Benghazi and why everything you thought you knew about it, is a lie:

So the answer to my questions is a resounding, "No."

Of course... but in fairness, that is the same answer to the question: Are Leftist Deflections Relevant to the discussion of Treason Committed by Leftists against Americans?
Since Congress has investigated numerous times, and found nothing worthwhile, this thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories

To say nothing of the video's use of fake photos:

Florida Squeezed Tea Party Circulating FAKE Images of Chris Stevens Being Tortured GRAPHIC

Yet another prog who feels compelled to comment, despite having not watch the video.

No doubt the reader has noted that not a single anti-American who posted in defense of treason, has found a single of the litany of points stated in the video, with which to disagree.

And that is because where the salient points are relevant, Benghazi comes down to treason against the United States BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE SECRETARY OF STATE of the United States, the future Democrat Candidate for President of the United States... .

The coolest point of this thread is that when the Left forces the US into civil war, the record of this thread will make a wonderful resource for convicting those who overtly sought to sway public opinion toward the benefit of the enemies of the United States.

And THAT, to me is VERY COOL!
Since Congress has investigated numerous times, and found nothing worthwhile, this thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories

To say nothing of the video's use of fake photos:

Florida Squeezed Tea Party Circulating FAKE Images of Chris Stevens Being Tortured GRAPHIC

Yet another prog who feels compelled to comment, despite having not watch the video.

No doubt the reader has noted that not a single anti-American who posted in defense of treason, has found a single of the litany of points stated in the video, with which to disagree.

And that is because where the salient points are relevant, Benghazi comes down to treason against the United States BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE SECRETARY OF STATE of the United States, the future Democrat Candidate for President of the United States... .

The coolest point of this thread is that when the Left forces the US into civil war, the record of this thread will make a wonderful resource for convicting those who overtly sought to sway public opinion toward the benefit of the enemies of the United States.

And THAT, to me is VERY COOL!

"VERY COOL" huh?

Ever notice that the partisan hack ranters are more concerned about internal politics and who used what adjective, than they are about the attackers who killed Americans?

Why is that? :eusa_think:
Times, Dates, Places, who said what and when:


From a factual standpoint, we will probably never really know what happened there that day, and why. The truth is clouded under layer upon layer of political distractions and obfuscations by intelligence services. The consulate that was raided was a CIA outpost in the middle of a terrorist stronghold. A terrorist stronghold supported by the United States.

The Benghazi Scam November Yankee

At the end of the day, what we will find is that Benghazi was about arming what we know today as ISIS. We will find that both obama and Clinton were intentionally arming the Islamic Terrorist group which invaded and now hold a majority of Iraq; a nation that the United States spent hundreds of billion of dollars and thousands of American lives to free from Islamic tyranny. Who then used the power of their respective offices to conceal their respective crimes.
Times, Dates, Places, who said what and when:


From a factual standpoint, we will probably never really know what happened there that day, and why. The truth is clouded under layer upon layer of political distractions and obfuscations by intelligence services. The consulate that was raided was a CIA outpost in the middle of a terrorist stronghold. A terrorist stronghold supported by the United States.

The Benghazi Scam November Yankee

At the end of the day, what we will find is that Benghazi was about arming what we know today as ISIS. We will find that both obama and Clinton were intentionally arming the Islamic Terrorist group which invaded and now hold a majority of Iraq; a nation that the United States spent hundreds of billion of dollars and thousands of American lives to free from Islamic tyranny. Who then used the power of their respective offices to conceal their respective crimes.

Yuh huh.

Questions never addressed by Benghziheads:

1. How many ambassadors were requesting extra security for their consulates and embassies around the Middle East and around the world during this period?

2. How many embassies were dealing with riots and protests at their gates just before the attack on the backwater consulate in Benghazi?

The OP video is much like the ever changing "Loose Change" string of videos. Every time some piece of completely bogus manufactured bullshit is destroyed, the puppeteers go back to the editing room and remake the story, and the idiot rubes refill their piss cups and drink from their cocks again and again and again.

The vision built in the heads of the rubes has changed many times, and it never occurs to the rubes the story they believe today is completely different than the one they started out with!

A fascinating phenomenon.

The video in the OP, just like all partisan reporting surrounding Benghazi, is guilty of lies of omission. They only present "facts" which fit into their partisan hackery, and leave out anything inconvenient to the bullshit meme they are trying to construct in the minds of their rubes.
Times, Dates, Places, who said what and when:


From a factual standpoint, we will probably never really know what happened there that day, and why. The truth is clouded under layer upon layer of political distractions and obfuscations by intelligence services. The consulate that was raided was a CIA outpost in the middle of a terrorist stronghold. A terrorist stronghold supported by the United States.

The Benghazi Scam November Yankee

At the end of the day, what we will find is that Benghazi was about arming what we know today as ISIS. We will find that both obama and Clinton were intentionally arming the Islamic Terrorist group which invaded and now hold a majority of Iraq; a nation that the United States spent hundreds of billion of dollars and thousands of American lives to free from Islamic tyranny. Who then used the power of their respective offices to conceal their respective crimes.

at the end of the day, RW won't accept anything, AND I MEAN ANYTHING, that doesn't mesh with their talking points.

End of story.
... and Cherokees.

Didn't watch the video did ya?
I did. And I want my 10 minutes back.

See what I mean Tex?
Just like Fox Noise feeds people what they want to hear, so runs this forum -- people post what they already believe. If they actually do have a point to make or some unknown information to impart, they'll write it out in the body of the post or the title, usually both, because that's rhetorical gold. When that's absent and you get nothing but "here, watch what this guy says", there's no point in even staying in the thread. The only reason I did was that I saw a straight line for a joke. Because one joke begets another -- as I said, shouldn't be a total loss.

So you're ignorant about the topic of discussion and you take the word of one individual to validate your ignorance, but refuse to take the word of others that viewing the video is worthwhile. Got it.

Uh --- no, you don't. I took a reference from one individual and riffed on it, based on what that individual has posted in the past.

I saw a joke thread, I made a funny. Deal with it.

Oh wait, sorry I forgot -- you people have no sense of humor. :sad:

Oh, I think you're funny alright.
Course not. Why bother? I figure if the OP had a point he could articulate it. He wants me to burn several minutes of my time (MY time, not his) watching YouTube because he can't think of what his point is? That ain't gonna happen.

So I cracked an inside joke for Frank. Shouldn't be a total loss.

Why didn't you watch the video, are you afraid you would actually learn something about your dear leader you might not like. Verifiable facts were presented.

Why didn't you send the vid to congress, if its so compelling?
What about it is wrong, slanted or biased?

All I'm saying is, that if there is evidence that needs to be looked into again, please forward it to congress, otherwise, you are pushing the same, debunked, garbage.

Here is one item brought up in the video, Obama is clearly, CLEARLY lying. He had to know the truth by the time of his speech yet he told a lie. Why? More personal, why don't you care?

That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. Now, I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity.

It is an insult not only to Muslims, but to America as well -- for as the city outside these walls makes clear, we are a country that has welcomed people of every race and every faith. We are home to Muslims who worship across our country. We not only respect the freedom of religion, we have laws that protect individuals from being harmed because of how they look or what they believe. We understand why people take offense to this video because millions of our citizens are among them. (BTW, considering what the left says about Christians I don't understand attacking and killing over a little watched video so I don't know what the hell Obama is talking about.)

Ask yourself this, who other then the maker of the little known video were arrested for the attack. (one other that I know of)

Remarks by the President to the UN General Assembly The White House

Libya Thwarts Arrests in Benghazi Attack

I also realize you will defend Obama by saying that in his UN speech he didn't directly say that the attack was caused by the video he mentioned. To do so is to distach from reality.

Well said.

In fact the obama cult inserted the video into the Middle East, literally spending serious money to ADVERTISE the video... as a means to FOMENT attacks upon United States interests and property and personnel... just as clearly they dam' well knew that there would be an Attack on that Mission and BELIEVED that such would be preceded by a PROTEST. Which means that THEY PLANNED A PROTEST, but the protest NEVER MATERIALIZED... being what they are, they did not HAVE A PLAN IN THE EVENT THE PROTEST DID NOT MATERIALIZE and had NO CHOICE BUT TO CONTINUE WITH THE NARRATIVE AS IF THERE HAD BEEN SUCH.

It is in THIS that we can rest assured that obama and cult were the people who funded, planned and executed the attack on the Benghazi Mission, killing four US Citizens and injuring dozens more... .
The OP attempts to explain why Benghazi is relevant.

I'll tell you why it is relevant, and it has nothing to do with seeking the truth since we have seen the lies the hacks have manufactured. "Obama watched as they died." "Stand down order."

No, this is not a quest for truth. Benghazi is relevant because the rubes must be kept in the fold. They must not be allowed to think for themselves and wander off and start thinking critically.

"Benghazi" is a totem. A rhetorical device to keep the rubes drinking whatever piss is poured for them.

The rubes must never catch on they are always being lied to.
Times, Dates, Places, who said what and when:


From a factual standpoint, we will probably never really know what happened there that day, and why. The truth is clouded under layer upon layer of political distractions and obfuscations by intelligence services. The consulate that was raided was a CIA outpost in the middle of a terrorist stronghold. A terrorist stronghold supported by the United States.

The Benghazi Scam November Yankee

At the end of the day, what we will find is that Benghazi was about arming what we know today as ISIS. We will find that both obama and Clinton were intentionally arming the Islamic Terrorist group which invaded and now hold a majority of Iraq; a nation that the United States spent hundreds of billion of dollars and thousands of American lives to free from Islamic tyranny. Who then used the power of their respective offices to conceal their respective crimes.

at the end of the day, RW won't accept anything, AND I MEAN ANYTHING, that doesn't mesh with their talking points.

End of story.

The Americans, to whom you refer as "RW"... will accept nothing short of the TRUTH.

End of Story.
Times, Dates, Places, who said what and when:


From a factual standpoint, we will probably never really know what happened there that day, and why. The truth is clouded under layer upon layer of political distractions and obfuscations by intelligence services. The consulate that was raided was a CIA outpost in the middle of a terrorist stronghold. A terrorist stronghold supported by the United States.

The Benghazi Scam November Yankee

At the end of the day, what we will find is that Benghazi was about arming what we know today as ISIS. We will find that both obama and Clinton were intentionally arming the Islamic Terrorist group which invaded and now hold a majority of Iraq; a nation that the United States spent hundreds of billion of dollars and thousands of American lives to free from Islamic tyranny. Who then used the power of their respective offices to conceal their respective crimes.

at the end of the day, RW won't accept anything, AND I MEAN ANYTHING, that doesn't mesh with their talking points.

End of story.

The Americans, to whom you refer as "RW"... will accept nothing short of the TRUTH.

End of Story.

nothing short of the TRUTH.... Their truth ... nothing else matters.
Times, Dates, Places, who said what and when:


From a factual standpoint, we will probably never really know what happened there that day, and why. The truth is clouded under layer upon layer of political distractions and obfuscations by intelligence services. The consulate that was raided was a CIA outpost in the middle of a terrorist stronghold. A terrorist stronghold supported by the United States.

The Benghazi Scam November Yankee

At the end of the day, what we will find is that Benghazi was about arming what we know today as ISIS. We will find that both obama and Clinton were intentionally arming the Islamic Terrorist group which invaded and now hold a majority of Iraq; a nation that the United States spent hundreds of billion of dollars and thousands of American lives to free from Islamic tyranny. Who then used the power of their respective offices to conceal their respective crimes.

at the end of the day, RW won't accept anything, AND I MEAN ANYTHING, that doesn't mesh with their talking points.

End of story.

The Americans, to whom you refer as "RW"... will accept nothing short of the TRUTH.

End of Story.

Ah yes the "truth". It's so handy -- you can wrap food in it, conforms to any sheep shape you want.
Do you like the shiny side out or the dull side?
"Why everything you thought you knew about it, is a lie".

They irony of that statement. Hilarious!

What a perfect piece of propaganda that is.
The OP attempts to explain why Benghazi is relevant.

I'll tell you why it is relevant, and it has nothing to do with seeking the truth since we have seen the lies the hacks have manufactured. "Obama watched as they died." "Stand down order."

It is a fact that obama watched the video from the Drone... thus he watched as those four Americans Died.


We know this from the testimony of US Intelligence assets who told the respective investigating committees that they were told stand down by their immediate command.

What's more the US Army Relived General Ham of his command as he was in the process of sending a QRF to the Mission. That no one in the cult is willing to admit who gave the orders, up to this point, is irrelevant.

Gowdy's committee will determine who that was... as well as why the Mission remained open, despite lacking the necessary security to assure the mission was sustained within reasonable parameters for the safety of the personnel who comprised it.
"Why everything you thought you knew about it, is a lie".

They irony of that statement. Hilarious!

What a perfect piece of propaganda that is.

What if I'm not actually a cab driver?

What if I'm the cab and it/he drives me?

How existential...
Why don't you show us a link that proves Obama was not lying.

Obama doesn't have to prove that he is not lying, you need to prove that he is.

Oh wait, he must have shreaded the evidence; in that case, please offer up proof that he shreaded evidence.
He changed his story, so he did lie. At first he said it was a protest started from a movie, then 10 days later he admitted it was a pre planned terrorist attack.
And we know that he knew, or should have known, that it was not a spontaneuous attack based on a video. That makes it a lie.
I knew it was a terrorist attack from the beginning.

Well said...

Every reasonably objective person on earth who was aware of that attack, new the moment that they heard of it, that it was a preplanned attack.

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