Benghazi - what if ?

Hypothetical, what if a republican was president when 13 embassies or consulats were attacked from 2002 to 2008. O' wait that isn't a hypothetical.

Name the dead.

Well for starters:

May 12th 2003 Riyadh, Saudi Arabi Dplomatic compound, 36 dead including 9 Americans and yet not a peep out of conservatives.

March 2, 2006 Karachi Pakastan Third attack in four years on US consulate. Diplomat David Foy was killed along with four others. Third attack in four years where was the outrage from the cons? .....I'm sure all of you were outraged, right. I mean three attacks in four years. My guess is that this is the first time most of you have heard the name David Foy.
and was any of those attacks blamed on a stupid video right before a national election?
The point is, get off your high horses about your selectve ourage. You sound just as silly as the Democrats blaming Bush for 911. And if it were a Republican president when Benghazi happened you guys would be playing the spin game also. And if you say you wouldn't you are a liar.
Dumbfuck....did an American compound/embassy get overrun at anytime???

Did any Ambassador die under Bush?

The new Embassy in Baghdad was built when Bush was in office and terrorists were still blowing up people in Iraq....yet I don't recall it being overrun or any major deaths...please tell. The reason is because it was built and secure to keep terrorists "out." :eusa_whistle:

Obama sent his Ambassador to a warzone without proper protection and then covered it all up to win an election.

Hypothetical, what if a republican was president when 13 embassies or consulats were attacked from 2002 to 2008. O' wait that isn't a hypothetical.

Name the dead.

Well for starters:

May 12th 2003 Riyadh, Saudi Arabi Dplomatic compound, 36 dead including 9 Americans and yet not a peep out of conservatives.

March 2, 2006 Karachi Pakastan Third attack in four years on US consulate. Diplomat David Foy was killed along with four others. Third attack in four years where was the outrage from the cons? .....I'm sure all of you were outraged, right. I mean three attacks in four years. My guess is that this is the first time most of you have heard the name David Foy.
What if Bush was President when 2,996 died on a single day?

Oh because Jaimie blocked communications? I''ll take you on. But after this month. We still have to deal with this month.

The month is the second. One more is three. That only leaves the first which is after the twelveth. Which gets gets us back to the third. All this is secret code for, WTF are you talking about?

Unless you are speaking of the unfinished half, in which case, is there more in the whole for those who only sought that which is already had?
What if....

The opposition repeatedly bringing up one blunder reminds everyone how few consequential errors the administration has had
Let's be honest Obama and crew coverd up bengahzi, coverd up "if you like your plan you can keep it" ..... just to win in 2012... if you say other wise... you are just a mark.
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The IRS scandal, obamacare, Egypt, Syria, Iran, the workforce getting smaller (no jobs), etc.

Uh, Libya is just one of many issues that show Obama is a fuck up, scumbag and criminal.

What if....

The opposition repeatedly bringing up one blunder reminds everyone how few consequential errors the administration has had
Nixon lied about some break-in by political operatives to spy on the win an election.

Obama lied about terrorism waning then lied about how 4 Americans died in a terrorist win an election.

So how many people died because of Nixon's lies????
Asswipe, the FBI and CIA thanks to liberal scum like you weren't allowed to connect the dots together "prior to 9-11," so the blood of the first 9-11 is on your hands.

After 9-11 the CIA and FBI now or should now share intel on terrorists like say terrorists running wild in a country called Libya.

THERE WERE WARNINGS OF TERRORIST ATTACKS IN LIBYA BECAUSE THEY ATTACKED OTHER EMBASSIES THERE. So when did airplanes fly into buildings prior to the first 9-11??? :eusa_whistle:

Shut the fuck up, inbred pile of shit.

There was no precedence for any warnings on 9-11-01 unlike when 9-11 rolled around on Obama's watch and he acted like terrorism went away.

Bush reacted with an attack on Afghanistan, Obama covered up what went on Libya....shitbag.

Let me put it to you this way. Who was feeding information to Bush about what was happening during 9/11. Who was feeding information to Obama during the Benghazi attack. Bush comes out of it, after finishing the book to the children of course, looking like a national hero. Obama comes out of it, after being in the situation room, looking like someone lying about the facts. Could there possibly be a single source who would be interested in such an outcome in both instances? :eusa_think:

If you have not read the 9/11 Commission Report please tell you sort of information. You do have some excellent points however. Just where were the dots not connected? Are those two agencies now sharing information? If there were warnings about threats to the Libyan embassy where did they come from and where did they go? When did airplanes fly into building before is a most perceptive question indeed.
If "Bush" sent a group of black men to an Islamic country and they were murdered on 9-11 because "Bush's people in the DOS" ignored requests for better security.....liberals would burn down the White House with Bush inside.

Liberals didn't burn down the White House with Bush inside when it was finally admitted that there weren't any WMD in Iraq.

You live in fear.

Also, there were airplanes flying into buildings prior to 9/11. That's what gave them the idea. Look up a guy named Frank Eugene Corder who flew a single-engine Cessna into the White House back in 1995.

The IRS scandal, obamacare, Egypt, Syria, Iran, the workforce getting smaller (no jobs), etc.

Uh, Libya is just one of many issues that show Obama is a fuck up, scumbag and criminal.

What if....

The opposition repeatedly bringing up one blunder reminds everyone how few consequential errors the administration has had
And not ONE swingin' dick in the Congress will call him on it...WHY?
What if the four fallen heroes were black, and the president, and secretary of state were white republicans :eek:

These Benghazi threads just get more and more desperate.

First their lies fall flat and now its "what if"???

C'mon fools. Throw your back into it.

Surely you can do better than this ...

Yea because republican's wouldn't have blamed it on a stupid video and try to down play it right before the election''s.
Yeah...they would have made up a know like they did with Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman...oh wait...that was different...we had a white President...right?

Did bush blame tilmans death on a stupid video?

No. He made up some bullshit story to help sell the war to an unsuspecting public....In the huddle it's called the "WMD Special".

Anything else?
Let's be honest Obama and crew coverd up bengahzi, coverd up "if you like your plan you can keep it" ..... just to win in 2012... if you say other wise... you are just a mark.

Let's just look at that "cover up".

A statement was made by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo condemning the video at 6:00 a.m. the morning of the attack. 12 1/2 hours later, 6:30 pm, later the Cairo Embassy tweets that they "still stand" behind the initial statement. 10:08 p.m. Secretary Clinton confirms one American has be killed in the attack at Benghazi. 10:10 p.m. Obama administration disavows the Cairo Embassy statement saying it was not cleared by Washington.
Tuesday, 10:24 p.m.
Romney Criticizes Administration's Response
Romney's comment, apparently referring to the embassy statement, was sent to The New York Times about 10:10 p.m., originally embargoed until midnight. The embargo was lifted at 10:24 p.m.

"I'm outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi. It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks."

Now here's the question: How was it that Romney released a statement 2 minutes after Secretary Clinton announced that someone had been killed? If anyone would like I can start going through the whole list of questions the "What really happened in Benghazi?" group should be asking. Trust me, you will drop this thing and run away so fast you will be gone before it hits the floor.
The point is, get off your high horses about your selectve ourage. You sound just as silly as the Democrats blaming Bush for 911. And if it were a Republican president when Benghazi happened you guys would be playing the spin game also. And if you say you wouldn't you are a liar.

One should never say "only" about any loss of life but what is really disappointing is that this Benghazi outrage is about four Americans.

If I were the GOP and I wanted to be outraged about something; Obama should have never....never....I repeat...NEVER should have said that SEAL Team 6 carried out the Bin Laden raid. I doubt it lead to their deaths anymore than the decision to be there in the first place but as CIC you should never single out in public who pulled off such a sensitive mission in my view.

The lack of outrage for the death of American combat soldiers is one thing but when held up to the now 440 separate threads with the word "Benghazi" in the only amplify just how shallow and shrill the "outrage" really is.

And again, the DEMS never pulled anything like this during the legions of lies told during the great Iraqi misadventure.
No one save one wants to address the color componet of the op hypothetical? I sincerely think that it would have incited faux outrage in the liberal community where dead whites don't mean squat!
No one save one wants to address the color componet of the op hypothetical? I sincerely think that it would have incited faux outrage in the liberal community where dead whites don't mean squat!

Violence in the Middle East barely raises an eyebrow regardless of who the President is...regardless who the dead are.

Pat Tillman gave up a high 7 figure yearly salary and likely a $40-$50 million dollar pro career to become an Army Ranger.

Bush lied about his death.

Pretty much nobody cared then either. Sorry loser but your obscene, perverse and ghoulish utility of dead Americans hurts you more than it hurts your intended target.
Let's be honest Obama and crew coverd up bengahzi, coverd up "if you like your plan you can keep it" ..... just to win in 2012... if you say other wise... you are just a mark.

Let's just look at that "cover up".

A statement was made by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo condemning the video at 6:00 a.m. the morning of the attack. 12 1/2 hours later, 6:30 pm, later the Cairo Embassy tweets that they "still stand" behind the initial statement. 10:08 p.m. Secretary Clinton confirms one American has be killed in the attack at Benghazi. 10:10 p.m. Obama administration disavows the Cairo Embassy statement saying it was not cleared by Washington.
Tuesday, 10:24 p.m.
Romney Criticizes Administration's Response
Romney's comment, apparently referring to the embassy statement, was sent to The New York Times about 10:10 p.m., originally embargoed until midnight. The embargo was lifted at 10:24 p.m.

"I'm outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi. It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks."

Now here's the question: How was it that Romney released a statement 2 minutes after Secretary Clinton announced that someone had been killed? If anyone would like I can start going through the whole list of questions the "What really happened in Benghazi?" group should be asking. Trust me, you will drop this thing and run away so fast you will be gone before it hits the floor.
And this is the same Hillary bitch who fake a headache so she didn't to testify in 2011? You liberals are so funny you think we would forget.
Let's be honest Obama and crew coverd up bengahzi, coverd up "if you like your plan you can keep it" ..... just to win in 2012... if you say other wise... you are just a mark.

Let's just look at that "cover up".

A statement was made by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo condemning the video at 6:00 a.m. the morning of the attack. 12 1/2 hours later, 6:30 pm, later the Cairo Embassy tweets that they "still stand" behind the initial statement. 10:08 p.m. Secretary Clinton confirms one American has be killed in the attack at Benghazi. 10:10 p.m. Obama administration disavows the Cairo Embassy statement saying it was not cleared by Washington.
Tuesday, 10:24 p.m.
Romney Criticizes Administration's Response
Romney's comment, apparently referring to the embassy statement, was sent to The New York Times about 10:10 p.m., originally embargoed until midnight. The embargo was lifted at 10:24 p.m.

"I'm outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi. It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks."

Now here's the question: How was it that Romney released a statement 2 minutes after Secretary Clinton announced that someone had been killed? If anyone would like I can start going through the whole list of questions the "What really happened in Benghazi?" group should be asking. Trust me, you will drop this thing and run away so fast you will be gone before it hits the floor.
And this is the same Hillary bitch who fake a headache so she didn't to testify in 2011? You liberals are so funny you think we would forget.

Where did the "video riots" first begin that day? (Hint: It wasn't in Benghazi but it was in a city I have already mentioned.)

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