Benghazi - what if ?

This thread is the stupidest shit I've ever seen. Is wild speculation the last hope for cons? :dunno:

Stupidest Gracie? HOW did YOU ever manage the First Grade?

If Obama had parachuted into Benghazi and killed all the terrorists you'd find a way blame him.

I don't get why cons are suddenly against blanket immunity. That's how you all rolled for the 2000's after all
But he didn't...DID he?

This thread is the stupidest shit I've ever seen. Is wild speculation the last hope for cons? :dunno:
NoSchool, this is what you call a plausible hypothetical. If it were true, the left would rail in a frenzy. The story woud supersaturate the liberal media to no end. It would be taunted as a racist story. That the black heros were abandoned by the white hierarchy - that their lives ment nothing because they were black. They would call it the Racist Benghazi Coverup.

Too bad your not smart enough, or honest enough to understand how pathetically partisan the left is - they are transparent. You don't have the ability to critically think. This is a huge story to any patriot - millions of Americans, but is a non starter for the retarded left for pure political expediency. :eusa_pray:
Asswipe...he didn't do that, in fact he covered it up with lies in order to win an election.

Can't have "Islamic terrorists" killing Americans after Obama declared on the CAMPAIGN TRAIL that terrorism was dying thanks to "him."

This thread is the stupidest shit I've ever seen. Is wild speculation the last hope for cons? :dunno:

Stupidest Gracie? HOW did YOU ever manage the First Grade?

If Obama had parachuted into Benghazi and killed all the terrorists you'd find a way blame him.

I don't get why cons are suddenly against blanket immunity. That's how you all rolled for the 2000's after all
It would be the same non-story it is today. Except Democrats wouldn't be trying to drum it up into something.

Yea because republican's wouldn't have blamed it on a stupid video and try to down play it right before the election''s.
Hypothetical, what if a republican was president when 13 embassies or consulats were attacked from 2002 to 2008. O' wait that isn't a hypothetical.
There was no precedence for any warnings on 9-11-01 unlike when 9-11 rolled around on Obama's watch and he acted like terrorism went away.

Bush reacted with an attack on Afghanistan, Obama covered up what went on Libya....shitbag.

You mean 9/11? Really?


You have to ask if I meant 9/11? Who's the IDIOT now?

Let me put it to you this way. Who was feeding information to Bush about what was happening during 9/11. Who was feeding information to Obama during the Benghazi attack. Bush comes out of it, after finishing the book to the children of course, looking like a national hero. Obama comes out of it, after being in the situation room, looking like someone lying about the facts. Could there possibly be a single source who would be interested in such an outcome in both instances? :eusa_think:
Asswipe, the FBI and CIA thanks to liberal scum like you weren't allowed to connect the dots together "prior to 9-11," so the blood of the first 9-11 is on your hands.

After 9-11 the CIA and FBI now or should now share intel on terrorists like say terrorists running wild in a country called Libya.

THERE WERE WARNINGS OF TERRORIST ATTACKS IN LIBYA BECAUSE THEY ATTACKED OTHER EMBASSIES THERE. So when did airplanes fly into buildings prior to the first 9-11??? :eusa_whistle:

Shut the fuck up, inbred pile of shit.

There was no precedence for any warnings on 9-11-01 unlike when 9-11 rolled around on Obama's watch and he acted like terrorism went away.

Bush reacted with an attack on Afghanistan, Obama covered up what went on Libya....shitbag.

You have to ask if I meant 9/11? Who's the IDIOT now?

Let me put it to you this way. Who was feeding information to Bush about what was happening during 9/11. Who was feeding information to Obama during the Benghazi attack. Bush comes out of it, after finishing the book to the children of course, looking like a national hero. Obama comes out of it, after being in the situation room, looking like someone lying about the facts. Could there possibly be a single source who would be interested in such an outcome in both instances? :eusa_think:
Small, minor random attacks on US Embassies and other countries embassies is normal.

I bet you didn't know the German delegation in Saudi Arabia had their vehicle shot up last month....oh that didn't make the news.

Now, getting the AMBASSADOR killed along with 3 other Americans in a terrorist haven created by Obama and his European friends....well that is a news story to sane people.

Since the last US Ambassador died on Carter's watch before this last seems your stupid smoke and mirrors is a FAILURE.

A US Ambassador is the highest ranking US GOV official in a country, so ignoring his requests for more security and then getting him killed....should be a criminal offense aka manslaughter.

Hypothetical, what if a republican was president when 13 embassies or consulats were attacked from 2002 to 2008. O' wait that isn't a hypothetical.
It would be the same non-story it is today. Except Democrats wouldn't be trying to drum it up into something.

Yea because republican's wouldn't have blamed it on a stupid video and try to down play it right before the election''s.
Yeah...they would have made up a know like they did with Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman...oh wait...that was different...we had a white President...right?

Bush had no hand in what the "Army" did with Pat Tillman, etc. He didn't have anything to gain or lose like Obama did covering up a massacre that his people helped cause right before an election and claims he personally squashed terrorism worldwide.

It would be the same non-story it is today. Except Democrats wouldn't be trying to drum it up into something.

Yea because republican's wouldn't have blamed it on a stupid video and try to down play it right before the election''s.
Yeah...they would have made up a know like they did with Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman...oh wait...that was different...we had a white President...right?
I think the dumbfuck liberals need to given a timeline to iron this out for them.

1) Obama went along with European powers in bombing Muammar al-Gaddafi out of power, mainly to take control of his oil. (War for OIL)
2) Obama didn't push for a quick ending to Gaddafi thus allowed terrorist groups from the middle east and Africa to rush into the power vacuum.
3) Libya became the wild wild west for terrorists yet Obama sent an Ambassador to work with the nomad tribes trying to run the country.
4) The DOD sent a security team to help protect the Ambassador and staff doing work with shady people in Libya.
5) For some odd reason the DOD security team was taken off the job in July/August despite the Ambassador's complaints.
6) 9-11 rolls around without a plan in place for a possible terrorist attack in Libya and other hotbeds in Africa and the middle east.
7) The compound is attacked by TERRORISTS for 8 HOURS and Obama and his goons quickly go into cover up mode instead of sending DOD assets to support dying Americans.
8) Obama went to sleep that night while the Ambassador's life was in danger.
9) Obama wakes up to find out the Ambassador and others were killed, so he goes to Las Vegas to get some money for his campaign.
10) Obama's people back at the White House start inventing lies like a mob angry over some video 99% of the planet hasn't seen were responsible for killing 4 Americans as if that excuses the lack of security and planning for a day called 9-11.
Hypothetical, what if a republican was president when 13 embassies or consulats were attacked from 2002 to 2008. O' wait that isn't a hypothetical.

Name the dead.

Well for starters:

May 12th 2003 Riyadh, Saudi Arabi Dplomatic compound, 36 dead including 9 Americans and yet not a peep out of conservatives.

March 2, 2006 Karachi Pakastan Third attack in four years on US consulate. Diplomat David Foy was killed along with four others. Third attack in four years where was the outrage from the cons? .....I'm sure all of you were outraged, right. I mean three attacks in four years. My guess is that this is the first time most of you have heard the name David Foy.
It would be the same non-story it is today. Except Democrats wouldn't be trying to drum it up into something.

Yea because republican's wouldn't have blamed it on a stupid video and try to down play it right before the election''s.
Yeah...they would have made up a know like they did with Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman...oh wait...that was different...we had a white President...right?

Did bush blame tilmans death on a stupid video?
What if Bush was President when 2,996 died on a single day?

Oh because Jaimie blocked communications? I''ll take you on. But after this month. We still have to deal with this month.

The month is the second. One more is three. That only leaves the first which is after the twelveth. Which gets gets us back to the third. All this is secret code for, WTF are you talking about?

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