Ben Carson wants to get rid of the VA..........

“There is a lot of stuff we’re doing that doesn’t make any sense,” he said. “We don’t need a Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans Affairs should be folded in under the Department of Defense.”

Carson said he wants to provide all veterans with health savings accounts to pay for private-sector medical care and reserve defense-run veterans clinics for highly specialized care, like traumatic brain injury treatment and limb replacements.

Just a few hours after the remarks, leaders from the Veterans of Foreign Wars blasted the proposals as harmful to veterans.

“To suggest that disabled veterans could be sent out into the economy with a health savings account card overlooks the fact that civilian health care has waiting lists of their own … and presupposes that civilian doctors have the same skill sets as VA doctors, who see veterans of every age and malady every day,” VFW National Commander John Biedrzyck said in a statement.

Everyone in the GOP states how much they love our veterans. Ben Carson is an example of Republicans who don't.

Sounds like a bad idea. But I think someone needs to take a "30,000 foot view" of the government and see if it can't be laid out better. I applaud his wanting to make a fundamental change that he feels is needed.

It may result in better overall funding for the VA given that Defense is one of the larger discretionary spending outlays we make. Still it looks like it will "de-emphasize" veterans.
You know, I'm retired military, and I receive all my healthcare from the VA. Granted, there WAS a problem with vets being able to receive timely medical care, but that has already been fixed.

Matter of fact, I saw it in action this last physical. I got a reminder from the VA that I needed to stop in for my yearly physical. Well, the only appointment that was available was about 40 days away, so, because I'm in pretty good shape, I didn't mind waiting.

About a week after I'd called and made my appointment, I got a card in the mail that said if I wanted to have my physical within 30 days, I had the right to make an appointment with a local doctor and they would pay for it. But, like I said, I'm still healthy, and because my medical records are already with the VA, I decided that I could wait.

Ben Carson is wrong. The VA is working fairly well right now, and we don't need to privatize and give the vets vouchers. You think the healthcare for vets is bad now? Try putting them on Medicaid vouchers and watch even more die. healthcare under the VA is ACA compliant. He doesn't need to be screwing with my healthcare.
You know, I'm retired military, and I receive all my healthcare from the VA. Granted, there WAS a problem with vets being able to receive timely medical care, but that has already been fixed.

Matter of fact, I saw it in action this last physical. I got a reminder from the VA that I needed to stop in for my yearly physical. Well, the only appointment that was available was about 40 days away, so, because I'm in pretty good shape, I didn't mind waiting.

About a week after I'd called and made my appointment, I got a card in the mail that said if I wanted to have my physical within 30 days, I had the right to make an appointment with a local doctor and they would pay for it. But, like I said, I'm still healthy, and because my medical records are already with the VA, I decided that I could wait.

Ben Carson is wrong. The VA is working fairly well right now, and we don't need to privatize and give the vets vouchers. You think the healthcare for vets is bad now? Try putting them on Medicaid vouchers and watch even more die. healthcare under the VA is ACA compliant. He doesn't need to be screwing with my healthcare.
Because Ben Carson is a surgeon doesn't make him an expert on the VA.
Ben Carson is a lot of things, but politically savvy ain't one of 'em.

Did you hear what he said about Muslims and the Presidency on Sunday?
I started using the VA health care system about 3 years ago.

I've been satisfied with the care and the staff and medical personal have been friendly, competent, and professional. ...... :cool:

“There is a lot of stuff we’re doing that doesn’t make any sense,” he said. “We don’t need a Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans Affairs should be folded in under the Department of Defense.”

Carson said he wants to provide all veterans with health savings accounts to pay for private-sector medical care and reserve defense-run veterans clinics for highly specialized care, like traumatic brain injury treatment and limb replacements.

Just a few hours after the remarks, leaders from the Veterans of Foreign Wars blasted the proposals as harmful to veterans.

“To suggest that disabled veterans could be sent out into the economy with a health savings account card overlooks the fact that civilian health care has waiting lists of their own … and presupposes that civilian doctors have the same skill sets as VA doctors, who see veterans of every age and malady every day,” VFW National Commander John Biedrzyck said in a statement.

Everyone in the GOP states how much they love our veterans. Ben Carson is an example of Republicans who don't.

Your presumption to know more about health care than Dr Ben Carson is laughable.

“There is a lot of stuff we’re doing that doesn’t make any sense,” he said. “We don’t need a Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans Affairs should be folded in under the Department of Defense.”

Carson said he wants to provide all veterans with health savings accounts to pay for private-sector medical care and reserve defense-run veterans clinics for highly specialized care, like traumatic brain injury treatment and limb replacements.

Just a few hours after the remarks, leaders from the Veterans of Foreign Wars blasted the proposals as harmful to veterans.

“To suggest that disabled veterans could be sent out into the economy with a health savings account card overlooks the fact that civilian health care has waiting lists of their own … and presupposes that civilian doctors have the same skill sets as VA doctors, who see veterans of every age and malady every day,” VFW National Commander John Biedrzyck said in a statement.

Everyone in the GOP states how much they love our veterans. Ben Carson is an example of Republicans who don't.

Your presumption to know more about health care than Dr Ben Carson is laughable.

Actually, in this case I do, because my healthcare comes from the VA, and unlike Ben Carson, I have actually used the system and am fairly satisfied with it.

Like I said, this year when I made my physical appointment, it took 40 days for them to see me. 5 days after I made the appointment, I got a letter in the mail telling me that if I didn't want to wait that long, I could go to a civilian doctor and get it quicker if I wanted, and they would pay. one time there was a problem with getting appointments, but it seems to have been fixed.

And...............once you're in the system (like after your first physical), it's much quicker to see a doctor.

“There is a lot of stuff we’re doing that doesn’t make any sense,” he said. “We don’t need a Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans Affairs should be folded in under the Department of Defense.”

Carson said he wants to provide all veterans with health savings accounts to pay for private-sector medical care and reserve defense-run veterans clinics for highly specialized care, like traumatic brain injury treatment and limb replacements.

Just a few hours after the remarks, leaders from the Veterans of Foreign Wars blasted the proposals as harmful to veterans.

“To suggest that disabled veterans could be sent out into the economy with a health savings account card overlooks the fact that civilian health care has waiting lists of their own … and presupposes that civilian doctors have the same skill sets as VA doctors, who see veterans of every age and malady every day,” VFW National Commander John Biedrzyck said in a statement.

Everyone in the GOP states how much they love our veterans. Ben Carson is an example of Republicans who don't.

Your presumption to know more about health care than Dr Ben Carson is laughable.

Actually, in this case I do, because my healthcare comes from the VA, and unlike Ben Carson, I have actually used the system and am fairly satisfied with it.

Like I said, this year when I made my physical appointment, it took 40 days for them to see me. 5 days after I made the appointment, I got a letter in the mail telling me that if I didn't want to wait that long, I could go to a civilian doctor and get it quicker if I wanted, and they would pay. one time there was a problem with getting appointments, but it seems to have been fixed.

And...............once you're in the system (like after your first physical), it's much quicker to see a doctor.

I also use the VA and I am also fairly satisfied with it. It is those thousands of vets that are trying to get their first appointment that is the problem as I see it. If you can you tell me that a vet that is not accepted at the VA gets a letter sending him to a civilian Doctor for paid up treatment I may reconsider my opinion, but I doubt that you can do that.
REPUBLICANS SAY FUCK THE VETERANS!!! Cut, slash and burn is all that matters to these pieces of crap.

Reform the VA yes,,,Abolish it,,,fuck no!

I get sick of this extreme right wing hatred.

But a man can have only one master... Let the Market decide and f*ck the veterans...
Oh, for heaven's sake. So because Ben Carson wants an alternative to the corrupt, incompetent, bloated VA, liberals accuse him of not supporting veterans!

Now, maybe an HSA card is not the best solution, but it would be an improvement over the current VA in most cases.

“There is a lot of stuff we’re doing that doesn’t make any sense,” he said. “We don’t need a Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans Affairs should be folded in under the Department of Defense.”

Carson said he wants to provide all veterans with health savings accounts to pay for private-sector medical care and reserve defense-run veterans clinics for highly specialized care, like traumatic brain injury treatment and limb replacements.

Just a few hours after the remarks, leaders from the Veterans of Foreign Wars blasted the proposals as harmful to veterans.

“To suggest that disabled veterans could be sent out into the economy with a health savings account card overlooks the fact that civilian health care has waiting lists of their own … and presupposes that civilian doctors have the same skill sets as VA doctors, who see veterans of every age and malady every day,” VFW National Commander John Biedrzyck said in a statement.

Everyone in the GOP states how much they love our veterans. Ben Carson is an example of Republicans who don't.

Your presumption to know more about health care than Dr Ben Carson is laughable.

Actually, in this case I do, because my healthcare comes from the VA, and unlike Ben Carson, I have actually used the system and am fairly satisfied with it.

Like I said, this year when I made my physical appointment, it took 40 days for them to see me. 5 days after I made the appointment, I got a letter in the mail telling me that if I didn't want to wait that long, I could go to a civilian doctor and get it quicker if I wanted, and they would pay. one time there was a problem with getting appointments, but it seems to have been fixed.

And...............once you're in the system (like after your first physical), it's much quicker to see a doctor.

I also use the VA and I am also fairly satisfied with it. It is those thousands of vets that are trying to get their first appointment that is the problem as I see it. If you can you tell me that a vet that is not accepted at the VA gets a letter sending him to a civilian Doctor for paid up treatment I may reconsider my opinion, but I doubt that you can do that.

What a pile of hogwash. I guess lying for the VA is a requirement for liberal vets?

Your supposed experience is very, very different from that of thousands of other vets, myself included.

I could fill dozens of pages with horror stories from vets I know personally who have been treated horribly by the VA--from not being able to get an appointment for weeks or even months (and, no, it's not their first appointment), to waiting hours to be seen, to having their paperwork lost, etc., etc.

“There is a lot of stuff we’re doing that doesn’t make any sense,” he said. “We don’t need a Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans Affairs should be folded in under the Department of Defense.”

Carson said he wants to provide all veterans with health savings accounts to pay for private-sector medical care and reserve defense-run veterans clinics for highly specialized care, like traumatic brain injury treatment and limb replacements.

Just a few hours after the remarks, leaders from the Veterans of Foreign Wars blasted the proposals as harmful to veterans.

“To suggest that disabled veterans could be sent out into the economy with a health savings account card overlooks the fact that civilian health care has waiting lists of their own … and presupposes that civilian doctors have the same skill sets as VA doctors, who see veterans of every age and malady every day,” VFW National Commander John Biedrzyck said in a statement.

Everyone in the GOP states how much they love our veterans. Ben Carson is an example of Republicans who don't.

Your link is not correct.- it goes to an article about Trump.

That didn't stop a lot of the LWNJ's from condemning Carson without even reading the full article.....


“There is a lot of stuff we’re doing that doesn’t make any sense,” he said. “We don’t need a Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans Affairs should be folded in under the Department of Defense.”

Carson said he wants to provide all veterans with health savings accounts to pay for private-sector medical care and reserve defense-run veterans clinics for highly specialized care, like traumatic brain injury treatment and limb replacements.

Just a few hours after the remarks, leaders from the Veterans of Foreign Wars blasted the proposals as harmful to veterans.

“To suggest that disabled veterans could be sent out into the economy with a health savings account card overlooks the fact that civilian health care has waiting lists of their own … and presupposes that civilian doctors have the same skill sets as VA doctors, who see veterans of every age and malady every day,” VFW National Commander John Biedrzyck said in a statement.

Everyone in the GOP states how much they love our veterans. Ben Carson is an example of Republicans who don't.

Your presumption to know more about health care than Dr Ben Carson is laughable.

Actually, in this case I do, because my healthcare comes from the VA, and unlike Ben Carson, I have actually used the system and am fairly satisfied with it.

Like I said, this year when I made my physical appointment, it took 40 days for them to see me. 5 days after I made the appointment, I got a letter in the mail telling me that if I didn't want to wait that long, I could go to a civilian doctor and get it quicker if I wanted, and they would pay. one time there was a problem with getting appointments, but it seems to have been fixed.

And...............once you're in the system (like after your first physical), it's much quicker to see a doctor.

I also use the VA and I am also fairly satisfied with it. It is those thousands of vets that are trying to get their first appointment that is the problem as I see it. If you can you tell me that a vet that is not accepted at the VA gets a letter sending him to a civilian Doctor for paid up treatment I may reconsider my opinion, but I doubt that you can do that.

What a pile of hogwash. I guess lying for the VA is a requirement for liberal vets?

Your supposed experience is very, very different from that of thousands of other vets, myself included.

I could fill dozens of pages with horror stories from vets I know personally who have been treated horribly by the VA--from not being able to get an appointment for weeks or even months (and, no, it's not their first appointment), to waiting hours to be seen, to having their paperwork lost, etc., etc.

I am far from being a liberal bedwetter and I do not lie, but I do speak from my personal experience. My visits have been mostly to the nearby VA clinic and the lady Doctor I see is IMO, the best Doctor I have ever had. I have had several bad experiences at the VA Hospital on the few occasions I had to go there.

My VA picture ID card is worn out and the only place I can get one is at the VA Hospital. The first time I tried to get a new ID they told me the machine that makes them was broken. The second time they said they were going to issue me a new one and I would get it in the mail. That was about a year ago, and it didn't happen. It is 50 miles to the Hospital and I will not fight the traffic a third time.

I did notice something interesting the first time I went to the VA Hospital for a checkup. The hallways were always crowded with people coming and going. The next time I went there just for grins and giggles I counted the number of people in the hallways with VA employee badges vs those without. I came to 49 employees and 47 patients. I have never seen anything like that in a civilian Hospital.

Those are not horror stories, but instances that I consider incompetence.

When someone talks about reform they usually mean hire more employees. I would think firing about half of those roaming the halls would be more meaningful. Perhaps the remaining employees would stay at their work station and do their job.
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“There is a lot of stuff we’re doing that doesn’t make any sense,” he said. “We don’t need a Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans Affairs should be folded in under the Department of Defense.”

:iagree: with Ben, the current VA is a fucking mess, the DOD could provide better service to us Vets. :up:
I agree veterans should not have to drive a hundred or more miles to see a doctor
We made a promise to veterans that they would get health coverage. They should get a card that they can take to any doctor and the taxpayer picks up most of the bill. A savings plan is only good till the money runs out...veterans deserve better
You know who disagrees with the "good" doctor? Veterans. All the major veterans organizations have denounced the idea of getting rid of the VA. Veterans actually like the care they receive at the overwhelming numbers.

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