Benghazi is a witch hunt

This witch hunt has gone below the point of diminishing returns to where their continuation can only make Hillary Clinton look better.

One thing they've done by repetition is given Clinton more opportunity to prepare better answers.

It's not a hunt. They've found the witch.

Inside the RWnut cult that's the belief.

To the LW cult, she can do anything and nothing should be said.

I've never said that nor have I heard anyone here say that. Name some names.
YOU. You don't have to say it just defend her in anything she does. Actions speak louder than words and your action on this forum do a lot of "speaking".
This is the Tight Wire Act the GOP "Benghazoids" face today

On the one hand 3/4 three in four of Americans Recognize this is a GOP political Operation ...that means they can't go all pit bull on Hillary they have to be careful....

On the other side are "Hillary is the Anti Christ but not as nice" crowd who expect an all out visceral attack using hints, allegations, innuendo and what have you to nail Hillary Uber Ales.......

Watergate was about a 3rd rate burglary. People died (and were dragged through the streets) and Hillary lied about Benghazi. It's insulting to the American people to characterize the legitimate hearing into what happened at Benghazi as a "witch hunt" but that's the only tactic that low information lefties have left.
This witch hunt has gone below the point of diminishing returns to where their continuation can only make Hillary Clinton look better.

One thing they've done by repetition is given Clinton more opportunity to prepare better answers.

It's not a hunt. They've found the witch.

Inside the RWnut cult that's the belief.

To the LW cult, she can do anything and nothing should be said.

I've never said that nor have I heard anyone here say that. Name some names.
YOU. You don't have to say it just defend her in anything she does. Actions speak louder than words and your action on this forum do a lot of "speaking".

Then I guess it should be easy for you to find quotes of me blindly supporting her.

Not quotes like this, of course:
The DNC is prepared and expecting Hillary to lose | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Watergate was about a 3rd rate burglary. People died (and were dragged through the streets) and Hillary lied about Benghazi. It's insulting to the American people to characterize the legitimate hearing into what happened at Benghazi as a "witch hunt" but that's the only tactic that low information lefties have left.

Once McCarthy admitted it was a partisan witch hunt, all posts such as yours above became jokes.
It's not a hunt. They've found the witch.

Inside the RWnut cult that's the belief.

To the LW cult, she can do anything and nothing should be said.

I've never said that nor have I heard anyone here say that. Name some names.
YOU. You don't have to say it just defend her in anything she does. Actions speak louder than words and your action on this forum do a lot of "speaking".

Then I guess it should be easy for you to find quotes of me blindly supporting her.

Not quotes like this, of course:
The DNC is prepared and expecting Hillary to lose | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You've already determined she's not guilty of anything and the process just started.
Agreed Votto..
While people should be infuriated those bitches lied to the public and those victims families like that, that is about it.. this shit happens. Just the way it is.

still trying to figure out what they "lied" about.

but I do appreciate the basic sentiment of you and the o/p which is that these hearings are a waste of resources designed to hurt the candidate they're most afraid of.
Inside the RWnut cult that's the belief.

To the LW cult, she can do anything and nothing should be said.

I've never said that nor have I heard anyone here say that. Name some names.
YOU. You don't have to say it just defend her in anything she does. Actions speak louder than words and your action on this forum do a lot of "speaking".

Then I guess it should be easy for you to find quotes of me blindly supporting her.

Not quotes like this, of course:
The DNC is prepared and expecting Hillary to lose | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You've already determined she's not guilty of anything and the process just started.

and you've already determined she is and don't care about the idiocy and baselessness of the pursuit.
Agreed Votto..
While people should be infuriated those bitches lied to the public and those victims families like that, that is about it.. this shit happens. Just the way it is.

still trying to figure out what they "lied" about.

but I do appreciate the basic sentiment of you and the o/p which is that these hearings are a waste of resources designed to hurt the candidate they're most afraid of.
You don't know what they lied about? Really?
Many probably know I don't like Hillary, but even I know that the Benghazi proceedings are simply politically motivated.

If anyone actually knows Trey Gowdy, or if anyone attacking Gowdy knew him, they would know he is a man of integrity and believes in doing his job. He did not ASK to investigate Hillary. He did not ask for this specific committee to be formed. he was, however, asked to run the committee and find out what happened at Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of 4 Americans. Being a former prosecutor in SC he seemed like the perfect man to lead the effort. If there was political motivation behind the call for this committee you can bet Gowdy was not part of it and legitimately took his task as described to him seriously.

Gowdy understands one thing that most other people who are looking at this partisanly don't get...what Hillary doesn't get and refuses to get because she just wants the whole thing to go away because it is hurting her personally. F* the families, F* the 'truth' - the attack, the murder of 4 Americans, is an 'inconvenience' to her.

What is important, what must be learned and taken from this are the 'Lessons Learned' so this never happens again. Hillary screamed out, 'What does it matter' if the attack was a protest or a terrorist attack (and we KNOW, knew from the start, this was a terrorist attack).

Has the Government 'learned its lessons? Based on how many are still trying to sweep this under the rug the answer would be 'No'. What are the 'lessons learned'?

1. Don't ignore the threats and calls for the assassination of US Diplomats and personnel

2. You don't hire F*ING Al Qaeida to protect your US Ambassador

3. The State Dept acknowledged that the security provided to Stevens did not meet State Department standards.

4. If the guy on the ground says he needs additional security, especially after 2 previous terrorist attacks on his compound in the weeks before the final attack that took his life, GIVE THE MAN MORE SECURITY!

5. Your BUDGET is not as important as an Ambassador's / Americans' lives! Don'yt give me this shi-ite about not having the money to provide additional security. If it would have been Obama's or Hillary's ass in Benghazi they would have been surrounded by a damn army...or they would not have been there. If you don't have the money and aren't willing to provide the extra security, PULL THE MAN OUT / DON'T LET HIM STAY. (Every other nation had already pulled their people!)

6. When you KNOW you have an Ambassador in such a hostile area, the USMC should have been guarding him, Marine Reps testified that they wanted to be stationed with Stevens but were denied - 'too high profile'. If that is the case then you MUST have a quick reaction force (QRF) ready to go 24/7!

THESE are the Lessons Learned being lost in the politicization of this tragedy. Running weapons to Syrian rebels out of Benghazi became a higher priority that PROTECTING AMERICAN LIVES! That's a TREMENDOUS FOUL, one that resulted in the deaths of 4 Americans, to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years to be assassinated.

I don't give a DAMN who is at fault, who wants to blame what on whom. I am more concerned with whether or not our government has learned all the lessons they can from what happened and IF they taken any action to ensure it NEVER happens again!
You've already determined she's not guilty of anything and the process just started.

This is the 8 th Investigation joker

Live video: Hillary Clinton testifies before Benghazi committee
Oh My God OMG Elijah Cummings is going pit bull off the leash on Trey Gowdy and the Committee .... I mean there is GOP blood and guts all over the Hearing Room ...

Is that the same Elijah Cummings that thought investigating professional baseball players using steroids was any of the government's business?
Agreed Votto..
While people should be infuriated those bitches lied to the public and those victims families like that, that is about it.. this shit happens. Just the way it is.

still trying to figure out what they "lied" about.

but I do appreciate the basic sentiment of you and the o/p which is that these hearings are a waste of resources designed to hurt the candidate they're most afraid of.
You don't know what they lied about? Really?
Perhaps you could elucidate

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