Benghazi mess is indicative of what is wrong in the White House


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
The Benghazi mess is indicative of what is wrong in the White House. The president is disengaged and everyone is covering for him and he likes it that way. His only question, "Who do we blame?"

Ms. Charlene Lamb came out with the most devastating testimony during the Congressional hearings to investigate the boondoggle. THE STATE DEPARTMENT WAS IN COMMUNICATION WITH BENGHAZI DURING THE ATTACK.

She knew there was no riots leading up to the attack. Right before 9:40, the Ambassador led a friend out to his car after meeting with him and then moments later, the attack began. She told of the constant communications, ending up in the hospital, declaring the Ambassador was dead.

She also told of the repeated requests for additional security and how she and Kennedy used a formula to determine that their requests would be denied despite the over 200 attacks on compounds on or near the embassy leading up to 9/11.

She stated the the funding was not a problem.

So, where did this malarkey about a video start? No one knows for sure, but it seems as though the State Department and the Vice President are throwing James Clapper under the bus. You know, Obama's selection for National Director if Intelligence who has a very sad past in getting things right.

It seems as though the only question was...Who do we put the blame on and Clapper came up with an excuse. A weak one at that...a sad sap of an individual who put up a video dissing the prophet of Mohammad months earlier. That was enough for Obama. I can just see him saying, "We'll go with that. Call Hillary and Rice..get them on board. I'll handle Carney."

Now the details are out and people are dead. Needlessly. Patriots. They asked for help. They pleaded again and again according to the witnesses, Col. Wood and Mr. Nordstrum who were in charge of security at the embassy.

This is bigger than Watergate which was a third rate burglary at an opponents campaign headquarters. And no one died. But we didn't have MSM in bed with a president.

This is so telling of how the administration is run. By the seat of it's pants.. incompetent people in important jobs, making the wrong decisions, looking to blame rather than taking responsibility for their own mistakes.

We had White House leaks, Fast & Furious, Solyndra and other green cronyism deals, a debacle a blaming game of an colossal oil spill late attention to it and blaming all just has to stop.

And come January, perhaps it will.
They admitted it was a terroirst attack in late Sept, but since then they have slowly move back to the spin.

These people are snakes.
On Fox News Sunday David Axelrod was asked if Obama met with his intelligence advisors about the attack before he left for his party in Vegas. David COULDN'T answer the question. It was a SIMPLE yes or no question.

Its quite clear the answer was no and David was flustered.

This situation proves to me that Obama only cares about himself and his fucked up agenda.
They admitted it was a terroirst attack in late Sept, but since then they have slowly move back to the spin.

These people are snakes.

These people are scared. They're afraid that people will remember that they went into Libya without congressional approval and without knowing who they were helping to put in charge. They've created a power vacuum and Al Qaeda is taking full advantage of it. Rather than admit that maybe things were unstable in Libya, they put on their blinders and tried to pretend that Libya was just like everyplace else we had diplomatic outposts. No need for extra or even the minimal normal security. They loved us there after all. They did, however, give our diplomats hazard pay to be in Libya.
Now we need a big distraction.'ll show up.
If Obama is reelected China will become a super power and with Russia's help will take our place. They will be evil.

Obama is going to cause war like this planet hasn't seen in 70 years. At the very least. His weakness invites it.
This thread needs to be moved to conspiracy theories.

No, this is a fact.

Please do some research.

Biden blatantly lied about Chris Stevens wanting more Security
The Fact Checker

“We weren’t told they wanted more security there. We did not know they wanted more security.”

— Biden, speaking of the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya

Biden’s bold statement was directly contradicted by State Department officials just this week, in testimony before a congressional panel and in unclassified cables released by a congressional committee.

“All of us at post were in sync that we wanted these resources,” said Eric Nordstrom, the top regional security officer in Libya earlier this year. A Utah national guardsman who led a security team, Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, said: “We felt great frustration that those requests were ignored or just never met.”

Maybe Biden was too busy in debate prep to watch?

[ame=]Carney maintains Libya attack was not preplanned - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Who is responsible for the attack in Benghazi? - YouTube[/ame]

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From a State Department briefing:

"OPERATOR: The next question is from the line of Brad Klapper with AP. Please, go ahead.

QUESTION: Hi, yes. You described several incidents you had with groups of men, armed men. What in all of these events that you’ve described led officials to believe for the first several days that this was prompted by protests against the video?

SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: That is a question that you would have to ask others. That was not our conclusion. I’m not saying that we had a conclusion, but we outlined what happened. The Ambassador walked guests out around 8:30 or so, there was no one on the street at approximately 9:40, then there was the noise and then we saw on the cameras the – a large number of armed men assaulting the compound."

Never was a demonstration and State never told anyone there was one! They even harassed a man over his freedom of speech and had liberals thinking THAT was OK! The press has for all intents and purposes been compliant with the White House lies on the matter...and by the White House, I mean Obama and HIS can anyone want these kinds of assholes leading our nation?
If this Middle East tragedy is indicative of what is wrong with this WH,

4 Americans killed,

then Beirut 1983, the Marine barracks bombing, was indicative of what was wrong with the Reagan White House,

241 Americans killed,

and the disaster of Iraq was indicative of what was wrong with the GW Bush White House,

4000+ Americans killed.

Put in that perspective, where does the Obama administration fall on the 'what is wrong' scale?
If this Middle East tragedy is indicative of what is wrong with this WH,

4 Americans killed,

then Beirut 1983, the Marine barracks bombing, was indicative of what was wrong with the Reagan White House,

241 Americans killed,

and the disaster of Iraq was indicative of what was wrong with the GW Bush White House,

4000+ Americans killed.

Put in that perspective, where does the Obama administration fall on the 'what is wrong' scale?

Except this you partisan hack, Reagan and Bush did not try and spin terrorism as the reaction to an obscure video and then go after the maker of that video! They had not ignored requests for more security...MY GOD, but you have your head so far up your liberal ass you can't see this as bigger then dem V rep- really???
If this Middle East tragedy is indicative of what is wrong with this WH,

4 Americans killed,

then Beirut 1983, the Marine barracks bombing, was indicative of what was wrong with the Reagan White House,

241 Americans killed,

and the disaster of Iraq was indicative of what was wrong with the GW Bush White House,

4000+ Americans killed.

Put in that perspective, where does the Obama administration fall on the 'what is wrong' scale?

Does that mean Reagan and Bush have no chance of winning your vote this November?
Obama Administration Didn’t Reach Benghazi For 17 Days Because They Were WAITING ON Visa’s (Video)
Gateway Pundit ^ | 10-13-2012 | Jim Hoft

The Obama State Department testified this week that the rational that they were not on the ground for 17 days in Benghazi was because they could not get Visa’s.
Former CIA officer Gary Bernsten was on with Judge Jeanine Saturday:

Gary Bernsten:

“It’s about leadership. In this particular case I saw the Department of State and I heard testimony that said that the rational that we were not on the ground in Benghazi after 17 days is because they couldn’t get Visa’s. Which is insanity. They should have gotten people on planes, both the agency and the FBI, and similarly they should have had military people there, moving there to aid an embassy that was under attack that was sovereign US territory in an area that weakly controlled by the government. And even if it’s a diplomatic problem, you move to save your people first.”

It’s true… Press TV reported on this back on October 6th.

According to the report, security concerns had kept the American intelligence agents and investigators from traveling the 400 miles from the American embassy in Tripoli to gather evidence at the US consulate in Benghazi. Administration officials on Thursday attributed the delay to the Libyan government, which they said was slow in granting approval for the US operation.

Terrorists attacked our consulate and murdered our ambassador on 9-11 and the Obama administration waited 17 days to investigate the crime scene because they were waiting on visas.
These are facts, no theories, my friend.

So are facts about there being no possible way the twin towers were brought down by the impact of a single aircraft.

That would be two passenger jets...and yes, with State testifying against the spin, this is totally different then the Truthers BS!

Well I meant one for each building. I saw the way I was writing it could be misunderstood but than I assumed no one would be that freakin stupid... Oh the irony. :tongue:

(Gotta go for now. My nephew is insisting I take him out for firearm safety training again.)
If this Middle East tragedy is indicative of what is wrong with this WH,

4 Americans killed,

then Beirut 1983, the Marine barracks bombing, was indicative of what was wrong with the Reagan White House,

241 Americans killed,

and the disaster of Iraq was indicative of what was wrong with the GW Bush White House,

4000+ Americans killed.

Put in that perspective, where does the Obama administration fall on the 'what is wrong' scale?

That Obama was incapable of learning from history. He had the benefit of seeing how things turned out in the past and couldn't apply it to the present. Jimmy Carter's Iran should have told Obama plenty.
You have to totally disregard Youtube and the realies to keep avoiding this. You must think we're stupid?
So are facts about there being no possible way the twin towers were brought down by the impact of a single aircraft.

That would be two passenger jets...and yes, with State testifying against the spin, this is totally different then the Truthers BS!

Well I meant one for each building. I saw the way I was writing it could be misunderstood but than I assumed no one would be that freakin stupid... Oh the irony. :tongue:

(Gotta go for now. My nephew is insisting I take him out for firearm safety training again.)

Yes, the irony of a person comparing the Truther's BS to this and then implying someone else is stupid... Your departure is welcomed, perhaps some fresh air will help you.

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