Bergdahl Jury is in!

:cuckoo: The Rabbi is an idiot & always has been. His masters play him like a fiddle. :lol:

How about the long form of the birth certificate? Pretty simple, eh?
So why is the administration blocking its release? Why are they going to court to fight it? Why are they not releasing his school records?
What is the administration hiding?
I keep coming back to this and no one can answer this question. Pretty basic, really.
:cuckoo: The Rabbi is an idiot & always has been. His masters play him like a fiddle. :lol:

How about the long form of the birth certificate? Pretty simple, eh?
So why is the administration blocking its release? Why are they going to court to fight it? Why are they not releasing his school records?
What is the administration hiding?
I keep coming back to this and no one can answer this question. Pretty basic, really.

You get your ass kicked so you resurrect a post from how many years ago to deflect?
You're a joke and a half.
I can't wait to see what Presidential pardons the Hussein is going to give out just before he leaves office. He'll probably free all Gitmo inmates.

Don't laugh that's exactly what he is going to do. And the liberals with hail him for that too.
As much as I despise this miserable piece of garbage, he DOES deserve the proper actions of a Convening Authority to investigate the charges against him. If DOD doesn't bury this in an attempt to keep from embarrassing Obama, I am certain he will end up before a General Courts-Martial.
No doubt he should be given due course. My concern is the incredible amount of pressure the investigating authorities must be under. The question has become not simply Bergdahl's actions, but Obama's.
Obama was right to bring Bergdahl home but wrong to give up anything for him. As it turns out, even the Taliban found the fuckin' a-hole to be a worthless POS. It is clear to all but the diehard Obamists that this was a FUBAR which has and will continue to stain what little credibility our president has left. Bowe is the fouled product of his America hating loony leftist daddy and both need to find a new country in which to live out their lives.

Make sure you get in line to spit on Bergdahl & his family when he gets home!

I just did and I'm guessing the line is miles long. The payback will be the nature and quality of their miserable lives here going forward. :D
*Because Islam is evil and Muslims live to kill Americans because of their freedom.*

*this uses sarcasm. And a lot of it

No, because there are evil Muslims who live to kill Americans.

*No sarcasm needed.
:cuckoo: The Rabbi is an idiot & always has been. His masters play him like a fiddle. :lol:

How about the long form of the birth certificate? Pretty simple, eh?
So why is the administration blocking its release? Why are they going to court to fight it? Why are they not releasing his school records?
What is the administration hiding?
I keep coming back to this and no one can answer this question. Pretty basic, really.

:lol: That's thick with irony that you can't fathom.
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As much as I despise this miserable piece of garbage, he DOES deserve the proper actions of a Convening Authority to investigate the charges against him. If DOD doesn't bury this in an attempt to keep from embarrassing Obama, I am certain he will end up before a General Courts-Martial.

All true but we don't need a Courts Martial to convict Bergdahl in the court of public opinion.

Celebrated at first, Bergdahl's release raises more questions -

EXCLUSIVE: Bergdahl declared jihad in captivity, secret documents show | Fox News
Less than Ideal? Yup.

But that was the hand we were dealt when Bush pulled all our military and intelligence assets out of Afghanistan so he could go avenge his Pappy in Iraq and make Halliburton rich.

Obama's been prez for 5 years.

Will he ever be accountable for anything?

Yes, the things he actually did.

I do blame Obama for throwing good money after bad in Afghanistan. His notions that it was the "War of Necessity" were flawed, and any fleeting hope we could accomplish our goals were over after Karzai stole the 2009 election and made a farce of what we were trying to do.

It doesnt' take away from the fact that Afghanistan became a lost cause in 2002, when we had the Taliban on the ropes, and then pulled all our forces out to fight in Iraq, leaving the Pakistani intelligence agencies free to reconstitute the Taliban and follow their own agenda.

That's bullshit. First and foremost you did not pull out all your forces to Iraq. And your forces that were left in Afghanistan had their backs covered by Canada and the rest of NATO.

The problem with Afghanistan was the way we approached nation building. But that's for another thread.
Less than Ideal? Yup.

But that was the hand we were dealt when Bush pulled all our military and intelligence assets out of Afghanistan so he could go avenge his Pappy in Iraq and make Halliburton rich.

Obama's been prez for 5 years.

Will he ever be accountable for anything?

Yes, the things he actually did.

I do blame Obama for throwing good money after bad in Afghanistan. His notions that it was the "War of Necessity" were flawed, and any fleeting hope we could accomplish our goals were over after Karzai stole the 2009 election and made a farce of what we were trying to do.

It doesnt' take away from the fact that Afghanistan became a lost cause in 2002, when we had the Taliban on the ropes, and then pulled all our forces out to fight in Iraq, leaving the Pakistani intelligence agencies free to reconstitute the Taliban and follow their own agenda.

So after 5 years, Obama changed nothing.
Sgt. Bowehammed got angry at U.S. Army...went to other side in order to join them and show the Army a thing or two...then found out he was just a tool to be used by Taliban.
:cuckoo: The Rabbi is an idiot & always has been. His masters play him like a fiddle. :lol:

How about the long form of the birth certificate? Pretty simple, eh?
So why is the administration blocking its release? Why are they going to court to fight it? Why are they not releasing his school records?
What is the administration hiding?
I keep coming back to this and no one can answer this question. Pretty basic, really.

:lol: That's think with irony that you can't fathom.

:lmao: :rofl: SAYIT is a Birther! :rofl: :lmao:
He wasn't being held by the taliban.

He was being held by another group, that works only in cash.

So we paid for Bergdahl to be released..then Obama SAID we traded him.

But the Haqqanis don't trade for people, they trade for $$, and only one of the criminals released was Haqqani.

“The Haqqanis could give a rat’s ass about prisoners,” the official said, referring to the Haqqani Network, a designated terrorist group in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the five Guantanamo Bay prisoners who were freed in exchange for Bergdahl’s release.
“The people that are holding Bergdahl want[ed] cash and someone paid it to them,” he said."

Obama released the Taliban killers because he wanted to release them. He'd already secured Bergdahl's release by paying $$.

And this is why he didn't want to go through Congress.
*Because Islam is evil and Muslims live to kill Americans because of their freedom.*

*this uses sarcasm. And a lot of it

No, because there are evil Muslims who live to kill Americans.

*No sarcasm needed.

Islamist Extremists are to Muslims, as to the KKK are to Christians.

And we should guard against attack by enemies within and without.
Denying the existence or minimizing the threat of evil Muslims who "live to kill Americans" is as silly and dangerous as ignoring the threat of KKK types.
This Bergdahl guy has "Tim McVeigh" clone written all over him.
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No, because there are evil Muslims who live to kill Americans.

*No sarcasm needed.

Islamist Extremists are to Muslims, as to the KKK are to Christians.

And we should guard against attack by enemies within and without.
Denying the existence or minimizing the threat of evil Muslims who "live to kill Americans" is as silly and dangerous as ignoring the threat of KKK types.
This Bergdahl guy has Tim McVeigh potential.

You don't know shit about Bergdahl. Your little kangaroo court proves nothing. I'll reserve judgement until all the real facts are disclosed.
Obama was right to bring Bergdahl home but wrong to give up anything for him. As it turns out, even the Taliban found the fuckin' a-hole to be a worthless POS. It is clear to all but the diehard Obamists that this was a FUBAR which has and will continue to stain what little credibility our president has left. Bowe is the fouled product of his America hating loony leftist daddy and both need to find a new country in which to live out their lives.

How can you say "Obama was right"? Barry Hussein traded five generals for a Sgt. That's a pretty bad deal unless the president is completely stupid or he doesn't give a damn. Bergdahl has yet to be charged with desertion. Soldiers died trying to bring him back.
Islamist Extremists are to Muslims, as to the KKK are to Christians.

And we should guard against attack by enemies within and without.
Denying the existence or minimizing the threat of evil Muslims who "live to kill Americans" is as silly and dangerous as ignoring the threat of KKK types.
This Bergdahl guy has Tim McVeigh potential.

You don't know shit about Bergdahl. Your little kangaroo court proves nothing. I'll reserve judgement until all the real facts are disclosed.

FACT: Bowe went AWOL

FACT: Search and rescue parties were mounted to try to find him

And good men who did serve with honor and distinction got hurt or died. And I don't think this wife gives a rats ass what you think Lakota.


The wife of a disabled Afghanistan veteran who was injured while searching for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has posted a scathing message against him this week, adding a personal account to the rising protests against the negotiations with the Taliban that lead to Bergdahl's freedom.

Wife of disabled soldier paralyzed and unable to speak after risking his life to save Bowe Bergdahl vents fury in message | Mail Online

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