Berkeley cancels Ann Coulter event


anorexic men - Google Search

And she sure does look anorexic to me...


If she weighed 5 more pounds, you fascists would be calling her fat.
Yes, yes they would. Funny how so few have any idea what she actually says. They just know they're supposed to hate her, so they do.
Right, you're making a qualitative argument. So am I. Coulter is not an intellectual, and she really doesn't have much knowledge to impart to youth. She's a shrill comedian who sells books based on her audacity of vulgarity. She can speak to some media students about how to drum up ratings among 68-year old men, I guess?

Lying seems to be your stock in trade.

While attending Cornell University, Coulter helped found The Cornell Review,[12][13] and was a member of the Delta Gamma national sorority.[14] She graduated cum laude from Cornell in 1984 with a B.A. in history, and received her J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School in 1988, where she was an editor of the Michigan Law Review.[15] At Michigan, Coulter was president of the local chapter of the Federalist Society and was trained at the National Journalism Center.

Ann Coulter - Wikipedia
That's the only excuse for this that I've seen on this thread - we don't like her, and we don't like what she says.

That's the best they can come up with, and they know this is wrong.
. Sorta like a preacher when he steps on some toe's eh ?? The left can't stand to have it's toe's stepped on even if it is the truth.
Time for another brawl at Berkeley!!!!
Coulter would love that.
This inbred bitch would too:

Those whose faces are covered are the Alt-Right Neo-Nazis who tried to break up an otherwise peaceful demonstration.

"the fact that you're crazy enough to wanna go to Berkeley speaks volumes about you" - Hannity to Coulter
"hate speech is not free speech" - howard dean

to Idiot Leftists: If the 1st Amendment only protected speech you agree with, then there would be no need for the 1st Amendment.
Right, you're making a qualitative argument. So am I. Coulter is not an intellectual, and she really doesn't have much knowledge to impart to youth. She's a shrill comedian who sells books based on her audacity of vulgarity. She can speak to some media students about how to drum up ratings among 68-year old men, I guess?

Lying seems to be your stock in trade.

While attending Cornell University, Coulter helped found The Cornell Review,[12][13] and was a member of the Delta Gamma national sorority.[14] She graduated cum laude from Cornell in 1984 with a B.A. in history, and received her J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School in 1988, where she was an editor of the Michigan Law Review.[15] At Michigan, Coulter was president of the local chapter of the Federalist Society and was trained at the National Journalism Center.

Ann Coulter - Wikipedia
That's the only excuse for this that I've seen on this thread - we don't like her, and we don't like what she says.

That's the best they can come up with, and they know this is wrong.
. Sorta like a preacher when he steps on some toe's eh ?? The left can't stand to have it's toe's stepped on even if it is the truth.
You wouldn't know truth if it put a stick in your mouth and raped your asshole.
This whole thing is totally ridiculous. A college community is not that hard to anticipate or control. If their rent-a-cops aren't up to the job, they need to get security that can. As soon as protesters start destroying property or throwing punches or lighting fires, they need to get hauled out. What is so hard about that, really? Protesters also have the right of free speech to protest the speaker, but not to interrupt or stop her. If they don't like what she says, can't they just stay in their dorm rooms instead?

You would think...wouldn't you, OldLady! Yet on campuses like's the school administrators and professors who have decided that "exposing" students to conservative principles would be dangerous. They look the other way when liberals protest against conservative thought...but let a conservative group ask for permission to have a conservative speaker on campus and the administrators decide that's WAY too controversial and might stir up trouble!
It WILL stir up trouble, no doubt, and my point is, they ought to be able to handle that trouble. This is not about faculty nixing her visit, although nutty Anne thinks it is. They have had violence at how many protests there in the past few months? What needs to happen is Berkeley getting in front of their student body and laying down the law on behavior. This is not that hard. Make all visitors or at least protesters show a student ID or they leave. The trouble makers are ANTIFA and most of them aren't even students.

The administration disagrees. THey think what needs to happen is that they give in to the violent lefty thugs that they happen to agree with and deny conservative voices the opportunity to be heard.

What you suggest is VERY HARD, because the people who can make that happen, don't want to.
Berkeley students have always taken themselves too seriously. Anne Coulter fans do too. They represent both ends of the radical space cadet spectrum. She should be allowed to speak. They all deserve each other.

You try to pretend that Ann and her fans are the right's version of the ANTIFA thugs.

But NONE of us on the right are rioting and attacking people to suppress their Right to Speech.

All you are doing is avoiding the cold hard fact that your side are the violent brownshirts and/or their supporters.

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