A message to Trump supporters

Republicans aren't necessarily conservatives.
Today's republicans are about as far from conservatism as you can get.
Now they love tariffs and cozying up to dictators. Now they agree that the military are suckers and losers. Now they are all for the government picking winners and losers.

Cozying up to dictators isn't new nor unique to republicans

And I prefer their insanity to the feminine insanity of AOC.

Worry about climate change as Americans when we control a very small % of world pop our land will only become more valuable...Idiots

Democrats will be the female party Republicans will be the male party. THe demographic ascendancy is ova
Point of order:

Republicans aren't necessarily conservatives. If a Republican abandons conservatism and sides with the Democrats, they deserve criticism.
And Trumpers aren’t conservative at all.
Dood. You can't form your own opinions without a Twitter blue-check handing them to you. You're in no position to determine what other people think.
Michelle launches the Hate
You mean like this kind of hate?

View attachment 413375
So there are 70 million of those shirts going around?
They sure tried to sell hatred in every form possible:

Hello - I know you folks are not very happy right now, but please allow me to coach you on the biggest reason Donald Trump lost this election: Too many Republicans abandoned him.

Donald Trump repeatedly insulted, attacked, and demeaned the Bush, Romney, and McCain families, as well as many in Conservative media such as FOX News (especially the women) these 4 groups represent a large and influential part of the Conservative base, many of whom either switched their votes to Joe Biden, or simply didn't vote for President at all; to make matters worse, many of their families, friends, business partners and others in Conservative circles joined the Lincoln Project and did the same.

I know Trump supporters would rather spin conspiracy theories about voter fraud (all of which have been shot down by the courts for lack of substantial evidence) but the fact is Donald Trump could have won this election, but he didn't because be broke rule #1 in politics: You don't bite the hand that feeds you!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:

Trump attacked John McCain in Arizona and John Lewis in Georgia. Both were beloved heroes in their states.

Cost him Arizona and Georgia
It cost him nothing. the Prog infection has moved away from areas they were getting strangled with huge government. Then they started the same process as they did when they were in pure Prog areas. Any person moving around in this nation would be a fool to move to a pure Prog blue city or area. A Prog politician left unchecked reverts to pure Communism tactics leaving people unprotected that the politician was sworn to do for Prog political agendas. Do not do business in blue areas.
Point of order:

Republicans aren't necessarily conservatives. If a Republican abandons conservatism and sides with the Democrats, they deserve criticism.
And Trumpers aren’t conservative at all.
Dood. You can't form your own opinions without a Twitter blue-check handing them to you. You're in no position to determine what other people think.
Your support for Trump’s anti-conservative positions is self-evident.
Point of order:

Republicans aren't necessarily conservatives. If a Republican abandons conservatism and sides with the Democrats, they deserve criticism.
And Trumpers aren’t conservative at all.
Dood. You can't form your own opinions without a Twitter blue-check handing them to you. You're in no position to determine what other people think.
Your support for Trump’s anti-conservative positions is self-evident.
YOu are going on ignore with the 100 other stupid idiot progs...Also cant stand that ugly face....
Point of order:

Republicans aren't necessarily conservatives. If a Republican abandons conservatism and sides with the Democrats, they deserve criticism.
And Trumpers aren’t conservative at all.
Dood. You can't form your own opinions without a Twitter blue-check handing them to you. You're in no position to determine what other people think.
Your support for Trump’s anti-conservative positions is self-evident.
Naaaah. That's just you whining that people are allowed to disagree with your bullshit.

Hey, cheer up! Maybe President Harris will issue an EO saying everybody has to agree with the Official Opinions!
Michelle launches the Hate
You mean like this kind of hate?

View attachment 413375
So there are 70 million of those shirts going around?
They sure tried to sell hatred in every form possible:

View attachment 413378
Yeah. They should have just burned down neighborhoods in a mostly-peaceful manner.
Deflect all you want. Your silence for 4 years says you have no issues with spewing hatred toward your political opposition. Now you want to cry over getting a fraction back in return.
Point of order:

Republicans aren't necessarily conservatives. If a Republican abandons conservatism and sides with the Democrats, they deserve criticism.
And Trumpers aren’t conservative at all.
Dood. You can't form your own opinions without a Twitter blue-check handing them to you. You're in no position to determine what other people think.
Your support for Trump’s anti-conservative positions is self-evident.
Naaaah. That's just you whining that people are allowed to disagree with your bullshit.

Hey, cheer up! Maybe President Harris will issue an EO saying everybody has to agree with the Official Opinions!

Your total abandonment of everything conservative in order to support a buffoon is on you, not me.

But keep crying. Fill another bottle.

Michelle launches the Hate
You mean like this kind of hate?

View attachment 413375
So there are 70 million of those shirts going around?
They sure tried to sell hatred in every form possible:

View attachment 413378
Yeah. They should have just burned down neighborhoods in a mostly-peaceful manner.
Deflect all you want. Your silence for 4 years says you have no issues with spewing hatred toward your political opposition. Now you want to cry over getting a fraction back in return.
Let's assume what you say is true. I know...LOL!

But just for a minute.

Instead of eschewing the behavior you condemned in others, you choose to wallow in it.

Remind me again -- how is it you believe you hold the moral high ground?
Point of order:

Republicans aren't necessarily conservatives. If a Republican abandons conservatism and sides with the Democrats, they deserve criticism.
And Trumpers aren’t conservative at all.
Dood. You can't form your own opinions without a Twitter blue-check handing them to you. You're in no position to determine what other people think.
Your support for Trump’s anti-conservative positions is self-evident.
Naaaah. That's just you whining that people are allowed to disagree with your bullshit.

Hey, cheer up! Maybe President Harris will issue an EO saying everybody has to agree with the Official Opinions!

Your total abandonment of everything conservative in order to support a buffoon is on you, not me.

But keep crying. Fill another bottle.

View attachment 413379
Your knowledge of what conservatism is comes from the talking heads on CNN.

Less than credible.
Hello - I know you folks are not very happy right now, but please allow me to coach you on the biggest reason Donald Trump lost this election: Too many Republicans abandoned him.

Donald Trump repeatedly insulted, attacked, and demeaned the Bush, Romney, and McCain families, as well as many in Conservative media such as FOX News (especially the women) these 4 groups represent a large and influential part of the Conservative base, many of whom either switched their votes to Joe Biden, or simply didn't vote for President at all; to make matters worse, many of their families, friends, business partners and others in Conservative circles joined the Lincoln Project and did the same.

I know Trump supporters would rather spin conspiracy theories about voter fraud (all of which have been shot down by the courts for lack of substantial evidence) but the fact is Donald Trump could have won this election, but he didn't because be broke rule #1 in politics: You don't bite the hand that feeds you!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:

Trump attacked John McCain in Arizona and John Lewis in Georgia. Both were beloved heroes in their states.

Cost him Arizona and Georgia
Democrat hit squads attacked John McCain daily for running against Obama including mocking his injuries from being a POW.
Point of order:

Republicans aren't necessarily conservatives. If a Republican abandons conservatism and sides with the Democrats, they deserve criticism.
And Trumpers aren’t conservative at all.
Dood. You can't form your own opinions without a Twitter blue-check handing them to you. You're in no position to determine what other people think.
Your support for Trump’s anti-conservative positions is self-evident.
Naaaah. That's just you whining that people are allowed to disagree with your bullshit.

Hey, cheer up! Maybe President Harris will issue an EO saying everybody has to agree with the Official Opinions!

Your total abandonment of everything conservative in order to support a buffoon is on you, not me.

But keep crying. Fill another bottle.

View attachment 413379
Your knowledge of what conservatism is comes from the talking heads on CNN.

Less than credible.
I don’t need cnn, or even watch it.

I did watch “conservatives” act shocked over Monica, espousing their Family Values. Then they nominated Trump.

I also watched them espouse conservative values of fiscal responsibility. Then I watched them stay silent while Trump added $7 trillion to the debt.

I also watch them tell us for years about how they adhered to the constitution, which they said they put above all else. Then I watched them refuse their constitutional duty to advise and consent when it came to a Democrats supreme court nomination.

shall I go on? I probably have another 10 to go. Although It’s probably pointless, as conservatives used to rail against hypocrisy too.

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