Benghazi - what if ?

The absolute blatant dishonesty of Too Small and the rest of the conservatives makes me so happy to be a liberal...

The rules are simply different for black Presidents. You're responsible for everything. If you're white and get no blame for what they now admit is the same exact act only that we have solid proof of Bush's lies....there is credible evidence that the video played a role in the Libyan attacks.

Everytime one of you bedwetters mention Bush's 'lies' I ask what lies do you refer to and ask the question, are these also lies?

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

Is it your contention that a black President does not lie? He was still using the video excuse two weeks after the attack when EVERYONE knew it was a terror attack two days after the attack.

And I will remind you that 'If you like your health care you can keep it' made LIE OF THE YEAR, and it wasn't because he was black, but because he is a liar.

Here's the thing.

Those folks deferred to the President. It was the President that made them believe, through his lie, that Iraq was a threat.

And that's another thing about the Media. For almost the first part of the Bush administration, the quoted everything he said as fact.

The New York Times had to even issue an apology for that one.

The Intel ala Cheney with Mushroom Cloud topping that was fed to Congress to get those quotes was cooked in a in a broth of lies and served on a dish of wishful thinking of the Bush administration's desire to go into Iraq at all costs.
No, that would be you...

Where is that link or video damning Buuuuuuuuuuush??? :eusa_whistle:

Oh, you don't have one.

Ahhh, pig brain trying to help the cock sucker.

The Intel ala Cheney with Mushroom Cloud topping that was fed to Congress to get those quotes was cooked in a in a broth of lies and served on a dish of wishful thinking of the Bush administration's desire to go into Iraq at all costs.

So you're a faggot the fucks male pigs?

Man you conservatives are really really weird.

And sick fucks.
What the hell is this? Candy. .... please tell me you are drunk or smoking a little something to post this

What the hell is what?

Bush; confirmed liar. You're okay with it.
Obama; suspected liar. You're "outraged"

Bush white
Obama black

Speaks for itself. I can't blame you for being embarrassed.

Quit the black and white thing you are starting to post like a rich feel good Manhattan girl

The OP brought up race.... You didn't seem to have a problem with it then. I guess he sounded like a male prostitute to you? WTF?

Amazing how when you guys get called on something it becomes taboo to talk about it?
What I can read regarding Libya is not something a nobody like you would be able to see....

Of course, you read the daily kook for your news....

Most odd this article has not been taken up by the righties especially since it was posted over three months ago. Daily Kos: Benghazi Guideline, the Truth at Last

I am not saying it is complete and the whole story but it does answer several questions, that the righties really don't care about having answered.

At least you read the title. You're making a lot of progress.
What the hell is what?

Bush; confirmed liar. You're okay with it.
Obama; suspected liar. You're "outraged"

Bush white
Obama black

Speaks for itself. I can't blame you for being embarrassed.

Quit the black and white thing you are starting to post like a rich feel good Manhattan girl

The OP brought up race.... You didn't seem to have a problem with it then. I guess he sounded like a male prostitute to you? WTF?

Amazing how when you guys get called on something it becomes taboo to talk about it?

I just skim through stuff and the race thing is never on my mind. But apparently it is with you. I look for substance
Stupid fuck...what does Jerry Falwell have to do with Obama helping make Libya a terrorist shithole, sending an Ambassador there without proper security, getting the Ambassador and 3 other Americans killed, doing nothing during and after the attack against the "terrorists" then lying about the entire series of events???

Surely you can pull that cock out of your ass and explain your demented logic.

No, that would be you...

Where is that link or video damning Buuuuuuuuuuush??? :eusa_whistle:

Oh, you don't have one.


Man you conservatives are really really weird.

And sick fucks.


Perhaps you can show us all where your boy Bush condemned that.

And actually? He kept up a relationship with the scumbag.

Failing health and death[edit]

In early 2005, Falwell was hospitalized for two weeks with a viral infection, discharged, and then rehospitalized on May 30, 2005, in respiratory arrest.[66][67] President George W. Bush contacted Falwell to "wish him well".[67] He was subsequently released from the hospital and returned to his duties. Later in 2005 a stent was implanted to treat a 70% blockage in his coronary arteries.[68]
Jerry Falwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Carry on :)
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Quit the black and white thing you are starting to post like a rich feel good Manhattan girl

The OP brought up race.... You didn't seem to have a problem with it then. I guess he sounded like a male prostitute to you? WTF?

Amazing how when you guys get called on something it becomes taboo to talk about it?

I just skim through stuff and the race thing is never on my mind. But apparently it is with you. I look for substance

It was in the OP...
The OP brought up race.... You didn't seem to have a problem with it then. I guess he sounded like a male prostitute to you? WTF?

Amazing how when you guys get called on something it becomes taboo to talk about it?

I just skim through stuff and the race thing is never on my mind. But apparently it is with you. I look for substance

It was in the OP...

I like reading your post's so anything else to add?
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I like reading your post's so anything else to add?

Yes. Why do you give a pass to one President who lied and not the other whom you suspect of lying?

You heard the Benghazi lie right out of Obabble's such thing with Bush.

You didn’t answer the question.

The answer to the question is:

“I gave a pass to Bush’s lies because he’s a republican and I’m an inconsistent rightwing partisan hack.”
Candy fuck those guy's above me you are an intelligent woman. Don't you see the difference? Bengahzi happened right before a national election and Obama and crew tried to cover it up.
Yes. Why do you give a pass to one President who lied and not the other whom you suspect of lying?

You heard the Benghazi lie right out of Obabble's such thing with Bush.

You didn’t answer the question.

The answer to the question is:

“I gave a pass to Bush’s lies because he’s a republican and I’m an inconsistent rightwing partisan hack.”

Hold a grudge do we .....and 5 year's later. ..

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