Benghazi Hero’s Dad Reveals Bombshell Document That Could PROVE Hillary Lied [VIDEO]

Debunked you say? I would like to see your cite for that.

Name any one AMERICAN or Embassy member killed in any of those attacks

No Americans, but 60 dead. I guess embassy security is better than said, still no Republican outrage over attacks or dead people.

None of them were in the Embassy either

Still no outrage, sixty dead, American embassies assaulted and bombed.
Everyone is outraged. Doesn't make what Hillary and Obama did any better.
Debunked you say? I would like to see your cite for that.

Name any one AMERICAN or Embassy member killed in any of those attacks

No Americans, but 60 dead. I guess embassy security is better than said, still no Republican outrage over attacks or dead people.

None of them were in the Embassy either

Still no outrage, sixty dead, American embassies assaulted and bombed.
Everyone is outraged. Doesn't make what Hillary and Obama did any better.

Then why did a Republican led investigation find no evidence of wrongdoing?
Could prove? After all this time it's still innuendo and not hard evidence? :eusa_hand:
The hearings demonstrate that the Gowdy tribunal can't prove anything and must step as an admission of failure.
I can't believe you STILL pretend to be a Republican
What you as a far right loony, as reflective of your ilk, thinks is immaterial.

McCarthy was right, said so, and yet you all went and shit in the corner. The great American electorate does not care what you think or say. Benghazi itself will have no effect on the election. The Republican committee has hurt the chances of the party's nominee.
Debunked you say? I would like to see your cite for that.

Name any one AMERICAN or Embassy member killed in any of those attacks

No Americans, but 60 dead. I guess embassy security is better than said, still no Republican outrage over attacks or dead people.

None of them were in the Embassy either

Still no outrage, sixty dead, American embassies assaulted and bombed.
Everyone is outraged. Doesn't make what Hillary and Obama did any better.

Then why did a Republican led investigation find no evidence of wrongdoing?
They found no stand down orders. Doesn't mean they didn't lie. They did. But that's not illegal for politicians.
Debunked you say? I would like to see your cite for that.

Name any one AMERICAN or Embassy member killed in any of those attacks

No Americans, but 60 dead. I guess embassy security is better than said, still no Republican outrage over attacks or dead people.

None of them were in the Embassy either

Still no outrage, sixty dead, American embassies assaulted and bombed.
Everyone is outraged. Doesn't make what Hillary and Obama did any better.

Then why did a Republican led investigation find no evidence of wrongdoing?
They found no stand down orders. Doesn't mean they didn't lie. They did. But that's not illegal for politicians.

They found no evidence of wrongdoing and that singular fact evades the rights ability to accept well documented investigative fact.
Debunked you say? I would like to see your cite for that.

Name any one AMERICAN or Embassy member killed in any of those attacks

No Americans, but 60 dead. I guess embassy security is better than said, still no Republican outrage over attacks or dead people.

None of them were in the Embassy either

Still no outrage, sixty dead, American embassies assaulted and bombed.
Everyone is outraged. Doesn't make what Hillary and Obama did any better.

Then why did a Republican led investigation find no evidence of wrongdoing?
They found no stand down orders. Doesn't mean they didn't lie. They did. But that's not illegal for politicians.

unless you're a democrat, right, winger?

they knew there was no stand down order. they, and you and your little wing nut buddies, are inveterate liars.
Debunked you say? I would like to see your cite for that.

Name any one AMERICAN or Embassy member killed in any of those attacks

No Americans, but 60 dead. I guess embassy security is better than said, still no Republican outrage over attacks or dead people.

None of them were in the Embassy either

Still no outrage, sixty dead, American embassies assaulted and bombed.
Everyone is outraged. Doesn't make what Hillary and Obama did any better.

Then why did a Republican led investigation find no evidence of wrongdoing?
They found no stand down orders. Doesn't mean they didn't lie. They did. But that's not illegal for politicians.

They found no evidence of wrongdoing and that singular fact evades the rights ability to accept well documented investigative fact.
Other than using a video that no one watched as an political football...

By the way the video had nothing to do with the deaths at the embassy... That loopy kunt said so, but did not believe so.

All to do about politics, that is what professional politicians do. Duh!!
Other than using a video that no one watched as an political football...

By the way the video had nothing to do with the deaths at the embassy... That loopy kunt said so, but did not believe so.

All to do about politics, that is what professional politicians do. Duh!!

What a disgusting creepy person you are with the words you choose to use for the second time in this thread.
Basically using such words cheapens and discredits the points that you are trying to make.
Really what does it matter anyway about misinforming about a video if she did?
We reelected a man who mislead us which 1000's of life's were lost..
How can we justify either
How can you people keep claiming that the hearing "didn't prove anything" when it most certainly did prove a number of key things? How? Did you watch the hearing? Can you read? Have you read the transcript? Some very important facts were brought to light during the hearing, and when faced with them Hillary told a number of obvious lies and distortions.

the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.

no. again, she's better than anything you offer. normal people aren't into regressive rightwing nut loons who want to make us a theocracy and return us to the 1950's.

the "problem is that "you guys" are so outrageously far right that you don't understand why normal people don't hate her like you do.

and you still haven't shown she was a liar.

you did, however, probably just assure she'll be president.
Drip, drip, drip...

You should see a doctor about that.

Bet me that if this Super Secret Document doesn't say what the GOOPers want it to say, they'll turn on this poor man and call him a liar, too.

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