or the religion or creed in which they were raised.

I don't believe might makes right or the ends justify the means; I believe the Preamble to the COTUS was a vision statement and a mission statement which has been rejected and disrespected by the new conservative element which dominates the debate with ignorance, hate and fear.

And I'm not far left nor am I far right since I believe change needs to be made intelligently and convincingly, and to benefit the many, not the few.

Finally I'm a registered Democrat respect the ideals of TR and FDR; IKE and Kennedy and Obama. Ethos I can believe in and support which have been rejected by people like you.
You probably lost the guy after the first paragraph. His reading comprehension & understanding context gets confused after that, followed by head scratching and blurting out emotional drivel.

You are obviously educated, reasonable, and not self-centered.
I differ in being an Independent politically, and have Libertarian preferences á la Thomas Paine.

Oh yeah, regarding the OP, my conclusion is that Ben Carson is a "scientist" only when he's practicing an applicable scientific method and/or discussing Philosophy of Science in his medical field.
He is not a scientist when talking about religion or evolution.

Thomas Paine was a socialist, you fucking dolt. Right off the bat you only prove that you're a dumbass.

You're a fool. That is beyond any doubt (and I'm being kind).
Everything about you is simple, Simon.

Define leftist, and I'll point out what fits my belief system and what does not; what fits the Democratic Party and what does not, and what fits the moderate centrist American voter which rejects you and your kind of conservative.

So you are not a leftist, but you're not sure how. But if I give you a menu, then you'll pick one.

What a stupid fuck you are.

Everything you do all day is pimp leftist propaganda. How are you not a leftist, if you're not one, is a simple question. But you retarded leftists constantly play this game.

I'll go first. I'm not a "Republican" because I oppose the war on terror, the war on drugs, I am pro-choice and anti-death penalty. Just a few things, see how simple that was?

Your turn, you are not a leftist because...

I am not a social conservative because I'm an agnostic, I'm am not a fiscal conservative since i'm fiscally responsible; I'm not opposed to abortion because I'm not an authoritarian; I'm not a Libertarian because I'm a pragmatist; I'm not a callous conservative since I have empathy, and I'm not like you because I'm honest, educated, pragmatic and not an asshole.

I'm a liberal because I respect the Scientific Method, I'm not superstitious and I judge people by who they are, not by the color of their skin, their place of birth or the religion or creed in which they were raised.

I don't believe might makes right or the ends justify the means; I believe the Preamble to the COTUS was a vision statement and a mission statement which has been rejected and disrespected by the new conservative element which dominates the debate with ignorance, hate and fear.

And I'm not far left nor am I far right since I believe change needs to be made intelligently and convincingly, and to benefit the many, not the few.

Finally I'm a registered Democrat respect the ideals of TR and FDR; IKE and Kennedy and Obama. Ethos I can believe in and support which have been rejected by people like you.
You probably lost the guy after the first paragraph. His reading comprehension & understanding context gets confused after that, followed by head scratching and blurting out emotional drivel.

You are obviously educated, reasonable, and not self-centered.
I differ in being an Independent politically, and have Libertarian preferences á la Thomas Paine.

Oh yeah, regarding the OP, my conclusion is that Ben Carson is a "scientist" only when he's practicing an applicable scientific method and/or discussing Philosophy of Science in his medical field.
He is not a scientist when talking about religion or evolution.

Thomas Paine was a socialist, you fucking dolt. Right off the bat you only prove that you're a dumbass.

You're a fool. That is beyond any doubt (and I'm being kind).


Are you claiming Thomas Paine wasn't a socialist?
You r absurd and unessarily argumentàtive. Just TRY to get añ invite into a med school without ever taking calculus...

Or go look at the guidance recommendations for prre med at a top rank school. If you didn't take calculus in high school or as a freshman. You're not a serious candidate to be an MD. I was pre med. With concentration on engineering. Other pre meds thought I was nuts.

Medical School Entrance Requirements
College work in mathematics is required by some medical schools and recommended by almost all. A very few medical schools require one year of calculus. Also, a very few require one semester of statistics. See the book Medical School Admissions Requirements or individual medical schools’ web pages to verify premedical requirements.

So a year of calculus and a semester of physics makes you a scientist?

No --- that's the downpayment to get INTO a Med School. Before you leave -- you will understand all the advanced tools and pharmaceuticals that you put into your hand when you walk into a hospital.. And be able to compare study statistics for different drugs and therapies.

My daughter still has almost a year to go, but I'm pretty sure she would have mentioned anything that would have made her proficient in archaeology or meteorology as you claimed earlier.

Her ability to READ and UNDERSTAND science in ANY field is now probably on a par with 98% of the scientists out there.. And she'll know some chemistry and statistics that many archaeologists or meteorologists might sometimes NEED but not have. And she'll share a knowledge of how complex instruments work like gas analyzers and x-rays and ultrasound that are common to MANY FIELDS of science including arch. and metero folks. .

She pretty much trains HERSELF to be a specialist by putting herself into her particular interests..

OK.She's smart. I knew that long ago,but that still doesn't equate to her having the skills you claim all doctors have. She isn't an archaeologist or meteorologist, and most likely never will be.
So, you admit you take words out of context and twist the overall meaning to suit your slimy political agenda?
Gee, what an asshole you are.
Did you read what Vint Cerf said?

Spot on description of Kaz.

Another leftist joins the circle jerk. The point is simple, Gore said he created the Internet, the rest is you people spewing a bunch of ridiculous crap

Define "leftist" or shut the fuck up. You have no idea what the term leftist means in the 21st Century, nor the difference between left and right historically.

You use words as pejoratives with no effort to be honest or correct, it's why I believe you're a lazy fool - something I'm not alone in believing.

A cautionary tale for politicians: Al Gore and the ‘invention’ of the Internet


Internet of Lies


Al Gore and information technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So continue to post the meme, and while you're at it defend Carson and everything about the man that has come out, and will come out now that the media has the smell of blood.

The word "leftist" is a pejorative, just like the word Nazi, and for the same reason. We know what leftists believe in. That's why the word is a pejorative.

Tell us oh wise and wonderful OZ, what do leftists believe in?

In many ways...the same thing the righties believe in.....

Using government to enforce a particular POV.

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