Benghazi - what if ?

It would be the same non-story it is today. Except Democrats wouldn't be trying to drum it up into something.

What about all manufactured scandals democrats pull out their asses? Like Halliburton, lying to go to war with Iraq, hurricane Katrina, etc..
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What if the four fallen heroes were black, and the president, and secretary of state were white republicans :eek:

You would be defending the president and secy of state with every fiber of your hypocritical being.
Non responsive. I am no fan of the GOP!

You liberals just can't admit any fault regarding Benghazi even though it is blatantly egreigious, but when the story is a non starter like Martin / Zimmerman, or a bridge closing, you get worked up into a frenzy.

You are a disingenuous, close minded, cult! I expect our highest government officials to be straight with our citizenry. You only care about liberal power; your sick ass ideology! :cuckoo:
What if the four fallen heroes were black, and the president, and secretary of state were white republicans :eek:

Yea, but they weren't black. And a REPUBLICAN President? LMFAO. Fucking rethugs and their fantasy trips. Stick with the impeachment. It makes for better reading. Or find a fiction thread and do your history re writes where they belong. Fiction.

BTW. Soon there will be nothing BUT white Republicans. Good luck winning an election on a national level.
What if Bush was President when 2,996 died on a single day?
You mean 9/11? Really?


You have to ask if I meant 9/11? Who's the IDIOT now?


What happened?

Conservatives weren't going nuts and calling for an investigation.

Conservatives weren't second guessing the President AS THE EVENT was taking place.

And actually they weren't even blaming the people that committed the act.

[ame=]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

That's what conservatives were doing.

And when an investigation was finally launched? They looked into the CLINTON administration's handling of terrorism. I mean seriously? The guy wasn't President for 8 months when 9/11 happened. And if they were going to go there, why not call Bush's father..who actually participated in funding and training Bin Laden when he was in Afghanistan.

What was the result? A report that was missing huge sections that implicated the Saudis.

And recommendations on how to harden entry points. Most of which were implemented.
What if the four fallen heroes were black, and the president, and secretary of state were white republicans :eek:

You would be defending the president and secy of state with every fiber of your hypocritical being.
Non responsive. I am no fan of the GOP!

You liberals just can't admit any fault regarding Benghazi even though it is blatantly egreigious, but when the story is a non starter like Martin / Zimmerman, or a bridge closing, you get worked up into a frenzy.

You are a disingenuous, close minded, cult! I expect our highest government officials to be straight with our citizenry. You only care about liberal power; your sick ass ideology! :cuckoo:

If you want to find fault? The "fault" is trying to drive the internal affairs of Middle Eastern Countries to exploit their natural resources for our use.

Nothing you folks ever say deals with that root cause.
What if the four fallen heroes were black, and the president, and secretary of state were white republicans :eek:

were any of the 50 dead in bush's 13 benghazis black?

what a silly thread.

no surprises.
You dismiss every failure the Obama administration has with a one liner containing Bush; pittyful. You don't have the ability to critically think- liberalism is a disease!
What if the four fallen heroes were black, and the president, and secretary of state were white republicans :eek:

Yea, but they weren't black. And a REPUBLICAN President? LMFAO. Fucking rethugs and their fantasy trips. Stick with the impeachment. It makes for better reading. Or find a fiction thread and do your history re writes where they belong. Fiction.

BTW. Soon there will be nothing BUT white Republicans. Good luck winning an election on a national level.
The impetus of my hypothetical obviously ecapes you - how sad.
You would be defending the president and secy of state with every fiber of your hypocritical being.
Non responsive. I am no fan of the GOP!

You liberals just can't admit any fault regarding Benghazi even though it is blatantly egreigious, but when the story is a non starter like Martin / Zimmerman, or a bridge closing, you get worked up into a frenzy.

You are a disingenuous, close minded, cult! I expect our highest government officials to be straight with our citizenry. You only care about liberal power; your sick ass ideology! :cuckoo:

If you want to find fault? The "fault" is trying to drive the internal affairs of Middle Eastern Countries to exploit their natural resources for our use.

Nothing you folks ever say deals with that root cause.
Hillary, and Obama mislead everyone which is unforgivable. Stay on topic.

I am against meddling in any muslim country.
It would be the same non-story it is today. Except Democrats wouldn't be trying to drum it up into something.

What about all manufactured scandals democrats pull out their asses? Like Halliburton, lying to go to war with Iraq, hurricane Katrina, etc..

Those are pretty real.

You have the CEO of Halliburton as vice President of the United States giving a no bid contract to Halliburton while still receiving compensation from Halliburton.

The Bush administration lied on several occasions in the run up to the war.
-They blamed Iraq for 9/11.
-They pointed out that Iraq had nuclear ambitions.
-They said that Iraq would use those weapons on the United States.
-They said that Iraq had chemical weapons that they would use on the United States.

All those things were lies.

Hurricane Katrina represented one of the biggest failures of the Bush administration. Close to 2 thousand Americans died. That's because Bush didn't take disaster relief very seriously. He appointed a Michael Brown, in charge of FEMA, a man with zero experience in dealing with disasters. Contrast that with Craig Fugate or James Witt 2 men with enormous experience. They've done and did great work. We've had multiple storms the size of Katrina with minimal loss of life. - 'Can I quit now?' FEMA chief wrote as Katrina raged - Nov 3, 2005

The Democratic lawmaker cited several e-mails that he said show Brown's failures. In one, as employees looked for direction and support on the ravaged Gulf Coast, Brown offered to "tweak" the federal response.

Two days after Katrina hit, Marty Bahamonde, one of the only FEMA employees in New Orleans, wrote to Brown that "the situation is past critical" and listed problems including many people near death and food and water running out at the Superdome.

Brown's entire response was: "Thanks for the update. Anything specific I need to do or tweak?" (Copies of e-mails posted by critic -- PDF)

On September 12 Brown resigned, 10 days after President Bush told him, "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."

Brown is still on the federal payroll at his $148,000 annual salary. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, saying Brown's expertise was needed as he investigated what went wrong, agreed to a 30-day extension when Brown resigned. Chertoff renewed that extension in mid-October.

Brown took over FEMA in 2003 with little experience in emergency management. He joined the agency in 2001 as legal counsel to his friend, then-FEMA director Joe Allbaugh, who was Bush's 2000 campaign manager. When Allbaugh left FEMA in 2003 Brown assumed the top job.

None of these things received the same sort of attention that "Fast and Furious", "IRS", "Benghazi" or other faux scandals drummed up by Issa, who said at the START of the Obama administration his was the most corrupt in history.
Non responsive. I am no fan of the GOP!

You liberals just can't admit any fault regarding Benghazi even though it is blatantly egreigious, but when the story is a non starter like Martin / Zimmerman, or a bridge closing, you get worked up into a frenzy.

You are a disingenuous, close minded, cult! I expect our highest government officials to be straight with our citizenry. You only care about liberal power; your sick ass ideology! :cuckoo:

If you want to find fault? The "fault" is trying to drive the internal affairs of Middle Eastern Countries to exploit their natural resources for our use.

Nothing you folks ever say deals with that root cause.
Hillary, and Obama mislead everyone which is unforgivable. Stay on topic.

I am against meddling in any muslim country.

Really now?

When was this?
If you want to find fault? The "fault" is trying to drive the internal affairs of Middle Eastern Countries to exploit their natural resources for our use.

Nothing you folks ever say deals with that root cause.
Hillary, and Obama mislead everyone which is unforgivable. Stay on topic.

I am against meddling in any muslim country.

Really now?

When was this?
I'm a registered Libertarian. I don't appreciate your obbfuscation - get on topic.

The president, and sos pushed a video for weeks after they knew this was a pre planned al qaeda attack. If this was done by republicans, you would incessantly promulgate it. If the four fallen were black, you would leverage race - get real.
Hillary, and Obama mislead everyone which is unforgivable. Stay on topic.

I am against meddling in any muslim country.

Really now?

When was this?
I'm a registered Libertarian. I don't appreciate your obbfuscation - get on topic.

The president, and sos pushed a video for weeks after they knew this was a pre planned al qaeda attack. If this was done by republicans, you would incessantly promulgate it. If the four fallen were black, you would leverage race - get real.

I don't care if you are a martian named Marty.

That's a bunch of bullshit.
It's been confirmed that Bush lied about Tillman



Tillman, an NFL star who became the most famous enlistee in the military, was initially said to have been killed during a Taliban ambush, and he was awarded a Silver Star and mythologized as a hero. It would eventually come out that he was killed by his own platoon-mates in what is sometimes called "friendly fire."

But Bar-Lev says even the media's reporting of his friendly-fire death missed many key elements.

"Much of what's in the film hasn't been reported," he said. "It's not because it couldn't have been reported. Time and time again we were dismayed to see what the mainstream media had done with the same raw footage that we were using. I didn't do some particularly investigative gumshoe work to unearth these facts, but they hadn't been reported."

Bar-Lev cites specifically the weather conditions on the day of Tillman's April 2004 death, which the film shows were sunny and clear rather than the "fog of war" scenario laid out by the government
'Tillman Story' Director: Media Bought Bush Administration Spin On Pat Tillman Death
Soldier: Army ordered me not to tell truth about Tillman -

That's not the only time they lied about soldiers under fire in an attempt to do a "rah rah rah" for the wars..

Jessica Lynch is another case of that.

Also Tuesday, former Pfc. Jessica Lynch told the House panel that the military lied about her capture.

Lynch testified that after her vehicle was attacked in Iraq in March 2003, she suffered a mangled spinal column, broken arm, crushed foot, shattered femur and even a sexual assault.

But it only added insult to injury, literally, when she returned to her parents' home in West Virginia, which "was under siege by media all repeating the story of the little girl 'Rambo' from the hills of West Virginia who went down fighting," Lynch said. (Watch Lynch set the record straight Video)

"It was not true," she said before gently chiding the military. "The truth is always more heroic than the hype."

Waxman, D-California, said the military "invented" tales about Tillman and Lynch. (Watch Lynch describe her bond with the Tillman family Video)

"The bare minimum we owe our soldiers and their families is the truth," Waxman said. "That didn't happen for two of the most famous soldiers in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars."
Really now?

When was this?
I'm a registered Libertarian. I don't appreciate your obbfuscation - get on topic.

The president, and sos pushed a video for weeks after they knew this was a pre planned al qaeda attack. If this was done by republicans, you would incessantly promulgate it. If the four fallen were black, you would leverage race - get real.

I don't care if you are a martian named Marty.

That's a bunch of bullshit.
Yea right - your a joke. Attack the messenger, but don't address the message :eusa_whistle: So your saying it would not have been politicized - your a cultist!
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It's been confirmed that Bush lied about Tillman



Tillman, an NFL star who became the most famous enlistee in the military, was initially said to have been killed during a Taliban ambush, and he was awarded a Silver Star and mythologized as a hero. It would eventually come out that he was killed by his own platoon-mates in what is sometimes called "friendly fire."

But Bar-Lev says even the media's reporting of his friendly-fire death missed many key elements.

"Much of what's in the film hasn't been reported," he said. "It's not because it couldn't have been reported. Time and time again we were dismayed to see what the mainstream media had done with the same raw footage that we were using. I didn't do some particularly investigative gumshoe work to unearth these facts, but they hadn't been reported."

Bar-Lev cites specifically the weather conditions on the day of Tillman's April 2004 death, which the film shows were sunny and clear rather than the "fog of war" scenario laid out by the government
'Tillman Story' Director: Media Bought Bush Administration Spin On Pat Tillman Death
Soldier: Army ordered me not to tell truth about Tillman -

That's not the only time they lied about soldiers under fire in an attempt to do a "rah rah rah" for the wars..

Jessica Lynch is another case of that.

Also Tuesday, former Pfc. Jessica Lynch told the House panel that the military lied about her capture.

Lynch testified that after her vehicle was attacked in Iraq in March 2003, she suffered a mangled spinal column, broken arm, crushed foot, shattered femur and even a sexual assault.

But it only added insult to injury, literally, when she returned to her parents' home in West Virginia, which "was under siege by media all repeating the story of the little girl 'Rambo' from the hills of West Virginia who went down fighting," Lynch said. (Watch Lynch set the record straight Video)

"It was not true," she said before gently chiding the military. "The truth is always more heroic than the hype."

Waxman, D-California, said the military "invented" tales about Tillman and Lynch. (Watch Lynch describe her bond with the Tillman family Video)

"The bare minimum we owe our soldiers and their families is the truth," Waxman said. "That didn't happen for two of the most famous soldiers in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars."

Oh....I am overwhelmed with your proof.

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