Ben Carson wants to get rid of the VA..........


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC

“There is a lot of stuff we’re doing that doesn’t make any sense,” he said. “We don’t need a Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans Affairs should be folded in under the Department of Defense.”

Carson said he wants to provide all veterans with health savings accounts to pay for private-sector medical care and reserve defense-run veterans clinics for highly specialized care, like traumatic brain injury treatment and limb replacements.

Just a few hours after the remarks, leaders from the Veterans of Foreign Wars blasted the proposals as harmful to veterans.

“To suggest that disabled veterans could be sent out into the economy with a health savings account card overlooks the fact that civilian health care has waiting lists of their own … and presupposes that civilian doctors have the same skill sets as VA doctors, who see veterans of every age and malady every day,” VFW National Commander John Biedrzyck said in a statement.

Everyone in the GOP states how much they love our veterans. Ben Carson is an example of Republicans who don't.
Yeah..............and can you imagine the E5 coming back from Iraq that has no savings to speak of (you don't get rich in the military), and ends up needing special care and prosthetics, and has to do all that on some voucher system for their healthcare?

I can't.
Hmmmm ...

I would give the vets whatever and everything they need in a timely fashion.

I would give the illegal alien leeches nothing, which would fund the above as it should be funded.

I'm sure all our resident Democrats agree.

As for the VA, vets say that nothing has changed since the scandal. Do we believe them, or the Democrats?

That's a rhetorical question, BTW.
REPUBLICANS SAY FUCK THE VETERANS!!! Cut, slash and burn is all that matters to these pieces of crap.

Reform the VA yes,,,Abolish it,,,fuck no!

I get sick of this extreme right wing hatred.
Why does a veteran have to wait MONTHS TO YEARS to get care at a VA clinic when hospitals that are just as competent or more are available in abundance?

You're simply too stupid to understand the subject matter. Now go build some infrastructure with your Legos and let the adults that aren't mentally challenged have this discussion.
My brother is a retired Vet and BUYS HIS OWN HEALTH INSURANCE because the VA sucks so bad. You Liberals don't know what you are talking about and you don't know just how completely screwed up the VA is.
Yeah..............and can you imagine the E5 coming back from Iraq that has no savings to speak of (you don't get rich in the military), and ends up needing special care and prosthetics, and has to do all that on some voucher system for their healthcare?

I can't.

I'm receiving care from civilian practitioners now and have in the past through VA and it's worked out quite well. Once approved the treatment moves much faster than the over burdened VA system.
Our soldiers deserve treatment and help! We should reform the VA in order to give them the very best. We as a nation owe them that!!!!

Anyone that wants to abolish the va is a traitor and a back stabber to them. We should fund it more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On this I agree with Ben Carson and feel we should provide veterans the medical coverage which allows them to see the doctor of their own choosing.

“There is a lot of stuff we’re doing that doesn’t make any sense,” he said. “We don’t need a Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans Affairs should be folded in under the Department of Defense.”

Carson said he wants to provide all veterans with health savings accounts to pay for private-sector medical care and reserve defense-run veterans clinics for highly specialized care, like traumatic brain injury treatment and limb replacements.

Just a few hours after the remarks, leaders from the Veterans of Foreign Wars blasted the proposals as harmful to veterans.

“To suggest that disabled veterans could be sent out into the economy with a health savings account card overlooks the fact that civilian health care has waiting lists of their own … and presupposes that civilian doctors have the same skill sets as VA doctors, who see veterans of every age and malady every day,” VFW National Commander John Biedrzyck said in a statement.

Everyone in the GOP states how much they love our veterans. Ben Carson is an example of Republicans who don't.

The VA hospitals are completely dysfunctional. They should be done away with altogether and the veterans given health insurance by the government that covers 100% of their costs at any doctor or hospital of their choosing.
Yes by all means lets keep the VA it's done such a wonderful job of helping veterans or so we were told till we found out how fucked up it was but the good news is they are on schedule to get all that fixed the same type of schedule we are on to get those free Syrian army troops trained.
Our soldiers deserve treatment and help! We should reform the VA in order to give them the very best. We as a nation owe them that!!!!

Don't hold your breathe Matthew, the general public has demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that they could care less about the plight of our veterans... if it was otherwise we'd have had pitchforks, torches and tar & feathers on capital hill by now.

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