Berkeley cancels Ann Coulter event

It's just so damn pathetic. These damn immature snowflakes. College administrators need to tell these students to grow the hell up! Ann's crazy but i love her!

They wouldn't meet her demands for the police not to stand down and violent students getting expelled but demanded she not advertise the location of the event, to hold it off campus, and hold it during afternoon class sessions. It's time for another battle of Berkeley, this time we need to execute the mayor, the chancellor, the chief of police, and burn the entire campus to the fucking ground.
If Berkley keeps up, they are going to have a reputation like Belford university online does.
Aww, you poor, snowflake. That's an attack on Coulter, not women.
Sure, and calling Michelle Obama an "ape" or "monkey" is an attack on her, not a racist attack on black women. Good to know.
No, that's racist. But it's not an attack on women. It's an attack on Michelle Obama who happens to be a woman. It's not attacking her for being a woman but it is attaking her for being black.
Is it any better to make misogynistic attacks on Ann Coulter?
There was no misogynist attack on Coulter either. IsaacNewton made fun of her for being anorexic, not for being a woman.
How many men are known to be anorexic? And of course she isn't even anorexic. But haters will make stuff up when they don't have anything else.

anorexic men - Google Search

And she sure does look anorexic to me...


Berkley is one of the schools that first started the demonstrations against the Vietnam War as their right to FREE SPEECH.

Today Progressives still push the right of FREE SPEECH. Just so it is THEY who get to determine what is the PROPER FREE SPEECH.
They are ANTI-liberal.

Berkley? You're being facetious, aren't you?

Berkley is one of the schools that first started the demonstrations against the Vietnam War as their right to FREE SPEECH.

Today Progressives still push the right of FREE SPEECH. Just so it is THEY who get to determine what is the PROPER FREE SPEECH.
They are ANTI-liberal.

Berkley? You're being facetious, aren't you?
He's referencing true liberalism. Which has been hijacked by progressive nazi whores.

Berkley is one of the schools that first started the demonstrations against the Vietnam War as their right to FREE SPEECH.

Today Progressives still push the right of FREE SPEECH. Just so it is THEY who get to determine what is the PROPER FREE SPEECH.
They are ANTI-liberal.

Berkley? You're being facetious, aren't you?
No, I'm not. Regressive Leftists are not liberal, they're authoritarian and illiberal.
"If I were going to Berkeley to get an abortion, this would be a national scandal" - Crazy Coulter
Did you guys see the Rob Lowe roast on comedy central? It turned into the Ann Coulter was spectacular.

I forgot about this, Jesus you can see she tries to smile but it gets to her. They absolutely nuke her.

It wasn't a roast, which implies some kind of creativity. It was just a stream of unending insults. Had Ann Coulter been allowed to speak, her wit and intellect would be enough to put these asses in their place. Which is why the left likes these one sided performances so much.
Then you have obviously not seen a Comedy Central roast before. Anyone on the dais is fair game and they roast each other just as much (if not more) than the guest of honor.

Lin to a similar example then.

Donald Trump's roast

Skimmed it.

1. Not funny.

2. So, where were bits of the "comedians" roasting some random person other than the guest of honor?

1. Don't care.

2. That was a 'best of' clip. Watch a full roast. Any Comedy Central full roast. Everyone on the dais gets roasted. I'm not going to teach you how to use the googles. Do you need someone to tuck you into bed at night too?

Got it. YOu can't support your claims, but you stand by them anyways, because, well, just because.

This is completely normal for a liberal. Don't feel bad.

I don't feel bad at all, if anything I feel sorry for you because you can't seem to grasp concepts most children could get instantly.

Look genius, it isn't hard to look these roast videos up. Pretty much everyone on stage gets roasted. I'm not 'claiming' anything, it's a simple fact. Comedy Central has a ton of these things you could watch at any time, but you choose to be pedantic because... I suppose you are impaired in some way. BTW: I'm not a liberal. But you never cared about that, because it doesn't fit your partisan hack make believe narrative. Sad!
Did you guys see the Rob Lowe roast on comedy central? It turned into the Ann Coulter was spectacular.

I forgot about this, Jesus you can see she tries to smile but it gets to her. They absolutely nuke her.

It wasn't a roast, which implies some kind of creativity. It was just a stream of unending insults. Had Ann Coulter been allowed to speak, her wit and intellect would be enough to put these asses in their place. Which is why the left likes these one sided performances so much.

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Of course it was a roast...

And while you only take offense to Coulter being ribbed, they all were. Everyone up there took shots.
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Did you guys see the Rob Lowe roast on comedy central? It turned into the Ann Coulter was spectacular.

I forgot about this, Jesus you can see she tries to smile but it gets to her. They absolutely nuke her.

It wasn't a roast, which implies some kind of creativity. It was just a stream of unending insults. Had Ann Coulter been allowed to speak, her wit and intellect would be enough to put these asses in their place. Which is why the left likes these one sided performances so much.

Seeing that (I'll make an attempt to never watch another)

just makes me appreciate Dean Martin roasts all the more.
Did you guys see the Rob Lowe roast on comedy central? It turned into the Ann Coulter was spectacular.

I forgot about this, Jesus you can see she tries to smile but it gets to her. They absolutely nuke her.

It wasn't a roast, which implies some kind of creativity. It was just a stream of unending insults. Had Ann Coulter been allowed to speak, her wit and intellect would be enough to put these asses in their place. Which is why the left likes these one sided performances so much.

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Of course it was a roast...

And while you only take offense to Coulter being ribbed, they all were. Everyone up there took shots.

Of Ann Coulter?

Everyone took shots (called her a ****) at Coulter, not so much at anyone else.
Did you guys see the Rob Lowe roast on comedy central? It turned into the Ann Coulter was spectacular.

I forgot about this, Jesus you can see she tries to smile but it gets to her. They absolutely nuke her.

It wasn't a roast, which implies some kind of creativity. It was just a stream of unending insults. Had Ann Coulter been allowed to speak, her wit and intellect would be enough to put these asses in their place. Which is why the left likes these one sided performances so much.

Uh, she WAS allowed to speak. She had her turn to roast Rob just like all the other guests. Guess what? She bombed. The audience cringed when she spoke and took the opportunity to shamelessly plug her shitty new book.
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They are not there to discredit the cause. THey are there to radicalize it.

You can't claim they are there to discredit the cause when you are defending not only their violence, but their goals and their justifications for their violence.

TImes going to come when Middle America starts fighting back. YOu ready for that?

Oh you forget what the ugly righties did to Obama


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YOur side is practicing brown shirt tactics to suppress Free Speech, with people injured and large scale damage and you post a cartoon, an effigy burning and a single fight that we don't even see how it starts?

This is not an answer to my question. This is merely you rationalizing your support of street violence.

That will not change things when Middle America wakes up to the fact that they have to fight back, LITERALLY have to fight back to just get their voices heard.

Excuses and bullshit will not protect you and yours then.

I asked you if you are prepared for that.

Stop denying, and ask yourself that. While you still can.

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Conservatism - 'when you can't force other men to do what you want, just start hitting women, they don't fight back!'

Cowards hit women.

you obviously don't know what conservatives stand for because we don't care about controlling people.


Unless you're a woman and pregnant. Then conservatives want control over your body.

Nonsense. Doesn't matter what she does with her body as long as she doesn't infringe on the rights of her child
Did you guys see the Rob Lowe roast on comedy central? It turned into the Ann Coulter was spectacular.

Did you see Ann Coulter pawn Bill Maher and all of his guests who laughed at her (including Joy Reid) and the audience when she predicted Trump would win months before the election?.......:cool-45::cool-45:

Joy was especially condescending about it.

Stupid smug bitch.

All of them, too stupid to realize that they were making fools of themselves.

Just a perfect example of the 'hive mentality' that left-tards promote in our media, and in our colleges. Leftist branded fascism is coming one day to destroy U.S.A..

Not one day. It's here.

Yupp! My mistake.

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