Ben Sasse has an important message for Trump supporters

So "white privilege" is something that has been gone for well over 100 years.
I don't like the term white privilege, I see it as inflammatory. Do you really not understand what it is referring to? No it hasn't been gone for well over 100 years. Civil Rights act was in the 60's. The effect of centuries of oppression doesn't just magically go away when a new law is passed
The term "white privilege" is intended to imply that I'm guilty of some kind of crime simply because I'm white.

Take your "white privilege" and stick it where the sun don't shine. The entire south suffers to this day from the crimes committed during the Civil War. You don't see anyone blubbering about "Yankee privilege," now do you?
No you are not guilty of a crime for being white. Just guilty of being a dumbshit but thats because of your posts here on the board.
That's what the term "white privilege" means, asshole. It means you should feel guilty simply because you are white. Otherwise, why use it?

Not only do you accuse white people of having committed a crime of some kind, you deny that you are accusing them of it.

Why should anyone give a fuck about "white privilege" if it doesn't mean white people are guilty of something that they need to make amends for?
I view the term as this way. When we play basketball and someone sprains an ankle and cannot move as well do I have two leg privilege? No, he has one leg disadvantage. We are all born with advantages and disadvantages in life. The only true privilege in America is economic privilege. As I always tell my kids, this country is not systemically racist and they don't have white privilege. There is nothing that a black young person cannot legally do in this country that they can.
There is a difference between spraining your ankle and somebody contributing to it getting sprained. Do you think the sport of Golf is dominated by whites because whites are inherently better at the game or because of another reason? I'll save the back and forth and assume we both know that money and social class play a large roll in it. This is a better example of how privilege plays into our society. Elements of our society that require money or access or higher education are largely dominated by whites. While laws have been put in place to try and eliminate the systemic oppression that was quite literally in our nations laws from its inception till the 1960's you have to be able to recognize that things don't all just change with the signing of legislation. Right?
Tiger Woods just got that deer in the head light look when reading your post. So he was just ALLOWED by white's to play the game eh ? And that Bubba nascar fake noose dude was just ALLOWED to drive that nascar eh ? And that Smollett character was just ALLOWED by those maga hat wearer's to get away that night eh ? We could go on and on and on, but you get the point. Point being it's all bullcrap.
His point is that golf is a rich man’s sport and most of the wealth is held by whites and Asians. It’s fine. But legally you’re correct. Anyone can play golf if they can afford it.
Last I checked all across America we have the pro-courses, the medium pro-courses, the taxpayers paid for County operated courses, and so on. It's not a rich mans game to play anymore, but rich people do play it, support it, and build private clubs for themselves, but being jealous of that is just what it is (being jealous), and nothing more.

When a poor kid of any color looks through the fence, he shouldn't get mad, but rather he should be thinking "ONE DAY".
Even on a public course you’re paying at least $40 and you need shoes and clubs, not cheap. You also need to play a lot to get good and have the time...not easy for those who aren’t wealthy or at least middle class.
Not sure where you live, but I take my walmart specials, go to the county run course, and have a super fun time. Sure I might not be using PING, but it's ok because you can't miss what you never had, and besides it's not in the clubs, but rather it's in the skills of one who is using them. :)
How are you not sure where I live? It’s in my profile.
I don't go snooping around in anyone's profiles or business. If it's in a post in the open forum being discussed for whatever reason by the owner of such information then fine, but I could care less where anyone lives etc. Anyway, why did you pick that as the jest of my post ?? Who cares where any of you live ? I sure don't.
It’s right there in every One of my posts!?$?
What is ?
My location
Huh ??? Who cares about your location ? I sure as hell don't.
Personality cults are conservative....
Politics as a religion is conservative (many conservatives don't even believe in a separation between church and state at the state level, Ron Paul being the msot famous)
Yes it can often be about one dude (Reagan), although this is a repeat of the personality cult claim
Conspiracy theories are the domain of the right, the left has academia and media so their narratives tend to win in the court of public opinion out when there is doubt.

I'll grant whining about election results has in my lifetime been the domain of the left. But there is nothing inherent to conservative politics that prevents that belief.

Rest of this shit is delusional
Yeah; just like Jim Jones, Mao TseTung, Joe Stalin......................lyin' shitweasel!!!

Actually, Jim Jones cult was Bay Area Democrats
Actually, Jim Jones cult was Bay Area Democrats

18Dec, 2013by John Seiler
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Jonestown massacre Newsweek coverJohn Podesta, President Obama’s new guru, just apologized for saying of Republicans, “They need to focus on executive action given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress.”

On Nov. 18, 1978 in Jonestown in Guyana, a city he started and was named after him, the “Rev.” Jim Jones induced 912 of his followers to “drink the Kool-Aid” spiked with Valium and cyanide, which is where we get that phrase. (Some accounts say it really was Flavor-Aid; other accounts say both drinks were used.)

I remember this well because at the time I was studying Russian at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey and read everything I could about the massacre in the California newspapers, which thoroughly covered it because of the state connection and Jones’ prominence in politics here.

The “Rev.” Jones actually was an atheist communist con artist who used religion to build a personality cult around himself. Watch this YouTube of him and followers praising the Soviet Union singing the Soviet anthem:

Bay Area Democrats
Jones also was deeply plugged into the Bay Area and U.S. Democratic political establishments.

According to a 2012 article on Salon, a liberal website:

“Jim Jones, the strange and charismatic leader of Peoples Temple, proved a master at politically wiring San Francisco in the mid-1970s….

“Jones soon learned that his control over a well-organized, mixed-race army of some 8,000 dedicated followers gave him major stature with San Francisco’s liberal elite. Redevelopment had bulldozed the Fillmore’s political power into the ground. But now this strange white man with the hipster shades, Indian-black hair, and cadences of a black Bible-thumper seemed to be erecting a new political power line into the rubble-strewn, crime-ridden no-man’s-land. Jones could be counted on to deliver busloads of obedient, well-dressed disciples to demonstrations, campaign rallies, and political precincts. The city’s liberal Burton machine — run by congressional powerhouse Phil Burton — quickly identified the Peoples Temple juggernaut as a potentially game-changing ally in its long battle to take over city hall.

“It was Burton ally Willie Brown – a rising force in California’s state capital — who first recognized that Jones’s organization could play a pivotal role in his friend George Moscone’s run for mayor….

“In the December runoff between Moscone and [conservative Republican John] Barbagelata, Peoples Temple went even further to secure victory for its candidate. On the eve of the election, Jones filled buses with temple members in Redwood Valley and Los Angeles and shuttled them to San Francisco. Security at polling places was lax on Election Day, and many nonresidents were able to cast their ballots for Moscone, some more than once. ‘You could have run around to 1200 precincts and voted 1200 times,’ said a bitter Barbagelata later, after losing by a whisper of a margin. But he was not the only one who claimed that the Peoples Temple stole the election for George Moscone. Temple leaders also claimed credit.

“Moscone at first tried to appease him with a harmless post on the human rights commission. But the temple leader insisted on a position that had more clout, and the mayor decided he was in no position to alienate Jones. In October 1976 Moscone announced that he was naming Jones to the San Francisco Housing Authority, which oversees the operation of the city’s public housing. The agency, the largest landlord in the city, was a notorious maze of corruption, and it provided Jones’s organization with ample opportunity for shady self-dealing. A few months later, Moscone pulled strings to promote Jones, making him chairman….”

Jones was a little bipartisan, although not deeply involved in Republican politics the way he was with Democrats:

“But Jones was also happy to exchange mutually complimentary correspondence with the offices of then-former Gov. and future President] Ronald Reagan and statesman Henry Kissinger.”

And this presidential connection:

“During the 1976 presidential campaign, Jones wangled a private meeting with Jimmy Carter’s wife, Rosalynn, at the elegant Stanford Court Hotel on Nob Hill, arriving with a security contingent that was larger than her Secret Service squad. Later Jones accompanied Moscone and a group of Democratic dignitaries who climbed aboard vice presidential candidate Walter Mondale’s private jet when it touched down at San Francisco International Airport.”

Jerry Brown
And then- and current-Gov. Jerry Brown would not be left out of the fun:

“Governor Jerry Brown sang the preacher’s praises. Congressman John Burton, Phil’s brother, lobbied the governor to appoint Jones to the high-profile board of regents, which oversaw California’s sprawling public university system. San Francisco Supervisor – now U.S. Senator — Dianne Feinstein accepted an invitation to lunch with Jones and to tour Peoples Temple.”

And Harvey Milk, later assassinated with Moscone:

“But no political figures were more gushing in their praise of Jones than Willie Brown and Harvey Milk, San Francisco’s rising tribune of gay freedom. Milk, a perennial candidate for office until he finally won a supervisor’s seat in 1977, aggressively sought Jones’s political blessing. ‘Our paths have crossed,’ Milk wrote Jones during an earlier campaign for supervisor, in a letter filled with the kind of awed reverence that the cult leader demanded from his followers. ‘They will stay crossed. It is a fight that I will walk with you into . . . The first time I heard you, you made a statement: “Take one of us, and you must take all of us.” Please add my name.’”

Podesta is from Chicago and has been a Democratic fixer and political operative for decades. So maybe he wasn’t aware of the Jonestown connection to his Democratic Party.

One question remains: As Podesta spruces up the Obama administration, will the prescription for fixing Obamacare include patients drinking the Kool-Aid?

Personality cults are conservative....
Politics as a religion is conservative (many conservatives don't even believe in a separation between church and state at the state level, Ron Paul being the msot famous)
Yes it can often be about one dude (Reagan), although this is a repeat of the personality cult claim
Conspiracy theories are the domain of the right, the left has academia and media so their narratives tend to win in the court of public opinion out when there is doubt.

I'll grant whining about election results has in my lifetime been the domain of the left. But there is nothing inherent to conservative politics that prevents that belief.

Rest of this shit is delusional
Yeah; just like Jim Jones, Mao TseTung, Joe Stalin......................lyin' shitweasel!!!

Actually, Jim Jones cult was Bay Area Democrats
Actually, Jim Jones cult was Bay Area Democrats

18Dec, 2013by John Seiler
Print this articleFont size -16+
Jonestown massacre Newsweek coverJohn Podesta, President Obama’s new guru, just apologized for saying of Republicans, “They need to focus on executive action given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress.”

On Nov. 18, 1978 in Jonestown in Guyana, a city he started and was named after him, the “Rev.” Jim Jones induced 912 of his followers to “drink the Kool-Aid” spiked with Valium and cyanide, which is where we get that phrase. (Some accounts say it really was Flavor-Aid; other accounts say both drinks were used.)

I remember this well because at the time I was studying Russian at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey and read everything I could about the massacre in the California newspapers, which thoroughly covered it because of the state connection and Jones’ prominence in politics here.

The “Rev.” Jones actually was an atheist communist con artist who used religion to build a personality cult around himself. Watch this YouTube of him and followers praising the Soviet Union singing the Soviet anthem:

Bay Area Democrats
Jones also was deeply plugged into the Bay Area and U.S. Democratic political establishments.

According to a 2012 article on Salon, a liberal website:

“Jim Jones, the strange and charismatic leader of Peoples Temple, proved a master at politically wiring San Francisco in the mid-1970s….

“Jones soon learned that his control over a well-organized, mixed-race army of some 8,000 dedicated followers gave him major stature with San Francisco’s liberal elite. Redevelopment had bulldozed the Fillmore’s political power into the ground. But now this strange white man with the hipster shades, Indian-black hair, and cadences of a black Bible-thumper seemed to be erecting a new political power line into the rubble-strewn, crime-ridden no-man’s-land. Jones could be counted on to deliver busloads of obedient, well-dressed disciples to demonstrations, campaign rallies, and political precincts. The city’s liberal Burton machine — run by congressional powerhouse Phil Burton — quickly identified the Peoples Temple juggernaut as a potentially game-changing ally in its long battle to take over city hall.

“It was Burton ally Willie Brown – a rising force in California’s state capital — who first recognized that Jones’s organization could play a pivotal role in his friend George Moscone’s run for mayor….

“In the December runoff between Moscone and [conservative Republican John] Barbagelata, Peoples Temple went even further to secure victory for its candidate. On the eve of the election, Jones filled buses with temple members in Redwood Valley and Los Angeles and shuttled them to San Francisco. Security at polling places was lax on Election Day, and many nonresidents were able to cast their ballots for Moscone, some more than once. ‘You could have run around to 1200 precincts and voted 1200 times,’ said a bitter Barbagelata later, after losing by a whisper of a margin. But he was not the only one who claimed that the Peoples Temple stole the election for George Moscone. Temple leaders also claimed credit.

“Moscone at first tried to appease him with a harmless post on the human rights commission. But the temple leader insisted on a position that had more clout, and the mayor decided he was in no position to alienate Jones. In October 1976 Moscone announced that he was naming Jones to the San Francisco Housing Authority, which oversees the operation of the city’s public housing. The agency, the largest landlord in the city, was a notorious maze of corruption, and it provided Jones’s organization with ample opportunity for shady self-dealing. A few months later, Moscone pulled strings to promote Jones, making him chairman….”

Jones was a little bipartisan, although not deeply involved in Republican politics the way he was with Democrats:

“But Jones was also happy to exchange mutually complimentary correspondence with the offices of then-former Gov. and future President] Ronald Reagan and statesman Henry Kissinger.”

And this presidential connection:

“During the 1976 presidential campaign, Jones wangled a private meeting with Jimmy Carter’s wife, Rosalynn, at the elegant Stanford Court Hotel on Nob Hill, arriving with a security contingent that was larger than her Secret Service squad. Later Jones accompanied Moscone and a group of Democratic dignitaries who climbed aboard vice presidential candidate Walter Mondale’s private jet when it touched down at San Francisco International Airport.”

Jerry Brown
And then- and current-Gov. Jerry Brown would not be left out of the fun:

“Governor Jerry Brown sang the preacher’s praises. Congressman John Burton, Phil’s brother, lobbied the governor to appoint Jones to the high-profile board of regents, which oversaw California’s sprawling public university system. San Francisco Supervisor – now U.S. Senator — Dianne Feinstein accepted an invitation to lunch with Jones and to tour Peoples Temple.”

And Harvey Milk, later assassinated with Moscone:

“But no political figures were more gushing in their praise of Jones than Willie Brown and Harvey Milk, San Francisco’s rising tribune of gay freedom. Milk, a perennial candidate for office until he finally won a supervisor’s seat in 1977, aggressively sought Jones’s political blessing. ‘Our paths have crossed,’ Milk wrote Jones during an earlier campaign for supervisor, in a letter filled with the kind of awed reverence that the cult leader demanded from his followers. ‘They will stay crossed. It is a fight that I will walk with you into . . . The first time I heard you, you made a statement: “Take one of us, and you must take all of us.” Please add my name.’”

Podesta is from Chicago and has been a Democratic fixer and political operative for decades. So maybe he wasn’t aware of the Jonestown connection to his Democratic Party.

One question remains: As Podesta spruces up the Obama administration, will the prescription for fixing Obamacare include patients drinking the Kool-Aid?


lol can't even find a national figure, shut the fuck up pleb

reagan had alzheimers and you fuckers loved him for it

nancy and her astrology hahaha

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