Ben Sasse has an important message for Trump supporters

I saw this. He was brutally honest. Either the GOP kicks trump to the curb or they will be the GOPQ.

The GOP went Q and tRump quite sometime ago. Facts don't matter anymore. It's all about loyalty and blind devotion to stupid conspiracy theories. They traded their faith for a cult of personality and it's a very sad thing to watch play out.
When a political party worships one person over their well established policies and principles...they have lost their way. The support for trump is falling dramatically, especially after January 6th. If the GOPQ wants to continue in their worship, it will be their loss.
When a political party is obsessed with one person over their well established policies and principles...they have lost their way. The hatred for trump is rising dramatically, especially after January 6th. If the Democrats wants to continue in their obsession, it will be their loss.

FIXED IT FOR YA....Leftist sheep

The Republican Parrty has sold their principles down the river and is now a cult built around 1 person. The hatred by Republicans has grown over the years. It started with Obama and has only grown under Trump. What happened January 6th should make any American sick. You had American citizens launch a terrorist attack. These people were chanting to hang Mike Pence. There were also several people with plastic ties which brings up the possibility they might have been out to take hostages.
You are the epitome of evil in America. anti-Semitic asshole

Looking in that mirror again. Ring wing fascists attacked a jewish synagogue. You are the anti-semites.
He is such a dick. I am a Jew. Pretty sure the alt right hates Jews. He is such a moron it hurts.

I'm not sure the "alt right" exsists.

I do know that Donald Trump is the most pro-Israel president in my life time. He brought peace and stability to the middle east, while the democrats and neo cons seek endless war while selling arms to both sides.
I saw this. He was brutally honest. Either the GOP kicks trump to the curb or they will be the GOPQ.

The GOP went Q and tRump quite sometime ago. Facts don't matter anymore. It's all about loyalty and blind devotion to stupid conspiracy theories. They traded their faith for a cult of personality and it's a very sad thing to watch play out.
When a political party worships one person over their well established policies and principles...they have lost their way. The support for trump is falling dramatically, especially after January 6th. If the GOPQ wants to continue in their worship, it will be their loss.
When a political party is obsessed with one person over their well established policies and principles...they have lost their way. The hatred for trump is rising dramatically, especially after January 6th. If the Democrats wants to continue in their obsession, it will be their loss.

FIXED IT FOR YA....Leftist sheep

The Republican Parrty has sold their principles down the river and is now a cult built around 1 person. The hatred by Republicans has grown over the years. It started with Obama and has only grown under Trump. What happened January 6th should make any American sick. You had American citizens launch a terrorist attack. These people were chanting to hang Mike Pence. There were also several people with plastic ties which brings up the possibility they might have been out to take hostages.
You are the epitome of evil in America. anti-Semitic asshole

Looking in that mirror again. Ring wing fascists attacked a jewish synagogue. You are the anti-semites.
Antifa attacks Jews as does BLM. You antisemitic asshole. Only a Holocaust denying prick would conflate Trump and Hitler. Fuck you.
He is such a dick. I am a Jew. Pretty sure the alt right hates Jews. He is such a moron it hurts.

I'm not sure the "alt right" exsists.

I do know that Donald Trump is the most pro-Israel president in my life time. He brought peace and stability to the middle east, while the democrats and neo cons seek endless war while selling arms to both sides.
His daughter and three grandchildren are Jewish and this pussy conflates him with Hitler. What a fucking loser.
So "white privilege" is something that has been gone for well over 100 years.
I don't like the term white privilege, I see it as inflammatory. Do you really not understand what it is referring to? No it hasn't been gone for well over 100 years. Civil Rights act was in the 60's. The effect of centuries of oppression doesn't just magically go away when a new law is passed
The term "white privilege" is intended to imply that I'm guilty of some kind of crime simply because I'm white.

Take your "white privilege" and stick it where the sun don't shine. The entire south suffers to this day from the crimes committed during the Civil War. You don't see anyone blubbering about "Yankee privilege," now do you?
No you are not guilty of a crime for being white. Just guilty of being a dumbshit but thats because of your posts here on the board.
That's what the term "white privilege" means, asshole. It means you should feel guilty simply because you are white. Otherwise, why use it?

Not only do you accuse white people of having committed a crime of some kind, you deny that you are accusing them of it.

Why should anyone give a fuck about "white privilege" if it doesn't mean white people are guilty of something that they need to make amends for?
I view the term as this way. When we play basketball and someone sprains an ankle and cannot move as well do I have two leg privilege? No, he has one leg disadvantage. We are all born with advantages and disadvantages in life. The only true privilege in America is economic privilege. As I always tell my kids, this country is not systemically racist and they don't have white privilege. There is nothing that a black young person cannot legally do in this country that they can.
Do you think the sport of Golf is dominated by whites because whites are inherently better at the game or because of another reason? I'll save the back and forth and assume we both know that money and social class play a large roll in it. This is a better example of how privilege plays into our society. Elements of our society that require money or higher education are largely dominated by whites. While laws have been put in place to try and eliminate the system oppression that was quite literally in our nations laws from its inception till the 1960's you have to be able to recognize that things don't all just change. with the signing of legislation. Right?
#1) I hate Golf. Best ever golfer = Tiger Woods. I guess? I do not watch Golf. It is a VERY expensive sport. I would state that very few white players if any come from a working class family background. It is a game for the wealthy just like polo.
#2) 6% of the US population consists of black males but they represent 85% of the NBA and 70% of the NFL, respectively. Some people are just better at sports than others. There are more Jewish NFL owners than players. We all have our core competencies I guess? But statistics can also be misleading.
#3) The primary reason for black disadvantage is the single family unit. In the 60s only 20% of Black Families had one parent, today it is 75%. We are not more racist today than we were in the 60s, I don't think so anyway but Gov't programs and such have festered to create this dynamic. In fact a black child with two parents is more likely to be successful than a white child with one parent. This is why Jews and Asians are the most successful, lowest number of single family homes. Close knit family structures.
#4) We have racist people in America and the world but blacks are the most affluent in America. This is the best place for black and white folks IMO but especially for black folks. Europe is dangerously racist.
#5) I believe if we treated everyone equally and not provide special programs for blacks, Hispanics, women, Asians, etc., we would all be better off. I am a Jew and I do not want any programs to help specifically Jews. I would find that abominable. Just treat everyone fairly. I believe capitalism does that as best it can. Notice how many no longer consider Asians to be minorities and even Harvard is turning them away because of the level of wealth and prosperity they achieved in America...wealthiest class.
Fair points... I brought up golf exactly for the reasons you laid out. You are wrong though it is an amazing game... But it is expensive and it takes a lot of time and thats largely why it is dominated by whites. Yes, Tiger Woods is perhaps the best golfer ever and he is Black. Most other major sports in this country are dominated by Blacks so we know they have incredible athletic ability but they dominate in sports that they can play in their neighborhoods, that don't require expensive equipment, polo shirts, and the kind of expenses that golf and other sports require. It is an example of how money and power effect social standing, access, and opportunity.

I agree with you in the most part when it comes to race specific programs. I think it better to focus programs on income level and impoverished areas. Infrastructure and education being the most important elements. I agree on the importance of the family unit, and I agree that America is still a country that represents equal opportunity for all. That doesn't mean we don't have problems and that we can't do better.

I will make one more point. For generations the power structure has been held by whites. That means whites has the most control over making our laws and regulations and shaping the course of our society. Minorities were systematically oppressed for a long time and have not had the opportunity to grow into the positions of power and wealth as whites. These things take time and often generations to get there. I do support programs that can give voice to these minorities. The kind of voice that those who do have money, wealth and power have. So in that aspect I so support racially focused programs.

Do you not thing that Biden will be speaking out for those minorities?
Yes I think he will make an effort to give them voice. He already has through the people he has appointed into power within his administration. Kudos for that

So, why the need for "racially focused programs" when Biden is giving them a voice, a very powerful voice and policies and money and blah, blah, blah, already?
Do you think all inequality problems are solved in this nation? Do you think there is equal voice, power and representation in local communities all over this nation? You ask why have racially focused programs... well cause a few presidential appointments doesn't solve the issues. Its a good step but many other steps need to be taken.
I think they exist because we keep pointing them out and yelling that its racism. Could it be cultural? Could it be due to lack of a two parent household? Why are immigrant blacks on par with whites when it comes to income and wealth generation? It has less to do with color and a lot more with culture. Namely the aforementioned single parenthood. Something it seems as though our politicians want as it keeps poor people dependent on them and forces them to vote for them.
I agree that there is much in the culture that proagates problems. I don't know how politicians effect the amount of parents in a household. Again to me, education and infrastructure are the most important areas of focus. Representation is also important though especially for people who have felt ignored, oppressed, minimized, prejudged and overlooked.
Easy...they give you free money for having kids and being unemployed. Self fulfilling prophecy. One of my best friends who is also black told me this about the political parties.

"One group wants to treat blacks like infants and tell them what's best while using them as a weapon. The other wants to pretend like they don't exist as a distinct group and they are just worse of as a group because of incompetence"

My response was "Which is worse"

His retort: "The first but both suck"
Haha, I’d agree with your friends statement.... but I really don’t think people are making life decisions like having kids and getting married based on what politicians do.
Of course they do, NAZI. A lot of people have probably already decided not to have kids because of what Biden has done, like open the flood gates to illegal immigration
So "white privilege" is something that has been gone for well over 100 years.
I don't like the term white privilege, I see it as inflammatory. Do you really not understand what it is referring to? No it hasn't been gone for well over 100 years. Civil Rights act was in the 60's. The effect of centuries of oppression doesn't just magically go away when a new law is passed
The term "white privilege" is intended to imply that I'm guilty of some kind of crime simply because I'm white.

Take your "white privilege" and stick it where the sun don't shine. The entire south suffers to this day from the crimes committed during the Civil War. You don't see anyone blubbering about "Yankee privilege," now do you?
No you are not guilty of a crime for being white. Just guilty of being a dumbshit but thats because of your posts here on the board.
That's what the term "white privilege" means, asshole. It means you should feel guilty simply because you are white. Otherwise, why use it?

Not only do you accuse white people of having committed a crime of some kind, you deny that you are accusing them of it.

Why should anyone give a fuck about "white privilege" if it doesn't mean white people are guilty of something that they need to make amends for?
I view the term as this way. When we play basketball and someone sprains an ankle and cannot move as well do I have two leg privilege? No, he has one leg disadvantage. We are all born with advantages and disadvantages in life. The only true privilege in America is economic privilege. As I always tell my kids, this country is not systemically racist and they don't have white privilege. There is nothing that a black young person cannot legally do in this country that they can.
Do you think the sport of Golf is dominated by whites because whites are inherently better at the game or because of another reason? I'll save the back and forth and assume we both know that money and social class play a large roll in it. This is a better example of how privilege plays into our society. Elements of our society that require money or higher education are largely dominated by whites. While laws have been put in place to try and eliminate the system oppression that was quite literally in our nations laws from its inception till the 1960's you have to be able to recognize that things don't all just change. with the signing of legislation. Right?
#1) I hate Golf. Best ever golfer = Tiger Woods. I guess? I do not watch Golf. It is a VERY expensive sport. I would state that very few white players if any come from a working class family background. It is a game for the wealthy just like polo.
#2) 6% of the US population consists of black males but they represent 85% of the NBA and 70% of the NFL, respectively. Some people are just better at sports than others. There are more Jewish NFL owners than players. We all have our core competencies I guess? But statistics can also be misleading.
#3) The primary reason for black disadvantage is the single family unit. In the 60s only 20% of Black Families had one parent, today it is 75%. We are not more racist today than we were in the 60s, I don't think so anyway but Gov't programs and such have festered to create this dynamic. In fact a black child with two parents is more likely to be successful than a white child with one parent. This is why Jews and Asians are the most successful, lowest number of single family homes. Close knit family structures.
#4) We have racist people in America and the world but blacks are the most affluent in America. This is the best place for black and white folks IMO but especially for black folks. Europe is dangerously racist.
#5) I believe if we treated everyone equally and not provide special programs for blacks, Hispanics, women, Asians, etc., we would all be better off. I am a Jew and I do not want any programs to help specifically Jews. I would find that abominable. Just treat everyone fairly. I believe capitalism does that as best it can. Notice how many no longer consider Asians to be minorities and even Harvard is turning them away because of the level of wealth and prosperity they achieved in America...wealthiest class.
Fair points... I brought up golf exactly for the reasons you laid out. You are wrong though it is an amazing game... But it is expensive and it takes a lot of time and thats largely why it is dominated by whites. Yes, Tiger Woods is perhaps the best golfer ever and he is Black. Most other major sports in this country are dominated by Blacks so we know they have incredible athletic ability but they dominate in sports that they can play in their neighborhoods, that don't require expensive equipment, polo shirts, and the kind of expenses that golf and other sports require. It is an example of how money and power effect social standing, access, and opportunity.

I agree with you in the most part when it comes to race specific programs. I think it better to focus programs on income level and impoverished areas. Infrastructure and education being the most important elements. I agree on the importance of the family unit, and I agree that America is still a country that represents equal opportunity for all. That doesn't mean we don't have problems and that we can't do better.

I will make one more point. For generations the power structure has been held by whites. That means whites has the most control over making our laws and regulations and shaping the course of our society. Minorities were systematically oppressed for a long time and have not had the opportunity to grow into the positions of power and wealth as whites. These things take time and often generations to get there. I do support programs that can give voice to these minorities. The kind of voice that those who do have money, wealth and power have. So in that aspect I so support racially focused programs.

Do you not thing that Biden will be speaking out for those minorities?
Yes I think he will make an effort to give them voice. He already has through the people he has appointed into power within his administration. Kudos for that

So, why the need for "racially focused programs" when Biden is giving them a voice, a very powerful voice and policies and money and blah, blah, blah, already?
Do you think all inequality problems are solved in this nation? Do you think there is equal voice, power and representation in local communities all over this nation? You ask why have racially focused programs... well cause a few presidential appointments doesn't solve the issues. Its a good step but many other steps need to be taken.

I do not think that Biden will be speaking for me. In fact, i think Biden thinks of me as a problem, not a citizen who needs or deserves anything.

Discrimination in favor of one race, is discrimination AGAINST other races, when you are discriminating with limited resources, such as money or access.

You want me to wait until ALL other inequality problems are solved until I am allowed to have a turn at having my interests represented? And that is a qualified maybe anyways?

Biden talks shit about unity. We cannot have unity when government policy is to shit on huge blocs of people, in favor of other large blocs of people.

That is a plan for civil war, not healing.
What are your top 3 interests?

At this point,

1. That the very idea of me having interests, is not taboo.

2. Freedom of speech, so that as oppression increases, we can call it out for what it is.

3. Justice for our political prisoners.
wow, thats very interesting. Doesn't seem like any of those have a tangible effect on the day to day life issues that most people deal with... employment, income, taxes, resources, education, crime, etc.

I'm not dismissing your priorities, just wasn't expecting those to top the list

I personally am financially ok and making my goals.

I do care about the financial outlook for my peers, family and friends who are less secure.

I lumped those more general and less personal interests under number one, in that over the last four years it has been demonstrated that in our society today, it is taboo for me to even state that I have interests as a group that should be considered in policy.

Those minorities you talk of? It is great for them to speak out, or to have someone speak out for them and their interests.

Me? If I say ANYTHING, even simply identifying myself or my group, I am immediately smeared as a wacist and marginalized and shouted down.

Why did you ask your question? What point were you angling towards?
Therein lies the problem. Open communication is frowned upon.
Don't play this asshole's game. He's just trying to use you to make himself sound reasonable.
I saw this. He was brutally honest. Either the GOP kicks trump to the curb or they will be the GOPQ.

The GOP went Q and tRump quite sometime ago. Facts don't matter anymore. It's all about loyalty and blind devotion to stupid conspiracy theories. They traded their faith for a cult of personality and it's a very sad thing to watch play out.
When a political party worships one person over their well established policies and principles...they have lost their way. The support for trump is falling dramatically, especially after January 6th. If the GOPQ wants to continue in their worship, it will be their loss.
When a political party is obsessed with one person over their well established policies and principles...they have lost their way. The hatred for trump is rising dramatically, especially after January 6th. If the Democrats wants to continue in their obsession, it will be their loss.

FIXED IT FOR YA....Leftist sheep

The Republican Parrty has sold their principles down the river and is now a cult built around 1 person. The hatred by Republicans has grown over the years. It started with Obama and has only grown under Trump. What happened January 6th should make any American sick. You had American citizens launch a terrorist attack. These people were chanting to hang Mike Pence. There were also several people with plastic ties which brings up the possibility they might have been out to take hostages.
Of course they were out for hostages. trump knew what was going to happen. Future investigations will prove his involvement. If these crazies had been successful, the future of the country would have been in doubt. There could have been hostage taking and killings. All this was happening right there on our TVs while trump gleefully watched in his WH cave. It took hours for reinforcement to get to the Capitol....WHY? trump could have picked up the phone and called in more police or guards. He didn't do it. He had to be brow beaten into putting out a statement...where is applauded the mob and told them that he "loved" them....Now he says he was shocked and surprised. Junior bragged about the incident before it happened. I hope all this comes out in the Senate trial.
So "white privilege" is something that has been gone for well over 100 years.
I don't like the term white privilege, I see it as inflammatory. Do you really not understand what it is referring to? No it hasn't been gone for well over 100 years. Civil Rights act was in the 60's. The effect of centuries of oppression doesn't just magically go away when a new law is passed
The term "white privilege" is intended to imply that I'm guilty of some kind of crime simply because I'm white.

Take your "white privilege" and stick it where the sun don't shine. The entire south suffers to this day from the crimes committed during the Civil War. You don't see anyone blubbering about "Yankee privilege," now do you?
No you are not guilty of a crime for being white. Just guilty of being a dumbshit but thats because of your posts here on the board.
That's what the term "white privilege" means, asshole. It means you should feel guilty simply because you are white. Otherwise, why use it?

Not only do you accuse white people of having committed a crime of some kind, you deny that you are accusing them of it.

Why should anyone give a fuck about "white privilege" if it doesn't mean white people are guilty of something that they need to make amends for?
I view the term as this way. When we play basketball and someone sprains an ankle and cannot move as well do I have two leg privilege? No, he has one leg disadvantage. We are all born with advantages and disadvantages in life. The only true privilege in America is economic privilege. As I always tell my kids, this country is not systemically racist and they don't have white privilege. There is nothing that a black young person cannot legally do in this country that they can.
Do you think the sport of Golf is dominated by whites because whites are inherently better at the game or because of another reason? I'll save the back and forth and assume we both know that money and social class play a large roll in it. This is a better example of how privilege plays into our society. Elements of our society that require money or higher education are largely dominated by whites. While laws have been put in place to try and eliminate the system oppression that was quite literally in our nations laws from its inception till the 1960's you have to be able to recognize that things don't all just change. with the signing of legislation. Right?
#1) I hate Golf. Best ever golfer = Tiger Woods. I guess? I do not watch Golf. It is a VERY expensive sport. I would state that very few white players if any come from a working class family background. It is a game for the wealthy just like polo.
#2) 6% of the US population consists of black males but they represent 85% of the NBA and 70% of the NFL, respectively. Some people are just better at sports than others. There are more Jewish NFL owners than players. We all have our core competencies I guess? But statistics can also be misleading.
#3) The primary reason for black disadvantage is the single family unit. In the 60s only 20% of Black Families had one parent, today it is 75%. We are not more racist today than we were in the 60s, I don't think so anyway but Gov't programs and such have festered to create this dynamic. In fact a black child with two parents is more likely to be successful than a white child with one parent. This is why Jews and Asians are the most successful, lowest number of single family homes. Close knit family structures.
#4) We have racist people in America and the world but blacks are the most affluent in America. This is the best place for black and white folks IMO but especially for black folks. Europe is dangerously racist.
#5) I believe if we treated everyone equally and not provide special programs for blacks, Hispanics, women, Asians, etc., we would all be better off. I am a Jew and I do not want any programs to help specifically Jews. I would find that abominable. Just treat everyone fairly. I believe capitalism does that as best it can. Notice how many no longer consider Asians to be minorities and even Harvard is turning them away because of the level of wealth and prosperity they achieved in America...wealthiest class.
Fair points... I brought up golf exactly for the reasons you laid out. You are wrong though it is an amazing game... But it is expensive and it takes a lot of time and thats largely why it is dominated by whites. Yes, Tiger Woods is perhaps the best golfer ever and he is Black. Most other major sports in this country are dominated by Blacks so we know they have incredible athletic ability but they dominate in sports that they can play in their neighborhoods, that don't require expensive equipment, polo shirts, and the kind of expenses that golf and other sports require. It is an example of how money and power effect social standing, access, and opportunity.

I agree with you in the most part when it comes to race specific programs. I think it better to focus programs on income level and impoverished areas. Infrastructure and education being the most important elements. I agree on the importance of the family unit, and I agree that America is still a country that represents equal opportunity for all. That doesn't mean we don't have problems and that we can't do better.

I will make one more point. For generations the power structure has been held by whites. That means whites has the most control over making our laws and regulations and shaping the course of our society. Minorities were systematically oppressed for a long time and have not had the opportunity to grow into the positions of power and wealth as whites. These things take time and often generations to get there. I do support programs that can give voice to these minorities. The kind of voice that those who do have money, wealth and power have. So in that aspect I so support racially focused programs.

Do you not thing that Biden will be speaking out for those minorities?
Yes I think he will make an effort to give them voice. He already has through the people he has appointed into power within his administration. Kudos for that

So, why the need for "racially focused programs" when Biden is giving them a voice, a very powerful voice and policies and money and blah, blah, blah, already?
Do you think all inequality problems are solved in this nation? Do you think there is equal voice, power and representation in local communities all over this nation? You ask why have racially focused programs... well cause a few presidential appointments doesn't solve the issues. Its a good step but many other steps need to be taken.

I do not think that Biden will be speaking for me. In fact, i think Biden thinks of me as a problem, not a citizen who needs or deserves anything.

Discrimination in favor of one race, is discrimination AGAINST other races, when you are discriminating with limited resources, such as money or access.

You want me to wait until ALL other inequality problems are solved until I am allowed to have a turn at having my interests represented? And that is a qualified maybe anyways?

Biden talks shit about unity. We cannot have unity when government policy is to shit on huge blocs of people, in favor of other large blocs of people.

That is a plan for civil war, not healing.
What are your top 3 interests?

At this point,

1. That the very idea of me having interests, is not taboo.

2. Freedom of speech, so that as oppression increases, we can call it out for what it is.

3. Justice for our political prisoners.
wow, thats very interesting. Doesn't seem like any of those have a tangible effect on the day to day life issues that most people deal with... employment, income, taxes, resources, education, crime, etc.

I'm not dismissing your priorities, just wasn't expecting those to top the list

I personally am financially ok and making my goals.

I do care about the financial outlook for my peers, family and friends who are less secure.

I lumped those more general and less personal interests under number one, in that over the last four years it has been demonstrated that in our society today, it is taboo for me to even state that I have interests as a group that should be considered in policy.

Those minorities you talk of? It is great for them to speak out, or to have someone speak out for them and their interests.

Me? If I say ANYTHING, even simply identifying myself or my group, I am immediately smeared as a wacist and marginalized and shouted down.

Why did you ask your question? What point were you angling towards?
Therein lies the problem. Open communication is frowned upon.
What elements of our society/politics do you think are discouraging open communication and why?
#1) Social Media. If I go on FB and or Twitter and post "DJT was a great President" I will likely get called a racist like 100x and maybe worse.

#2) Places of employment. My wife cannot say how she feels unless it's leftist mantra.

#3) Even families have been torn apart. My niece won't speak with her dad because he voted for Trump.

Three examples right there

Trump has done a very good job of dividing this country.
The Democrate Reich divided the country, but you try to blame it on Trump. It wasn't Trump who blamed every white person for the death of George Floyd. It wasn't Trump who caused COVID and the shutdown.
I saw this. He was brutally honest. Either the GOP kicks trump to the curb or they will be the GOPQ.

The GOP went Q and tRump quite sometime ago. Facts don't matter anymore. It's all about loyalty and blind devotion to stupid conspiracy theories. They traded their faith for a cult of personality and it's a very sad thing to watch play out.
When a political party worships one person over their well established policies and principles...they have lost their way. The support for trump is falling dramatically, especially after January 6th. If the GOPQ wants to continue in their worship, it will be their loss.
When a political party is obsessed with one person over their well established policies and principles...they have lost their way. The hatred for trump is rising dramatically, especially after January 6th. If the Democrats wants to continue in their obsession, it will be their loss.

FIXED IT FOR YA....Leftist sheep

The Republican Parrty has sold their principles down the river and is now a cult built around 1 person. The hatred by Republicans has grown over the years. It started with Obama and has only grown under Trump. What happened January 6th should make any American sick. You had American citizens launch a terrorist attack. These people were chanting to hang Mike Pence. There were also several people with plastic ties which brings up the possibility they might have been out to take hostages.
Of course they were out for hostages. trump knew what was going to happen. Future investigations will prove his involvement. If these crazies had been successful, the future of the country would have been in doubt. There could have been hostage taking and killings. All this was happening right there on our TVs while trump gleefully watched in his WH cave. It took hours for reinforcement to get to the Capitol....WHY? trump could have picked up the phone and called in more police or guards. He didn't do it. He had to be brow beaten into putting out a statement...where is applauded the mob and told them that he "loved" them....Now he says he was shocked and surprised. Junior bragged about the incident before it happened. I hope all this comes out in the Senate trial.
What a pile of humongous lies. The shit you are willing to say to promote your NAZI agenda is absolutely astounding. Joseph Goebbels would be proud.
These idiots throw the word "Nazi" around so much and so inaccurately that it loses all meaning

They do the same with "Marxist" and "commie"

They might as well be saying "doodoo head".
Oh, it's entirely accurate. The paralels are uncanny. Just take the Democrat's Reichstag fire. We're hearing all the same hysterical rhetoric the NAZIs spewed after the original Reichstag fire. The Democrat Reich has repeatedly threatened to lock up anyone who disputes its version of the facts.

The only people involved in the Jan 6 terrorist attack was right wing Trump terrorists. There is no doubt what happened. You are enemies of this country.
There was no terrorist attack. The hysteria Dems are drumming up is utterly absurd. We all know it's fake, and they know it.

You are the4 faker. Trump used the same lines Hitler did in his rise to power.


View attachment 454774
These idiots throw the word "Nazi" around so much and so inaccurately that it loses all meaning

They do the same with "Marxist" and "commie"

They might as well be saying "doodoo head".
Oh, it's entirely accurate. The paralels are uncanny. Just take the Democrat's Reichstag fire. We're hearing all the same hysterical rhetoric the NAZIs spewed after the original Reichstag fire. The Democrat Reich has repeatedly threatened to lock up anyone who disputes its version of the facts.

The only people involved in the Jan 6 terrorist attack was right wing Trump terrorists. There is no doubt what happened. You are enemies of this country.
There was no terrorist attack. The hysteria Dems are drumming up is utterly absurd. We all know it's fake, and they know it.

You are the4 faker. Trump used the same lines Hitler did in his rise to power.


View attachment 454774
These idiots throw the word "Nazi" around so much and so inaccurately that it loses all meaning

They do the same with "Marxist" and "commie"

They might as well be saying "doodoo head".
Oh, it's entirely accurate. The paralels are uncanny. Just take the Democrat's Reichstag fire. We're hearing all the same hysterical rhetoric the NAZIs spewed after the original Reichstag fire. The Democrat Reich has repeatedly threatened to lock up anyone who disputes its version of the facts.

The only people involved in the Jan 6 terrorist attack was right wing Trump terrorists. There is no doubt what happened. You are enemies of this country.
You and the Biden admin are the enemies of this country. Now you're trying to pull a coup and impose a one party state.

No one is fooled, NAZI.

You are the ones doing that. Georgia is a swing state now. Arizona is a swing state now. Democrats knocked another point and a half off in Texas.

You just tried a coup. NAZI.
Election fraud will do that.
These idiots throw the word "Nazi" around so much and so inaccurately that it loses all meaning

They do the same with "Marxist" and "commie"

They might as well be saying "doodoo head".
Oh, it's entirely accurate. The paralels are uncanny. Just take the Democrat's Reichstag fire. We're hearing all the same hysterical rhetoric the NAZIs spewed after the original Reichstag fire. The Democrat Reich has repeatedly threatened to lock up anyone who disputes its version of the facts.

The only people involved in the Jan 6 terrorist attack was right wing Trump terrorists. There is no doubt what happened. You are enemies of this country.
There was no terrorist attack. The hysteria Dems are drumming up is utterly absurd. We all know it's fake, and they know it.

You are the faker. Trump used the same lines Hitler did in his rise to power.
What lines were those?
So "white privilege" is something that has been gone for well over 100 years.
I don't like the term white privilege, I see it as inflammatory. Do you really not understand what it is referring to? No it hasn't been gone for well over 100 years. Civil Rights act was in the 60's. The effect of centuries of oppression doesn't just magically go away when a new law is passed
The term "white privilege" is intended to imply that I'm guilty of some kind of crime simply because I'm white.

Take your "white privilege" and stick it where the sun don't shine. The entire south suffers to this day from the crimes committed during the Civil War. You don't see anyone blubbering about "Yankee privilege," now do you?
No you are not guilty of a crime for being white. Just guilty of being a dumbshit but thats because of your posts here on the board.
That's what the term "white privilege" means, asshole. It means you should feel guilty simply because you are white. Otherwise, why use it?

Not only do you accuse white people of having committed a crime of some kind, you deny that you are accusing them of it.

Why should anyone give a fuck about "white privilege" if it doesn't mean white people are guilty of something that they need to make amends for?
I view the term as this way. When we play basketball and someone sprains an ankle and cannot move as well do I have two leg privilege? No, he has one leg disadvantage. We are all born with advantages and disadvantages in life. The only true privilege in America is economic privilege. As I always tell my kids, this country is not systemically racist and they don't have white privilege. There is nothing that a black young person cannot legally do in this country that they can.
There is a difference between spraining your ankle and somebody contributing to it getting sprained. Do you think the sport of Golf is dominated by whites because whites are inherently better at the game or because of another reason? I'll save the back and forth and assume we both know that money and social class play a large roll in it. This is a better example of how privilege plays into our society. Elements of our society that require money or access or higher education are largely dominated by whites. While laws have been put in place to try and eliminate the systemic oppression that was quite literally in our nations laws from its inception till the 1960's you have to be able to recognize that things don't all just change with the signing of legislation. Right?
Do you actually believe that we won't have justice in this country until the black representation in every sport is the same as white representation? Do you imagine we should have quotas in basketball, baseball and football so that white representation is exactly equal to their representation in the general population? That is never going to happen. If you take a look around the world you'll see that different cultures have different skills and abilities. The idea that we all have exactly the same representation is idiotic.

Your premise is fucking stupid, which is just one reason we're tired of your schemes to improve society. They are based on ideas that are clearly wrong, irrational and unjust. They are also oppressive to innocent people who have done nothing to apologize for.

Playing gold doesn't oppress anyone. Neither does playing basketball.

Go fuck yourself, NAZI.
No and No to answer your questions. My point is going over your head and I don't have the patience to explain it to you right now as you always seem to have difficulties understanding basic ideas.
Your point isn't going over my head, NAZI. I'm just not fooled by your bullshit.
Of course that's what you believe. That's why you brought up the fact that black people don't win golf tournaments. Now you're ashamed that you mentioned it.
Did I say Black people don't win golf tournaments?! haha, can you post that quote? No you can't because you're lying again. Go away troll, you're not good at this game.
You're changing the subject because you're ashamed of your blatant racism.
Seriously dude... get a life
ROFL! That's loser talk, NAZI.
I don't really care if the troll with the hitler photo in his footer thinks im a loser. I'd actually prefer you think I'm a loser. Means I'm on the right side.
You're on the wrong side, loser. You're on the side of the Reich.
Thanks for letting me know... I don't believe you
Of course you don't. All the people on the wrong side don't believe that.
So "white privilege" is something that has been gone for well over 100 years.
I don't like the term white privilege, I see it as inflammatory. Do you really not understand what it is referring to? No it hasn't been gone for well over 100 years. Civil Rights act was in the 60's. The effect of centuries of oppression doesn't just magically go away when a new law is passed
The term "white privilege" is intended to imply that I'm guilty of some kind of crime simply because I'm white.

Take your "white privilege" and stick it where the sun don't shine. The entire south suffers to this day from the crimes committed during the Civil War. You don't see anyone blubbering about "Yankee privilege," now do you?
No you are not guilty of a crime for being white. Just guilty of being a dumbshit but thats because of your posts here on the board.
That's what the term "white privilege" means, asshole. It means you should feel guilty simply because you are white. Otherwise, why use it?

Not only do you accuse white people of having committed a crime of some kind, you deny that you are accusing them of it.

Why should anyone give a fuck about "white privilege" if it doesn't mean white people are guilty of something that they need to make amends for?
I view the term as this way. When we play basketball and someone sprains an ankle and cannot move as well do I have two leg privilege? No, he has one leg disadvantage. We are all born with advantages and disadvantages in life. The only true privilege in America is economic privilege. As I always tell my kids, this country is not systemically racist and they don't have white privilege. There is nothing that a black young person cannot legally do in this country that they can.
Do you think the sport of Golf is dominated by whites because whites are inherently better at the game or because of another reason? I'll save the back and forth and assume we both know that money and social class play a large roll in it. This is a better example of how privilege plays into our society. Elements of our society that require money or higher education are largely dominated by whites. While laws have been put in place to try and eliminate the system oppression that was quite literally in our nations laws from its inception till the 1960's you have to be able to recognize that things don't all just change. with the signing of legislation. Right?
#1) I hate Golf. Best ever golfer = Tiger Woods. I guess? I do not watch Golf. It is a VERY expensive sport. I would state that very few white players if any come from a working class family background. It is a game for the wealthy just like polo.
#2) 6% of the US population consists of black males but they represent 85% of the NBA and 70% of the NFL, respectively. Some people are just better at sports than others. There are more Jewish NFL owners than players. We all have our core competencies I guess? But statistics can also be misleading.
#3) The primary reason for black disadvantage is the single family unit. In the 60s only 20% of Black Families had one parent, today it is 75%. We are not more racist today than we were in the 60s, I don't think so anyway but Gov't programs and such have festered to create this dynamic. In fact a black child with two parents is more likely to be successful than a white child with one parent. This is why Jews and Asians are the most successful, lowest number of single family homes. Close knit family structures.
#4) We have racist people in America and the world but blacks are the most affluent in America. This is the best place for black and white folks IMO but especially for black folks. Europe is dangerously racist.
#5) I believe if we treated everyone equally and not provide special programs for blacks, Hispanics, women, Asians, etc., we would all be better off. I am a Jew and I do not want any programs to help specifically Jews. I would find that abominable. Just treat everyone fairly. I believe capitalism does that as best it can. Notice how many no longer consider Asians to be minorities and even Harvard is turning them away because of the level of wealth and prosperity they achieved in America...wealthiest class.
Fair points... I brought up golf exactly for the reasons you laid out. You are wrong though it is an amazing game... But it is expensive and it takes a lot of time and thats largely why it is dominated by whites. Yes, Tiger Woods is perhaps the best golfer ever and he is Black. Most other major sports in this country are dominated by Blacks so we know they have incredible athletic ability but they dominate in sports that they can play in their neighborhoods, that don't require expensive equipment, polo shirts, and the kind of expenses that golf and other sports require. It is an example of how money and power effect social standing, access, and opportunity.

I agree with you in the most part when it comes to race specific programs. I think it better to focus programs on income level and impoverished areas. Infrastructure and education being the most important elements. I agree on the importance of the family unit, and I agree that America is still a country that represents equal opportunity for all. That doesn't mean we don't have problems and that we can't do better.

I will make one more point. For generations the power structure has been held by whites. That means whites has the most control over making our laws and regulations and shaping the course of our society. Minorities were systematically oppressed for a long time and have not had the opportunity to grow into the positions of power and wealth as whites. These things take time and often generations to get there. I do support programs that can give voice to these minorities. The kind of voice that those who do have money, wealth and power have. So in that aspect I so support racially focused programs.

Do you not thing that Biden will be speaking out for those minorities?
Yes I think he will make an effort to give them voice. He already has through the people he has appointed into power within his administration. Kudos for that

So, why the need for "racially focused programs" when Biden is giving them a voice, a very powerful voice and policies and money and blah, blah, blah, already?
Do you think all inequality problems are solved in this nation? Do you think there is equal voice, power and representation in local communities all over this nation? You ask why have racially focused programs... well cause a few presidential appointments doesn't solve the issues. Its a good step but many other steps need to be taken.

I do not think that Biden will be speaking for me. In fact, i think Biden thinks of me as a problem, not a citizen who needs or deserves anything.

Discrimination in favor of one race, is discrimination AGAINST other races, when you are discriminating with limited resources, such as money or access.

You want me to wait until ALL other inequality problems are solved until I am allowed to have a turn at having my interests represented? And that is a qualified maybe anyways?

Biden talks shit about unity. We cannot have unity when government policy is to shit on huge blocs of people, in favor of other large blocs of people.

That is a plan for civil war, not healing.
What are your top 3 interests?

At this point,

1. That the very idea of me having interests, is not taboo.

2. Freedom of speech, so that as oppression increases, we can call it out for what it is.

3. Justice for our political prisoners.
wow, thats very interesting. Doesn't seem like any of those have a tangible effect on the day to day life issues that most people deal with... employment, income, taxes, resources, education, crime, etc.

I'm not dismissing your priorities, just wasn't expecting those to top the list

I personally am financially ok and making my goals.

I do care about the financial outlook for my peers, family and friends who are less secure.

I lumped those more general and less personal interests under number one, in that over the last four years it has been demonstrated that in our society today, it is taboo for me to even state that I have interests as a group that should be considered in policy.

Those minorities you talk of? It is great for them to speak out, or to have someone speak out for them and their interests.

Me? If I say ANYTHING, even simply identifying myself or my group, I am immediately smeared as a wacist and marginalized and shouted down.

Why did you ask your question? What point were you angling towards?
Therein lies the problem. Open communication is frowned upon.
What elements of our society/politics do you think are discouraging open communication and why?
NAZIs like you are discouraging open communication to gain power. The last thing NAZIs want is people speaking freely.
These idiots throw the word "Nazi" around so much and so inaccurately that it loses all meaning

They do the same with "Marxist" and "commie"

They might as well be saying "doodoo head".
Oh, it's entirely accurate. The paralels are uncanny. Just take the Democrat's Reichstag fire. We're hearing all the same hysterical rhetoric the NAZIs spewed after the original Reichstag fire. The Democrat Reich has repeatedly threatened to lock up anyone who disputes its version of the facts.

The only people involved in the Jan 6 terrorist attack was right wing Trump terrorists. There is no doubt what happened. You are enemies of this country.
There was no terrorist attack. The hysteria Dems are drumming up is utterly absurd. We all know it's fake, and they know it.

You are the4 faker. Trump used the same lines Hitler did in his rise to power.


View attachment 454774

Hitler blamed Germany's problems on foreigners. Compare that to Trump's attacks on Hispanics. Trump was xenophobic as Hitler was.
Hitler blame Germany's problems on the Jew, dumbass. Compare that to the left's constant attacks on Christians. My, what a remarkable resemblance.
I saw this. He was brutally honest. Either the GOP kicks trump to the curb or they will be the GOPQ.

The GOP went Q and tRump quite sometime ago. Facts don't matter anymore. It's all about loyalty and blind devotion to stupid conspiracy theories. They traded their faith for a cult of personality and it's a very sad thing to watch play out.
When a political party worships one person over their well established policies and principles...they have lost their way. The support for trump is falling dramatically, especially after January 6th. If the GOPQ wants to continue in their worship, it will be their loss.
When a political party is obsessed with one person over their well established policies and principles...they have lost their way. The hatred for trump is rising dramatically, especially after January 6th. If the Democrats wants to continue in their obsession, it will be their loss.

FIXED IT FOR YA....Leftist sheep

The Republican Parrty has sold their principles down the river and is now a cult built around 1 person. The hatred by Republicans has grown over the years. It started with Obama and has only grown under Trump. What happened January 6th should make any American sick. You had American citizens launch a terrorist attack. These people were chanting to hang Mike Pence. There were also several people with plastic ties which brings up the possibility they might have been out to take hostages.
You are the epitome of evil in America. anti-Semitic asshole

Looking in that mirror again. Ring wing fascists attacked a jewish synagogue. You are the anti-semites.
In this country? Post a link or shut the fuck up.
Side note. Whats with the Nazi obsession?? I've been seeing you and a few others on this board spitting out the nazi commie terms like y'all have Tourettes. Are you thinking it is landing effective insults? Because it just makes you all sound like low IQ dumbasses that need to use insults instead of logic to debate. Its the equivalent to the left overusing the race card. Is that really who you want to emulate? Step it up kid

I have a standard reply to this idiocy, but I'll go beyond it this time.

My grandparents fled Germany in 1928. As a child I would ask why the German people let the Nazis rise. Were people blind? Did they not see what was going on? My grandmother explained that there was comfort. That people feared losing their jobs, their homes, and the comforts of life so would not speak up. And a great many viewed the Nazis as a source of prosperity and pride. The loss of liberty and the violence on the streets was less important than a stable currency and heat in their homes.

Hitler used an old trope to consolidate power, a scapegoat. He chose the Jews, but it could be anyone, who it is doesn't matter, just as long as people can be focused on one group as the cause of all problems.

Around 2010, I observed that Obama was using the same trope, and not just Obama, but the party and the the utterly corrupt press. Whites have been the safe group to lampoon and set as the butt of all jokes for decades. But this was different, uglier, meaner. By 2015 open hatred of whites was part of everyday life. The halls of education railed against the new Juden, the whites, Hollywood changed the tone and amped up the vitriolic anti-White crusade. And the party became openly hostile to anything white, culture and people.

The democrats had become the new Nazi party.

Now the standard response.

Slade, you follow a Reich that seeks the central planning and control of the economy under an authoritarian, central ruler where liberty is snuffed out in favor of group privilege, where the party has absolute control of the press who are nothing more than propaganda for the Reich, where a race (whites) are singled out as a scapegoat and painted by the Reich press as the enemy of the people to be reviled and oppressed by both social and governmental powers. Where religion is forcibly suppressed and permitted only where it promoted the goals of the Reich, where political opposition is violently suppressed and any challenge to the party is termed "sedition" or "treason." Where speech against the party or Reich is a criminal act. Where expression is controlled by the party and any speaking against the party are cancelled.

Go ahead and lie to me, Slade, but don't lie to yourself. You ARE a Nazi; you are part of the Nazi party.
white oppressed?

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression.
Forced equality is oppression, NAZI.
yes forced equality is.
But also forced inequality is oppression.
Who is enforcing the inequality in basketball?
Is that supposed to be an answer to my question?
So "white privilege" is something that has been gone for well over 100 years.
I don't like the term white privilege, I see it as inflammatory. Do you really not understand what it is referring to? No it hasn't been gone for well over 100 years. Civil Rights act was in the 60's. The effect of centuries of oppression doesn't just magically go away when a new law is passed
The term "white privilege" is intended to imply that I'm guilty of some kind of crime simply because I'm white.

Take your "white privilege" and stick it where the sun don't shine. The entire south suffers to this day from the crimes committed during the Civil War. You don't see anyone blubbering about "Yankee privilege," now do you?
No you are not guilty of a crime for being white. Just guilty of being a dumbshit but thats because of your posts here on the board.
That's what the term "white privilege" means, asshole. It means you should feel guilty simply because you are white. Otherwise, why use it?

Not only do you accuse white people of having committed a crime of some kind, you deny that you are accusing them of it.

Why should anyone give a fuck about "white privilege" if it doesn't mean white people are guilty of something that they need to make amends for?
I view the term as this way. When we play basketball and someone sprains an ankle and cannot move as well do I have two leg privilege? No, he has one leg disadvantage. We are all born with advantages and disadvantages in life. The only true privilege in America is economic privilege. As I always tell my kids, this country is not systemically racist and they don't have white privilege. There is nothing that a black young person cannot legally do in this country that they can.
Do you think the sport of Golf is dominated by whites because whites are inherently better at the game or because of another reason? I'll save the back and forth and assume we both know that money and social class play a large roll in it. This is a better example of how privilege plays into our society. Elements of our society that require money or higher education are largely dominated by whites. While laws have been put in place to try and eliminate the system oppression that was quite literally in our nations laws from its inception till the 1960's you have to be able to recognize that things don't all just change. with the signing of legislation. Right?
#1) I hate Golf. Best ever golfer = Tiger Woods. I guess? I do not watch Golf. It is a VERY expensive sport. I would state that very few white players if any come from a working class family background. It is a game for the wealthy just like polo.
#2) 6% of the US population consists of black males but they represent 85% of the NBA and 70% of the NFL, respectively. Some people are just better at sports than others. There are more Jewish NFL owners than players. We all have our core competencies I guess? But statistics can also be misleading.
#3) The primary reason for black disadvantage is the single family unit. In the 60s only 20% of Black Families had one parent, today it is 75%. We are not more racist today than we were in the 60s, I don't think so anyway but Gov't programs and such have festered to create this dynamic. In fact a black child with two parents is more likely to be successful than a white child with one parent. This is why Jews and Asians are the most successful, lowest number of single family homes. Close knit family structures.
#4) We have racist people in America and the world but blacks are the most affluent in America. This is the best place for black and white folks IMO but especially for black folks. Europe is dangerously racist.
#5) I believe if we treated everyone equally and not provide special programs for blacks, Hispanics, women, Asians, etc., we would all be better off. I am a Jew and I do not want any programs to help specifically Jews. I would find that abominable. Just treat everyone fairly. I believe capitalism does that as best it can. Notice how many no longer consider Asians to be minorities and even Harvard is turning them away because of the level of wealth and prosperity they achieved in America...wealthiest class.
Fair points... I brought up golf exactly for the reasons you laid out. You are wrong though it is an amazing game... But it is expensive and it takes a lot of time and thats largely why it is dominated by whites. Yes, Tiger Woods is perhaps the best golfer ever and he is Black. Most other major sports in this country are dominated by Blacks so we know they have incredible athletic ability but they dominate in sports that they can play in their neighborhoods, that don't require expensive equipment, polo shirts, and the kind of expenses that golf and other sports require. It is an example of how money and power effect social standing, access, and opportunity.

I agree with you in the most part when it comes to race specific programs. I think it better to focus programs on income level and impoverished areas. Infrastructure and education being the most important elements. I agree on the importance of the family unit, and I agree that America is still a country that represents equal opportunity for all. That doesn't mean we don't have problems and that we can't do better.

I will make one more point. For generations the power structure has been held by whites. That means whites has the most control over making our laws and regulations and shaping the course of our society. Minorities were systematically oppressed for a long time and have not had the opportunity to grow into the positions of power and wealth as whites. These things take time and often generations to get there. I do support programs that can give voice to these minorities. The kind of voice that those who do have money, wealth and power have. So in that aspect I so support racially focused programs.

Do you not thing that Biden will be speaking out for those minorities?
Yes I think he will make an effort to give them voice. He already has through the people he has appointed into power within his administration. Kudos for that

So, why the need for "racially focused programs" when Biden is giving them a voice, a very powerful voice and policies and money and blah, blah, blah, already?
Do you think all inequality problems are solved in this nation? Do you think there is equal voice, power and representation in local communities all over this nation? You ask why have racially focused programs... well cause a few presidential appointments doesn't solve the issues. Its a good step but many other steps need to be taken.

I do not think that Biden will be speaking for me. In fact, i think Biden thinks of me as a problem, not a citizen who needs or deserves anything.

Discrimination in favor of one race, is discrimination AGAINST other races, when you are discriminating with limited resources, such as money or access.

You want me to wait until ALL other inequality problems are solved until I am allowed to have a turn at having my interests represented? And that is a qualified maybe anyways?

Biden talks shit about unity. We cannot have unity when government policy is to shit on huge blocs of people, in favor of other large blocs of people.

That is a plan for civil war, not healing.
What are your top 3 interests?

At this point,

1. That the very idea of me having interests, is not taboo.

2. Freedom of speech, so that as oppression increases, we can call it out for what it is.

3. Justice for our political prisoners.
wow, thats very interesting. Doesn't seem like any of those have a tangible effect on the day to day life issues that most people deal with... employment, income, taxes, resources, education, crime, etc.

I'm not dismissing your priorities, just wasn't expecting those to top the list

I personally am financially ok and making my goals.

I do care about the financial outlook for my peers, family and friends who are less secure.

I lumped those more general and less personal interests under number one, in that over the last four years it has been demonstrated that in our society today, it is taboo for me to even state that I have interests as a group that should be considered in policy.

Those minorities you talk of? It is great for them to speak out, or to have someone speak out for them and their interests.

Me? If I say ANYTHING, even simply identifying myself or my group, I am immediately smeared as a wacist and marginalized and shouted down.

Why did you ask your question? What point were you angling towards?
Therein lies the problem. Open communication is frowned upon.
What elements of our society/politics do you think are discouraging open communication and why?
#1) Social Media. If I go on FB and or Twitter and post "DJT was a great President" I will likely get called a racist like 100x and maybe worse.

#2) Places of employment. My wife cannot say how she feels unless it's leftist mantra.

#3) Even families have been torn apart. My niece won't speak with her dad because he voted for Trump.

Three examples right there
I guess you can blame social media and media in general for some of that as then enable the pumping of hyperbolic rhetoric but you know that the majority of the cause for such animus lies with Trump himself, right? Such an ugly and divisive figure who trolled and lashed out at others. Each of your examples is pointing to your own friends, family and coworkers as the ones who are limiting your comfort to express yourself. These aren't robots or political operatives these are people you know and they are acting this way because they are deeply offended and insulted by the actions of our President over the past 4 years.

They are doing this because they denounce the vitriol that Trump represented. People like you, I know see it but you probably excuse it because he is progressing an agenda you agree with or because you think the people he attacks deserve it. But many people just see a bully picking on others and fostering hate and division. It really didn't need to be that way if he could have acted like a responsible leader instead of an egomaniac.

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