Ben Carson: Vomits more homophobic crap

Wait, so Christians who support homosexuality, which the Bible explicitly condemns and Christianity traditionally has, are real Christians?
Do you hate Carson because he's black?
Ben Carson: Congress Should Remove Judges Who Rule For Gay Marriage

The left is loving this guy -- another RW nut job extremist dragging the brand into the sewer of backwards bigotry.

"When judges do not carry out their duties in an appropriate way, our Congress actually has the right to reprimand or remove them," Carson said. Any law on marriage should be decided by a popular referendum, and any decisions made by courts are "unconstitutional," justifying dismissal of judges, he added.

Later on in the interview, Carson agreed with Deace that ongoing spread of legalized gay marriage would make it “open season on Christians."

This mothertruckers need to stop calling themselves "christian" -- their twisted backwards version of the bible is no longer acceptable.
Nothing infuriates Hazel more than a black man with a moral perspective. I'd love to hear her critique of his brain surgery techniques.

Why are you playing the race card? ...aside from the fact that you're an idiot...
Truth hurts, doesnt it?
So the next time we go criticising some illegal stupid policy of Obama dont throw his blackness back at us, 'kay?

So you admit you're assholes for doing it.

That's a good first step.
Wait, so Christians who support homosexuality, which the Bible explicitly condemns and Christianity traditionally has, are real Christians?
Do you hate Carson because he's black?
Ben Carson: Congress Should Remove Judges Who Rule For Gay Marriage

The left is loving this guy -- another RW nut job extremist dragging the brand into the sewer of backwards bigotry.

"When judges do not carry out their duties in an appropriate way, our Congress actually has the right to reprimand or remove them," Carson said. Any law on marriage should be decided by a popular referendum, and any decisions made by courts are "unconstitutional," justifying dismissal of judges, he added.

Later on in the interview, Carson agreed with Deace that ongoing spread of legalized gay marriage would make it “open season on Christians."

This mothertruckers need to stop calling themselves "christian" -- their twisted backwards version of the bible is no longer acceptable.
Nothing infuriates Hazel more than a black man with a moral perspective. I'd love to hear her critique of his brain surgery techniques.

Why are you playing the race card? ...aside from the fact that you're an idiot...
Truth hurts, doesnt it?
So the next time we go criticising some illegal stupid policy of Obama dont throw his blackness back at us, 'kay?

So you admit you're assholes for doing it.

That's a good first step.
Yes, it's an asshole thing to do.
Is that your promise not to do it in the future? That would be a good first step.
He's 100% full of shit. He couldn't be more wrong.
So, do you support the father and daughter who are going to marry?

I know this isn't directed at me, but can I butt in?

I am absolutely revolted by the idea of this union, I think the father who seduces his daughter is about as low an individual as there is on the planet.

But if you believe government is too big and too intrusive, and you believe they have no business intruding into people's personal lives ...

How can we reconcile government prohibiting this union? Personally, I may go the public health route, but if they have the means and ability to care for whatever orc this union may produce, how do we justify our intrusion?
It's morally wrong, so is gay marriage.

So you want to legislate your morality?
Well you're morality got us incest becoming the norm.

How so?

Most incest is heterosexual
So, do you support the father and daughter who are going to marry?

I know this isn't directed at me, but can I butt in?

I am absolutely revolted by the idea of this union, I think the father who seduces his daughter is about as low an individual as there is on the planet.

But if you believe government is too big and too intrusive, and you believe they have no business intruding into people's personal lives ...

How can we reconcile government prohibiting this union? Personally, I may go the public health route, but if they have the means and ability to care for whatever orc this union may produce, how do we justify our intrusion?
It's morally wrong, so is gay marriage.

So you want to legislate your morality?
Well you're morality got us incest becoming the norm.

How so?

Most incest is heterosexual
Same argument for "gay marriage" can be applied to incestuous marriage.
And it will be, count on it. The incentives to do so are enormous.
The result of this will be to make marriage meaningless. Which is part of the gay agenda, tearing down societal norms.
Wait, so Christians who support homosexuality, which the Bible explicitly condemns and Christianity traditionally has, are real Christians?
Do you hate Carson because he's black?
Why do you hate gays?
I know this isn't directed at me, but can I butt in?

I am absolutely revolted by the idea of this union, I think the father who seduces his daughter is about as low an individual as there is on the planet.

But if you believe government is too big and too intrusive, and you believe they have no business intruding into people's personal lives ...

How can we reconcile government prohibiting this union? Personally, I may go the public health route, but if they have the means and ability to care for whatever orc this union may produce, how do we justify our intrusion?
It's morally wrong, so is gay marriage.

So you want to legislate your morality?
Well you're morality got us incest becoming the norm.

How so?

Most incest is heterosexual
Same argument for "gay marriage" can be applied to incestuous marriage.
And it will be, count on it. The incentives to do so are enormous.
The result of this will be to make marriage meaningless. Which is part of the gay agenda, tearing down societal norms.

What is the "gay agenda"?

That they want to turn The Rabbi gay?

"It's against my morals" isn't enough of a justification for government to step in. The freedom of religion WE enjoy is to be enjoyed equally by folks who practice any other religion - that may or may not share those morals.

Without that - we really don't have freedom of religion
Newsflash Ben Carson doesn't need the gay vote to get elected president, hence drama queen gays can pound sand.

Ben needs "someone" to vote for him

Showing he is nothing but a tool of the extreme right does nothing to improve his electability
I know this isn't directed at me, but can I butt in?

I am absolutely revolted by the idea of this union, I think the father who seduces his daughter is about as low an individual as there is on the planet.

But if you believe government is too big and too intrusive, and you believe they have no business intruding into people's personal lives ...

How can we reconcile government prohibiting this union? Personally, I may go the public health route, but if they have the means and ability to care for whatever orc this union may produce, how do we justify our intrusion?
It's morally wrong, so is gay marriage.

So you want to legislate your morality?
Well you're morality got us incest becoming the norm.

How so?

Most incest is heterosexual
Same argument for "gay marriage" can be applied to incestuous marriage.
And it will be, count on it. The incentives to do so are enormous.
The result of this will be to make marriage meaningless. Which is part of the gay agenda, tearing down societal norms.
Same argument for "straight marriage" can be applied to incestuous marriage........and as was already said......most incestuous relationships are male/female. I blame the straights.......
The list of people "Ben Carson doesn't need" seems to be growing and the list of "people who will vote for him" appears to be shrinking - EVERY TIME he opens his mouth.

So he seems to be following the Mitt Romney campaign model .... hmmmmm .....
How'd THAT work out?
So, do you support the father and daughter who are going to marry?

I know this isn't directed at me, but can I butt in?

I am absolutely revolted by the idea of this union, I think the father who seduces his daughter is about as low an individual as there is on the planet.

But if you believe government is too big and too intrusive, and you believe they have no business intruding into people's personal lives ...

How can we reconcile government prohibiting this union? Personally, I may go the public health route, but if they have the means and ability to care for whatever orc this union may produce, how do we justify our intrusion?
It's morally wrong, so is gay marriage.

So you want to legislate your morality?
Well you're morality got us incest becoming the norm.

How so?

Most incest is heterosexual
So now you're for incest+
I know this isn't directed at me, but can I butt in?

I am absolutely revolted by the idea of this union, I think the father who seduces his daughter is about as low an individual as there is on the planet.

But if you believe government is too big and too intrusive, and you believe they have no business intruding into people's personal lives ...

How can we reconcile government prohibiting this union? Personally, I may go the public health route, but if they have the means and ability to care for whatever orc this union may produce, how do we justify our intrusion?
It's morally wrong, so is gay marriage.

So you want to legislate your morality?
Well you're morality got us incest becoming the norm.

How so?

Most incest is heterosexual
So now you're for incest+

Pretty lame attempt to put words into someone else's mouth.
This mothertruckers need to stop calling themselves "christian" -- their twisted backwards version of the bible is no longer acceptable.

LOL, a Muslim faggot is talking about someone following their religion...
More truth.....

Why would anyone have to "submit" to any religion in order to get married "in the sense that straights do"?

Do you like cherrypicking my posts?

Uh, because the only people who do weddings in America (as far as I know) are Pastors or leaders of a Christian church. I doubt gays would go for a civil marriage, given that they want the same weddings the straights do. If they are tired of hiding, they would do a traditional wedding. Marriages officiated by Christian leaders (pastors, reverends and etc) are the most common form of espousal in America. By using a religious ritual to get married, you are making that vow according to the edicts of that religion, in this case Christianity.

Therefore, it is ironic for a same sex couple to become espoused under the blanket of a religion of whom they claim is supposedly bigoted and homophobic for condemning homosexuality as a sin.

Now I understand why religion is involved with marriage. Religion dictates that there is a spiritual aspect to sexuality.

However, having the state involved is just plain strange. Sex is just a physical act like going to the bathroom in the view of the secular state. Why would you then want to make special laws and give special rights to those who go to the bathroom a certain way and not to others?

You kids really don't think this through, do you?
This has been explained over and over.
The state has an interest in producing future citizens and some relationships will tend (note the word "tend") to produce those citizens and others wont. Therefore the state favors a class of marriages that tend to produce citizens but not other relationships.

Rights don't have to produce societal benefits.

I'm not sure you understand how babies are made, btw. Unmarried couples can have children.
Its the state's interest in providing privileged protections to some unions over others.
Get an adult to explain that statement to you because it is way beyond what you are capable of understanding.
In any case gays have the same right to marry someone of the opposite sex as straight people. There is no prohiibition there. Equally heterosexuals are barred from marrying people of the same sex. No discrimination at all. advocate people marrying based on NOT being attracted to someone. How does that work out?
Let's keep in mind here...We've got supposed Americans advocating that fellow law-abiding, tax-paying citizens be LIMITED BY LAW as to who they can marry (other consenting, law-abiding, tax-paying adults).

These supposed Americans want the government (I guess they are BIG government advocates) to limit our choices, even if it's adults....even if it's consentual...even if others have the same choice.
It's morally wrong, so is gay marriage.

So you want to legislate your morality?
Well you're morality got us incest becoming the norm.

How so?

Most incest is heterosexual
Same argument for "gay marriage" can be applied to incestuous marriage.
And it will be, count on it. The incentives to do so are enormous.
The result of this will be to make marriage meaningless. Which is part of the gay agenda, tearing down societal norms.
Same argument for "straight marriage" can be applied to incestuous marriage........and as was already said......most incestuous relationships are male/female. I blame the straights.......
No, actually that is wrong, completely wrong.
Why do we prohibit incestuous marriage in the first place? Sure, there is a taboo based on Christian and Jewish sources, as well as Greco-Roman. But the results of such unions are likely to produce offspring who will be inferior citizens.
Thanks for proving my point!
Do you like cherrypicking my posts?

Uh, because the only people who do weddings in America (as far as I know) are Pastors or leaders of a Christian church. I doubt gays would go for a civil marriage, given that they want the same weddings the straights do. If they are tired of hiding, they would do a traditional wedding. Marriages officiated by Christian leaders (pastors, reverends and etc) are the most common form of espousal in America. By using a religious ritual to get married, you are making that vow according to the edicts of that religion, in this case Christianity.

Therefore, it is ironic for a same sex couple to become espoused under the blanket of a religion of whom they claim is supposedly bigoted and homophobic for condemning homosexuality as a sin.

Now I understand why religion is involved with marriage. Religion dictates that there is a spiritual aspect to sexuality.

However, having the state involved is just plain strange. Sex is just a physical act like going to the bathroom in the view of the secular state. Why would you then want to make special laws and give special rights to those who go to the bathroom a certain way and not to others?

You kids really don't think this through, do you?
This has been explained over and over.
The state has an interest in producing future citizens and some relationships will tend (note the word "tend") to produce those citizens and others wont. Therefore the state favors a class of marriages that tend to produce citizens but not other relationships.

Rights don't have to produce societal benefits.

I'm not sure you understand how babies are made, btw. Unmarried couples can have children.
Its the state's interest in providing privileged protections to some unions over others.
Get an adult to explain that statement to you because it is way beyond what you are capable of understanding.
In any case gays have the same right to marry someone of the opposite sex as straight people. There is no prohiibition there. Equally heterosexuals are barred from marrying people of the same sex. No discrimination at all. advocate people marrying based on NOT being attracted to someone. How does that work out?
Happens all the time. People marry out of convenience, because they've gotten pregnant, because they need a place to live. But as far as I know there is no test for attractiveness to get married.

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