Berkeley cancels Ann Coulter event


Yeah but I'm tired of hate from any side. It's annoying

It's going to get a lot worse.

The left is losing. The more they lose, the more violent they get. At some point, people will strike back.

That's interesting, because the left has been on the leading edge of pretty much all social change in this country. Abolition? Left. Voting rights for women and minorities? Left. Civil rights? The left. Opposition to laws that silenced war-dissenters in 1917 and the 1940s? Left.

Everything the left supports now is accepted, settled law in the future.

Does that ever make you feel stupid? Probably not. You'd need to actually engage in deep thought first.
Everything the left supports now will be referred to as "the era of Regression" in the future.
You shall now call the left Xer and Xhim. We're down to the level of stupid these fucking people can't even figure out their gender. And we actually are supposed to engage them as equals on national policy? Give me a break.
Imagine a kid being raised by Regressive Lefties like this.

A skinny 100 pound woman scares the shit out of the democrats.

Skinny Ugly Dog

When you have nothing to counter the arguments jump to how the person looks. It is interesting how you chose a dog more able to fight for her picture while sporting that fearsome lap dog poodle in your avatar.

Seems you're pretty worried about her.

She uses hate to get attention and sell her bonehead books. Have you seen her speak?

You and yours accuse your enemies of hate to justify your violence.


Yeah that was at the Trump convention in San Jose, I really wanted to go but was sick. Seeing that on the news really angered me..So in my opinion doing that to people discredited their cause..
But you also have to take into consideration that there are paid trouble making protesters at every event to discredit the cause..


There aren't any paid right wingers. That falls solely on your side.
Far left Progressives are afraid to view material opposed to their pre-set opinions. No matter how right or how wrong.

People Choose News That Fits Their Views
By Jeremy Hsu | June 7, 2009, 08:03 am ET


Conservatives buck the trend

Some findings from both researchers suggest that individual confidence and certainly play a role in what people choose to read.

People with stronger party affiliation, conservative political views, and greater interest in politics proved more likely to click on articles with opposing views, according to the Ohio State study.


Among the political blog readers, a similar trend emerged in which "liberals read almost exclusively liberal blogs, but conservatives tend to read both," Davis said.

People Choose News That Fits Their Views

This sounds black or white,no in between. Just like there are extreme rights, there are extreme lefts. I don't like either.. Just like Ann Coulter your view is limited except for the extreme left.

Bullshit. You're all for the extreme left. You actually consider any opposition to it as extreme. Anyone not extremely left you hate.
Breaking Alert!

Here's Ann Coulter on Tucker Carlson earlier tonight saying they'll have to arrest her to stop her from exercising her 1st Amendment rights.

Does Ann rattlin' bones Coulter have nowhere else to speak? A cadaver convention? Grey's Anatomy and Skeletal Institute? The vulture feeding sanctuary.

It's obvious scary skeleton costume wants to cause an uproar to sell, whatever it is she sells.
I see the Communist Berkley snowflakes are still silencing the Freedom of Speech.

Liberals continue to prove they are DOMESTIC ENEMIES of this nation.
Sounds more like you're the snowflake. You think James Madison guarantees you the right to collect a 6 figure fee to speak in a college auditorium? How fucking stupid are you?

He guarantees you the right to speak what you want, where you want, especially when invited.

I think you are the one you should be asking that question.

Does Ann rattlin' bones Coulter have nowhere else to speak? A cadaver convention? Grey's Anatomy and Skeletal Institute? The vulture feeding sanctuary.

It's obvious scary skeleton costume wants to cause an uproar to sell, whatever it is she sells.

What's obvious is that you butthurt lefties continue to find solace in simple little things like this.

Maybe you should put some effort into developing a good candidate this time.

As for Coulter, she'd kick your ass up one side and down the other in any kind of debate.

How many books have you sold lately ?
Would have
You equate the moron.

WYOMING never has been a liberal state and it's governor was elected by the people of the state.

Let's add more to your list.

Social Security....biggest PONZI scam in got it...the left.

Vietnam.......Thanks LBJ.

No, he was not elected, dipshit! BWAAAHAHAHA!!!! He was APPOINTED by President Grant.

John Campbell and the Invention of Wyoming |

Unmarried, 33 years old, John A. Campbell was a short, handsome man, with hair a little thin on top and a thick beard below. President Ulysses S. Grant had appointed him governor just a few weeks earlier. Grant himself had been president just a few weeks longer than that.

Holy shit. How's the egg on your face taste? What's next, you gonna claim that Alaska voted for George Washington?

Jesus Dipshits-Everywhere Christ

Wyoming legislators write the first state constitution to grant women the vote - Sep 30, 1889 -

WYOMING wrote this into their constitution in 1889 using an elected governor.


Who was *drumroll* a right wing republican
Women already had the right to vote thanks to an appointed union general as governor. That was "left" for the day.

Left? According to whom exactly?

And once again he was a right wing Republican. Appointed by President Grant, a right wing Republican. Which was made official by the first elected governor who was *surprise* a right wing republican

You can't get enough of the left's stupidity.

The original claim is bulls**t.

The one thing the left has provide America is a 20 Trillion dollar debt.
She looks like a skeleton that refuses to lie down. Just find a good plot and begin your eternal rest already bones. Has that corpse ever been seen with a man? Or a woman? Vulture waiting for a meal? Anything?
Proud of what's happening on our campuses, are you?

You don't believe this is the time of a kid's life when they need to be exposed to contrary thought?

What a terrible thing you want to do to our kids.

Contrary thought is fine. The mewlings of a carnival-barking moron? Not necessarily what I would call "thought".
So that's your excuse.

What a shame. I wish you had more confidence in our kids.

Again, she has no right to be paid to speak at a platform they provide. I think you're unclear about the First Amendment. Or you think it only applies to right-wing assholes.
Actually, if she follows all the rules, and there is a legitimate group at the university that invites her to speak and to pay her, she does have a right to speak and get paid.
Right, you're making a qualitative argument. So am I. Coulter is not an intellectual, and she really doesn't have much knowledge to impart to youth. She's a shrill comedian who sells books based on her audacity of vulgarity. She can speak to some media students about how to drum up ratings among 68-year old men, I guess?

Lying seems to be your stock in trade.

While attending Cornell University, Coulter helped found The Cornell Review,[12][13] and was a member of the Delta Gamma national sorority.[14] She graduated cum laude from Cornell in 1984 with a B.A. in history, and received her J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School in 1988, where she was an editor of the Michigan Law Review.[15] At Michigan, Coulter was president of the local chapter of the Federalist Society and was trained at the National Journalism Center.

Ann Coulter - Wikipedia
That's the only excuse for this that I've seen on this thread - we don't like her, and we don't like what she says.

That's the best they can come up with, and they know this is wrong.

It's appalling that she can't speak because some out of control leftards can't abide by the civilized norms of society.

Thank you, but unfortunately this is the new normal.

I know.

What these dumbass leftards fail to understand is that by not allowing her to speak, it just reinforces her argument that the left is intolerant, and bolsters her status while diminishing theirs. By shutting her down, she wins.
Precisely. That's what hardcore ideology does to people - it blinds them to reason and pragmatic thought.
The point is to roast the Guest of Honor in a humorous manner.

Ann was not the Guest of Honor. She was invited under false pretenses.

Those people are lying fucking assholes.

Then you have obviously not seen a Comedy Central roast before. Anyone on the dais is fair game and they roast each other just as much (if not more) than the guest of honor.

Lin to a similar example then.

Donald Trump's roast

Skimmed it.

1. Not funny.

2. So, where were bits of the "comedians" roasting some random person other than the guest of honor?

1. Don't care.

2. That was a 'best of' clip. Watch a full roast. Any Comedy Central full roast. Everyone on the dais gets roasted. I'm not going to teach you how to use the googles. Do you need someone to tuck you into bed at night too?

Got it. YOu can't support your claims, but you stand by them anyways, because, well, just because.

This is completely normal for a liberal. Don't feel bad.
View attachment 122417
When you have nothing to counter the arguments jump to how the person looks. It is interesting how you chose a dog more able to fight for her picture while sporting that fearsome lap dog poodle in your avatar.

Seems you're pretty worried about her.

She uses hate to get attention and sell her bonehead books. Have you seen her speak?

You and yours accuse your enemies of hate to justify your violence.


Yeah that was at the Trump convention in San Jose, I really wanted to go but was sick. Seeing that on the news really angered me..So in my opinion doing that to people discredited their cause..
But you also have to take into consideration that there are paid trouble making protesters at every event to discredit the cause..


They are not there to discredit the cause. THey are there to radicalize it.

You can't claim they are there to discredit the cause when you are defending not only their violence, but their goals and their justifications for their violence.

TImes going to come when Middle America starts fighting back. YOu ready for that?

Oh you forget what the ugly righties did to Obama


View attachment 122416

YOur side is practicing brown shirt tactics to suppress Free Speech, with people injured and large scale damage and you post a cartoon, an effigy burning and a single fight that we don't even see how it starts?

This is not an answer to my question. This is merely you rationalizing your support of street violence.

That will not change things when Middle America wakes up to the fact that they have to fight back, LITERALLY have to fight back to just get their voices heard.

Excuses and bullshit will not protect you and yours then.

I asked you if you are prepared for that.

Stop denying, and ask yourself that. While you still can.

Does Ann rattlin' bones Coulter have nowhere else to speak? A cadaver convention? Grey's Anatomy and Skeletal Institute? The vulture feeding sanctuary.

It's obvious scary skeleton costume wants to cause an uproar to sell, whatever it is she sells.

Your defense of violence and censorship reveals you to be a fascist.

Also, she looks fucking great in that clip, especially for a 55 year old woman.
She looks like a skeleton that refuses to lie down. Just find a good plot and begin your eternal rest already bones.

Has that corpse ever been seen with a man? Or a woman? Vulture waiting for a meal? Anything?
Loving liberalism, on display. And then they wonder why they're accused of hating women.
She looks like a skeleton that refuses to lie down. Just find a good plot and begin your eternal rest already bones.

Has that corpse ever been seen with a man? Or a woman? Vulture waiting for a meal? Anything?
Loving liberalism, on display. And then they wonder why they're accused of hating women.
Aww, you poor, snowflake. That's an attack on Coulter, not women.
She looks like a skeleton that refuses to lie down. Just find a good plot and begin your eternal rest already bones.

Has that corpse ever been seen with a man? Or a woman? Vulture waiting for a meal? Anything?
Loving liberalism, on display. And then they wonder why they're accused of hating women.
Aww, you poor, snowflake. That's an attack on Coulter, not women.
Sure, and calling Michelle Obama an "ape" or "monkey" is an attack on her, not a racist attack on black women. Good to know.
She looks like a skeleton that refuses to lie down. Just find a good plot and begin your eternal rest already bones.

Has that corpse ever been seen with a man? Or a woman? Vulture waiting for a meal? Anything?
Loving liberalism, on display. And then they wonder why they're accused of hating women.
Aww, you poor, snowflake. That's an attack on Coulter, not women.
Sure, and calling Michelle Obama an "ape" or "monkey" is an attack on her, not a racist attack on black women. Good to know.
No, that's racist. But it's not an attack on women. It's an attack on Michelle Obama who happens to be a woman. It's not attacking her for being a woman but it is attaking her for being black.

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