Benghazi Hearing featuring Hillary Clinton begins...

She said her home server was protected by secret agents.

Funny, because her emails were stored in Colorado... oops.
Gee more about emails that nobody cares about outside of Nutjob Central (aka The GOP). To put it another way....picture the game Mortal Kombat: the voice comes over and says....HILLARY WINS!

She just did
Wow! Four Americans died, others severely injured, 600 security requests denied, and your response is "HILLARY WINS!".

One sick individual.
Gee more about emails that nobody cares about outside of Nutjob Central (aka The GOP). To put it another way....picture the game Mortal Kombat: the voice comes over and says....HILLARY WINS!

She just did
Wow! Four Americans died, others severely injured, 600 security requests denied, and your response is "HILLARY WINS!".

One sick individual.
Gee more about emails that nobody cares about outside of Nutjob Central (aka The GOP). To put it another way....picture the game Mortal Kombat: the voice comes over and says....HILLARY WINS!

She just did


Lamb denied that budgetary concerns had influenced her decision. committee “It has been suggested that budget cuts are responsible for a lack of security in Benghazi, and I’d like to ask Miss Lamb,” said Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R., Calif.). “You made this decision personally. Was there any budget consideration and lack of budget which lead you not to increase the number of people in the security force there?” “No, sir,” said Lamb.

Wow! Four Americans died, others severely injured, 600 security requests denied, and your response is "HILLARY WINS!".

One sick individual.
Gee more about emails that nobody cares about outside of Nutjob Central (aka The GOP). To put it another way....picture the game Mortal Kombat: the voice comes over and says....HILLARY WINS!

She just did

Eleven hours. For eleven hours, the mob badgered Hillary, trying to wear her down, hoping she'd make some kind of mistake or lose her temper, so they could get a video bit to play for the elections. After those eleven hours, Hillary was still calm and smiling, looking like she could go another eleven hours. In contrast, a couple of the Republicans had gone into screaming meltdown mode, and they were all looking sweaty and flustered. That will make for some nice video bits for the Hillary campaign.

If nothing else, this ends any questions about whether Hillary's age is a factor. On her own, she easily outlasted the younger folk who were going after her in shifts, and she demonstrated the ability to stay calm and focused under duress. That's what people want in a president.

(Item of concern: Given what a stellar endorsement of Clinton this show trial was, will the Clinton campaign now have to count the $4.5 million as a campaign donation?)

And for a laugh, imagine the performance of any of the Republican candidates if they were getting grilled for eleven hours.
Wow! Four Americans died, others severely injured, 600 security requests denied, and your response is "HILLARY WINS!".

One sick individual.
Gee more about emails that nobody cares about outside of Nutjob Central (aka The GOP). To put it another way....picture the game Mortal Kombat: the voice comes over and says....HILLARY WINS!

She just did

Your opinion would be a lot more interesting if it were not covered in crap.

Simply put this is a partisan witch-hunt. If the SoS was anyone other than the Democratic Party's nominee for President, Her first 8 hour part in this charade would have sufficed. Republican leadership confirmed that this is nothing more than pure politics at play. Further evidenced by the often repeated attacks on US installations during the previous administration and not one question was asked by Republicans much less a silly committee that is investigating, *gasp* violence against Americans in the Middle East.

So in that arena, since Hillary came out smelling like a rose, she won.
Sure she did.

She backed and filled and showcased her incompetence for eleven hours.

If that incompetent POS is your pick for POTUS then you are one seriously biased partisan hack.

She and her State Department were grossly negligent and the shame is no one will ever be held accountable for those four dead men.

Incompetence isn't a crime but it cost those four men their lives.

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