Berkeley cancels Ann Coulter event

Sure, and calling Michelle Obama an "ape" or "monkey" is an attack on her, not a racist attack on black women. Good to know.
No, that's racist. But it's not an attack on women. It's an attack on Michelle Obama who happens to be a woman. It's not attacking her for being a woman but it is attaking her for being black.
Is it any better to make misogynistic attacks on Ann Coulter?
There was no misogynist attack on Coulter either. IsaacNewton made fun of her for being anorexic, not for being a woman.

LIberals, if it weren't for double standards, they would have no standards at all.

I have no doubt the irony of a conservative posting that is completely lost on you.

There was no misogynist attack on Coulter either. IsaacNewton made fun of her for being anorexic, not for being a woman.

One thing about you fascists Fawn is just how damned clever you all are.

Though a roast of Rob Lowe, David Spade took the stage and showed the razor sharp wit of the Soros left by turning to Ann Coulter and saying "die cùnt." I mean the depth of intellect required to come up with such wit boggles the mind.

Then Payton Manning stood and turned to Coulter and hilariously said "die cùnt." I mean, how did the brite boi even come up with such a clever zinger? Next Jimmy Carr stood up, turned to Coulter and snarled "die cùnt." How do you fascists find such wit? Jeff Ross showed his intelligence and wit, as well as his deep relationship to Lowe by turning to Coulter and vomiting "die cùnt." Beyond the shear originality, one can see the deep respect that you fascists have for women.

But this wasn't all, then Rob Lowe got up and delivered the BRILLIANT leftist retort by turning to Coulter and growling "die cùnt."

Seriously Fawn, not only are you fascists misogynist pigs, you're just too fucking stupid to come up with anything remotely clever, Dull witted thugs spewing "die cùnt" at an ambushed women for daring to have thoughts you fascist fucks oppose. How dare a mere woman think, so you shriek "die cùnt" because hate is all you Nazicrat fucks have.
Oh? Here's the entire show...

Tell me at what times in that video Lowe, Manning, Carr and Ross told her to, "die ****."

Better yet, why don't YOU tell us how many times your fellow fascists called her a "****" and told her to die?

No doubt you support treating women this way, at least those who are enemies of the party.

Why is that better? You're the one making the claim they to her to "die ****." why on Earth do you think it's my job to prove you right, and not yours??

Hell, as it is, I made it easy for ya by linking the video. All you have to do is prove your claim.

Of course, if you can't, you once again reveal how mentally deformed you are. But have no worries, you are a conservative after all, so any such deformities will be calculated on a curve.


That is virtually ALL you fascists said. The tell her to die and call her a cùnt - fact you cannot dispute.
This whole thing is totally ridiculous. A college community is not that hard to anticipate or control. If their rent-a-cops aren't up to the job, they need to get security that can. As soon as protesters start destroying property or throwing punches or lighting fires, they need to get hauled out. What is so hard about that, really? Protesters also have the right of free speech to protest the speaker, but not to interrupt or stop her. If they don't like what she says, can't they just stay in their dorm rooms instead?
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You and yours accuse your enemies of hate to justify your violence.


Yeah that was at the Trump convention in San Jose, I really wanted to go but was sick. Seeing that on the news really angered me..So in my opinion doing that to people discredited their cause..
But you also have to take into consideration that there are paid trouble making protesters at every event to discredit the cause..


They are not there to discredit the cause. THey are there to radicalize it.

You can't claim they are there to discredit the cause when you are defending not only their violence, but their goals and their justifications for their violence.

TImes going to come when Middle America starts fighting back. YOu ready for that?

Oh you forget what the ugly righties did to Obama


View attachment 122416

YOur side is practicing brown shirt tactics to suppress Free Speech, with people injured and large scale damage and you post a cartoon, an effigy burning and a single fight that we don't even see how it starts?

This is not an answer to my question. This is merely you rationalizing your support of street violence.

That will not change things when Middle America wakes up to the fact that they have to fight back, LITERALLY have to fight back to just get their voices heard.

Excuses and bullshit will not protect you and yours then.

I asked you if you are prepared for that.

Stop denying, and ask yourself that. While you still can.

View attachment 122447

Conservatism - 'when you can't force other men to do what you want, just start hitting women, they don't fight back!'

Cowards hit women.

Actually, cowards hide behind their women and then cry foul when one of them gets hurt.
View attachment 122417
Yeah that was at the Trump convention in San Jose, I really wanted to go but was sick. Seeing that on the news really angered me..So in my opinion doing that to people discredited their cause..
But you also have to take into consideration that there are paid trouble making protesters at every event to discredit the cause..


They are not there to discredit the cause. THey are there to radicalize it.

You can't claim they are there to discredit the cause when you are defending not only their violence, but their goals and their justifications for their violence.

TImes going to come when Middle America starts fighting back. YOu ready for that?

Oh you forget what the ugly righties did to Obama


View attachment 122416

YOur side is practicing brown shirt tactics to suppress Free Speech, with people injured and large scale damage and you post a cartoon, an effigy burning and a single fight that we don't even see how it starts?

This is not an answer to my question. This is merely you rationalizing your support of street violence.

That will not change things when Middle America wakes up to the fact that they have to fight back, LITERALLY have to fight back to just get their voices heard.

Excuses and bullshit will not protect you and yours then.

I asked you if you are prepared for that.

Stop denying, and ask yourself that. While you still can.

View attachment 122447

Conservatism - 'when you can't force other men to do what you want, just start hitting women, they don't fight back!'

Cowards hit women.

you obviously don't know what conservatives stand for because we don't care about controlling people.


Unless you're a woman and pregnant. Then conservatives want control over your body.
This whole thing is totally ridiculous. A college community is not that hard to anticipate or control. If their rent-a-cops aren't up to the job, they need to get security that can. As soon as protesters start destroying property or throwing punches or lighting fires, they need to get hauled out. What is so hard about that, really? Protesters also have the right of free speech to protest the speaker, but not to interrupt or stop her. If they don't like what she says, can't they just stay in their dorm rooms instead?

You would think...wouldn't you, OldLady! Yet on campuses like's the school administrators and professors who have decided that "exposing" students to conservative principles would be dangerous. They look the other way when liberals protest against conservative thought...but let a conservative group ask for permission to have a conservative speaker on campus and the administrators decide that's WAY too controversial and might stir up trouble!
No, that's racist. But it's not an attack on women. It's an attack on Michelle Obama who happens to be a woman. It's not attacking her for being a woman but it is attaking her for being black.
Is it any better to make misogynistic attacks on Ann Coulter?
There was no misogynist attack on Coulter either. IsaacNewton made fun of her for being anorexic, not for being a woman.

LIberals, if it weren't for double standards, they would have no standards at all.

I have no doubt the irony of a conservative posting that is completely lost on you.

There was no misogynist attack on Coulter either. IsaacNewton made fun of her for being anorexic, not for being a woman.

One thing about you fascists Fawn is just how damned clever you all are.

Though a roast of Rob Lowe, David Spade took the stage and showed the razor sharp wit of the Soros left by turning to Ann Coulter and saying "die cùnt." I mean the depth of intellect required to come up with such wit boggles the mind.

Then Payton Manning stood and turned to Coulter and hilariously said "die cùnt." I mean, how did the brite boi even come up with such a clever zinger? Next Jimmy Carr stood up, turned to Coulter and snarled "die cùnt." How do you fascists find such wit? Jeff Ross showed his intelligence and wit, as well as his deep relationship to Lowe by turning to Coulter and vomiting "die cùnt." Beyond the shear originality, one can see the deep respect that you fascists have for women.

But this wasn't all, then Rob Lowe got up and delivered the BRILLIANT leftist retort by turning to Coulter and growling "die cùnt."

Seriously Fawn, not only are you fascists misogynist pigs, you're just too fucking stupid to come up with anything remotely clever, Dull witted thugs spewing "die cùnt" at an ambushed women for daring to have thoughts you fascist fucks oppose. How dare a mere woman think, so you shriek "die cùnt" because hate is all you Nazicrat fucks have.
Oh? Here's the entire show...

Tell me at what times in that video Lowe, Manning, Carr and Ross told her to, "die cunt."

Better yet, why don't YOU tell us how many times your fellow fascists called her a "****" and told her to die?

No doubt you support treating women this way, at least those who are enemies of the party.

Why is that better? You're the one making the claim they to her to "die cunt." why on Earth do you think it's my job to prove you right, and not yours??

Hell, as it is, I made it easy for ya by linking the video. All you have to do is prove your claim.

Of course, if you can't, you once again reveal how mentally deformed you are. But have no worries, you are a conservative after all, so any such deformities will be calculated on a curve.


That is virtually ALL you fascists said. The tell her to die and call her a cùnt - fact you cannot dispute.

The only fact is you obviously can't quote any of them saying, "die cunt." That's ok, ya fruit-loop dingus, I already knew you were crazy.

Loving liberalism, on display. And then they wonder why they're accused of hating women.
Aww, you poor, snowflake. That's an attack on Coulter, not women.
Sure, and calling Michelle Obama an "ape" or "monkey" is an attack on her, not a racist attack on black women. Good to know.
No, that's racist. But it's not an attack on women. It's an attack on Michelle Obama who happens to be a woman. It's not attacking her for being a woman but it is attaking her for being black.
Is it any better to make misogynistic attacks on Ann Coulter?
There was no misogynist attack on Coulter either. IsaacNewton made fun of her for being anorexic, not for being a woman.
How many men are known to be anorexic? And of course she isn't even anorexic. But haters will make stuff up when they don't have anything else.
This whole thing is totally ridiculous. A college community is not that hard to anticipate or control. If their rent-a-cops aren't up to the job, they need to get security that can. As soon as protesters start destroying property or throwing punches or lighting fires, they need to get hauled out. What is so hard about that, really? Protesters also have the right of free speech to protest the speaker, but not to interrupt or stop her. If they don't like what she says, can't they just stay in their dorm rooms instead?

You would think...wouldn't you, OldLady! Yet on campuses like's the school administrators and professors who have decided that "exposing" students to conservative principles would be dangerous. They look the other way when liberals protest against conservative thought...but let a conservative group ask for permission to have a conservative speaker on campus and the administrators decide that's WAY too controversial and might stir up trouble!
It WILL stir up trouble, no doubt, and my point is, they ought to be able to handle that trouble. This is not about faculty nixing her visit, although nutty Anne thinks it is. They have had violence at how many protests there in the past few months? What needs to happen is Berkeley getting in front of their student body and laying down the law on behavior. This is not that hard. Make all visitors or at least protesters show a student ID or they leave. The trouble makers are ANTIFA and most of them aren't even students.
Berkeley students have always taken themselves too seriously. Anne Coulter fans do too. They represent both ends of the radical space cadet spectrum. She should be allowed to speak. They all deserve each other.
This whole thing is totally ridiculous. A college community is not that hard to anticipate or control. If their rent-a-cops aren't up to the job, they need to get security that can. As soon as protesters start destroying property or throwing punches or lighting fires, they need to get hauled out. What is so hard about that, really? Protesters also have the right of free speech to protest the speaker, but not to interrupt or stop her. If they don't like what she says, can't they just stay in their dorm rooms instead?

You would think...wouldn't you, OldLady! Yet on campuses like's the school administrators and professors who have decided that "exposing" students to conservative principles would be dangerous. They look the other way when liberals protest against conservative thought...but let a conservative group ask for permission to have a conservative speaker on campus and the administrators decide that's WAY too controversial and might stir up trouble!
It WILL stir up trouble, no doubt, and my point is, they ought to be able to handle that trouble. This is not about faculty nixing her visit, although nutty Anne thinks it is. They have had violence at how many protests there in the past few months? What needs to happen is Berkeley getting in front of their student body and laying down the law on behavior. This is not that hard. Make all visitors or at least protesters show a student ID or they leave. The trouble makers are ANTIFA and most of them aren't even students.
And therein lies the rub. The administrators agree with the agitators and will only crack down on ideologically opposed viewpoints.
This whole thing is totally ridiculous. A college community is not that hard to anticipate or control. If their rent-a-cops aren't up to the job, they need to get security that can. As soon as protesters start destroying property or throwing punches or lighting fires, they need to get hauled out. What is so hard about that, really? Protesters also have the right of free speech to protest the speaker, but not to interrupt or stop her. If they don't like what she says, can't they just stay in their dorm rooms instead?

You would think...wouldn't you, OldLady! Yet on campuses like's the school administrators and professors who have decided that "exposing" students to conservative principles would be dangerous. They look the other way when liberals protest against conservative thought...but let a conservative group ask for permission to have a conservative speaker on campus and the administrators decide that's WAY too controversial and might stir up trouble!
It WILL stir up trouble, no doubt, and my point is, they ought to be able to handle that trouble. This is not about faculty nixing her visit, although nutty Anne thinks it is. They have had violence at how many protests there in the past few months? What needs to happen is Berkeley getting in front of their student body and laying down the law on behavior. This is not that hard. Make all visitors or at least protesters show a student ID or they leave. The trouble makers are ANTIFA and most of them aren't even students.

The problem, OldLady is that the Berkley administrators and professors are dyed in the wool liberals who encourage liberal protest against what they view as "wrong" view points! They empower groups like ANTIFA.
Does Ann rattlin' bones Coulter have nowhere else to speak? A cadaver convention? Grey's Anatomy and Skeletal Institute? The vulture feeding sanctuary.

It's obvious scary skeleton costume wants to cause an uproar to sell, whatever it is she sells.

It's just so damn pathetic. These damn immature snowflakes. College administrators need to tell these students to grow the hell up! Ann's crazy but i love her!
Seems sad to use their parents money for school, when $15 an hour burger jobs are just around the corner....

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