Ben Who?

Marginalizing the Black Conservative a time-honored and repulsive tradition on of the left.

That's okay because Democrats are allowed an opinion of a black conservative. However if you criticize a black liberal, well then it's racism.

You know, kind of if a Republican doesn't speak the truth, he or she is a liar, but if a Democrat does the same thing, they are not liars, they just misspoke.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: One set of rules for them, and another set of rules for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
Democrats are not to blame for Dr. Carson's flame out. Republicans have a party too, you know.

Why is it Conservatives cannot accept responsibility for their own deeds?
We are. You calling our black guy anything other than the greatest person ever known to man is racist. You caused it.
Your "Black guy" may be a very gifted surgeon, but he is clearly out of his depth as a presidential candidate. Have you got any other "Black guys" to consider? Bench kinda shallow?
Our bench is shallow? Did you watch the DNC debate?
I'm looking at the diversity of the Democrats in the House, Democratic governors and mayors, and the loaf of Wonder Bread the Republicans have as potential candidates.
Marginalizing the Black Conservative a time-honored and repulsive tradition on of the left.

That's okay because Democrats are allowed an opinion of a black conservative. However if you criticize a black liberal, well then it's racism.

You know, kind of if a Republican doesn't speak the truth, he or she is a liar, but if a Democrat does the same thing, they are not liars, they just misspoke.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: One set of rules for them, and another set of rules for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
Democrats are not to blame for Dr. Carson's flame out. Republicans have a party too, you know.

Why is it Conservatives cannot accept responsibility for their own deeds?
We are. You calling our black guy anything other than the greatest person ever known to man is racist. You caused it.
Your "Black guy" may be a very gifted surgeon, but he is clearly out of his depth as a presidential candidate. Have you got any other "Black guys" to consider? Bench kinda shallow?

Give us a couple of days to look around so we can see if we can find a community organizer somewhere.
The only community organizers that Republicans know wear hoods.
still a long way away.
It's just a repeat of 2012. Carson is Bachmann, Fiorina is Newt, Cruz is Santorum, all getting their bumps in the polls, then falling out of favor.

Is Trump Romney?

I thought Santorum was Santorum? Next thing you will tell me that Huckabee is not Huckabee!
Santorum (Google it!) and Huckabinejad never gained any traction this year so their parts have been given to other actors.
Wow, some pretty nasty racism from the Regressive Left on this thread.

You folks don't even TRY to hide it at this point.

That may be.
But, I noticed that no one from the right answered my question (Post 27) as to why conservatives abandoned Carson very quickly over basically nothing (West Point scholarship). Yet Trump, Cruz and Rubio have had their own multiple bumps without being abandoned.
To me, that indicates that Carson's support was very fragile, yet they loved what he had to say. Why was he discarded so quickly?
I doubt that it was about his skin color. In fact, I'd guess right now that the GOP would give any minority more than a fair chance just to buck PC.

He and Trump are the "anti-establishment" (whatever that may mean) candidates, and it was always going to be one or the other. As I recall, Carson's numbers tanked when those stories came out that made him look like some of his background was, uh, made up.

Either way, these folks love them some Trump. If he were not in the race, I'd betcha Carson would be #1 or #2.

Thanks for response, but I just happen to disagree with you.
During the 2-3 days when the Carson-West Point scholarship thing was the Big Topic on USMB, I defended Carson over this bogus scandal. At the time, I never imagined what a huge negative effect it had on Carson's campaign. He got tossed to the side quicker than it takes to say "OK honey, I'll take out the garbage." The guy was climbing in the primary polls and then walla, he's doing a nose dive.
Other candidates, make errors, are caught in outright lies or insult the wrong person and those mistakes are either ignored or rabidly defended.
Why the difference? There was/is a difference with a doubt.
Wow, some pretty nasty racism from the Regressive Left on this thread.

You folks don't even TRY to hide it at this point.

That may be.
But, I noticed that no one from the right answered my question (Post 27) as to why conservatives abandoned Carson very quickly over basically nothing (West Point scholarship). Yet Trump, Cruz and Rubio have had their own multiple bumps without being abandoned.
To me, that indicates that Carson's support was very fragile, yet they loved what he had to say. Why was he discarded so quickly?
I doubt that it was about his skin color. In fact, I'd guess right now that the GOP would give any minority more than a fair chance just to buck PC.

He and Trump are the "anti-establishment" (whatever that may mean) candidates, and it was always going to be one or the other. As I recall, Carson's numbers tanked when those stories came out that made him look like some of his background was, uh, made up.

Either way, these folks love them some Trump. If he were not in the race, I'd betcha Carson would be #1 or #2.

Thanks for response, but I just happen to disagree with you.
During the 2-3 days when the Carson-West Point scholarship thing was the Big Topic on USMB, I defended Carson over this bogus scandal. At the time, I never imagined what a huge negative effect it had on Carson's campaign. He got tossed to the side quicker than it takes to say "OK honey, I'll take out the garbage." The guy was climbing in the primary polls and then walla, he's doing a nose dive.
Other candidates, make errors, are caught in outright lies or insult the wrong person and those mistakes are either ignored or rabidly defended.
Why the difference? There was/is a difference with a doubt.
I'm not saying it's impossible - it's definitely possible that there was a shallow love affair until the first good excuse came along. In that case you'd be right.

I just think it's also possible that this bizarre Trump phenomenon was/is not gonna be stopped in the party. Since I can't explain it, it's tough to compare the two guys. Not to mention they're essentially polar opposites personality-wise.
That's okay because Democrats are allowed an opinion of a black conservative. However if you criticize a black liberal, well then it's racism.

You know, kind of if a Republican doesn't speak the truth, he or she is a liar, but if a Democrat does the same thing, they are not liars, they just misspoke.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: One set of rules for them, and another set of rules for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
Democrats are not to blame for Dr. Carson's flame out. Republicans have a party too, you know.

Why is it Conservatives cannot accept responsibility for their own deeds?
We are. You calling our black guy anything other than the greatest person ever known to man is racist. You caused it.
Your "Black guy" may be a very gifted surgeon, but he is clearly out of his depth as a presidential candidate. Have you got any other "Black guys" to consider? Bench kinda shallow?

Give us a couple of days to look around so we can see if we can find a community organizer somewhere.
The only community organizers that Republicans know wear hoods.

You mean they know Democrats?
Wow, some pretty nasty racism from the Regressive Left on this thread.

You folks don't even TRY to hide it at this point.

That may be.
But, I noticed that no one from the right answered my question (Post 27) as to why conservatives abandoned Carson very quickly over basically nothing (West Point scholarship). Yet Trump, Cruz and Rubio have had their own multiple bumps without being abandoned.
To me, that indicates that Carson's support was very fragile, yet they loved what he had to say. Why was he discarded so quickly?

Don't you follow the primaries? Look up what happened in the last Republican primary before Romney won it. Nearly every contender was on top at one point or another and fell as quickly as Carson did.
That's okay because Democrats are allowed an opinion of a black conservative. However if you criticize a black liberal, well then it's racism.

You know, kind of if a Republican doesn't speak the truth, he or she is a liar, but if a Democrat does the same thing, they are not liars, they just misspoke.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: One set of rules for them, and another set of rules for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
Democrats are not to blame for Dr. Carson's flame out. Republicans have a party too, you know.

Why is it Conservatives cannot accept responsibility for their own deeds?
We are. You calling our black guy anything other than the greatest person ever known to man is racist. You caused it.
Your "Black guy" may be a very gifted surgeon, but he is clearly out of his depth as a presidential candidate. Have you got any other "Black guys" to consider? Bench kinda shallow?

Give us a couple of days to look around so we can see if we can find a community organizer somewhere.
The only community organizers that Republicans know wear hoods.
The KKK was specifically created by the Democratic party to opress black people and was never a Republican organization.
That's okay because Democrats are allowed an opinion of a black conservative. However if you criticize a black liberal, well then it's racism.

You know, kind of if a Republican doesn't speak the truth, he or she is a liar, but if a Democrat does the same thing, they are not liars, they just misspoke.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: One set of rules for them, and another set of rules for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
Democrats are not to blame for Dr. Carson's flame out. Republicans have a party too, you know.

Why is it Conservatives cannot accept responsibility for their own deeds?
We are. You calling our black guy anything other than the greatest person ever known to man is racist. You caused it.
Your "Black guy" may be a very gifted surgeon, but he is clearly out of his depth as a presidential candidate. Have you got any other "Black guys" to consider? Bench kinda shallow?
Is our bench shallow? Did you watch the DNC debate?
I'm looking at the diversity of the Democrats in the House, Democratic governors and mayors, and the loaf of Wonder Bread the Republicans have as potential candidates.
I see how Democrats treat any Black Conservative that try to run for any officeBeing considered Uncle Tom, House negro traitors by the supposed party of civil rights can not be easy.
Democrats are not to blame for Dr. Carson's flame out. Republicans have a party too, you know.

Why is it Conservatives cannot accept responsibility for their own deeds?
We are. You calling our black guy anything other than the greatest person ever known to man is racist. You caused it.
Your "Black guy" may be a very gifted surgeon, but he is clearly out of his depth as a presidential candidate. Have you got any other "Black guys" to consider? Bench kinda shallow?

Give us a couple of days to look around so we can see if we can find a community organizer somewhere.
The only community organizers that Republicans know wear hoods.
The KKK was specifically created by the Democratic party to opress black people and was never a Republican organization.
Do you imagine those Democrats share the ideology of today's Democrats? Were those racists more politically aligned with today's Liberals, or someone like Donald Trump or Rush Limbaugh?
We are. You calling our black guy anything other than the greatest person ever known to man is racist. You caused it.
Your "Black guy" may be a very gifted surgeon, but he is clearly out of his depth as a presidential candidate. Have you got any other "Black guys" to consider? Bench kinda shallow?

Give us a couple of days to look around so we can see if we can find a community organizer somewhere.
The only community organizers that Republicans know wear hoods.
The KKK was specifically created by the Democratic party to opress black people and was never a Republican organization.
Do you imagine those Democrats share the ideology of today's Democrats? Were those racists more politically aligned with today's Liberals, or someone like Donald Trump or Rush Limbaugh?
Today's Democrats are covert in their racism. A search would give you tons of quotes that prove the elite on the left are racist whatever Rush and Trump have said are Liberal translations to prove racism. Look it up if you want somehow I doubt you will.
Your "Black guy" may be a very gifted surgeon, but he is clearly out of his depth as a presidential candidate. Have you got any other "Black guys" to consider? Bench kinda shallow?

Give us a couple of days to look around so we can see if we can find a community organizer somewhere.
The only community organizers that Republicans know wear hoods.
The KKK was specifically created by the Democratic party to opress black people and was never a Republican organization.
Do you imagine those Democrats share the ideology of today's Democrats? Were those racists more politically aligned with today's Liberals, or someone like Donald Trump or Rush Limbaugh?
Today's Democrats are covert in their racism. A search would give you tons of quotes that prove the elite on the left are racist whatever Rush and Trump have said are Liberal translations to prove racism. Look it up if you want somehow I doubt you will.
Once the Kool-Aid is guzzled, denial and idiocy ensue. I weep for the future.
We haven't had any primaries,,yet.
I just think the right bolted away from Carson and the West Point/Scholarship thing was a very flimsy excuse. I have some doubts that some of his early supporters were in it with him for the long run. Then the novelty wore off.

Wow, some pretty nasty racism from the Regressive Left on this thread.

You folks don't even TRY to hide it at this point.

That may be.
But, I noticed that no one from the right answered my question (Post 27) as to why conservatives abandoned Carson very quickly over basically nothing (West Point scholarship). Yet Trump, Cruz and Rubio have had their own multiple bumps without being abandoned.
To me, that indicates that Carson's support was very fragile, yet they loved what he had to say. Why was he discarded so quickly?

Don't you follow the primaries? Look up what happened in the last Republican primary before Romney won it. Nearly every contender was on top at one point or another and fell as quickly as Carson did.
It looks like The Great Black Dope is on the canvas before the fight even starts. After we were told by conservatives how smart he was.

Merry Christmas!
They fault him for not knowing foreign policy but never questioned their ******'s knowledge of health care. Hilarious.

I wonder how many folks on the right support one of his plans to get the cost of healthcare lower.
Regulate insurance companies as non-profit services
Today, insurance companies call the shots on what they want to pay, to whom, and when. Consequently, even busy doctors operate with a very slim profit of margin.
This is an ideal place for the intervention of government regulators who, with the help of medical professionals, could establish fair and consistent remuneration. To accomplish this, essentially all of the insurance companies would have to become non-profit service organizations with standardized, regulated profit margins.

This is not the paradigm that I see for all businesses, [but] is uniquely appropriate for the health-insurance industry, which deals with people's lives and quality of existence. That may sound radical, but is it as radical as allowing a company to increase its profits by denying care to sick individuals? In the long run this would also be good for the insurance companies, who could then concentrate on providing good service, rather than focusing on undercutting their competitors and increasing their profit margin.
Ben Carson on Health Care
We haven't had any primaries,,yet.
I just think the right bolted away from Carson and the West Point/Scholarship thing was a very flimsy excuse. I have some doubts that some of his early supporters were in it with him for the long run. Then the novelty wore off.

Wow, some pretty nasty racism from the Regressive Left on this thread.

You folks don't even TRY to hide it at this point.

That may be.
But, I noticed that no one from the right answered my question (Post 27) as to why conservatives abandoned Carson very quickly over basically nothing (West Point scholarship). Yet Trump, Cruz and Rubio have had their own multiple bumps without being abandoned.
To me, that indicates that Carson's support was very fragile, yet they loved what he had to say. Why was he discarded so quickly?

Don't you follow the primaries? Look up what happened in the last Republican primary before Romney won it. Nearly every contender was on top at one point or another and fell as quickly as Carson did.

The point is that it's happened many times before. Carson said a lot of peculiar things. The liberal media made sure they amplified all of Carson's theories such as men go to jail heterosexual and come out homosexual. They've bashed him on this tax plan and pointed out there was no possible way it would work. They pointed out his errors on the middle-east.

Your posts make it sound as if people turning away from a candidate is such an unusual thing.
It looks like The Great Black Dope is on the canvas before the fight even starts. After we were told by conservatives how smart he was.

Merry Christmas!
Political acumen is not a measure of intelligence
Neither is the learned skill of brain surgery.

So by your definition anything that is learned is not a measure of intelligence
I'm saying that just because he's a brain surgeon doesn't make him brilliant, or an intellectual, or a deep thinker, or someone suited to be President. Any more than a leading classical pianist, or Tiger Woods. They are all learned skills and don't reflect being smart.

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