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Benghazi - There is nothing there

oh just pointing out the complete hypocrisy.

'many conservatives' were angry, you say? how many in congress held hearings to investigate exactly what happened? how did they KNOW Beirut was a 'complete' surprise 'eh? Because they said so? in the end, the Marines were blamed for not having enough security.

the fact was - saint ronnie cut & ran.

LOL, I wonder if any of them thar weapons iran was sending in to maim/kill American troops were hold overs from the not so covert deal saint Ronnie made thru the iran/contra 'affair' ?

funny how the money to beef up security to make such places like that... & embassies....& consulates comes from the very people who are wasting money on the same inquiries that found...8x... no wrong doing- especially intentional - ever took place.

I wonder how much more security $7,000,000,000.00 could have bought for the consulate Steven's et al were assigned to?

When you are ready to come down from strawman mountain, please find the post where I ever claimed Reagan did not make a huge mistake in exiting Lebanon after the attack.

This might be a shock to the clueless liberals but if you look at the Beirut attack, it was a massive truck bomb that collapsed the building; a HUGE amount of physical defenses would have been needed to stop it. I've never seen any evidence that there was solid, definitive data that there would be such an attack...this sounds like the tin foil hat wearers claiming FDR intentionally let Japan attack the US so that the country could be drawn into WW2.

I never said you did, jr. I SAID, I am pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of these hearings going on again & again when, in comparison- when there was a (R) president in charge- no such intensive scrutiny was even considered.

Obama, Hillary, et al did nothing intentionally wrong & as things unfolded in real time, there was NO stand down orders, there was NO real time footage that they ignored. period. but *you* go on with yet another investigation... wasting time, & taxpayer money...again... & still claim to be "fiscally responsible". What will finally be the last time 'eh? WILL there be a last time if the same results have been found yet again? or are the "fiscally responsible" going to try to catch up to same the # of times & money spent trying to repeal the ACA? :cuckoo:

Yo, they never found out where the Loser Obama was, because his Lawyers told him not to answer any questions? So, I still say there is plenty we don`t know!!!

Most Of The Liars Below:
First I am a non partisan. I do not have much if any respect for either side of the isle. For me Benghazi is not a question of criminal behavior by State or the White House but rather another example of separation of class and power. The political elite, the athletic elite and the "real" rich (20 million of liquid net worth) are all above the law and are not held to any reasonable ethical standard.
Benghazi - The White House and State both know (congressional report) that the attack was a terrorist attack within minutes of the attack. How they handled the request for help is up to everyone to come to their own judgement. If you are one of the deceased family members I sure you have a poor view of State and the WH. If you the average american, it most likely is just another headline and you are more interested in what your next social post will be. At the end of the day, we should learn from our actions and improve in the future.
Benghazi Lies - What is now clear is the false story and spin put out by the WH and State in the 10 days following the attack. Hilary Clinton authorized State to spend 50,000 on an apology video for the "supposed video" that was the trigger for the attack. Susan Rice, representing the WH went on all the talk shows for 10 days spinning the story of a "video". We also know that Hilary text her daughter the night of the attack that this was a terrorist attack. We also know that Hilary told the families of those who were killer that this was caused by a "video". She of course denies this and implies the families are lying. Now to those of you that have posted how stupid can Republican be... how stupid can you be to believe Hilary or for that matter any of the Clintons given the long laundry list of lies they have been caught telling. Perhaps you have all forgotten Bill on national TV stating emphatically "I did not have sex with that woman". I am a dad and have daughters, I have surely taught them that oral sex is sex.
Let us also not forget this lie about the video from the WH and State was at a time when the 2012 election was getting tight between Obama and Romney. Now not to be "stupid" this is not the first time a position has lied to get what they want. Lets not forget weapons of mass destruction from Bush.
Email/National Security Breech - Hilary will not be indicted and anyone that thought she would with a standing democratic WH and a AG that has loyalty and ties to Bill Clinton is Stupid. As FBI Director Comey stated anyone else in this position would be sanctioned and loose their security clearance. However how can you take security clearance away from a potential President. So this will just be another Clinton breech that is swept under the rug.
Taking a Stance - There is a reason Brexit passed, there is a reason Bernie Sanders went from a joke candidate to capturing 45% of the democratic party support, there is a reason Donald Trump won the Republican nomination for President, there is a reason Libya is unstable, there is a reason Islamic Terrorism is as powerful as any point in history, there is a reason Iran has the capability to build a nuclear weapon and there is a reason Putin and Russia are on the rise. The common thread is the lack of leadership and integrity in Washington DC. Remember "attitude reflects leadership". Under Obama's leadership, the world is in a state of anger and rebellion. Unfortunately this anger and rebellion in the US has led us to a presidential election with two very bad choices. Hilary Clinton, a confirmed liar and clearly should not have security clearance to americas great confidential information. Donal Trump, a confirmed liar and racist.
Wake up America this is not about electing the first female, this is not about Red versus Blue, this is not about the 2nd amendment, this is not about Rowe versus Wade. This is protecting our constitution, protection our liberty and freedom and providing a opportunity and a better country and future for the generations behind us. Whomever we elect to lead lets hold them accountable to be the leader of all US Citizens not just those that are democrat or republican!
There have been 10 Congressional Committees that have participated in Benghazi investigations (millions of taxpayer money wasted) and all of them have failed to find blame on the part of the Obama Administration or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, yet conservatives continue to dig up bits and pieces of the reports, specifically the last one led by Goudy, whose investigation did not yield any new findings, as they try to make something out of nothing. I think it is time to give it up, Benghazi is not going to be the one that is going to help the Republican party get rid of Hillary. In fact, neither is the e-mail wannabe scandal.

It's incredible, that the party that claims to be conservative and raised such a fuss over the debt don't seem to be bothered by all the money that is being wasted on these bogus Benghazi investigations. When is enough, enough?

Trey Gowdy and his Select Committee on Benghazi have received increased scrutiny after the not-so-shocking admissions by Republican Reps. McCarthy and Hanna of its blatantly political motivations.
Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

Hillary Clinton said Ambassador Stevens was a good friend; however, he did not have her cell phone number or her email address. When Clinton was asked about the last time she spoke with Ambassador Stevens, she couldn't recall that it was the day he was sworn in. Shame!

The report detailed the mountain of evidence that proves the Clinton State Department knew full well that the annex in Benghazi was woefully unsecured and they did nothing to fix the problem. Benghazi was the birth-place of the revolution that over-turned the Libyan government. It was a hot bed of radical activity. It should have been the most secure place for American diplomats in Libya. Instead, it was a security disaster.

The report said the Benghazi mission made repeated requests for new agents in late 2011 and early 2012. After a series of attacks on international targets in the city, more requests were made. But “no additional resources were provided by Washington D.C. to fortify the compound after the first two attacks. No additional personnel were sent to secure the facility, despite repeated requests for security experts on the ground.”

The report, citing a cable from the U.S. embassy in Tripoli, suggests there simply were not sufficient resources in the unstable nation to send to properly protect Benghazi. In early August 2012, there were only 34 security staff at the embassy. By the end of the month there were only six.

l\Let’s not forget that one of Clinton’s closest advisers, Sidney Blumenthal, encouraged Clinton to “take credit” for the Libya “success”:

“This is an historic moment and you will be credited for realizing it,” he wrote August 22, 2011. “When Qaddafi is finally removed, you should of course make a public statement before the cameras wherever you are, even in the driveway of your vacation house. You must go on camera. You must establish yourself in the historical record at this moment.” Mrs. Clinton didn’t appear to respond to that message, either.

Libya was historic alright. And if Clinton should have been “credited” for it, than she should also shoulder the blame for the disaster it ended up being for the Benghazi four, as well as the continued debacle it is for the Libyan people and the entire region. Even President Obama has called the Libya aftermath the “greatest mistake” of his presidency.

And who saved the Americans at the Annex? It was Qaddfi's offcer militia.

For weeks, the White House Promoted the lie that the attack was because of a video, The Innocence of Muslims. Remember, it was only 56 days before the Presidential election, and Obama and the State Dept. placed politics above American lives.
First I am a non partisan. I do not have much if any respect for either side of the isle. For me Benghazi is not a question of criminal behavior by State or the White House but rather another example of separation of class and power. The political elite, the athletic elite and the "real" rich (20 million of liquid net worth) are all above the law and are not held to any reasonable ethical standard.
Benghazi - The White House and State both know (congressional report) that the attack was a terrorist attack within minutes of the attack. How they handled the request for help is up to everyone to come to their own judgement. If you are one of the deceased family members I sure you have a poor view of State and the WH. If you the average american, it most likely is just another headline and you are more interested in what your next social post will be. At the end of the day, we should learn from our actions and improve in the future.
Benghazi Lies - What is now clear is the false story and spin put out by the WH and State in the 10 days following the attack. Hilary Clinton authorized State to spend 50,000 on an apology video for the "supposed video" that was the trigger for the attack. Susan Rice, representing the WH went on all the talk shows for 10 days spinning the story of a "video". We also know that Hilary text her daughter the night of the attack that this was a terrorist attack. We also know that Hilary told the families of those who were killer that this was caused by a "video". She of course denies this and implies the families are lying. Now to those of you that have posted how stupid can Republican be... how stupid can you be to believe Hilary or for that matter any of the Clintons given the long laundry list of lies they have been caught telling. Perhaps you have all forgotten Bill on national TV stating emphatically "I did not have sex with that woman". I am a dad and have daughters, I have surely taught them that oral sex is sex.
Let us also not forget this lie about the video from the WH and State was at a time when the 2012 election was getting tight between Obama and Romney. Now not to be "stupid" this is not the first time a position has lied to get what they want. Lets not forget weapons of mass destruction from Bush.
Email/National Security Breech - Hilary will not be indicted and anyone that thought she would with a standing democratic WH and a AG that has loyalty and ties to Bill Clinton is Stupid. As FBI Director Comey stated anyone else in this position would be sanctioned and loose their security clearance. However how can you take security clearance away from a potential President. So this will just be another Clinton breech that is swept under the rug.
Taking a Stance - There is a reason Brexit passed, there is a reason Bernie Sanders went from a joke candidate to capturing 45% of the democratic party support, there is a reason Donald Trump won the Republican nomination for President, there is a reason Libya is unstable, there is a reason Islamic Terrorism is as powerful as any point in history, there is a reason Iran has the capability to build a nuclear weapon and there is a reason Putin and Russia are on the rise. The common thread is the lack of leadership and integrity in Washington DC. Remember "attitude reflects leadership". Under Obama's leadership, the world is in a state of anger and rebellion. Unfortunately this anger and rebellion in the US has led us to a presidential election with two very bad choices. Hilary Clinton, a confirmed liar and clearly should not have security clearance to americas great confidential information. Donal Trump, a confirmed liar and racist.
Wake up America this is not about electing the first female, this is not about Red versus Blue, this is not about the 2nd amendment, this is not about Rowe versus Wade. This is protecting our constitution, protection our liberty and freedom and providing a opportunity and a better country and future for the generations behind us. Whomever we elect to lead lets hold them accountable to be the leader of all US Citizens not just those that are democrat or republican!

Yo, I`m tired after reading this, but I do say, two parts I don`t agree with? The part about Bush, and Mass Destruction? His Intelligence Department reported the information, Bush was just repeating what they told him, like any President would do! They also voted on the War, so it was Legal, just ask Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Devil Party who voted to go!!!

Also, Russia is not on the rise, Putin is looking to protect his Countries National Interest, go and watch what he says about ISIS, and the Oil they sale, and who is buying that Oil?

I never said you did, jr. I SAID, I am pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of these hearings going on again & again when, in comparison- when there was a (R) president in charge- no such intensive scrutiny was even considered.

Obama, Hillary, et al did nothing intentionally wrong & as things unfolded in real time, there was NO stand down orders, there was NO real time footage that they ignored. period. but *you* go on with yet another investigation... wasting time, & taxpayer money...again... & still claim to be "fiscally responsible". What will finally be the last time 'eh? WILL there be a last time if the same results have been found yet again? or are the "fiscally responsible" going to try to catch up to same the # of times & money spent trying to repeal the ACA? :cuckoo:

1) Who stopped the democrats from calling for hearings in 1983?

98th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"... while the Democrats controlled the House of Representatives."

2) to claim that obama/clinton did not know of the attack while it occurred during those 13 hours is absolute crap/lies. I still have yet to get an answer from a democrat/liberal what the administration was doing during those 13 hours when our people were under attack.

I am neither democrat nor republican, and will rail on either when they are at fault, and this is an instance where the dem leadership has failed the american people. With military assets within 1-3 hours' distance that could have been called in - they were not. Regardless of whether there was "live video" (something I never claimed, and is a juvenile deflection), the white house sat on its hands so as either not to admit it had people in the country, or not to damage the reputation of a new, unstable government - neither are sufficient in my opinion to allow americans to be killed.

Until a democrat with integrity shows up in this thread and comes clean/admits obama/clinton fucked up, I don't want to see any more fucking BS nonsense like your phony appeals towards fiscal conservatism - the last concept a liberal democrat would ever desire.
There have been 10 Congressional Committees that have participated in Benghazi investigations (millions of taxpayer money wasted) and all of them have failed to find blame on the part of the Obama Administration or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, yet conservatives continue to dig up bits and pieces of the reports, specifically the last one led by Goudy, whose investigation did not yield any new findings, as they try to make something out of nothing. I think it is time to give it up, Benghazi is not going to be the one that is going to help the Republican party get rid of Hillary. In fact, neither is the e-mail wannabe scandal.

It's incredible, that the party that claims to be conservative and raised such a fuss over the debt don't seem to be bothered by all the money that is being wasted on these bogus Benghazi investigations. When is enough, enough?

Trey Gowdy and his Select Committee on Benghazi have received increased scrutiny after the not-so-shocking admissions by Republican Reps. McCarthy and Hanna of its blatantly political motivations.
Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

The only sure thing at Benghazi are four dead men and an incompetent HItlery and her State Department.

According to two Republican led hearings, Hillary is free of blame...that's another sure thing.

The only sure thing about Benghazi is that "there is nothing there" but that doesn't stop the looneys from trying to find something.
There have been 10 Congressional Committees that have participated in Benghazi investigations (millions of taxpayer money wasted) and all of them have failed to find blame on the part of the Obama Administration or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, yet conservatives continue to dig up bits and pieces of the reports, specifically the last one led by Goudy, whose investigation did not yield any new findings, as they try to make something out of nothing. I think it is time to give it up, Benghazi is not going to be the one that is going to help the Republican party get rid of Hillary. In fact, neither is the e-mail wannabe scandal.

It's incredible, that the party that claims to be conservative and raised such a fuss over the debt don't seem to be bothered by all the money that is being wasted on these bogus Benghazi investigations. When is enough, enough?

Trey Gowdy and his Select Committee on Benghazi have received increased scrutiny after the not-so-shocking admissions by Republican Reps. McCarthy and Hanna of its blatantly political motivations.
Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

Hillary Clinton said Ambassador Stevens was a good friend; however, he did not have her cell phone number or her email address. When Clinton was asked about the last time she spoke with Ambassador Stevens, she couldn't recall that it was the day he was sworn in. Shame!

The report detailed the mountain of evidence that proves the Clinton State Department knew full well that the annex in Benghazi was woefully unsecured and they did nothing to fix the problem. Benghazi was the birth-place of the revolution that over-turned the Libyan government. It was a hot bed of radical activity. It should have been the most secure place for American diplomats in Libya. Instead, it was a security disaster.

The report said the Benghazi mission made repeated requests for new agents in late 2011 and early 2012. After a series of attacks on international targets in the city, more requests were made. But “no additional resources were provided by Washington D.C. to fortify the compound after the first two attacks. No additional personnel were sent to secure the facility, despite repeated requests for security experts on the ground.”

The report, citing a cable from the U.S. embassy in Tripoli, suggests there simply were not sufficient resources in the unstable nation to send to properly protect Benghazi. In early August 2012, there were only 34 security staff at the embassy. By the end of the month there were only six.

l\Let’s not forget that one of Clinton’s closest advisers, Sidney Blumenthal, encouraged Clinton to “take credit” for the Libya “success”:

“This is an historic moment and you will be credited for realizing it,” he wrote August 22, 2011. “When Qaddafi is finally removed, you should of course make a public statement before the cameras wherever you are, even in the driveway of your vacation house. You must go on camera. You must establish yourself in the historical record at this moment.” Mrs. Clinton didn’t appear to respond to that message, either.

Libya was historic alright. And if Clinton should have been “credited” for it, than she should also shoulder the blame for the disaster it ended up being for the Benghazi four, as well as the continued debacle it is for the Libyan people and the entire region. Even President Obama has called the Libya aftermath the “greatest mistake” of his presidency.

And who saved the Americans at the Annex? It was Qaddfi's offcer militia.

For weeks, the White House Promoted the lie that the attack was because of a video, The Innocence of Muslims. Remember, it was only 56 days before the Presidential election, and Obama and the State Dept. placed politics above American lives.

Tell all that to the Republicans leading the witch hunt and continuing to hold hearings after not finding any blame. You all can't seem to accept facts.....even from your own party politicians....I think the problem lies in you, as 13 investigations have turned up NOTHING. Deal with it.
There have been 10 Congressional Committees that have participated in Benghazi investigations (millions of taxpayer money wasted) and all of them have failed to find blame on the part of the Obama Administration or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, yet conservatives continue to dig up bits and pieces of the reports, specifically the last one led by Goudy, whose investigation did not yield any new findings, as they try to make something out of nothing. I think it is time to give it up, Benghazi is not going to be the one that is going to help the Republican party get rid of Hillary. In fact, neither is the e-mail wannabe scandal.

It's incredible, that the party that claims to be conservative and raised such a fuss over the debt don't seem to be bothered by all the money that is being wasted on these bogus Benghazi investigations. When is enough, enough?

Trey Gowdy and his Select Committee on Benghazi have received increased scrutiny after the not-so-shocking admissions by Republican Reps. McCarthy and Hanna of its blatantly political motivations.
Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

The only sure thing at Benghazi are four dead men and an incompetent HItlery and her State Department.

According to two Republican led hearings, Hillary is free of blame...that's another sure thing.

The only sure thing about Benghazi is that "there is nothing there" but that doesn't stop the looneys from trying to find something.

Being incompetent isn't a crime so of course she committed no crime But both she and her State Department were grossly incompetent.

They had months of warnings. Warnings the Brits and Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out of the area. That's what our State Department should have done.

If they had done that, there would have been no Benghazi. Because they did nothing we have four dead men because of that nothing.

If you don't find that something to be concerned about then there is no hope for you at all.
There have been 10 Congressional Committees that have participated in Benghazi investigations (millions of taxpayer money wasted) and all of them have failed to find blame on the part of the Obama Administration or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, yet conservatives continue to dig up bits and pieces of the reports, specifically the last one led by Goudy, whose investigation did not yield any new findings, as they try to make something out of nothing. I think it is time to give it up, Benghazi is not going to be the one that is going to help the Republican party get rid of Hillary. In fact, neither is the e-mail wannabe scandal.

It's incredible, that the party that claims to be conservative and raised such a fuss over the debt don't seem to be bothered by all the money that is being wasted on these bogus Benghazi investigations. When is enough, enough?

Trey Gowdy and his Select Committee on Benghazi have received increased scrutiny after the not-so-shocking admissions by Republican Reps. McCarthy and Hanna of its blatantly political motivations.
Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

Hillary Clinton said Ambassador Stevens was a good friend; however, he did not have her cell phone number or her email address. When Clinton was asked about the last time she spoke with Ambassador Stevens, she couldn't recall that it was the day he was sworn in. Shame!

The report detailed the mountain of evidence that proves the Clinton State Department knew full well that the annex in Benghazi was woefully unsecured and they did nothing to fix the problem. Benghazi was the birth-place of the revolution that over-turned the Libyan government. It was a hot bed of radical activity. It should have been the most secure place for American diplomats in Libya. Instead, it was a security disaster.

The report said the Benghazi mission made repeated requests for new agents in late 2011 and early 2012. After a series of attacks on international targets in the city, more requests were made. But “no additional resources were provided by Washington D.C. to fortify the compound after the first two attacks. No additional personnel were sent to secure the facility, despite repeated requests for security experts on the ground.”

The report, citing a cable from the U.S. embassy in Tripoli, suggests there simply were not sufficient resources in the unstable nation to send to properly protect Benghazi. In early August 2012, there were only 34 security staff at the embassy. By the end of the month there were only six.

l\Let’s not forget that one of Clinton’s closest advisers, Sidney Blumenthal, encouraged Clinton to “take credit” for the Libya “success”:

“This is an historic moment and you will be credited for realizing it,” he wrote August 22, 2011. “When Qaddafi is finally removed, you should of course make a public statement before the cameras wherever you are, even in the driveway of your vacation house. You must go on camera. You must establish yourself in the historical record at this moment.” Mrs. Clinton didn’t appear to respond to that message, either.

Libya was historic alright. And if Clinton should have been “credited” for it, than she should also shoulder the blame for the disaster it ended up being for the Benghazi four, as well as the continued debacle it is for the Libyan people and the entire region. Even President Obama has called the Libya aftermath the “greatest mistake” of his presidency.

And who saved the Americans at the Annex? It was Qaddfi's offcer militia.

For weeks, the White House Promoted the lie that the attack was because of a video, The Innocence of Muslims. Remember, it was only 56 days before the Presidential election, and Obama and the State Dept. placed politics above American lives.

Tell all that to the Republicans leading the witch hunt and continuing to hold hearings after not finding any blame. You all can't seem to accept facts.....even from your own party politicians....I think the problem lies in you, as 13 investigations have turned up NOTHING. Deal with it.

Hillary Clinton lied under oath, but according to FBI Director Comey, she's too unsophisticated and incompetent to undertand.
There have been 10 Congressional Committees that have participated in Benghazi investigations (millions of taxpayer money wasted) and all of them have failed to find blame on the part of the Obama Administration or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, yet conservatives continue to dig up bits and pieces of the reports, specifically the last one led by Goudy, whose investigation did not yield any new findings, as they try to make something out of nothing. I think it is time to give it up, Benghazi is not going to be the one that is going to help the Republican party get rid of Hillary. In fact, neither is the e-mail wannabe scandal.

It's incredible, that the party that claims to be conservative and raised such a fuss over the debt don't seem to be bothered by all the money that is being wasted on these bogus Benghazi investigations. When is enough, enough?

Trey Gowdy and his Select Committee on Benghazi have received increased scrutiny after the not-so-shocking admissions by Republican Reps. McCarthy and Hanna of its blatantly political motivations.
Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

Hillary Clinton said Ambassador Stevens was a good friend; however, he did not have her cell phone number or her email address. When Clinton was asked about the last time she spoke with Ambassador Stevens, she couldn't recall that it was the day he was sworn in. Shame!

The report detailed the mountain of evidence that proves the Clinton State Department knew full well that the annex in Benghazi was woefully unsecured and they did nothing to fix the problem. Benghazi was the birth-place of the revolution that over-turned the Libyan government. It was a hot bed of radical activity. It should have been the most secure place for American diplomats in Libya. Instead, it was a security disaster.

The report said the Benghazi mission made repeated requests for new agents in late 2011 and early 2012. After a series of attacks on international targets in the city, more requests were made. But “no additional resources were provided by Washington D.C. to fortify the compound after the first two attacks. No additional personnel were sent to secure the facility, despite repeated requests for security experts on the ground.”

The report, citing a cable from the U.S. embassy in Tripoli, suggests there simply were not sufficient resources in the unstable nation to send to properly protect Benghazi. In early August 2012, there were only 34 security staff at the embassy. By the end of the month there were only six.

l\Let’s not forget that one of Clinton’s closest advisers, Sidney Blumenthal, encouraged Clinton to “take credit” for the Libya “success”:

“This is an historic moment and you will be credited for realizing it,” he wrote August 22, 2011. “When Qaddafi is finally removed, you should of course make a public statement before the cameras wherever you are, even in the driveway of your vacation house. You must go on camera. You must establish yourself in the historical record at this moment.” Mrs. Clinton didn’t appear to respond to that message, either.

Libya was historic alright. And if Clinton should have been “credited” for it, than she should also shoulder the blame for the disaster it ended up being for the Benghazi four, as well as the continued debacle it is for the Libyan people and the entire region. Even President Obama has called the Libya aftermath the “greatest mistake” of his presidency.

And who saved the Americans at the Annex? It was Qaddfi's offcer militia.

For weeks, the White House Promoted the lie that the attack was because of a video, The Innocence of Muslims. Remember, it was only 56 days before the Presidential election, and Obama and the State Dept. placed politics above American lives.

Tell all that to the Republicans leading the witch hunt and continuing to hold hearings after not finding any blame. You all can't seem to accept facts.....even from your own party politicians....I think the problem lies in you, as 13 investigations have turned up NOTHING. Deal with it.

Hillary Clinton lied under oath, but according to FBI Director Comey, she's too unsophisticated and incompetent to undertand.
Well, she is a democrat so that's a given. She's not quite as stupid as the dude who thought Guam would tip over but close.
There have been 10 Congressional Committees that have participated in Benghazi investigations (millions of taxpayer money wasted) and all of them have failed to find blame on the part of the Obama Administration or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, yet conservatives continue to dig up bits and pieces of the reports, specifically the last one led by Goudy, whose investigation did not yield any new findings, as they try to make something out of nothing. I think it is time to give it up, Benghazi is not going to be the one that is going to help the Republican party get rid of Hillary. In fact, neither is the e-mail wannabe scandal.

It's incredible, that the party that claims to be conservative and raised such a fuss over the debt don't seem to be bothered by all the money that is being wasted on these bogus Benghazi investigations. When is enough, enough?

Trey Gowdy and his Select Committee on Benghazi have received increased scrutiny after the not-so-shocking admissions by Republican Reps. McCarthy and Hanna of its blatantly political motivations.
Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

Hillary Clinton said Ambassador Stevens was a good friend; however, he did not have her cell phone number or her email address. When Clinton was asked about the last time she spoke with Ambassador Stevens, she couldn't recall that it was the day he was sworn in. Shame!

The report detailed the mountain of evidence that proves the Clinton State Department knew full well that the annex in Benghazi was woefully unsecured and they did nothing to fix the problem. Benghazi was the birth-place of the revolution that over-turned the Libyan government. It was a hot bed of radical activity. It should have been the most secure place for American diplomats in Libya. Instead, it was a security disaster.

The report said the Benghazi mission made repeated requests for new agents in late 2011 and early 2012. After a series of attacks on international targets in the city, more requests were made. But “no additional resources were provided by Washington D.C. to fortify the compound after the first two attacks. No additional personnel were sent to secure the facility, despite repeated requests for security experts on the ground.”

The report, citing a cable from the U.S. embassy in Tripoli, suggests there simply were not sufficient resources in the unstable nation to send to properly protect Benghazi. In early August 2012, there were only 34 security staff at the embassy. By the end of the month there were only six.


l\Let’s not forget that one of Clinton’s closest advisers, Sidney Blumenthal, encouraged Clinton to “take credit” for the Libya “success”:

“This is an historic moment and you will be credited for realizing it,” he wrote August 22, 2011. “When Qaddafi is finally removed, you should of course make a public statement before the cameras wherever you are, even in the driveway of your vacation house. You must go on camera. You must establish yourself in the historical record at this moment.” Mrs. Clinton didn’t appear to respond to that message, either.

Libya was historic alright. And if Clinton should have been “credited” for it, than she should also shoulder the blame for the disaster it ended up being for the Benghazi four, as well as the continued debacle it is for the Libyan people and the entire region. Even President Obama has called the Libya aftermath the “greatest mistake” of his presidency.

And who saved the Americans at the Annex? It was Qaddfi's offcer militia.

For weeks, the White House Promoted the lie that the attack was because of a video, The Innocence of Muslims. Remember, it was only 56 days before the Presidential election, and Obama and the State Dept. placed politics above American lives.

Tell all that to the Republicans leading the witch hunt and continuing to hold hearings after not finding any blame. You all can't seem to accept facts.....even from your own party politicians....I think the problem lies in you, as 13 investigations have turned up NOTHING. Deal with it.

Hillary Clinton lied under oath, but according to FBI Director Comey, she's too unsophisticated and incompetent to undertand.
Well, she is a democrat so that's a given. She's not quite as stupid as the dude who thought Guam would tip over but close.

There are none as stupid as the Republicans who keep beating a dead horse and the idiots who support them.
There have been 10 Congressional Committees that have participated in Benghazi investigations (millions of taxpayer money wasted) and all of them have failed to find blame on the part of the Obama Administration or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, yet conservatives continue to dig up bits and pieces of the reports, specifically the last one led by Goudy, whose investigation did not yield any new findings, as they try to make something out of nothing. I think it is time to give it up, Benghazi is not going to be the one that is going to help the Republican party get rid of Hillary. In fact, neither is the e-mail wannabe scandal.

It's incredible, that the party that claims to be conservative and raised such a fuss over the debt don't seem to be bothered by all the money that is being wasted on these bogus Benghazi investigations. When is enough, enough?

Trey Gowdy and his Select Committee on Benghazi have received increased scrutiny after the not-so-shocking admissions by Republican Reps. McCarthy and Hanna of its blatantly political motivations.
Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

Harry Truman had a sign on his desk that said "The Buck Stops Here." Obama has a sign on his desk that says "It's Bush's Fault."
And dumbasses blame the Republicans in Congress for performing their Constitutional duty of oversight.
Yo, like I say all the time? The "Socialist Democrats" better hope Trump doesn`t win, because James Comey laid out the Case to prosecute the Bitch, in the first 15 minutes of his Press Conference!!! As soon as Trump gets the nod, he needs to put the "Clintons" on a no-fly list,! "LOVE IT" Hell, just put the whole "Obama Administration" on a no-fly list, including the Half & Half!!!

The Criminals from the Top to the Bottom of the Obama Administration, they did the dirty work, mainly Obama, and his Devil Orders, and his Puppet Bitch in the Justice Department!!! Comey was just relaying to the American Public, what he was told to do, simple!!! Let`s not forget the Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch, Airport Meeting?

We Did It Master Obama:
There have been 10 Congressional Committees that have participated in Benghazi investigations (millions of taxpayer money wasted) and all of them have failed to find blame on the part of the Obama Administration or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, yet conservatives continue to dig up bits and pieces of the reports, specifically the last one led by Goudy, whose investigation did not yield any new findings, as they try to make something out of nothing. I think it is time to give it up, Benghazi is not going to be the one that is going to help the Republican party get rid of Hillary. In fact, neither is the e-mail wannabe scandal.

It's incredible, that the party that claims to be conservative and raised such a fuss over the debt don't seem to be bothered by all the money that is being wasted on these bogus Benghazi investigations. When is enough, enough?

Trey Gowdy and his Select Committee on Benghazi have received increased scrutiny after the not-so-shocking admissions by Republican Reps. McCarthy and Hanna of its blatantly political motivations.
Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

Hillary Clinton said Ambassador Stevens was a good friend; however, he did not have her cell phone number or her email address. When Clinton was asked about the last time she spoke with Ambassador Stevens, she couldn't recall that it was the day he was sworn in. Shame!

The report detailed the mountain of evidence that proves the Clinton State Department knew full well that the annex in Benghazi was woefully unsecured and they did nothing to fix the problem. Benghazi was the birth-place of the revolution that over-turned the Libyan government. It was a hot bed of radical activity. It should have been the most secure place for American diplomats in Libya. Instead, it was a security disaster.

The report said the Benghazi mission made repeated requests for new agents in late 2011 and early 2012. After a series of attacks on international targets in the city, more requests were made. But “no additional resources were provided by Washington D.C. to fortify the compound after the first two attacks. No additional personnel were sent to secure the facility, despite repeated requests for security experts on the ground.”

The report, citing a cable from the U.S. embassy in Tripoli, suggests there simply were not sufficient resources in the unstable nation to send to properly protect Benghazi. In early August 2012, there were only 34 security staff at the embassy. By the end of the month there were only six.


l\Let’s not forget that one of Clinton’s closest advisers, Sidney Blumenthal, encouraged Clinton to “take credit” for the Libya “success”:

“This is an historic moment and you will be credited for realizing it,” he wrote August 22, 2011. “When Qaddafi is finally removed, you should of course make a public statement before the cameras wherever you are, even in the driveway of your vacation house. You must go on camera. You must establish yourself in the historical record at this moment.” Mrs. Clinton didn’t appear to respond to that message, either.

Libya was historic alright. And if Clinton should have been “credited” for it, than she should also shoulder the blame for the disaster it ended up being for the Benghazi four, as well as the continued debacle it is for the Libyan people and the entire region. Even President Obama has called the Libya aftermath the “greatest mistake” of his presidency.

And who saved the Americans at the Annex? It was Qaddfi's offcer militia.

For weeks, the White House Promoted the lie that the attack was because of a video, The Innocence of Muslims. Remember, it was only 56 days before the Presidential election, and Obama and the State Dept. placed politics above American lives.

Tell all that to the Republicans leading the witch hunt and continuing to hold hearings after not finding any blame. You all can't seem to accept facts.....even from your own party politicians....I think the problem lies in you, as 13 investigations have turned up NOTHING. Deal with it.

Hillary Clinton lied under oath, but according to FBI Director Comey, she's too unsophisticated and incompetent to undertand.
Well, she is a democrat so that's a given. She's not quite as stupid as the dude who thought Guam would tip over but close.

There are none as stupid as the Republicans who keep beating a dead horse and the idiots who support them.

Well since I'm not a Republican your point is as useless as you are.

If you can't recognize incompetence when you see it then you are as incompetent as Hitlery is.

Oh yeah. If you need an investigation to point it out you really are dumber than that box of rocks.

Carry on sheep.
There have been 10 Congressional Committees that have participated in Benghazi investigations (millions of taxpayer money wasted) and all of them have failed to find blame on the part of the Obama Administration or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, yet conservatives continue to dig up bits and pieces of the reports, specifically the last one led by Goudy, whose investigation did not yield any new findings, as they try to make something out of nothing. I think it is time to give it up, Benghazi is not going to be the one that is going to help the Republican party get rid of Hillary. In fact, neither is the e-mail wannabe scandal.

It's incredible, that the party that claims to be conservative and raised such a fuss over the debt don't seem to be bothered by all the money that is being wasted on these bogus Benghazi investigations. When is enough, enough?

Trey Gowdy and his Select Committee on Benghazi have received increased scrutiny after the not-so-shocking admissions by Republican Reps. McCarthy and Hanna of its blatantly political motivations.
Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

The only sure thing at Benghazi are four dead men and an incompetent HItlery and her State Department.

According to two Republican led hearings, Hillary is free of blame...that's another sure thing.

The only sure thing about Benghazi is that "there is nothing there" but that doesn't stop the looneys from trying to find something.

Being incompetent isn't a crime so of course she committed no crime But both she and her State Department were grossly incompetent.

They had months of warnings. Warnings the Brits and Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out of the area. That's what our State Department should have done.

If they had done that, there would have been no Benghazi. Because they did nothing we have four dead men because of that nothing.

If you don't find that something to be concerned about then there is no hope for you at all.

What part of "no wrongdoing on the part of Hillary Clinton" do you not understand? All the other bullshit you hypocrites come up with doesn't matter, considering the crap you all are willing to ignore.

WASHINGTON — Ending one of the longest, costliest and most bitterly partisan congressional investigations in history, the House Select Committee on Benghazi issued its final report on Tuesday, finding no new evidence of culpability or wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton in the 2012 attacks in Libya that left four Americans dead.

George W Bush had warnings about 9/11 and totally ignored them. More than 3k people died. If you don't find that fact something to be concerned about, and much worse than Benghazi then there is no hope for any of you conservatives.

The threat warnings that George W. Bush’s White House received—and reportedly brushed off—prior to the 9/11 terrorist attacks were more dire than previously known, Politico reported on Thursday. In a blockbuster account by Chris Whipple, based on interviews he did for a Showtime documentary, former chief of the CIA’s counterterrorism center Cofer Black and former CIA director George Tenet described how they spent the months leading up to 9/11 trying to warn the White House that a spectacular attack was imminent and that the country needed to take urgent action, but to no avail.
The Pre-9/11 Warnings Bush’s Team Ignored Were Way More Intense Than We Thought
There have been 10 Congressional Committees that have participated in Benghazi investigations (millions of taxpayer money wasted) and all of them have failed to find blame on the part of the Obama Administration or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, yet conservatives continue to dig up bits and pieces of the reports, specifically the last one led by Goudy, whose investigation did not yield any new findings, as they try to make something out of nothing. I think it is time to give it up, Benghazi is not going to be the one that is going to help the Republican party get rid of Hillary. In fact, neither is the e-mail wannabe scandal.

It's incredible, that the party that claims to be conservative and raised such a fuss over the debt don't seem to be bothered by all the money that is being wasted on these bogus Benghazi investigations. When is enough, enough?

Trey Gowdy and his Select Committee on Benghazi have received increased scrutiny after the not-so-shocking admissions by Republican Reps. McCarthy and Hanna of its blatantly political motivations.
Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

The only sure thing at Benghazi are four dead men and an incompetent HItlery and her State Department.

According to two Republican led hearings, Hillary is free of blame...that's another sure thing.

The only sure thing about Benghazi is that "there is nothing there" but that doesn't stop the looneys from trying to find something.

Being incompetent isn't a crime so of course she committed no crime But both she and her State Department were grossly incompetent.

They had months of warnings. Warnings the Brits and Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out of the area. That's what our State Department should have done.

If they had done that, there would have been no Benghazi. Because they did nothing we have four dead men because of that nothing.

If you don't find that something to be concerned about then there is no hope for you at all.

What part of "no wrongdoing on the part of Hillary Clinton" do you not understand? All the other bullshit you hypocrites come up with doesn't matter, considering the crap you all are willing to ignore.

WASHINGTON — Ending one of the longest, costliest and most bitterly partisan congressional investigations in history, the House Select Committee on Benghazi issued its final report on Tuesday, finding no new evidence of culpability or wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton in the 2012 attacks in Libya that left four Americans dead.

George W Bush had warnings about 9/11 and totally ignored them. More than 3k people died. If you don't find that fact something to be concerned about, and much worse than Benghazi then there is no hope for any of you conservatives.

The threat warnings that George W. Bush’s White House received—and reportedly brushed off—prior to the 9/11 terrorist attacks were more dire than previously known, Politico reported on Thursday. In a blockbuster account by Chris Whipple, based on interviews he did for a Showtime documentary, former chief of the CIA’s counterterrorism center Cofer Black and former CIA director George Tenet described how they spent the months leading up to 9/11 trying to warn the White House that a spectacular attack was imminent and that the country needed to take urgent action, but to no avail.
The Pre-9/11 Warnings Bush’s Team Ignored Were Way More Intense Than We Thought

Oh there was no wrongdoing. Incompetence isn't a crime but if Hitlery were in the private sector she would have lost her job long ago.

Oh and thanks for the deflection to Bush and I know you realize the topic isn't Bush. Its incompetent Hitlery.

Carry on sheep.
There have been 10 Congressional Committees that have participated in Benghazi investigations (millions of taxpayer money wasted) and all of them have failed to find blame on the part of the Obama Administration or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, yet conservatives continue to dig up bits and pieces of the reports, specifically the last one led by Goudy, whose investigation did not yield any new findings, as they try to make something out of nothing. I think it is time to give it up, Benghazi is not going to be the one that is going to help the Republican party get rid of Hillary. In fact, neither is the e-mail wannabe scandal.

It's incredible, that the party that claims to be conservative and raised such a fuss over the debt don't seem to be bothered by all the money that is being wasted on these bogus Benghazi investigations. When is enough, enough?

Trey Gowdy and his Select Committee on Benghazi have received increased scrutiny after the not-so-shocking admissions by Republican Reps. McCarthy and Hanna of its blatantly political motivations.
Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

Harry Truman had a sign on his desk that said "The Buck Stops Here." Obama has a sign on his desk that says "It's Bush's Fault."
And dumbasses blame the Republicans in Congress for performing their Constitutional duty of oversight.

And you hypocrites make a mountain out of a molehill and ignore the catastrophes.

Conservatives have a sign on their forehead that says "Democrats are responsible for everything bad that happens, even if it's an obvious conservative mistake.
There have been 10 Congressional Committees that have participated in Benghazi investigations (millions of taxpayer money wasted) and all of them have failed to find blame on the part of the Obama Administration or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, yet conservatives continue to dig up bits and pieces of the reports, specifically the last one led by Goudy, whose investigation did not yield any new findings, as they try to make something out of nothing. I think it is time to give it up, Benghazi is not going to be the one that is going to help the Republican party get rid of Hillary. In fact, neither is the e-mail wannabe scandal.

It's incredible, that the party that claims to be conservative and raised such a fuss over the debt don't seem to be bothered by all the money that is being wasted on these bogus Benghazi investigations. When is enough, enough?

Trey Gowdy and his Select Committee on Benghazi have received increased scrutiny after the not-so-shocking admissions by Republican Reps. McCarthy and Hanna of its blatantly political motivations.
Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

Harry Truman had a sign on his desk that said "The Buck Stops Here." Obama has a sign on his desk that says "It's Bush's Fault."
And dumbasses blame the Republicans in Congress for performing their Constitutional duty of oversight.

And you hypocrites make a mountain out of a molehill and ignore the catastrophes.

Conservatives have a sign on their forehead that says "Democrats are responsible for everything bad that happens, even if it's an obvious conservative mistake.

Oh so you consider the deaths of four good men and her stupidity, carelessness and incompetence a mole hill??

Guess we all see what kind of a biased uncaring Hitlery supporter you are.

A supporter who will overlook anything even death so you can vote for an incompetent for POTUS.

Carry on sheep.
There have been 10 Congressional Committees that have participated in Benghazi investigations (millions of taxpayer money wasted) and all of them have failed to find blame on the part of the Obama Administration or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, yet conservatives continue to dig up bits and pieces of the reports, specifically the last one led by Goudy, whose investigation did not yield any new findings, as they try to make something out of nothing. I think it is time to give it up, Benghazi is not going to be the one that is going to help the Republican party get rid of Hillary. In fact, neither is the e-mail wannabe scandal.

It's incredible, that the party that claims to be conservative and raised such a fuss over the debt don't seem to be bothered by all the money that is being wasted on these bogus Benghazi investigations. When is enough, enough?

Trey Gowdy and his Select Committee on Benghazi have received increased scrutiny after the not-so-shocking admissions by Republican Reps. McCarthy and Hanna of its blatantly political motivations.
Benghazi By The Numbers – Benghazi Research Center

The only sure thing at Benghazi are four dead men and an incompetent HItlery and her State Department.

According to two Republican led hearings, Hillary is free of blame...that's another sure thing.

The only sure thing about Benghazi is that "there is nothing there" but that doesn't stop the looneys from trying to find something.

Being incompetent isn't a crime so of course she committed no crime But both she and her State Department were grossly incompetent.

They had months of warnings. Warnings the Brits and Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out of the area. That's what our State Department should have done.

If they had done that, there would have been no Benghazi. Because they did nothing we have four dead men because of that nothing.

If you don't find that something to be concerned about then there is no hope for you at all.

What part of "no wrongdoing on the part of Hillary Clinton" do you not understand? All the other bullshit you hypocrites come up with doesn't matter, considering the crap you all are willing to ignore.

WASHINGTON — Ending one of the longest, costliest and most bitterly partisan congressional investigations in history, the House Select Committee on Benghazi issued its final report on Tuesday, finding no new evidence of culpability or wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton in the 2012 attacks in Libya that left four Americans dead.

George W Bush had warnings about 9/11 and totally ignored them. More than 3k people died. If you don't find that fact something to be concerned about, and much worse than Benghazi then there is no hope for any of you conservatives.

The threat warnings that George W. Bush’s White House received—and reportedly brushed off—prior to the 9/11 terrorist attacks were more dire than previously known, Politico reported on Thursday. In a blockbuster account by Chris Whipple, based on interviews he did for a Showtime documentary, former chief of the CIA’s counterterrorism center Cofer Black and former CIA director George Tenet described how they spent the months leading up to 9/11 trying to warn the White House that a spectacular attack was imminent and that the country needed to take urgent action, but to no avail.
The Pre-9/11 Warnings Bush’s Team Ignored Were Way More Intense Than We Thought

Oh there was no wrongdoing. Incompetence isn't a crime but if Hitlery were in the private sector she would have lost her job long ago.
And Bush would be in jail, where he belongs.

Oh and thanks for the deflection to Bush and I know you realize the topic isn't Bush. Its incompetent Hitlery.

Actually the topic is "Benghazi, there is nothing there" - even though you conservatives want so much for something to be there.

And yeah, you hypocrites don't like it when your hypocrisy is shoved in your face. It's not that bad when 3000+ people die under Republican watch....but it's a catastrophic when 4 people died under Hillary Clinton.

Carry on sheep.

Yeah, nothing is going to change your hypocritical ass. Carry on, lemming.

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