Bergdahl Jury is in!

And we should guard against attack by enemies within and without.

Denying the existence or minimizing the threat of evil Muslims who "live to kill Americans" is as silly and dangerous as ignoring the threat of KKK types.

This Bergdahl guy has Tim McVeigh potential.

You don't know shit about Bergdahl. Your little kangaroo court proves nothing. I'll reserve judgement until all the real facts are disclosed.

FACT: Bowe went AWOL

FACT: Search and rescue parties were mounted to try to find him

And good men who did serve with honor and distinction got hurt or died. And I don't think this wife gives a rats ass what you think Lakota.


The wife of a disabled Afghanistan veteran who was injured while searching for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has posted a scathing message against him this week, adding a personal account to the rising protests against the negotiations with the Taliban that lead to Bergdahl's freedom.

Wife of disabled soldier paralyzed and unable to speak after risking his life to save Bowe Bergdahl vents fury in message | Mail Online

With all due respect, that wife really doesn't have credibility over the issue.

Also, assuming you think Bergdahl is guilty, you must be really happy he's home so he can be tried right?

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Islamist Extremists are to Muslims, as to the KKK are to Christians.

And we should guard against attack by enemies within and without.
Denying the existence or minimizing the threat of evil Muslims who "live to kill Americans" is as silly and dangerous as ignoring the threat of KKK types.
This Bergdahl guy has Tim McVeigh potential.

You don't know shit about Bergdahl. Your little kangaroo court proves nothing. I'll reserve judgement until all the real facts are disclosed.

Frankly, you can shove your phony holier-than-thou routine where the sun don't shine ... and I mean that with all due respect. Politically it may not be possible to get justice for those who died looking for this loony leftist scumbag but here in the court of public opinion you can't save him.
And we should guard against attack by enemies within and without.
Denying the existence or minimizing the threat of evil Muslims who "live to kill Americans" is as silly and dangerous as ignoring the threat of KKK types.
This Bergdahl guy has Tim McVeigh potential.

You don't know shit about Bergdahl. Your little kangaroo court proves nothing. I'll reserve judgement until all the real facts are disclosed.

FACT: Bowe went AWOL

FACT: Search and rescue parties were mounted to try to find him

And good men who did serve with honor and distinction got hurt or died. And I don't think this wife gives a rats ass what you think Lakota.


The wife of a disabled Afghanistan veteran who was injured while searching for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has posted a scathing message against him this week, adding a personal account to the rising protests against the negotiations with the Taliban that lead to Bergdahl's freedom.

Wife of disabled soldier paralyzed and unable to speak after risking his life to save Bowe Bergdahl vents fury in message | Mail Online

I wouldn't have traded a box of Twinkies for Bergdahl, who Deserted his post in a War Zone..........................

The Picture posted by Tiny Dancer makes my blood boil..................

To those that defend this action by the Idiot in Chief, I could care less what you think.....................
The men who died searching for the traitor..........


Soldiers killed trying to rescue Bowe Bergdahl, branded a deserter by comrades - Washington Times

At least six soldiers died while searching for Sgt. Bowe Bergdhal in hostile Taliban territory when he went missing in Afghanistan five years ago.
And now, those who served with those six say Mr. Bergdhal is at fault for their deaths because he abandoned his military post, the New York Post reported.

“I was pissed off then and I am even more so now with everything going on,” said former Sgt. Matt Vierkant, a member of Mr. Bergdahl’s platoon, to CNN. “Bowe Bergdahl deserted during a time of war and his fellow Americans lost their lives searching for him.”
You don't know shit about Bergdahl. Your little kangaroo court proves nothing. I'll reserve judgement until all the real facts are disclosed.

FACT: Bowe went AWOL

FACT: Search and rescue parties were mounted to try to find him

And good men who did serve with honor and distinction got hurt or died. And I don't think this wife gives a rats ass what you think Lakota.


The wife of a disabled Afghanistan veteran who was injured while searching for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has posted a scathing message against him this week, adding a personal account to the rising protests against the negotiations with the Taliban that lead to Bergdahl's freedom.

Wife of disabled soldier paralyzed and unable to speak after risking his life to save Bowe Bergdahl vents fury in message | Mail Online

I wouldn't have traded a box of Twinkies for Bergdahl, who Deserted his post in a War Zone..........................

The Picture posted by Tiny Dancer makes my blood boil..................

To those that defend this action by the Idiot in Chief, I could care less what you think.....................

Those defenders are as desperate as I've ever seen them to fabricate any excuse for this political abomination. Most seem to have exhausted already weak arguments and resorted to hoping the media circus will find a new bone to pick ASAP.
FACT: Bowe went AWOL

FACT: Search and rescue parties were mounted to try to find him

And good men who did serve with honor and distinction got hurt or died. And I don't think this wife gives a rats ass what you think Lakota.


The wife of a disabled Afghanistan veteran who was injured while searching for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has posted a scathing message against him this week, adding a personal account to the rising protests against the negotiations with the Taliban that lead to Bergdahl's freedom.

Wife of disabled soldier paralyzed and unable to speak after risking his life to save Bowe Bergdahl vents fury in message | Mail Online

I wouldn't have traded a box of Twinkies for Bergdahl, who Deserted his post in a War Zone..........................

The Picture posted by Tiny Dancer makes my blood boil..................

To those that defend this action by the Idiot in Chief, I could care less what you think.....................

Those defenders are as desperate as I've ever seen them to fabricate any excuse for this political abomination. Most seem to have exhausted already weak arguments and resorted to hoping the media circus will find a new bone to pick ASAP.

They will try..................and they will fail....................

No amount of words can bring back those killed or maimed trying to get the deserter back.
One Old Vet Bergdahl ? Deserter, Collaborator or Traitor? - One Old Vet

• Active collaborator with enemy?
• An Act Of Treason
• Anger over Bergdahl’s release as troops call him a deserter
• Bergdahl’s comrades: He’s a deserter
• Bergdahl – Hero Or Villain?
• Bergdahl Is Not A Hero’ Tops Google Search Suggestions
• Bergdahl to Receive Promotion to Staff Sergeant
• Bergdahl: ‘I am ashamed to be an American’
• Bergdahl’s fellow soldiers protest swap, call him a deserter
• Charge: Soldiers died searching for ‘deserter’
• Deserter?
• Desertion’ Claims Rock Prisoner Swap
• Fellow Soldier’s: Bergdahl ‘Deserted’ Military, Cost American Lives
• Fellow Soldier: He’s At Best A Defector, At Worst A Traitor
• Fellow Soldiers Blast Bergdahl Trade, Accuse Him of Desertion
• Fellow soldiers call Bowe Bergdahl a deserter, not a hero
• Freed POW’s legal status is murky
• Gold Star mom: ‘This guy was worth my son’s life?’
• Inside the Army’s plan to reintegrate Bergdahl
• Intelligence community investigated Bergdahl’s conduct
• Intelligence community: Bergdahl may have been a collaborator
• Our son died looking for Bergdahl and the military lied to us about it
• Parents of officer killed lash out at ‘cover up’
• Pentagon to review claims soldiers killed in the search for Bergdahl
• Promoted Twice in Captivity And Scheduled For Another!
• Resentment lingers among POW’s peers
• Rice: Bergdahl Served With ‘Honor and Distinction’
• Rice: Bergdahl was “captured on the battlefield”
• Sergeant who served with Bergdahl says he is a traitor
• Soldiers in Bowe Bergdahl’s platoon speak up
• Soldiers Were ‘Threatened’ if They Questioned Bergdahl Story
• Stonewall: Carney Evades Reporters On Bergdahl Swap
• US Knew Bowe Bergdahl Had Deserted, Investigated Him
• Video – Released Taliban Given Hero’s Welcome
• Video – Town prepares for Bergdahl homecoming
• We Lost Soldiers in the Hunt for Bergdahl
• We Swore to an Oath and We Upheld Ours. He Did Not
• Why Were 3 Other Americans in Militant Custody Ignored?
The men who died searching for the traitor..........


Soldiers killed trying to rescue Bowe Bergdahl, branded a deserter by comrades - Washington Times

At least six soldiers died while searching for Sgt. Bowe Bergdhal in hostile Taliban territory when he went missing in Afghanistan five years ago.
And now, those who served with those six say Mr. Bergdhal is at fault for their deaths because he abandoned his military post, the New York Post reported.

“I was pissed off then and I am even more so now with everything going on,” said former Sgt. Matt Vierkant, a member of Mr. Bergdahl’s platoon, to CNN. “Bowe Bergdahl deserted during a time of war and his fellow Americans lost their lives searching for him.”

Again, I would ask Sergeant Vierkant where he was when it was pretty clear that Bergdahl was losing his shit.

Bergdahl walked off the base twice before without his weapon.

It sounds to me that these guys are bitter they got the reputation of "Left a man behind".
If he was a deserter, that is irrelevant.

In fact, if you think he's a deserter, you must support this deal because how he's home and can be tried.

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Obama was right to bring Bergdahl home but wrong to give up anything for him. As it turns out, even the Taliban found the fuckin' a-hole to be a worthless POS. It is clear to all but the diehard Obamists that this was a FUBAR which has and will continue to stain what little credibility our president has left. Bowe is the fouled product of his America hating loony leftist daddy and both need to find a new country in which to live out their lives.

What's killing me in all of this is that Obama didn't just give up five Mohammed Six Packs to the Taliban. He gave them back their freaking leaders.

Leaders while we are still at war with them. That's like making a trade with the Nazis for one hostage and giving them back a Rommel and a few members of Hitlers cabinet for crying out loud.

Aye carumba. This is nuts.

Here's the problem.

We could put Nazis on trial.

We've had these guys for over 10 years. Yet we couldn't find anything to actually charge them with. They had committed no crimes against Americans.

Nor could we hand them over to the Afghan Government we've spent billions of dollars propping up.

So at some point, we'd have to let them go. At least we got something for them. One POW and perhaps a negotiated peace that allows us to save face.

Less than Ideal? Yup.

But that was the hand we were dealt when Bush pulled all our military and intelligence assets out of Afghanistan so he could go avenge his Pappy in Iraq and make Halliburton rich.
The DESERTER was never a POW. Never. He was a DESERTER/fag/LIB/ballet dancer.
Obama was right to bring Bergdahl home but wrong to give up anything for him. As it turns out, even the Taliban found the fuckin' a-hole to be a worthless POS. It is clear to all but the diehard Obamists that this was a FUBAR which has and will continue to stain what little credibility our president has left. Bowe is the fouled product of his America hating loony leftist daddy and both need to find a new country in which to live out their lives.

What's killing me in all of this is that Obama didn't just give up five Mohammed Six Packs to the Taliban. He gave them back their freaking leaders.

Leaders while we are still at war with them. That's like making a trade with the Nazis for one hostage and giving them back a Rommel and a few members of Hitlers cabinet for crying out loud.

Aye carumba. This is nuts.

No, Bush released the leaders:

Said Ali al-Shiri, who co-founded al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in 2009, was transferred to Saudi Arabia in 2007. Shiri completed the kingdom's rehabilitation program and promptly headed to Yemen, where he became AQAP's deputy commander. He was killed in a U.S. drone strike last year.
Another example is Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul (who also goes by the name Mullah Zakir), who has emerged as one of the top Taliban commanders. Rasoul was also transferred from Guantanamo to Afghanistan in 2007 by the Bush administration and rejoined the Taliban shortly after the Afghan government released him from custody.

The five now to be released have denied terror connections, and we have no evidence they did take part. The BLAZE isn't.......FACTUAL.
What's killing me in all of this is that Obama didn't just give up five Mohammed Six Packs to the Taliban. He gave them back their freaking leaders.

Leaders while we are still at war with them. That's like making a trade with the Nazis for one hostage and giving them back a Rommel and a few members of Hitlers cabinet for crying out loud.

Aye carumba. This is nuts.

Here's the problem.

We could put Nazis on trial.

We've had these guys for over 10 years. Yet we couldn't find anything to actually charge them with. They had committed no crimes against Americans.

Nor could we hand them over to the Afghan Government we've spent billions of dollars propping up.

So at some point, we'd have to let them go. At least we got something for them. One POW and perhaps a negotiated peace that allows us to save face.

Less than Ideal? Yup.

But that was the hand we were dealt when Bush pulled all our military and intelligence assets out of Afghanistan so he could go avenge his Pappy in Iraq and make Halliburton rich.

They were POWs and POWs are not usually put on trial. McCain stayed 5 years and never was put on trial. I don't believe that any of the Germans captured during WW2 were ever put on trial except those who committed war crimes and in proportion they were very few.

So when the war ends they may go back, but when exactly is the war on terror going to end?

The way it's being fought? Never. Since we have no concept of the word Victory and they do, the war on terror will last until they win.
I've never watched the Dunce-Cap in Chief pay so much attention to the Military.
Bengazi scandal>the military
The VA scandal> the military
Speeches at West Point> the military
'Surprise' visit to Afganistan> the military
'Freeing' a DESERTER the LIBs insist on falsely claiming is a POW> the military
Any one notice a tiny pattern here?
Bobo never spent so much time around the military during the last six years.
Maybe he's on a scouting mission trying to line up an entire cast of fags in the military for the off-broadway presentation of South Pacific he'll be presenting in 017 after MO and the girls move to France.
Of course we could have put them on trial. If we did, a trial would have forced the US to expose national security secrets, like the names of the captors, agents and informants.
BOBO and Holder have already had the papers drawn up to be signed by 'doctors' declaring the DESERTER mentally unable to stand trial.
The DESERTER will never take a breath that isn't in a max. security facility.
And it will cost the 'Makers' God knows how much tax dollars.
In a couple of months we will see a photo of some American soldier with their head cut off with a photo of one of the terrorists BOBO set free on the dead American's chest.
McCain and the POW Cover-Up
The “war hero” candidate buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam.

Eighteen months ago, TAC publisher Ron Unz discovered an astonishing account of the role the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, John McCain, had played in suppressing information about what happened to American soldiers missing in action in Vietnam. Below, we present in full Sydney Schanberg’s explosive story.

McCain and the POW Cover-Up | The American Conservative
McCain and the POW Cover-Up
The “war hero” candidate buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam.

Eighteen months ago, TAC publisher Ron Unz discovered an astonishing account of the role the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, John McCain, had played in suppressing information about what happened to American soldiers missing in action in Vietnam. Below, we present in full Sydney Schanberg’s explosive story.

McCain and the POW Cover-Up | The American Conservative
LOLady, what's that got to do with this?
There has been no trial much less a jury. Nice fail.

We have plenty of evidence with which to judge him and he is being tried right here in the court of public opinion. It is your opinion which has failed. :D

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