Bergdahl Jury is in!

Obama was right to bring Bergdahl home but wrong to give up anything for him. As it turns out, even the Taliban found the fuckin' a-hole to be a worthless POS. It is clear to all but the diehard Obamists that this was a FUBAR which has and will continue to stain what little credibility our president has left. Bowe is the fouled product of his America hating loony leftist daddy and both need to find a new country in which to live out their lives.

Make sure you get in line to spit on Bergdahl & his family when he gets home!

See Joe, this is why no one takes you seriously. You are one stupid ignorant mo-fo.
Rep. Rangel Will Seek to Reinstate Draft -

And no one thought that was more than a publicity stunt.

So essentially, no one takes you seriously, dude.

Gee, Joe, this is again why people think you are a complete buffoon. Try reading the article.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican who is a colonel in the U.S. Air Force Standby Reserve, said he agreed that the U.S. does not have enough people in the military.

"I think we can do this with an all-voluntary service, all-voluntary Army, Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy. And if we can't, then we'll look for some other option," said Graham, who is assigned as a reserve judge to the Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals.
Obama was right to bring Bergdahl home but wrong to give up anything for him. As it turns out, even the Taliban found the fuckin' a-hole to be a worthless POS. It is clear to all but the diehard Obamists that this was a FUBAR which has and will continue to stain what little credibility our president has left. Bowe is the fouled product of his America hating loony leftist daddy and both need to find a new country in which to live out their lives.

Make sure you get in line to spit on Bergdahl & his family when he gets home!

He wont be able to.
With all the backlash Obama will have Bergdahl in chains in Leavenworth.

They were POWs and POWs are not usually put on trial. McCain stayed 5 years and never was put on trial. I don't believe that any of the Germans captured during WW2 were ever put on trial except those who committed war crimes and in proportion they were very few.

So when the war ends they may go back, but when exactly is the war on terror going to end?

Exactly my point. When you are war not with a nation, but a concept, how do you ever make a peace treaty with a 'concept'?

"War on Terror". Kind of like the "War on Drugs" or the "War on Poverty".

Now, yes, we are fighting a War "In" Afghanistan. Which means that the proper people to try these guys might be the Afghan government. The Afghan Government isn't willing to go there while they are still negotiating a settlement with the Taliban, so the happy medium is to put them in a third country - Qatar - until something is worked out.

The third option, of course, would be an international tribunal. The problem is, America has so sullied itself in this conflict with unprovoked wars, wire-tapping of allied leaders, torture, rendition and a lot of other dodgy stuff that we'd have as much sympathy as the LAPD in Watts after the Rodney King trial.

Don't need to lecture me on what should happen but it is Obama who is using the war on terror to justify the drone program so don't expect those at Gitmo to be released soon. But I will say I would not be surprised that Obama used the pretext of the war ending and releasing them all. They'll love America when he does.

Let's see, your not remembering could be caused by a lot of things. Like that was 12 years ago so I wonder how old you were then.

See you are calling for the draft even today.

Here is one example, maybe it will rock your memory. BTW your anecdotal evidence is just your opinion.

The Draft and the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

I was 40 12 years ago.

And here's the thing. There was a brief moment when people took a draft seriously, that's when Carter re-instated draft registration in 1979.

And no one has talked about it seriously since. There's a bureaucracy that makes sure everyone registers, and they don't even have a PLAN for a draft or would know how to implement one or even train the draftees.

I personally have mixed feelings about a draft. On one level, I think that a couple years of national service (not just limited to the military) would do a lot of good in character building. Otherwise you get a generation of Pajama Boys living at home with their parents.

I would also be reluctant because the politicians are more likely to engage in adventurism if they had a military force readily available.
Obama was right to bring Bergdahl home but wrong to give up anything for him. As it turns out, even the Taliban found the fuckin' a-hole to be a worthless POS. It is clear to all but the diehard Obamists that this was a FUBAR which has and will continue to stain what little credibility our president has left. Bowe is the fouled product of his America hating loony leftist daddy and both need to find a new country in which to live out their lives.

Make sure you get in line to spit on Bergdahl & his family when he gets home!

Are you lining up the parade for a at best someone who abandoned their post and went AWOL and at worse disserted? It is so liberal to support deserters and cop killers.

No one is going to spit on him, after all the liberals seem to be the ones with a saliva problem when it comes to returning vets.

See Joe, this is why no one takes you seriously. You are one stupid ignorant mo-fo.
Rep. Rangel Will Seek to Reinstate Draft -

And no one thought that was more than a publicity stunt.

So essentially, no one takes you seriously, dude.

Gee, Joe, this is again why people think you are a complete buffoon. Try reading the article.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican who is a colonel in the U.S. Air Force Standby Reserve, said he agreed that the U.S. does not have enough people in the military.

"I think we can do this with an all-voluntary service, all-voluntary Army, Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy. And if we can't, then we'll look for some other option," said Graham, who is assigned as a reserve judge to the Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals.

What, suddenly you wingnuts love Lindsey Graham? The guy you all constantly call a RINO and wish you could run someone against?

Fact is, he said that we can do it with an all-volunteer army.

No one is seriously talking about a draft. That would get us riots inthe street at this point in the war.
And no one thought that was more than a publicity stunt.

So essentially, no one takes you seriously, dude.

Gee, Joe, this is again why people think you are a complete buffoon. Try reading the article.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican who is a colonel in the U.S. Air Force Standby Reserve, said he agreed that the U.S. does not have enough people in the military.

"I think we can do this with an all-voluntary service, all-voluntary Army, Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy. And if we can't, then we'll look for some other option," said Graham, who is assigned as a reserve judge to the Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals.

What, suddenly you wingnuts love Lindsey Graham? The guy you all constantly call a RINO and wish you could run someone against?

Fact is, he said that we can do it with an all-volunteer army.

No one is seriously talking about a draft. That would get us riots inthe street at this point in the war.

Keep moving the goal posts and obfuscating, Joe. It makes you look soooooo kewl.
Obama was right to bring Bergdahl home but wrong to give up anything for him. As it turns out, even the Taliban found the fuckin' a-hole to be a worthless POS. It is clear to all but the diehard Obamists that this was a FUBAR which has and will continue to stain what little credibility our president has left. Bowe is the fouled product of his America hating loony leftist daddy and both need to find a new country in which to live out their lives.

Make sure you get in line to spit on Bergdahl & his family when he gets home!

Are you lining up the parade for a at best someone who abandoned their post and went AWOL and at worse disserted? It is so liberal to support deserters and cop killers.

No one is going to spit on him, after all the liberals seem to be the ones with a saliva problem when it comes to returning vets.

You know nothing about him, but you assholes are tripping all over yourselves shitting on him before he has a chance to defend himself. The man busted ass, put on a uniform, went to a remote, dangerous foreign land & risk his life to fight brutal deadly fighters. We don't know anything after that.
They were POWs and POWs are not usually put on trial. McCain stayed 5 years and never was put on trial. I don't believe that any of the Germans captured during WW2 were ever put on trial except those who committed war crimes and in proportion they were very few.

So when the war ends they may go back, but when exactly is the war on terror going to end?
I'm pretty sure McCain didn't desert. WTF is wrong with you people?!

What does that even mean? We were talking about those at Gitmo who I presume are held as POWs if not then they should be tried. I don't believe anyone was talking about the soldier released. What is wrong with your cognizant ability?
Sue me. A thread about Bergdahl and mention of McCain held for 5 years not being tried. What could I have been thinking?!
Make sure you get in line to spit on Bergdahl & his family when he gets home!

Are you lining up the parade for a at best someone who abandoned their post and went AWOL and at worse disserted? It is so liberal to support deserters and cop killers.

No one is going to spit on him, after all the liberals seem to be the ones with a saliva problem when it comes to returning vets.

You know nothing about him, but you assholes are tripping all over yourselves shitting on him before he has a chance to defend himself. The man busted ass, put on a uniform, went to a remote, dangerous foreign land & risk his life to fight brutal deadly fighters. We don't know anything after that.

SO we dont know he abandoned his weapon and armor and walked off the base?
Obama was right to bring Bergdahl home but wrong to give up anything for him. As it turns out, even the Taliban found the fuckin' a-hole to be a worthless POS. It is clear to all but the diehard Obamists that this was a FUBAR which has and will continue to stain what little credibility our president has left. Bowe is the fouled product of his America hating loony leftist daddy and both need to find a new country in which to live out their lives.

What's killing me in all of this is that Obama didn't just give up five Mohammed Six Packs to the Taliban. He gave them back their freaking leaders.

Leaders while we are still at war with them. That's like making a trade with the Nazis for one hostage and giving them back a Rommel and a few members of Hitlers cabinet for crying out loud.

Aye carumba. This is nuts.

Here's the problem.

We could put Nazis on trial.

We've had these guys for over 10 years. Yet we couldn't find anything to actually charge them with. They had committed no crimes against Americans.

Nor could we hand them over to the Afghan Government we've spent billions of dollars propping up.

So at some point, we'd have to let them go. At least we got something for them. One POW and perhaps a negotiated peace that allows us to save face.

Less than Ideal? Yup.

But that was the hand we were dealt when Bush pulled all our military and intelligence assets out of Afghanistan so he could go avenge his Pappy in Iraq and make Halliburton rich.

And why can't we keep them? Are tigers kept in captivity... they will kill people. Are lions?
Any animals that present a danger to mankind are kept as long as they live.
What's killing me in all of this is that Obama didn't just give up five Mohammed Six Packs to the Taliban. He gave them back their freaking leaders.

Leaders while we are still at war with them. That's like making a trade with the Nazis for one hostage and giving them back a Rommel and a few members of Hitlers cabinet for crying out loud.

Aye carumba. This is nuts.

Here's the problem.

We could put Nazis on trial.

We've had these guys for over 10 years. Yet we couldn't find anything to actually charge them with. They had committed no crimes against Americans.

Nor could we hand them over to the Afghan Government we've spent billions of dollars propping up.

So at some point, we'd have to let them go. At least we got something for them. One POW and perhaps a negotiated peace that allows us to save face.

Less than Ideal? Yup.

But that was the hand we were dealt when Bush pulled all our military and intelligence assets out of Afghanistan so he could go avenge his Pappy in Iraq and make Halliburton rich.

And why can't we keep them? Are tigers kept in captivity... they will kill people. Are lions?
Any animals that present a danger to mankind are kept as long as they live.

As the war winds down all POW's will be released, Terrorist will be convicted & GITMO will be closed. At least we got something for them.
Guys, I think this is taking too much attention away from Benghazi.

#Berghazi #truther #wakeupsheeple

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Obama was right to bring Bergdahl home but wrong to give up anything for him. As it turns out, even the Taliban found the fuckin' a-hole to be a worthless POS. It is clear to all but the diehard Obamists that this was a FUBAR which has and will continue to stain what little credibility our president has left. Bowe is the fouled product of his America hating loony leftist daddy and both need to find a new country in which to live out their lives.

I disagree. They found him very useful. I have serious concerns he is in fact an agent for the Taliban and was used to get back their top people.

Just because he declares himself a Muslim and a Mujahid in no way implies he helped kill Americans.

Tin hat anyone?
*Because Islam is evil and Muslims live to kill Americans because of their freedom.*

*this uses sarcasm. And a lot of it

Sent from my iPhone using
Obama was right to bring Bergdahl home but wrong to give up anything for him. As it turns out, even the Taliban found the fuckin' a-hole to be a worthless POS. It is clear to all but the diehard Obamists that this was a FUBAR which has and will continue to stain what little credibility our president has left. Bowe is the fouled product of his America hating loony leftist daddy and both need to find a new country in which to live out their lives.

What's killing me in all of this is that Obama didn't just give up five Mohammed Six Packs to the Taliban. He gave them back their freaking leaders.

Leaders while we are still at war with them. That's like making a trade with the Nazis for one hostage and giving them back a Rommel and a few members of Hitlers cabinet for crying out loud.

Aye carumba. This is nuts.

Here's the problem.

We could put Nazis on trial.

We've had these guys for over 10 years. Yet we couldn't find anything to actually charge them with. They had committed no crimes against Americans.

Nor could we hand them over to the Afghan Government we've spent billions of dollars propping up.

So at some point, we'd have to let them go. At least we got something for them. One POW and perhaps a negotiated peace that allows us to save face.

Less than Ideal? Yup.

But that was the hand we were dealt when Bush pulled all our military and intelligence assets out of Afghanistan so he could go avenge his Pappy in Iraq and make Halliburton rich.

Every time you show up on this board you confirm your ignorance.
There was a trial underway at Gitmo when Obama took office. It had survived all ACLU challenges all the way to the Supreme Court, and had survived all Democrat protests. The way was clear to tryall the detainees in a military Court at Gitmo.
But the Great Saviour of all Mankind in his Majestic Wisdom cancelled all trials at gitmo with his first group of Executive Orders.
Guys, I think this is taking too much attention away from Benghazi.

#Berghazi #truther #wakeupsheeple

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Doesn't matter, as long as the daily dose of hatred remains focused.

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