Benghazi: “It’s gone, baby. It’s in your head. That’s the only place”

Juan Williams on Benghazi - YouTube

He's talking about Benghazi.And he's right that it's all in their heads. But it's also in every wingnuts head, the same way the "Whitewater" was in their heads. You don't have to understand the details or believe them on the off chance you do. It's just a scandal brand name.

They're prepping for Clinton-time.

27 seconds of a discussion where Karl Rove handed him his ass? I realize you dopes think getting the last word means you automatically win.. But that is only true in your dreams. I watched that discussion live. Leave it to a lib to cherry pick.

I also watched it,Williams looked like a little kid ,holding his ears and going blabalabal so he can't hear what was being said.

Susan Rice and Obama himself lied like rugs about a video that nobody watched,and hacks like the OP degrade themselves every time every time they deny this fact.


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Check the date:

John Hudson 132,493 Views Sep 14, 2012

If you can't keep track of all the Muslim protests erupting across the globe, you're not alone. The uproar over a 14-minute anti-Islam YouTube video has sparked furious protests from Somalia to Egypt to Sudan to Tunisia to Libya to Bangladesh to Indonesia to Pakistan. With new reports of protests surfacing every minute, we've compiled the latest reported incidents into this handy interactive Google Map. Click the locations and embedded links for more details about each incident.

View Muslim Protests in a larger map
Did we miss any? We'll be updating the map throughout the day, and if you post a note in the comment section we'll include it.
Had this had happened under a Pubbie administration, the media would have had their nooses out, and the hangings would have happened months ago.

Had this had happened under a Pubbie administration, you, Stephanie, and Blue Gin would all be saying "Overseas assignments are dangerous - deal with it".

The danger of the assignment has nothing to do with the issue at hand. It's what happened after the shit went down. The media will do it's best to protect what they put it office.
LOl, sorry to burst stinkprogress bubble, but it's not OVER...but they should write one of these lovely articles on IRAQ IS gone, ALL IN YOUR pointy heads is the ONLY pretty pretty pwease shut the HELL about it already...

Or, Bush is GONE, it's all in your pointy little heads...THAT'S THE ONLY PLACE...get the HELL OVER IT...

oh well, wishful thinking that would come from that stinky
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“It’s gone, baby. It’s in your head. That’s the only place”

During a heated discussion on Fox News Sunday, former Bush administration official Karl Rove regurgitated GOP claims that “someone constructed a lie” that the incident resulted from “a spontaneous reaction to a video no one saw” and suggested Obama refused to scramble necessary military assets to save the U.S. personnel. Conservative commentator Brit Hume agreed, adding, “the list of questions that remain unanswered to this day are what make this a legitimate topic of conversation. I’m sorry to say this is not over.”

Williams disputed these charges point by point and explained that months of Republican-led Congressional hearings had been unable to uncover any evidence of a cover up. “It’s gone, baby. It’s in your head. That’s the only place,” he added.

Benghazi is another example of Obama's superior reasoning ability, and anyone that says otherwise is a racist pig that shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Did I get that right?
“It’s gone, baby. It’s in your head. That’s the only place”

During a heated discussion on Fox News Sunday, former Bush administration official Karl Rove regurgitated GOP claims that “someone constructed a lie” that the incident resulted from “a spontaneous reaction to a video no one saw” and suggested Obama refused to scramble necessary military assets to save the U.S. personnel. Conservative commentator Brit Hume agreed, adding, “the list of questions that remain unanswered to this day are what make this a legitimate topic of conversation. I’m sorry to say this is not over.”

Williams disputed these charges point by point and explained that months of Republican-led Congressional hearings had been unable to uncover any evidence of a cover up. “It’s gone, baby. It’s in your head. That’s the only place,” he added.

Benghazi is another example of Obama's superior reasoning ability, and anyone that says otherwise is a racist pig that shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Did I get that right?

What was the criminal activity conducted by Obama and/or anyone in his Administration concerning Benghazi?

This goes out to anyone.

You've had a year of focusing on this one issue on the far RW radical fringe.

What EVIDENCE have you come up thus far?

I'll give you forever.

Go for it.
Had this had happened under a Pubbie administration, the media would have had their nooses out, and the hangings would have happened months ago.
Hey Jackass, who got hanged for 9/11/2001? Any arrests? That was a known fact the BIGGEST failure on American soil ever. Anyone...?
I'm ashamed, but I peeked at one of Stephanie's brain farts.

Where is she getting the idea that any of this is from MSNBC?

you and people like are a shame, to our country

you're more worried people hating on some President than care about they screwed up and cost people their lives
You mean like how you far RW radical Republicans STILL defend Bush II VOCIFEROUSLY to this day? And he was an unmitigated FAILURE of a President. Are you talking about that type of shameful uberpartisanship?
Juan Williams on Benghazi - YouTube

He's talking about Benghazi.And he's right that it's all in their heads. But it's also in every wingnuts head, the same way the "Whitewater" was in their heads. You don't have to understand the details or believe them on the off chance you do. It's just a scandal brand name.

They're prepping for Clinton-time.

27 seconds of a discussion where Karl Rove handed him his ass? I realize you dopes think getting the last word means you automatically win.. But that is only true in your dreams. I watched that discussion live. Leave it to a lib to cherry pick.

I also watched it,Williams looked like a little kid ,holding his ears and going blabalabal so he can't hear what was being said.

Susan Rice and Obama himself lied like rugs about a video that nobody watched,and hacks like the OP degrade themselves every time every time they deny this fact.
You mean the VERY thing this far RW radical Republican pundit Janet Parshall did live on PUBLIC TV?

[ame=]Randi Rhodes Vs Janet Parshall - YouTube[/ame]

She LITERALLY stuck her finger in hear ear and said "la, la, la....I can't hear you."

On live PUBLIC TV.

Now defend away.
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Hopefully the Syrian rebels got some good weapons out of the deal. I hate to see the American deaths go to waste.
[ame=]Hillary Clinton Ad - 3 AM White House Ringing Phone - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Clinton Benghazi Testimony - What does it matter? - YouTube[/ame]

These videos will be run over and over and over when Hillary runs for President. We still won't know what happened at Benghazi. We do know who we don't want answering the phone.

She's the best the Democrats have. 2016 will be a bloodbath.
I'm ashamed, but I peeked at one of Stephanie's brain farts.

Where is she getting the idea that any of this is from MSNBC?

you and people like are a shame, to our country

you're more worried people hating on some President than care about they screwed up and cost people their lives
You mean like how you far RW radical Republicans STILL defend Bush II VOCIFEROUSLY to this day? And he was an unmitigated FAILURE of a President. Are you talking about that type of shameful uberpartisanship?

“It’s gone, baby. It’s in your head. That’s the only place”

During a heated discussion on Fox News Sunday, former Bush administration official Karl Rove regurgitated GOP claims that “someone constructed a lie” that the incident resulted from “a spontaneous reaction to a video no one saw” and suggested Obama refused to scramble necessary military assets to save the U.S. personnel. Conservative commentator Brit Hume agreed, adding, “the list of questions that remain unanswered to this day are what make this a legitimate topic of conversation. I’m sorry to say this is not over.”

Williams disputed these charges point by point and explained that months of Republican-led Congressional hearings had been unable to uncover any evidence of a cover up. “It’s gone, baby. It’s in your head. That’s the only place,” he added.

So the way we treat the deaths of 4 Americans, including one of our Ambassadors, is to at first pretend it was something it wasn't...then stonewall the investigation by withholding witnesses and evidence from Congress...and then declare that it's "old news"?

I know that Juan Williams and many other progressives would LIKE for Benghazi to be "gone" won't BE gone until those responsible for what happened that day are held accountable...something which has not happened.

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