Benghazi - what if ?

I'm a registered Libertarian. I don't appreciate your obbfuscation - get on topic.

The president, and sos pushed a video for weeks after they knew this was a pre planned al qaeda attack. If this was done by republicans, you would incessantly promulgate it. If the four fallen were black, you would leverage race - get real.

I don't care if you are a martian named Marty.

That's a bunch of bullshit.
Yea right - your a joke. Attack the messenger, but don't address the message :eusa_whistle: So your saying it would not have been politicized - your a cultist!

I didn't attack you.

And your message is false.

First off the talking points came from the CIA. Secondly, Rice, pointed out that the situation was fluid. Third, the President said the very next day, it was an act of terror. Third, by the next week, they said that Al Qaeda terrorists may have been involved (That, by the way, was wrong).

And the video? Turns out some of the people involved in the attack WERE outraged by it.
It's been confirmed that Bush lied about Tillman



Soldier: Army ordered me not to tell truth about Tillman -

That's not the only time they lied about soldiers under fire in an attempt to do a "rah rah rah" for the wars..

Jessica Lynch is another case of that.

Also Tuesday, former Pfc. Jessica Lynch told the House panel that the military lied about her capture.

Lynch testified that after her vehicle was attacked in Iraq in March 2003, she suffered a mangled spinal column, broken arm, crushed foot, shattered femur and even a sexual assault.

But it only added insult to injury, literally, when she returned to her parents' home in West Virginia, which "was under siege by media all repeating the story of the little girl 'Rambo' from the hills of West Virginia who went down fighting," Lynch said. (Watch Lynch set the record straight Video)

"It was not true," she said before gently chiding the military. "The truth is always more heroic than the hype."

Waxman, D-California, said the military "invented" tales about Tillman and Lynch. (Watch Lynch describe her bond with the Tillman family Video)

"The bare minimum we owe our soldiers and their families is the truth," Waxman said. "That didn't happen for two of the most famous soldiers in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars."

Oh....I am overwhelmed with your proof.

I'm glad.

Now you can buy me a beer.
Soldier: Army ordered me not to tell truth about Tillman -

That's not the only time they lied about soldiers under fire in an attempt to do a "rah rah rah" for the wars..

Jessica Lynch is another case of that.

Oh....I am overwhelmed with your proof.

I'm glad.

Now you can buy me a beer.

Yea you so love the history revision in the 3rd Romney/Obama debate's, that now you think it's true.....
I don't care if you are a martian named Marty.

That's a bunch of bullshit.
Yea right - your a joke. Attack the messenger, but don't address the message :eusa_whistle: So your saying it would not have been politicized - your a cultist!

I didn't attack you.

And your message is false.

First off the talking points came from the CIA. Secondly, Rice, pointed out that the situation was fluid. Third, the President said the very next day, it was an act of terror. Third, by the next week, they said that Al Qaeda terrorists may have been involved (That, by the way, was wrong).

And the video? Turns out some of the people involved in the attack WERE outraged by it.

What? What is that you say? Someone else was actually stating what the facts were at the time. And who was that you say? And who was their director '76-'77?
It would be the same non-story it is today. Except Democrats wouldn't be trying to drum it up into something.

Yea because republican's wouldn't have blamed it on a stupid video and try to down play it right before the election''s.
Yeah...they would have made up a know like they did with Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman...oh wait...that was different...we had a white President...right?

It was the Army doing CYA that made up those stories, unlike White House officials and the President making up lies.
I don't care if you are a martian named Marty.

That's a bunch of bullshit.
Yea right - your a joke. Attack the messenger, but don't address the message :eusa_whistle: So your saying it would not have been politicized - your a cultist!

I didn't attack you.

And your message is false.

First off the talking points came from the CIA. Secondly, Rice, pointed out that the situation was fluid. Third, the President said the very next day, it was an act of terror. Third, by the next week, they said that Al Qaeda terrorists may have been involved (That, by the way, was wrong).

And the video? Turns out some of the people involved in the attack WERE outraged by it.
The video was a non starter, but yet it was the theme. When the bodies came back to Dover, Hillary told the families that they were going to get the producer, cognizant to the fact that it was not the impetus - that is subterfuge; unforgivable!

The only thing fluid was the BS from the Obama administration.

Of course it was an act of terror - a premeditated large scale terrorist attack has much greater gravity. The cover up had begun - he was backpeddling as they had already rested on the video; he new full well the cat was out of the bag - this was damage controll which gave him his premise for denial. He should have come straight, and said we dropped the ball, we should have been more diligent, but he blames everyone else for his ineptitude because he is a coward!

This happened on 911 - no attachment to al quaeda huh :confused:

When are the muslims not outraged? Unless you kiss their ass, and agree with their pig shit religion - their outraged.
Yea because republican's wouldn't have blamed it on a stupid video and try to down play it right before the election''s.
Yeah...they would have made up a know like they did with Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman...oh wait...that was different...we had a white President...right?

It was the Army doing CYA that made up those stories, unlike White House officials and the President making up lies.

:lol: can't make this stuff up!

That's just incredible.
Yea right - your a joke. Attack the messenger, but don't address the message :eusa_whistle: So your saying it would not have been politicized - your a cultist!

I didn't attack you.

And your message is false.

First off the talking points came from the CIA. Secondly, Rice, pointed out that the situation was fluid. Third, the President said the very next day, it was an act of terror. Third, by the next week, they said that Al Qaeda terrorists may have been involved (That, by the way, was wrong).

And the video? Turns out some of the people involved in the attack WERE outraged by it.
The video was a non starter, but yet it was the theme. When the bodies came back to Dover, Hillary told the families that they were going to get the producer, cognizant to the fact that it was not the impetus - that is subterfuge; unforgivable!

The only thing fluid was the BS from the Obama administration.

Of course it was an act of terror - a premeditated large scale terrorist attack has much greater gravity. The cover up had begun - he was backpeddling as they had already rested on the video; he new full well the cat was out of the bag - this was damage controll which gave him his premise for denial. He should have come straight, and said we dropped the ball, we should have been more diligent, but he blames everyone else for his ineptitude because he is a coward!

This happened on 911 - no attachment to al quaeda huh :confused:

When are the muslims not outraged? Unless you kiss their ass, and agree with their pig shit religion - their outraged.

I'm sorry, what?

That video caused a lot of problems in the Middle East. There were multiple protests in many countries. And the producer broke the law. Just recently the New York Times conducted their own investigation where they asked some of the people in Benghazi if the video was a factor and they confirmed it was.

And this "large scale" attack was conducted over several hours by multiple factions and people. Heck, some of the Libyan consulate guards got involved. There may or may not been some planning involved, there is still an ongoing investigation. And thanks to Darrell Issa leaking raw emails to the press, a lot of that has been compromised. In FACT Issa's meddling led to the resignation of David Petraeus, who by all accounts is a very serious and gifted leader.

Everything else you are blathering is your basic bigot bullshit.
Last edited:
What if Bush was President when 2,996 died on a single day?

He would invade the country where the person or group that were responsible for the attack were hiding, try to find and capture or kill the perps.


Bush: No Saddam Links To 9/11 - CBS News

Distancing himself from remarks by Vice President Cheney, President Bush said Wednesday there was no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 — disputing an idea held by many Americans.

"There's no question that Saddam Hussein had al Qaeda ties," the president said. But he also said, "We have no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the Sept. 11" attacks.

[ame=]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]

Focused on killing or capturing the perps alrighty!
It would be the same non-story it is today. Except Democrats wouldn't be trying to drum it up into something.

What about all manufactured scandals democrats pull out their asses? Like Halliburton, lying to go to war with Iraq, hurricane Katrina, etc..

What about them?

Glad you agree they're manufactured scandals.

Fast and furious, Benghazi, Halliburton, hurricane Katrina all partisan manufactured bullshit.
Oh....I am overwhelmed with your proof.

I'm glad.

Now you can buy me a beer.

Yea you so love the history revision in the 3rd Romney/Obama debate's, that now you think it's true.....

What revision?

Romney, by the way, did something no other Presidential Candidate has ever done.

He criticized a sitting President while we were being attacked.

That, alone, should have got him booted from the Republican Party.

That was disgusting.
I didn't attack you.

And your message is false.

First off the talking points came from the CIA. Secondly, Rice, pointed out that the situation was fluid. Third, the President said the very next day, it was an act of terror. Third, by the next week, they said that Al Qaeda terrorists may have been involved (That, by the way, was wrong).

And the video? Turns out some of the people involved in the attack WERE outraged by it.
The video was a non starter, but yet it was the theme. When the bodies came back to Dover, Hillary told the families that they were going to get the producer, cognizant to the fact that it was not the impetus - that is subterfuge; unforgivable!

The only thing fluid was the BS from the Obama administration.

Of course it was an act of terror - a premeditated large scale terrorist attack has much greater gravity. The cover up had begun - he was backpeddling as they had already rested on the video; he new full well the cat was out of the bag - this was damage controll which gave him his premise for denial. He should have come straight, and said we dropped the ball, we should have been more diligent, but he blames everyone else for his ineptitude because he is a coward!

This happened on 911 - no attachment to al quaeda huh :confused:

When are the muslims not outraged? Unless you kiss their ass, and agree with their pig shit religion - their outraged.

I'm sorry, what?

That video cause a lot of problems in the Middle East. There were multiple protests in many countries. And the producer broke the law. Just recently the New York Times conducted their own investigation where they asked some of the people in Benghazi if the video was a factor and they confirmed it was.

And this "large scale" attack was conducted over several hours by multiple factions and people. Heck, some of the Libyan consulate guards got involved. There may or may not been some planning involved, there is still an ongoing investigation. And thanks to Darrell Issa leaking raw emails to the press, a lot of that has been compromised. In FACT Issa's meddling led to the resignation of David Petraeus, who by all accounts is a very serious and gifted leader.

Everything else you are blathering is your basic bigot bullshit.
There may have been some planning envolved - your fucked up! The video had no bearing at all - any spontaneity was after the attack commenced. The administration knew the ambassador was in danger, but ignored his request for more security.

This is a dead issue for the liberals - there will always be an on going investigation. :eusa_whistle: Obama, and Hillary fucked up bad!
I'm glad.

Now you can buy me a beer.

Yea you so love the history revision in the 3rd Romney/Obama debate's, that now you think it's true.....

What revision?

Romney, by the way, did something no other Presidential Candidate has ever done.

He criticized a sitting President while we were being attacked.

That, alone, should have got him booted from the Republican Party.

That was disgusting.
oh please swallow you watched that last debate and you know how the mod stepped in and swung it to Obama's corner. Hell even SNL made a skit about it.
I'm glad.

Now you can buy me a beer.

Yea you so love the history revision in the 3rd Romney/Obama debate's, that now you think it's true.....

What revision?

Romney, by the way, did something no other Presidential Candidate has ever done.

He criticized a sitting President while we were being attacked.

That, alone, should have got him booted from the Republican Party.

That was disgusting.

The lib version is that the attack was justified...payback for insulting Mohammed .
Yea because republican's wouldn't have blamed it on a stupid video and try to down play it right before the election''s.
Yeah...they would have made up a know like they did with Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman...oh wait...that was different...we had a white President...right?

It was the Army doing CYA that made up those stories, unlike White House officials and the President making up lies.

And their boss was who? Don't even try it...

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