Benghazi and why everything you thought you knew about it, is a lie:

May 2014 ... (and from a RW media source)

Rep. Gowdy I Have Evidence of Benghazi Cover-Up


where is the evidence Gowdiee-boi ? SPEAK UP SHIT FOR BRAINS OR SHUT UP

Are you serious?

Everyone who has access to google has evidence that obama and clinton covered-up their crimes in Benghazi.


THAT is an overt attempt to conceal the truth. That is a high-crime and that should result in obama being impeached and disqualifies Bubba's wife from ever holding office again... even after she gets out of prison.
RW's are too dumb to shut up about the same shit that's been going on ever since Reagan allowed 220 Marines to be killed an a foreign embassy.


It's an attempt to deflect from the Video which defines obama and his sec' O'State as traitors to their country...

LMAO! When is the last time you've seen a collective pant wetting like THIS ONE?

deflect? How? Reagan ignored 220 dead Marines, you ignored Reagan. Reagan was a Hollywood actor, you are an Idiot.

LOOK KIDS ... grow up keys.
RW's are too dumb to shut up about the same shit that's been going on ever since Reagan allowed 220 Marines to be killed an a foreign embassy.


It's an attempt to deflect from the Video which defines obama and his sec' O'State as traitors to their country...

LMAO! When is the last time you've seen a collective pant wetting like THIS ONE?

deflect? How? Reagan ignored 220 dead Marines, you ignored Reagan. Reagan was a Hollywood actor, you are an Idiot.

LOOK KIDS ... grow up keys.


No kiddin'?

HEY! Have ya seen this:

It's a video which lays out indisputable evidence which cripples any attempt to rationalize around the facts, which show that obama and hillary were complicit in the murders of four US citizens and the severe injury to dozens more!

"A video which lays out indisputable evidence which cripples any attempt to rationalize around the facts, which show that obama and hillary were complicit in the murders of four US citizens and the severe injury to dozens more!"

Wow, your buddies in Congress are going to LOVE this indisputable evidence which cripples any attempt to rationalize around the facts, which show(s) that Obama and Hillary were complicit in the murders of four US citizens and the severe injury to dozens more.

They fucking HATE Obama! This is the end of that Kenyan fo shizzle!
Attacks on Americans on foreign soil since 1980 that resulted in American deaths.

Beirut Barracks Bombings-241 Servicemen killed. No Congressional Public Hearings-No pointing fingers, despite warnings of an attack. .

USS Cole attack-17 Servicemen killed. No Congressional Hearings-No pointing fingers, despite warnings of an attack.

12 Embassy/Consultant attacks during George W Bush-13 Americans killed including OS Diplomat David Foy. No Congressional Hearings-No finger pointing, despite warnings of attacks on most of these incidents.

Benghazi Attack-4 Americans killed including Ambassador Christopher Stevens- 13 Congressional Hearings and a ton of finger pointing. There were warnings of such an attack.

There were warnings on most of these attacks, yet only one got Congressional Hearings and that one has had 13 hearings. Why weren't there hearings on previous attacks by Congress 14 previous attacks?
the RW's rant about Benghazi is more about Hillary than it is the Obama admin which is great, they'll be able to bitch about her lack of effort in Benghazi for 8 years when she becomes POTUS for back to back terms.

The OP attempts to explain why Benghazi is relevant.

I'll tell you why it is relevant, and it has nothing to do with seeking the truth since we have seen the lies the hacks have manufactured. "Obama watched as they died." "Stand down order."

No, this is not a quest for truth. Benghazi is relevant because the rubes must be kept in the fold. They must not be allowed to think for themselves and wander off and start thinking critically.

"Benghazi" is a totem. A rhetorical device to keep the rubes drinking whatever piss is poured for them.

The rubes must never catch on they are always being lied to.

Are you talking about the rubes that heard Obama lie and call him on it or the rubes that heard him lie and defend him any way?

No doubt Obama did not tell the truth. Maybe he thought we couldn't handle the truth or maybe, as he says, he has something to hide. Definitely though he, Rice and Hillary misled the American people.
Times, Dates, Places, who said what and when:

Does the video tell us what time Obama was watching the four Americans being killed through the eyes of a drone?

Does the video tell us what time the "stand down order" was given?

No? You mean the hack partisans were manufacturing bullshit before the blood was even dry? Say it ain't so!
Wait. A strawman argument? From you? Say it aint so!
the RW's rant about Benghazi is more about Hillary than it is the Obama admin which is great, they'll be able to bitch about her lack of effort in Benghazi for 8 years when she becomes POTUS for back to back terms.


Oh my... this is going to be hard for you to hear sis. But Hillary will never be the POTUS. Ya see sweety, when she was being questioned about her crimes relevant to Benghazi, she made posed a startling question, given the nature of the committee to whom she was confessing:

Hillary Clinton said:
After "Obama watched as they died" and "stand down order", no one is stupid enough to believe you rubes are after the truth.

You can keep going back for refills of your piss cups with the ever changing story put out by your puppeteers, just don't expect anyone else to do so.
Questions never addressed by Benghziheads:

1. How many ambassadors were requesting extra security for their consulates and embassies around the Middle East and around the world during this period?

2. How many embassies were dealing with riots and protests at their gates just before the attack on the backwater consulate in Benghazi?

The OP video is much like the ever changing "Loose Change" string of videos. Every time some piece of completely bogus manufactured bullshit is destroyed, the puppeteers go back to the editing room and remake the story, and the idiot rubes refill their piss cups and drink from their cocks again and again and again.

The vision built in the heads of the rubes has changed many times, and it never occurs to the rubes the story they believe today is completely different than the one they started out with!

A fascinating phenomenon.

The video in the OP, just like all partisan reporting surrounding Benghazi, is guilty of lies of omission. They only present "facts" which fit into their partisan hackery, and leave out anything inconvenient to the bullshit meme they are trying to construct in the minds of their rubes.
1. It is irrelevant. We know one did and he was ignored.
2. None.
What does it matter? Why didnt the State Department take ANY action to protect their employees? Whydid they leave those people to die?
Questions never addressed by Benghziheads:

1. How many ambassadors were requesting extra security for their consulates and embassies around the Middle East and around the world during this period?

2. How many embassies were dealing with riots and protests at their gates just before the attack on the backwater consulate in Benghazi?

The OP video is much like the ever changing "Loose Change" string of videos. Every time some piece of completely bogus manufactured bullshit is destroyed, the puppeteers go back to the editing room and remake the story, and the idiot rubes refill their piss cups and drink from their cocks again and again and again.

The vision built in the heads of the rubes has changed many times, and it never occurs to the rubes the story they believe today is completely different than the one they started out with!

A fascinating phenomenon.

The video in the OP, just like all partisan reporting surrounding Benghazi, is guilty of lies of omission. They only present "facts" which fit into their partisan hackery, and leave out anything inconvenient to the bullshit meme they are trying to construct in the minds of their rubes.
1. It is irrelevant. We know one did and he was ignored.
2. None.
What does it matter? Why didnt the State Department take ANY action to protect their employees? Whydid they leave those people to die?
Both of your answers are wrong.

You see? Lying just comes naturally to you rubes.
After "Obama watched as they died" and "stand down order", no one is stupid enough to believe you rubes are after the truth.

You can keep going back for refills of your piss cups with the ever changing story put out by your puppeteers, just don't expect anyone else to do so.
We dont know if those things are true or not. But what we do know that is true supports the idea that the president and the sec state are incompetent boobs and deliberately lied about what happned to cover it up and serve their political needs. Why that doesnt outrage you is beyond me.
Questions never addressed by Benghziheads:

1. How many ambassadors were requesting extra security for their consulates and embassies around the Middle East and around the world during this period?

2. How many embassies were dealing with riots and protests at their gates just before the attack on the backwater consulate in Benghazi?

The OP video is much like the ever changing "Loose Change" string of videos. Every time some piece of completely bogus manufactured bullshit is destroyed, the puppeteers go back to the editing room and remake the story, and the idiot rubes refill their piss cups and drink from their cocks again and again and again.

The vision built in the heads of the rubes has changed many times, and it never occurs to the rubes the story they believe today is completely different than the one they started out with!

A fascinating phenomenon.

The video in the OP, just like all partisan reporting surrounding Benghazi, is guilty of lies of omission. They only present "facts" which fit into their partisan hackery, and leave out anything inconvenient to the bullshit meme they are trying to construct in the minds of their rubes.
1. It is irrelevant. We know one did and he was ignored.
2. None.
What does it matter? Why didnt the State Department take ANY action to protect their employees? Whydid they leave those people to die?
Both of your answers are wrong.

You see? Lying just comes naturally to you rubes.
No lies, Both answers and the comment are absolutely 100%.
Why are you not bothered that Obama lied about the whole incident?
We dont know if those things are true or not. But what we do know that is true supports the idea that the president and the sec state are incompetent boobs and deliberately lied about what happned to cover it up and serve their political needs. Why that doesnt outrage you is beyond me.

You drank a lot of piss, and don't care that it is piss, and yet believe that piss is evidence Obama is an incompetent boob!


The desire to believe whatever bullshit aligns with one's belief system still continues to amaze me to this day.

Sorry, but the lies that were told by your partisan hack puppeteers proves nothing about Obama. But it proves much about you.
Questions never addressed by Benghziheads:

1. How many ambassadors were requesting extra security for their consulates and embassies around the Middle East and around the world during this period?

2. How many embassies were dealing with riots and protests at their gates just before the attack on the backwater consulate in Benghazi?

The OP video is much like the ever changing "Loose Change" string of videos. Every time some piece of completely bogus manufactured bullshit is destroyed, the puppeteers go back to the editing room and remake the story, and the idiot rubes refill their piss cups and drink from their cocks again and again and again.

The vision built in the heads of the rubes has changed many times, and it never occurs to the rubes the story they believe today is completely different than the one they started out with!

A fascinating phenomenon.

The video in the OP, just like all partisan reporting surrounding Benghazi, is guilty of lies of omission. They only present "facts" which fit into their partisan hackery, and leave out anything inconvenient to the bullshit meme they are trying to construct in the minds of their rubes.
1. It is irrelevant. We know one did and he was ignored.
2. None.
What does it matter? Why didnt the State Department take ANY action to protect their employees? Whydid they leave those people to die?
Both of your answers are wrong.

You see? Lying just comes naturally to you rubes.
No lies, Both answers and the comment are absolutely 100%.
Why are you not bothered that Obama lied about the whole incident?
You are actually going to say with a straight face that no other embassies were dealing with protests at that time?


You are either a blazing retard or a bald faced liar.
September 11, 2012:
Egyptians angry at film scale U.S. embassy walls

Egyptian protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy on Tuesday, tore down the American flag and burned it during a protest over what they said was a film being produced in the United States that insulted Prophet Mohammad.

In place of the U.S. flag, the protesters tried to raise a black flag with the words "There is no God but God, and Mohammad is his messenger", a Reuters witness said.

Once the U.S. flag was hauled down, some protesters tore it up and showed off pieces to television cameras. Others burned the remains outside the fortress-like embassy building in central Cairo. But some protesters objected to the flag burning.
Attacks on Americans on foreign soil since 1980 that resulted in American deaths.

Beirut Barracks Bombings-241 Servicemen killed. No Congressional Public Hearings-No pointing fingers, despite warnings of an attack.

The terrorist attack was exhaustively investigated. It was a terrorist attack. Thus the fingers all pointed to the terrorists who attacked. The US responded to that attack by eviscerating the terrorists who planned the attack.

USS Cole attack-17 Servicemen killed. No Congressional Hearings-No pointing fingers, despite warnings of an attack.

The terrorist attack on the Cole was exhaustively investigated and those investigations all concluded that it was a terrorist attack. The subsequent fingers pointed toward the terrorists who planned and executed the attack, with attacks against those individuals.

12 Embassy/Consultant attacks during George W Bush-13 Americans killed including OS Diplomat David Foy. No Congressional Hearings-No finger pointing, despite warnings of attacks on most of these incidents.

Isn't it cool when the idiots comment on a video which they so clearly failed to watch?

FYI: Here's the video. Look to between 50 seconds and 1 minute 50 seconds. It corrects your erroneous figures and untangles your twisted rationalizations regarding the above drivel.

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