Bergdahl Jury is in!

Bergdahl job was to serve his country honorably and keep his country and fellow soldiers safe. Anyway you spin it, he has not served his country honorably, rather endangered it and his fellow soldiers.

He wasn't drafted either, he volunteered and then dishonored his country and fellow soldiers, he has no excuse

He deserted his country and his fellow soldiers. He dishonored himself.

Nobody knows that for sure. You are speculating, no more.

I will wait until a military tribunal makes it's decision. That's the American way.
What the hell difference does it make how many died in searching for the scumbag traitor? Losing just one is a thousand times too many,

You can try to protect him and his suckbucket CinC but the truth will come out and none of you Obama apologists are going to like it. :(
Yeah, why do facts matter to those who have already filled their buckets with tar and they're too anxious to use it?
I disagree. They found him very useful. I have serious concerns he is in fact an agent for the Taliban and was used to get back their top people.

Just because he declares himself a Muslim and a Mujahid in no way implies he helped kill Americans.

Tin hat anyone?
Huh? Tin hats?

The parents of patriot soldiers who died looking for Berghdahl, are said to be very troubled their sons died looking for a traitor. They're not getting why it was necessary for the military to expose their sons to a vicious someone who likely gave details on Platoon loci and modus operandi to get in good with his captors to the demise of many in the search parties organized to get him out of enemy hands to prevent the deaths of many Americans. :evil:

I think Votto is being facetious. At least, I hope so.

The report doesn't mention that Bergdahl was in a position to be pumped for information to help his captors kill Americans by knowing where those outposts were when the 2 soldiers were killed by the enemy during the early times of Bergdahl's disappearance. Information on Americans for sale has a delicious price to commerciantes like the ones who first held Bergdahl.

That's what enemies do in war.

FOX news is not judge and jury.

If Bergdahl broke US military code, then the US military justice system will take it's course, and we should respect their timetable.

Until then, as with every other American, he is innocent until proven guilty.

We are neither his judge nor his jury.

Many are jumping way too fast to demonize a man who just survived 5 years of brutal captivity. It's disgusting.

Come on people, remember, innocence until proven guilty is the American way.

I am not going to rail on a man when I don't know all the facts. For all we know, he may have performed a special ops mission that maybe saved oodles of lives. Wouldn't be the first time that such a thing happened under the guise of AWOL or desertation.

Food for thought.

CNN and Newsweek, and Time is reporting the same about 6-8 deaths, its not just Fox.
The men who died searching for the traitor..........


Soldiers killed trying to rescue Bowe Bergdahl, branded a deserter by comrades - Washington Times

At least six soldiers died while searching for Sgt. Bowe Bergdhal in hostile Taliban territory when he went missing in Afghanistan five years ago.
And now, those who served with those six say Mr. Bergdhal is at fault for their deaths because he abandoned his military post, the New York Post reported.

“I was pissed off then and I am even more so now with everything going on,” said former Sgt. Matt Vierkant, a member of Mr. Bergdahl’s platoon, to CNN. “Bowe Bergdahl deserted during a time of war and his fellow Americans lost their lives searching for him.”
The latest report is that two died during the search...

2 soldiers died while Bergdahl search underway, but not while on patrol, Pentagon finds | Fox News

The report doesn't mention that Bergdahl was in a position to be pumped for information to help his captors kill Americans by knowing where those outposts were when the 2 soldiers were killed by the enemy during the early times of Bergdahl's disappearance. Information on Americans for sale has a delicious price to commerciantes like the ones who first held Bergdahl.

That's what enemies do in war.

You mean that Bergdahl PUT HIMSELF in a position to give info to our enemy (his Taliban comrades).
CaféAuLait;9225633 said:
The report doesn't mention that Bergdahl was in a position to be pumped for information to help his captors kill Americans by knowing where those outposts were when the 2 soldiers were killed by the enemy during the early times of Bergdahl's disappearance. Information on Americans for sale has a delicious price to commerciantes like the ones who first held Bergdahl.

That's what enemies do in war.

FOX news is not judge and jury.

If Bergdahl broke US military code, then the US military justice system will take it's course, and we should respect their timetable.

Until then, as with every other American, he is innocent until proven guilty.

We are neither his judge nor his jury.

Many are jumping way too fast to demonize a man who just survived 5 years of brutal captivity. It's disgusting.

Come on people, remember, innocence until proven guilty is the American way.

I am not going to rail on a man when I don't know all the facts. For all we know, he may have performed a special ops mission that maybe saved oodles of lives. Wouldn't be the first time that such a thing happened under the guise of AWOL or desertation.

Food for thought.

CNN and Newsweek, and Time is reporting the same about 6-8 deaths, its not just Fox.

CNN and Newsweek are also neither judge nor jury.

Folks, this is really, really fucked up.

I bet that no one knows all the facts, but there is a huge rush to turn this man into a traitor.

We don't know if that's the case.

The media is enjoying it's frenzy. It's gross.

Meanwhile, the US Military is doing what it does - methodically and correctly.

Just two years ago, the Righties were screaming at Obama, asking why he was doing nothing to free this man. Now, they are screaming because he freed that man and they claim that he - Bergdahl - went over to the other side - but none of us have seen hard and fast evidence of this.

None of us.

All we are doing, at this point in time, is reading hearsay that is being blasted through the media.

Damn, it is raw and it is totally unamerican.

If a military tribunal finds Bergdahl guilty of treason, I will trust their decision.

If a military tribunal finds him innocant, I will trust their decision.

THAT is the American way.

The report doesn't mention that Bergdahl was in a position to be pumped for information to help his captors kill Americans by knowing where those outposts were when the 2 soldiers were killed by the enemy during the early times of Bergdahl's disappearance. Information on Americans for sale has a delicious price to commerciantes like the ones who first held Bergdahl.
That's what enemies do in war.

FOX news is not judge and jury.

So you are complaining about Fox coverage in the matter? How about the NY Times? CNN?
All American MSM seem to be carrying the same facts and they ain't pretty. Why do you focus on Fox?

Celebrated at first, Bergdahl's release raises more questions -
The report doesn't mention that Bergdahl was in a position to be pumped for information to help his captors kill Americans by knowing where those outposts were when the 2 soldiers were killed by the enemy during the early times of Bergdahl's disappearance. Information on Americans for sale has a delicious price to commerciantes like the ones who first held Bergdahl.
That's what enemies do in war.

FOX news is not judge and jury.

So you are complaining about Fox coverage in the matter? How about the NY Times? CNN?
All American MSM seem to be carrying the same facts and they ain't pretty. Why do you focus on Fox?

Celebrated at first, Bergdahl's release raises more questions -

Because, frankly, the media is getting in the way of this man ever getting a fair trial, if it ever comes to one. And although other media outlets are also frenzying, none are doing it with quite the verve of FOX, which is doing it 24/7.
CaféAuLait;9225633 said:
FOX news is not judge and jury.

If Bergdahl broke US military code, then the US military justice system will take it's course, and we should respect their timetable.

Until then, as with every other American, he is innocent until proven guilty.

We are neither his judge nor his jury.

Many are jumping way too fast to demonize a man who just survived 5 years of brutal captivity. It's disgusting.

Come on people, remember, innocence until proven guilty is the American way.

I am not going to rail on a man when I don't know all the facts. For all we know, he may have performed a special ops mission that maybe saved oodles of lives. Wouldn't be the first time that such a thing happened under the guise of AWOL or desertation.

Food for thought.

CNN and Newsweek, and Time is reporting the same about 6-8 deaths, its not just Fox.

CNN and Newsweek are also neither judge nor jury.

Folks, this is really, really fucked up.

I bet that no one knows all the facts, but there is a huge rush to turn this man into a traitor.

We don't know if that's the case.

The media is enjoying it's frenzy. It's gross.

Meanwhile, the US Military is doing what it does - methodically and correctly.

Just two years ago, the Righties were screaming at Obama, asking why he was doing nothing to free this man. Now, they are screaming because he freed that man and they claim that he - Bergdahl - went over to the other side - but none of us have seen hard and fast evidence of this.

None of us.

All we are doing, at this point in time, is reading hearsay that is being blasted through the media.

Damn, it is raw and it is totally unamerican.

If a military tribunal finds Bergdahl guilty of treason, I will trust their decision.

If a military tribunal finds him innocant, I will trust their decision.

THAT is the American way.

You know this has been written about BEFORE now. The 2010 and 2012 articles paint a pretty clear picture of his being a screw-up.

I believe the issue we have before us is people in this Administration stating Bowe served with "honor and distinction". Its BS. He was a not an honorable soldier beforehand and many are just finding out due to non-disclosure statements being nixed because Bowe was found. Many are finding people were killed looking for a deserter. One can say its rumor but we have the transmissions from the Taliban stating they were setting up IED's to ambush the soldiers looking for Bowe.

And as far as I know the deal some are speaking of is the exchange of 1 million for Bowe or low level people not people wanted by the United Nations for the mass murder of thousands of people and not top leaders of the Taliban.

What's fucked up is, he planned to go AWOL before arriving.
FOX news is not judge and jury.

So you are complaining about Fox coverage in the matter? How about the NY Times? CNN?
All American MSM seem to be carrying the same facts and they ain't pretty. Why do you focus on Fox?

Celebrated at first, Bergdahl's release raises more questions -

Because, frankly, the media is getting in the way of this man ever getting a fair trial, if it ever comes to one. And although other media outlets are also frenzying, none are doing it with quite the verve of FOX, which is doing it 24/7.

You don't believe they will go with the original AR15-6 investigation released in 2010?
CaféAuLait;9225633 said:
FOX news is not judge and jury.

If Bergdahl broke US military code, then the US military justice system will take it's course, and we should respect their timetable.

Until then, as with every other American, he is innocent until proven guilty.

We are neither his judge nor his jury.

Many are jumping way too fast to demonize a man who just survived 5 years of brutal captivity. It's disgusting.

Come on people, remember, innocence until proven guilty is the American way.

I am not going to rail on a man when I don't know all the facts. For all we know, he may have performed a special ops mission that maybe saved oodles of lives. Wouldn't be the first time that such a thing happened under the guise of AWOL or desertation.

Food for thought.

CNN and Newsweek, and Time is reporting the same about 6-8 deaths, its not just Fox.

CNN and Newsweek are also neither judge nor jury.

Folks, this is really, really fucked up.

I'll tell you what is fucked up.
Your decision to excoriate Fox News for having the temerity to report the facts was fucked up. When your anti-Fox bias was noted you compounded your initial fuck up by including all media sources which had exhibited the same temerity as Fox.
What is fucked up is the desperate spinning of those who, for various reasons, want this story and all opinions on a public message board quashed. Now THAT'S fucked up.
CaféAuLait;9225697 said:
So you are complaining about Fox coverage in the matter? How about the NY Times? CNN?
All American MSM seem to be carrying the same facts and they ain't pretty. Why do you focus on Fox?

Celebrated at first, Bergdahl's release raises more questions -

Because, frankly, the media is getting in the way of this man ever getting a fair trial, if it ever comes to one. And although other media outlets are also frenzying, none are doing it with quite the verve of FOX, which is doing it 24/7.

You don't believe they will go with the original AR15-6 investigation released in 2010?

They shouldn't go with anything right now. Let the US military justice system do it's job.

It's really that simple.
CaféAuLait;9225633 said:
CNN and Newsweek, and Time is reporting the same about 6-8 deaths, its not just Fox.

CNN and Newsweek are also neither judge nor jury.

Folks, this is really, really fucked up.

I'll tell you what is fucked up.
Your decision to excoriate Fox News for having the temerity to report the facts was fucked up. When your anti-Fox bias was noted you compounded your initial fuck up by including all media sources which had exhibited the same temerity as Fox.
What is fucked up is the desperate spinning of those who, for various reasons, want this story and all opinions on a public message board quashed. Now THAT'S fucked up.

It's easy to excoriate FOX nows, it's a fucked up news organization from the get go. In fact, it's not even a real news organization. It is a political propaganda machine, like MSNBC.

You don't like it? Tough shit for you. Free country. 1st amendment applies to me too, you know.
CaféAuLait;9225697 said:
Because, frankly, the media is getting in the way of this man ever getting a fair trial, if it ever comes to one. And although other media outlets are also frenzying, none are doing it with quite the verve of FOX, which is doing it 24/7.

You don't believe they will go with the original AR15-6 investigation released in 2010?

They shouldn't go with anything right now. Let the US military justice system do it's job.

It's really that simple.

My point was if anyone's 'testimony' has changed or is embellished I'm sure they will refer to the 35 page report from 2010 not something which may have changed since then. It will also contain what is most likely factual given memory fades.

That report will be the basis for any Article 32 hearing along with Bergdhal's statements- which I'm sure he was already appointed an attorney to ensure he does not incriminate himself.
CaféAuLait;9225697 said:
Because, frankly, the media is getting in the way of this man ever getting a fair trial, if it ever comes to one. And although other media outlets are also frenzying, none are doing it with quite the verve of FOX, which is doing it 24/7.

You don't believe they will go with the original AR15-6 investigation released in 2010?

They shouldn't go with anything right now. Let the US military justice system do it's job.

It's really that simple.

Failure to report the facts would not only be contrary to the purpose of our media, it would require a conspiracy to cover-up between competing sources. These news outlets have not convicted Bowe, the facts available to the court of public opinion have.
CNN and Newsweek are also neither judge nor jury.

Folks, this is really, really fucked up.

I'll tell you what is fucked up.
Your decision to excoriate Fox News for having the temerity to report the facts was fucked up. When your anti-Fox bias was noted you compounded your initial fuck up by including all media sources which had exhibited the same temerity as Fox.
What is fucked up is the desperate spinning of those who, for various reasons, want this story and all opinions on a public message board quashed. Now THAT'S fucked up.

It's easy to excoriate FOX nows, it's a fucked up news organization from the get go. In fact, it's not even a real news organization. It is a political propaganda machine, like MSNBC.

You don't like it? Tough shit for you. Free country. 1st amendment applies to me too, you know.

Exactly my point. Free speech applies to our media and all here and the rational among us have found the evidence against Bowe to be both newsworthy and damning.
Don't like it? Tough titties.
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CaféAuLait;9225697 said:
You don't believe they will go with the original AR15-6 investigation released in 2010?

They shouldn't go with anything right now. Let the US military justice system do it's job.

It's really that simple.

Failure to report the facts would not only be contrary to the purpose of our media, it would require a conspiracy to cover-up between competing sources. These news outlets have not convicted Bowe, the facts available to the court of public opinion have.

No, being discreet in the middle of an investigation is not a conspiracy. It's called decency. But the media wants to make $$$ off of this.

If Bergdahl is found guilty, then I will be calling for his head, too. But I am not gonna damn a man when I - as an average citizen who is not in Afghanistan - have absolutely no idea what really happened. And I would wager that not one single member here knows any better than I. Not a single one.
I'll tell you what is fucked up.
Your decision to excoriate Fox News for having the temerity to report the facts was fucked up. When your anti-Fox bias was noted you compounded your initial fuck up by including all media sources which had exhibited the same temerity as Fox.
What is fucked up is the desperate spinning of those who, for various reasons, want this story and all opinions on a public message board quashed. Now THAT'S fucked up.

It's easy to excoriate FOX nows, it's a fucked up news organization from the get go. In fact, it's not even a real news organization. It is a political propaganda machine, like MSNBC.

You don't like it? Tough shit for you. Free country. 1st amendment applies to me too, you know.

Exactly my point. Free speech applies to all here and our media and the rational among us have found the evidence against Bowe to be both newsworthy and damning.
Don't like it? Tough titties.

I prefer them round and a little soft.
They shouldn't go with anything right now. Let the US military justice system do it's job.

It's really that simple.

Failure to report the facts would not only be contrary to the purpose of our media, it would require a conspiracy to cover-up between competing sources. These news outlets have not convicted Bowe, the facts available to the court of public opinion have.

No, being discreet in the middle of an investigation is not a conspiracy. It's called decency. But the media wants to make $$$ off of this.

If Bergdahl is found guilty, then I will be calling for his head, too. But I am not gonna damn a man when I - as an average citizen who is not in Afghanistan - have absolutely no idea what really happened. And I would wager that not one single member here knows any better than I. Not a single one.

What investigation and since when does our media or Americans in general sit quietly with our hands folded when any Presidential administration fucks up as this one has so clearly done?
Decency? Are you kidding?
We consistently try cases in the court of public opinion when condemning info is available and this is a case in which it is highly unlikely justice will be meted out by our gov't.
This is probably the only place Bowe will get the trashing he so richly deserves.
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Failure to report the facts would not only be contrary to the purpose of our media, it would require a conspiracy to cover-up between competing sources. These news outlets have not convicted Bowe, the facts available to the court of public opinion have.

No, being discreet in the middle of an investigation is not a conspiracy. It's called decency. But the media wants to make $$$ off of this.

If Bergdahl is found guilty, then I will be calling for his head, too. But I am not gonna damn a man when I - as an average citizen who is not in Afghanistan - have absolutely no idea what really happened. And I would wager that not one single member here knows any better than I. Not a single one.

What investigation and since when does our media or Americans in general sit quietly with our hands folded when any Presidential administration fucks up as this one has so clearly done?
Decency? Are you kidding?
We consistently try cases in the court of public opinion when condemning info is available and in the unlikelihood that justice will be meted out by our gov't.
This probably the only place Bowe will get the trashing he so richly deserves.

lol.... and you talk about being biased. lol...

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