Bergdahl Jury is in!

I'll tell you what is fucked up.
Your decision to excoriate Fox News for having the temerity to report the facts was fucked up. When your anti-Fox bias was noted you compounded your initial fuck up by including all media sources which had exhibited the same temerity as Fox.
What is fucked up is the desperate spinning of those who, for various reasons, want this story and all opinions on a public message board quashed. Now THAT'S fucked up.

It's easy to excoriate FOX nows, it's a fucked up news organization from the get go. In fact, it's not even a real news organization. It is a political propaganda machine, like MSNBC.

You don't like it? Tough shit for you. Free country. 1st amendment applies to me too, you know.

Exactly my point. Free speech applies to our media and all here and the rational among us have found the evidence against Bowe to be both newsworthy and damning.
Don't like it? Tough titties.

Your ego and delusional sense of being intellectual prevents you from being rational.
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I'm not saying in any way that I support Bergdahl.

I have no idea whether he is a hero, a traitor, or just a poor sop who got caught in the meat grinder.

But I do know that it's not my job to judge someone who held a gun in his hand and fought FOR US over in Afghanistan. That's the job of the US military, likely in the form of a tribunal.

Too many armchair quarterbacks right now - and not enough people willing to let the justice system do what it is supposed to do.

That is all.
FOX news is not judge and jury.

So you are complaining about Fox coverage in the matter? How about the NY Times? CNN?
All American MSM seem to be carrying the same facts and they ain't pretty. Why do you focus on Fox?

Celebrated at first, Bergdahl's release raises more questions -

Because, frankly, the media is getting in the way of this man ever getting a fair trial, if it ever comes to one. And although other media outlets are also frenzying, none are doing it with quite the verve of FOX, which is doing it 24/7.
Fox and the other news outlets all have lawyers who go over their reports before they are aired and they advise the anchors about any possible libel or slander. A few of the anchors are lawyers and two of them were judges. So I doubt any claims about "Fox lies". I hear that a lot.
So you are complaining about Fox coverage in the matter? How about the NY Times? CNN?
All American MSM seem to be carrying the same facts and they ain't pretty. Why do you focus on Fox?

Celebrated at first, Bergdahl's release raises more questions -

Because, frankly, the media is getting in the way of this man ever getting a fair trial, if it ever comes to one. And although other media outlets are also frenzying, none are doing it with quite the verve of FOX, which is doing it 24/7.
Fox and the other news outlets all have lawyers who go over their reports before they are aired and they advise the anchors about any possible libel or slander. A few of the anchors are lawyers and two of them were judges. So I doubt any claims about "Fox lies". I hear that a lot.

Libel and slander have nothing to do with being truthful or liars.
Because, frankly, the media is getting in the way of this man ever getting a fair trial, if it ever comes to one. And although other media outlets are also frenzying, none are doing it with quite the verve of FOX, which is doing it 24/7.
Fox and the other news outlets all have lawyers who go over their reports before they are aired and they advise the anchors about any possible libel or slander. A few of the anchors are lawyers and two of them were judges. So I doubt any claims about "Fox lies". I hear that a lot.

Libel and slander have nothing to do with being truthful or liars.
That's what lies are, numbnuts. Slander is false statements and libel is a false statement or document. Invest in a lexicon.
It is not amazing to me that the same people who always defend the presidents actions are telling us to Stand Down on our opinions in this situation. They claim we are demonizing a man for leaving his post, but we should restrain our disdain for his actions until he is tried.....................

1. Many articles have been written by many sources. Yet they claim it's a Fox News thing. Ignoring the other news sources that have written articles about this situation. I would include the Rolling Stones who interviewed men from the unit who damned Bowe for his actions.

2. The men I posted up who died after his capture. They died in operations that were directly related to a rescue OP as they tried to find Bowe. Some have stated that they didn't really die looking for him, but were in normal OPs, so Bowe Deserting didn't matter on all of them. Trying to reduce the number of KIA's directly related to the OPs looking for Bowe.

3. Obama OPENLY violated the law, by not informing Congress and the Senate Intel Committees about any release of Gitmo Detainees. Showing again, that he has NO RESPECT for the Law.

4. 5 Hard core Taliban were released and one has already vowed to go back to the fight. How many will die by their hands because of this trade.........................Again, Israel has done the same, and many have died as a result.

5. Obama administration is in full Damage Control on this issue. Defending breaking the law, for the release of what we believe to be a Deserter.

I will continue to voice my opinion on this. It is unchanged. I will take the word from those who served with him who have labeled him a Deserter. The families of those who were killed and maimed as a result of the search for Bowe have a right to state openly, their feelings about the traitor. He left his post in a War Zone. He did it deliberately, and should not have been traded for a dang box of Cheerios.
Obama was right to bring Bergdahl home but wrong to give up anything for him. As it turns out, even the Taliban found the fuckin' a-hole to be a worthless POS. It is clear to all but the diehard Obamists that this was a FUBAR which has and will continue to stain what little credibility our president has left. Bowe is the fouled product of his America hating loony leftist daddy and both need to find a new country in which to live out their lives.

the jury can't be in [MENTION=35716]SAYIT[/MENTION]. there hasn't been any trial.

jumping the gun....

and i'll just point out that israel makes trades for prisoners quite often. it neither seems to increase nor diminish the resolve of terrorists to do nasty stuff.
Obama was right to bring Bergdahl home but wrong to give up anything for him. As it turns out, even the Taliban found the fuckin' a-hole to be a worthless POS. It is clear to all but the diehard Obamists that this was a FUBAR which has and will continue to stain what little credibility our president has left. Bowe is the fouled product of his America hating loony leftist daddy and both need to find a new country in which to live out their lives.

the jury can't be in [MENTION=35716]SAYIT[/MENTION]. there hasn't been any trial.

jumping the gun....

and i'll just point out that israel makes trades for prisoners quite often. it neither seems to increase nor diminish the resolve of terrorists to do nasty stuff.

These Israeli's paid the price for Israel releasing terrorist. They didn't get a trial.

Those Israelis paid the price for living on someone else's land that they stole.

Why they keep doing it is a mystery.

Oh, wait. "God said so."

Standard Pravda. Do you rejoice over their deaths Joe.......................

They have a right to exist. The Arabs chose the wrong side in WWII. Maybe they shouldn't have sided with Hitler.................

Tell me about these nice people Joe.....................

Tell me what the Turks did in the Armenian Genocide.............

Tell me about the nice Arabs who helped Hitler exterminate minorities in the Balkans...........................
[ame=]What Really Happened In The Middle East - YouTube[/ame]
Those Israelis paid the price for living on someone else's land that they stole.

Why they keep doing it is a mystery.

Oh, wait. "God said so."

Standard Pravda. Do you rejoice over their deaths Joe.......................

They have a right to exist. The Arabs chose the wrong side in WWII. Maybe they shouldn't have sided with Hitler.................

Tell me about these nice people Joe.....................

Tell me what the Turks did in the Armenian Genocide.............

Tell me about the nice Arabs who helped Hitler exterminate minorities in the Balkans...........................

Um, Guy, first, the Arabs really didn't take a side in World War II. I'm sure they were happy, though, when Hitler so badly crippled Europe they could finally get these European Empires the fuck out of their lives.

Secondly, sorry, man, Hitler died a long time ago. The Hitler Card has really been played out.

The Arabs want the Zionists off their land.

Eventually, they will get it.

Why we need to be involved is the real question that needs to be asked.

It just ain't our problem.
Those Israelis paid the price for living on someone else's land that they stole.

Why they keep doing it is a mystery.

Oh, wait. "God said so."

Standard Pravda. Do you rejoice over their deaths Joe.......................

They have a right to exist. The Arabs chose the wrong side in WWII. Maybe they shouldn't have sided with Hitler.................

Tell me about these nice people Joe.....................

Tell me what the Turks did in the Armenian Genocide.............

Tell me about the nice Arabs who helped Hitler exterminate minorities in the Balkans...........................

Um, Guy, first, the Arabs really didn't take a side in World War II. I'm sure they were happy, though, when Hitler so badly crippled Europe they could finally get these European Empires the fuck out of their lives.

Secondly, sorry, man, Hitler died a long time ago. The Hitler Card has really been played out.

The Arabs want the Zionists off their land.

Eventually, they will get it.

Why we need to be involved is the real question that needs to be asked.

It just ain't our problem.

Joe is a good little commie. Spreading the Lies of Hamas about how the land was stole. How they didn't assist with extermination camps, and how greatly treated people were in the Armenian Genocide. How people like Joe say nothing of the 850,000 Jews forced out of their homes by the arabs after Israel was created.

Denying that 60% of the land was Dessert anyway. How that 1/6th of 1% of the land in the middle east was too much for Israel. How Jordan was in the original mandate and didn't take in the Palestinians. Saying nothing when the same land was stolen by Egypt and Jordan during the wars...

It's not about Land Joe. It's about the Arabs wanting to continue what Hitler Started.

And that is something the Free world should never let happen again.
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Joe is a good little commie. Spreading the Lies of Hamas about how the land was stole. How they didn't assist with extermination camps, and how greatly treated people were in the Armenian Genocide. How people like Joe say nothing of the 850,000 Jews forced out of their homes by the arabs after Israel was created.

Denying that 60% of the land was Dessert anyway. How that 1/6th of 1% of the land in the middle east was too much for Israel. How Jordan was in the original mandate and didn't take in the Palestinians. Saying nothing when the same land was stolen by Egypt and Jordan during the wars...

It's not about Land Joe. It's about the Arabs wanting to continue what Hitler Started.

And that is something the Free world should never let happen again.

Guy, you list a whole lot of 'I don't give a fuck" thing that happened a long time ago.

NOne of this is worth one American life.

The Europeans had no business giving someone else's land away to the Jews or anyone else for that matter. Most of the governments they set up are gone, and the rest will soon follow.

The big question is, why should we be involved. Not "the World". The world has had quite enough of the Zionists and their bullshit.

Joe is a good little commie. Spreading the Lies of Hamas about how the land was stole. How they didn't assist with extermination camps, and how greatly treated people were in the Armenian Genocide. How people like Joe say nothing of the 850,000 Jews forced out of their homes by the arabs after Israel was created.

Denying that 60% of the land was Dessert anyway. How that 1/6th of 1% of the land in the middle east was too much for Israel. How Jordan was in the original mandate and didn't take in the Palestinians. Saying nothing when the same land was stolen by Egypt and Jordan during the wars...

It's not about Land Joe. It's about the Arabs wanting to continue what Hitler Started.

And that is something the Free world should never let happen again.

Guy, you list a whole lot of 'I don't give a fuck" thing that happened a long time ago.

NOne of this is worth one American life.

The Europeans had no business giving someone else's land away to the Jews or anyone else for that matter. Most of the governments they set up are gone, and the rest will soon follow.

The big question is, why should we be involved. Not "the World". The world has had quite enough of the Zionists and their bullshit.

Back to the OP.

Why is Bowe worth one American life? 6 died trying to get him back. And more will die because we released Arab Scumbags back into the fight......................

Israel is a different topic, of which you'd like to divert this topic to in boot licking of Obama failed doctrine. Obama violated the law, PERIOD.

To get a so called soldier, who is a disgrace to the uniform, who deserted his post.
The picture I posted from Israeli dead, is related to this OP. As those that died, died by the hands of terrorist released by Israel. It is a lesson of history, of which people like you PERVERT.

You can't justify Obama's actions on this. So all you can do is defend the Idiot N Chief any way you can. Bowe had no HONOR, and Deserted his fellow soldiers in a combat zone. It's quite probable that a Mickey Mouse Court will let him off the hook for his actions because of Political BS.

Back to the OP.

Why is Bowe worth one American life? 6 died trying to get him back. And more will die because we released Arab Scumbags back into the fight......................

1) There's no direct proof that anyone died 'looking" for Bergdahl.
2) These guys aren't "Arabs", they are "Afghans". Or more specifically, Pushtans.

Israel is a different topic, of which you'd like to divert this topic to in boot licking of Obama failed doctrine. Obama violated the law, PERIOD.

Well, no, he really didn't, since he had already specifically discussed trading these five Taliban for Bergdahl months ago.

To get a so called soldier, who is a disgrace to the uniform, who deserted his post.
The picture I posted from Israeli dead, is related to this OP. As those that died, died by the hands of terrorist released by Israel. It is a lesson of history, of which people like you PERVERT.

Those people died because they are occupying someone else's land and have treated them like second class citizens in their own country for 60 years.

You can't justify Obama's actions on this. So all you can do is defend the Idiot N Chief any way you can. Bowe had no HONOR, and Deserted his fellow soldiers in a combat zone. It's quite probable that a Mickey Mouse Court will let him off the hook for his actions because of Political BS.

It's probable that he will get off because the Army won't want to explain why they covered up the circumstances of his capture to start with. Or why they never listed him as AWOL. Or why they kept promoting him in captivity.

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