Ben Sasse has an important message for Trump supporters

Yes a skilled leader like Biden would have and now is handling the pandemic exponentially better than Trump. It doesn’t take much, just honest communication and earnest engagement

View attachment 453539
He had to use a Meme to make a point!! Are you a child?

View attachment 453548

Surely beats PERMA Buthurt over the free and fair election that you didn't win eh? :lol:
Was or IS? Because your comments are claiming that the ring is back now that Biden is in power. Get your story straight man, your embarrassing yourself

I think Hillary had the ring leader bumped off after Trump put him in Jail, so I suspect that had a deleterious effect on the ring.

Plus Trump stopped the import of children from Latin America, which REALLY pissed the democrats off. But no worries, Quid Pro felt your pain.

Children will no longer be separated from their Coyotes before the reach market.
God I love it when you idiots make my point for me. Thank you.
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

Sen. Sasse should really be honest with himself and just switch parties like Specter, Jeffords, Chafee, Crist did before him. Its the decent thing to do, really.
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

I have an important message for Ben Sasse

Primaried Out.

Hit the road weasel, you're done.

And over the cliff the QAnon party goes
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

Sen. Sasse should really be honest with himself and just switch parties like Specter, Jeffords, Chafee, Crist did before him. Its the decent thing to do, really.

Switch to which party and why?
while the corona pandemic is Trump's most visible failure, Trump has failed at everything in his life...seen and unseen

that being said, Ben Sasse is a data-obsessed Senator who doesn't know how to take analysis and turn it into action
while the corona pandemic is Trump's most visible failure, Trump has failed at everything in his life...seen and unseen

that being said, Ben Sasse is a data-obsessed Senator who doesn't know how to take analysis and turn it into action
Unfortunately that’s not really true. He has been able to do many successful things through his brut force tactics. It’s a shame that his style is rewarded but that’s the world we live in.
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

Sen. Sasse should really be honest with himself and just switch parties like Specter, Jeffords, Chafee, Crist did before him. Its the decent thing to do, really.

Switch to which party and why?

The Democratic Party. He's in agreement with the principal tenet- Hatred of Trump.
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

Sen. Sasse should really be honest with himself and just switch parties like Specter, Jeffords, Chafee, Crist did before him. Its the decent thing to do, really.

Switch to which party and why?

The Democratic Party. He's in agreement with the principal tenet- Hatred of Trump.

Haha. So now the qualifications to be a rep or dem hinges on allegiance to Trump?! Seriously?!! Nothing to do with ideology or principles?! Wow. Y’all are losing it.
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

Sen. Sasse should really be honest with himself and just switch parties like Specter, Jeffords, Chafee, Crist did before him. Its the decent thing to do, really.

Switch to which party and why?

The Democratic Party. He's in agreement with the principal tenet- Hatred of Trump.

Haha. So now the qualifications to be a rep or dem hinges on allegiance to Trump?! Seriously?!! Nothing to do with ideology or principles?! Wow. Y’all are losing it.

Hatred of Trump is the D's ideology and principles
Trump is way more complicated than you are portraying him, Senator Sasse!
Trump lied about an election and tried to hold on to power by force. Sasse didn't lie. Trump was about more than that, but it doesn't matter after that
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
TRUMP! is not a prophet and hasn't claimed to be one. A false prophet has to claim to speak for God, he didn't.

Yes - He ABSOLUTELY has and has done for the past 5 years.

What did he claim God told him to say?
Through disguise, and deceit...He claims a sense of omnipotence...
he claims to be a god to his followers..... only he can save you! Believe me, believe me, =Believe in me..., I am the Chosen one....
God says, Vengeance is mine! Trump believes, Vengeance is his.

Jesus: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you.”
Trump: “When people wrong you, go after those people, because it is a good feeling and because other people will see you doing it. I always get even.”

Trump plays on being your Savior, (and Lord) but he is antichrist.
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

Sen. Sasse should really be honest with himself and just switch parties like Specter, Jeffords, Chafee, Crist did before him. Its the decent thing to do, really.

Switch to which party and why?

The Democratic Party. He's in agreement with the principal tenet- Hatred of Trump.

Haha. So now the qualifications to be a rep or dem hinges on allegiance to Trump?! Seriously?!! Nothing to do with ideology or principles?! Wow. Y’all are losing it.

Hatred of Trump is the D's ideology and principles

So what? Parties have nothing to do with feelings about one person. A political party is based on principles and ideology. People always hate other people. Look at primaries. Tons of mud gets thrown by members of the same party. Are you not understanding that?
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

Sasse is serving his last term. He is irrelevant.
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

Sasse is serving his last term. He is irrelevant.

Then why are you talking about him?! Oops
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

Sasse is serving his last term. He is irrelevant.

Then why are you talking about him?! Oops

Saying someone is irrelevant is all that needs to be said.
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

Sasse is serving his last term. He is irrelevant.

Then why are you talking about him?! Oops

Saying someone is irrelevant is all that needs to be said.

The fact that you are saying anything about a person you don’t know makes that person relevant. You see Your conundrum don’t you?

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